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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 98 KB, 500x360, ArduinoDuemilanove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
368820 No.368820 [Reply] [Original]

I got a arduino and a motor shield for christmas and I'm at a loss as to what to do for a project. I'm skilled in electronics and programming but I don't have a clue as to what to do.

Any ideas?

(and killing myself isn't an idea :p )

>> No.368824

Were you thetalented /diy/erthat got the bucket of standard LEGOs and never knew what to build? Because that is what Arduino is. Normally, you get something when you have an idea of what to do with it prior to asking for it. Unless, it was out of the blue and you weren't expecting it of course.

>> No.368828


>> No.368830

That about sums it up really. This was a total surprise and while I do build with legos, it's a haphazard way. I just start putting pieces together until something pops in my head.

>> No.368831

I think your approach is totally wrong.
Find something interesting first. If Arduino seems useful in implementing it, use it. If not, then don't use it.

>> No.368834


>> No.368835

obligatory post:


>> No.368838

that's why I posted it, supposed to be irony ...

>> No.368837

figured that was coming sooner or later...

>> No.368839

>I'm skilled in electronics and programming

pick one OP

>> No.368841


play with it. it has an avr at its heart. go to atmel, and get the pdf for that avr.

program some simple things in assembler. learn about the timers and the analog comparators and the ADC pins.

avrs are fun by themselves. look at avrdude; maybe go to adafruit to learn how to use it. later on you can control motors or whatever.

learn the basics first. avrs are one of the best toys ever made.

>> No.368849

I guess I need to just play around a bit until something pops in my head. Thanks anyway

>> No.368900
File: 450 KB, 713x600, car - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've built this and wrote a pathfinding algorithm, it's pretty easy, and extremely funny.

>> No.368910
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG0642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick one:

Central temperature control for house.

Intelligent light controller (turns of all light in house when you leave)

Automatic curtain raiser for bedroom, so you will wake to a nice and bright room, helps you get up early in the morning, and gives a solid internal "clock".

Sun simulator and alarm clock for the dark apartment (requires a bright dim-able light source eg. a 20watt LED)

Favourites of mine:
Electric scooter
Electric Gokart (building one of my own, 250A @ 60V swiching frq 25kHz)

Picture shows an early test stage, PWM controller under construction..

>> No.368927

I'm actually doing the same thing with a bit bigger car, although I have an easier job considering it's all standardized RC equipment in mine.

>> No.369013
File: 61 KB, 640x424, acid burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the battery placement. If you crash and the cart tips over, any scrapes you got will be cauterized by the shower of acid leaking from the battery.

>> No.369024
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x1840, 2013-01-04 17.27.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one...

Would have to say, that you have to be some sort of specially retarded to flip a gokart on on it side..

Not going to use regular lead acid batteries though, so no acid shower any time soon..

Pic shows one half of the armature output stage.

>> No.369033

It's kinda sad really, after all this time, reading on the arduino, reading projects using the arduino, wishing for one so I could do a project on my own. I just realized, after all this time, that the arduino is just a microcontroller that has premade boards you can buy and you don't have to etch your own.

So very sad.

>> No.369190


Oh, and I thought it was all about the community: the fact that you can stand on the shoulders of others, instead of having to redesign the same peripheral, or write the same program, as 1000 others have done before you.

>> No.369232

Not sure what you're getting at (premade boards? community?), if you're despondent about the few frosty response to this thread, realize it's because it's the 7,168th time someone asked /diy/ "got an arduino. wat do?"

>> No.369236

Yep, that and it helps electronics newbs like myself develop cool stuff without knowing anything about how to etch boards or interface directly with microcontrollers. I don't care what the haters say, arduinos are awesome and are the driving force behind a new wave of DIY electronics hackers.

>> No.369241

So you should know exactly how to help and what to recommend by now, right?

What good is being an asshole, when you can either:

Help, and share the knowledge you've gained from those other 7168 threads


ignore it and read/contribute to a different thread.

(polite sage for no on-topic additions)

>> No.369243

Whiny baby.

>> No.369302

or maybe you could just shut the fuck up and lurk more

ass hole

>> No.369356

if nobody makes these threads, there'll be nothing for lurkers to learn from

>> No.369366
File: 201 KB, 1632x1224, ir seq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remote control curtains?

I just got my first IR program working yesterday. It's just the power for my TV, but I coded it to make adding new codes easy. No idea what I'm going to use it for.

>> No.369370

what motor controller is it?

>> No.369379

> No idea what I'm going to use it for.

you could program it like a Logitech Harmony, so you can program activities, such as PLAY DVD which will send the correct sequence of commands to the various pieces of equipment to turn on TV, turn on DVD player, select DVD input on TV, press Play on DVD, turn on surround sound system, set input to DVD.

>> No.369381

Arduino based guitar