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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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35331 No.35331 [Reply] [Original]

>advices on shit
>economy knowladge suitable for running a small business
etc. etc.

I got nothing to contribute with but I hope some economy-marketing-whatever student could help.
DIY is great, even greater if one can make some cash out of it, no?

>> No.35336

How do I make money with very little investment?

I don't wanna go to work, but I can work for myself.

>> No.35337


I actually own a small business that I completely support myself, and a partner through. What would you like to know?

>> No.35339

You could take a look at Mitch Altman's article in MAKE about manufacturing and selling a design - in his case the TV-B-Gone.

>> No.35342

find something you have a dream about, and tell others about it if ya tell enough people they'll pay you to tell other people.

>> No.35353

I use to post a lot on this subject across various boards ( /adv/ , /r9k/, /trv/ )

I am a self maid millionaire. I work with the stock market designing trading strats and systems and automating those strats / systems. My work is based off the principle of Evidence Base Technical Analysis.

I am still working on a release for the Anon's guide to trading. It took a hold ( was suppose to come out last new years ) because of the sale of my company. Which right now is days away from being sold for ~14m.

I will be around for a little bit to answer questions


General in my experience if takes no time at to make a ton of cash ( out side of luck and luck is huge in this shit ) then you aren't investing you are gambling.

I started when I was 17. I am still very young and have a life time to make more money, Patience and hard work is key. The idea is second.

>> No.35354

First thing you want to decide is do you want to sell a product or service. If it is a product, do you plan on distributing it, or manufacturing it? If it is a service, is it something people want or need enough to pay for it? Then you need to decide if your product or service can be sold for a price people are willing to pay and still earn you enough to pay your costs and still make a profit.

>> No.35358


Well said. I am at this desk 12-16 hours a day.

>> No.35365

I own and operate a welding shop. The most important advice I can give you comes in two parts:

You have to be willing to put in the footwork, to meet people and network. None of big accounts came from sitting around waiting for someone to come to me.

You can't be afraid to send your business card out, send samples, cold call people you think could use your service or walk right in and introduce yourself.

Think hard about your demographic because it may not be what you think, I started out thinking I was going to fix tractors for old men all day, turns out they like to fix their own tractors. Now, I do more stuff for single women that live in town than for farmers. I purchased a CNC plasma and I cut signs(think Uppercase Living), I have so many orders on signs and ornamental things that I don't have much time to do repairs anymore.

>> No.35367


>Patience and hard work is key. The idea is second.

Good ideas are a dime a dozen. They do not make you a successful entrepreneur It's all in the execution and dedication.

>> No.35370


*None of my big accounts

... Damn it.

>> No.35375

I'm an accountant, so I guess you can ask me questions about shit.

>> No.35376


When purchasing a new truck for a business, how much of it is deductible and what are the constraints as far as when/where you can drive it?

>> No.35377

Millionaire reporting in.

Lottery tickets are probably the only way of getting rich with little investment. I spent $1 a week on the lotto with my lucky set of numbers, and 2 years later I won 14 million dollars. Tax free. (FUCK YEAH AUSTRALIA!) I would just work an entire year without spending it on anything, then spend it all on the lotto afterwards like I pretty much did.

>> No.35378

Where are you from?

>> No.35379
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You have no idea how happy I am to ask you shit.

1. Do I have any chance to make any (preferably autonomous and recurring) money with this while having no experience with stocks atm? I'm looking to invest in tech companies since I'm most 'knowledgeable' about that topic.
2. Do you need a big investment to make (any) money?
3. Is it necessary to invest a lot of time in this? I'm learning programming and am passionate about making music, I don't think I can get busy fulltime.
4. What resources do you recommend for me to get into? Blogs, articles, books, everything will do as long as it's quality stuff.

>> No.35381



>> No.35382


Trading is something you don't want to get near. It's gambling that's represented like it's some mathematical bullshit. If someone knew a way to figure out the stocks, or if there were some formula, the economy would break down. So if you want to spend your money and lose it all, go ahead.

