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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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369861 No.369861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

DIY, i come to you with an idea, I'd like to make a bike with a free reusable energy source, now before any one jumps to the "there is no such thing, gtfo dis-info agent" I'd like to link you to a few things and then get your opinion on it and if you think it might be successful or not
and forgive me if i break any /diy/ customs or anything, I'm coming from /x/ but this seemed like perfect board for this discussion

pic unrelated

>> No.369863

shameful self bump

>> No.369868

From that youtube link:
"Open source"
Where's the source?

>> No.369906


omfg jeebus h christ we got us a free-energy tinfoil hat


Want to rebut that statement? BUILD AND DEMONSTRATE ONE. END OF ARGUMENT SHUT THE FUCK UP and go back to /x/

this is not a board for your kind of discussion. we make things here, things that might actually exist. no conspiracies to overcome.

no one can help you make a thing that is impossible. logical arguments, no matter how air-tight, will convince anyone.

also, /diy/ is slow. threads last weeks.

>> No.369908


* not convince

>> No.369915

Just try making it.
And use it to supply energy to anything.
And you will see why you fail.
Just try it instead of arguing about it.
The burden of evidence is on you, making a positive claim.

>> No.369926
File: 141 KB, 640x359, fuckin-magnets-how-do-they-work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.369937

hey op, on the off chance that you are really young and are actually still just stupid and not willfully ignorant

if a thing like this did actually appear to work, and you tried to use it for something, you would soon find out where the energy was coming from. I didn't read anything about this particular motor and I don't know shit about it, but I'd bet money that it's consuming the magnets (rendering them non-magnetic) or similar. If it's not then it's probably some kind of feedback loop that just appears to spin without decelerating, when it's actually slowly coming to a stop due to friction. It would rapidly stop if you put any sort of load on it.

Energy efficiency is a manufacturing process race. To get more efficient energy extraction you need equipment with tighter tolerance, smaller parts, better lubrication, less moving parts, less complexity, easier access to repair stock, and on and on and on. Nobody's going to suddenly and magically invent the ozymandias machine. Renewable energy is going to be one small step after the other, building on what other engineers have done before you. Just like every other significant accomplishment in the history of humanity.

>> No.369968

Interesting OP
Build it, make a youtube video, and then repost this thread
Until then read up on physics

>> No.369981

OP, there's nothing wrong with your 2nd and 3rd links, building a bike is something /diy/ will give you advice about, but free energy does NOT exist in the form every youtube video ever tells you it does.

No matter how you arrange your magnets around an electric motor, no matter how many sparky things you add, it WILL NOT, EVER output more power than what you put in. Now energy comes in many forms, be it heat, electric energy, radiation, etc. but it's ALWAYS draining energy from something if it's also outputting energy, and the output is always lower than the drain. Free energy motors are literally always a fraud, if anyone, ever could make such a thing, they'd be millionaires in a year because they could just replicate it and sell the electricity, even if noone believed them. Sometimes the people who claim they've done such a thing don't even realize why it isn't free energy, but it never is.
is wrong too, you can't consume the magnets to output energy, simply the magnetic field renders them ineffective at outputting any power whatsoever (they always have the exact same "stopping effect" as the "powering effect").

There are very few exceptions to the no free power thing, but they're generally insignificant, too minor to be used in power generation.
You can always build a bike with solar panels on it, even though it's a bit useless.

>> No.369990

Have you tried buying/building your own bicycle?

>> No.369995


>I'm coming from /x/

/diy/'s worst nightmare.

>> No.369997

I was gonna describe exactly why such a devise will not work. But I won't. Others have explained it in general terms here already. A bit of googling on your part will reveal to you precisely the same thing given you don't fall into the traps that deluded individuals with too much time, magnets, and a radioshack rewards card have set.

If you chose to ignore everything that has been said about your poor idea, I suggest you grab some tin foil and enjoy this dvd.


>> No.369999

You could always build an electric bike and charge the battery with solar panels.

Although why you would want an electric bicycle in the first place is beyond me.

>> No.370002

Build it. Don't be discouraged when it doesn't work, just turn it into a windmill turbine or something.

>> No.370007

Better question /diy/, how hard would it be to put a small electric generator on my bike and use my effort to charge my cellphone?

>> No.370008

Fairly easy. You could repurpose one of the ones that power a lamp and add a bit of electronic circuitry to get it to the right voltage and ampage for trickle charging.

>> No.370032

not that easy.
you'd need some kind of buffer inbetween, or you ruin your phones battery with constant on/off charging.
it'd be pretty easy on a hometrainer or anything that gives you a more constant motion

>> No.370064

It's not worth it because if these devices exist then every government in the world is covering them up and you could get killed if they catch you using one.

If you want freedom you could try wood-gas or steam, or like the segway inventor, try and perfect a rotary sterling engine that runs on wood.