>> No.35383


1. There is no guarantee of recurring money, this is essentially educated gambling.
2. You need a fair amount of money to even get a broker to accept your deposit.
3. You don't have to spend a lot of time on it if you don't mind losing money.

>> No.35385

Sorry I'm a eurofag, don't know much about american tax legislation.

>> No.35390

>Buy lottery tickets
You might as well plan your retirement around being struck by lightning.

>> No.35398

Yeah, while people are winning millions of dollars doing nothing and laughing at you, you can just continue to doubt the possibility of winning a life time of money without having to work for the rest of your life with your shitty job, and leave your gates to heaven locked while people around you win the lottery.

>> No.35399


While people around me win the lottery I will congratulate them because I'm not a bitterfaggot like you.

>> No.35400

>doesn't know about statistics

>> No.35404

>If someone knew a way to figure out the stocks, or if there were some formula, the economy would break down.

MFW this is exactly what happened in the last years, with the crisis bullshit. some azn did it.

David Li is his name.


"while in the aftermath of the Global financial crisis of 2008–2009, to which Li's model has been credited partly to blame, his model has been called a "recipe for disaster"."

>> No.35407


>1. Do I have any chance to make any (preferably autonomous and recurring) money with this while having no experience with stocks atm? I'm looking to invest in tech companies since I'm most 'knowledgeable' about that topic.

The closest think to something similar to this is playing the Marble Game on slow moving Triple X ETFs. The marble game is a concept where you risk the same amount of money across a couple of investments, ones that fail you lose a little, ones that do okay you break even, but those that you hit on the head will make up more money then what you lost. It takes time and patience and a strict concept of I am only risking X and I won't lose over Y even if I lost Y 12 times in a row. That is if you have to take emotion out or you lose a lot more money. the first time i lost a huge amount i nearly threw up and nearly made a big mistake in risking more to make back the loss.

>2. Do you need a big investment to make (any) money?

Not really these days online brokers will give silly deals just to get your money in their pool. At worst 8 dollars a trade. So as long as you can cover trading fees and costs and can still meet the minimum of shares bought a month you can trade. This changes with each broker. Scot trade is a solid choice. I can do a more extensive post on online brokers

>3. Is it necessary to invest a lot of time in this? I'm learning programming and am passionate about making music, I don't think I can get busy fulltime.

Yes and no. Doing it right will take time. However, it's not hard to find a good buy point , buy and ETF and sit on it for a month with a stop. The problem here is people tend to obesse over the position and want to tweak it, want to change it if it isn't doing well, or doing too well. The trick is to remove all that bullshit.

>> No.35408

have fun working 9-5 for the rest of your life, i still got my hopes up and i spend 10$ a week on the lotto and I still think it's worth it, considering if I get lucky I get to quit my shitty job. it's only another cheeseburger meal anyway. is that too much for u?

>> No.35414

Fucking retarded. You might as well bury your money in the ground and expect a moneytree to grow.

>> No.35415

What can I say, enjoy your gambling. I'll save that $10 a week ($520 per year, $5200 per 10 years?) and spend it on things like electronics and expensive food, because I get more enjoyment out of stuff like that than I do out of false-hope. But whatever blows wind up your skirt, buddies!

>> No.35417

You're fuckin retarded. It's well worth investing in the slightest chance to win millions of dollars, then to close any possibilities whatsoever and continue with the shitty life forever.

>> No.35420

Give me 10 dollars a week then.

I give you the slightest chance I'll give you millions in 10 years.

>> No.35421

>mfw im still in this thread (i won the lottery)

>> No.35423


continued :

4. What resources do you recommend for me to get into? Blogs, articles, books, everything will do as long as it's quality stuff.

there is an amazing pirate bay link with nearly every trading book known to man. I am a huge fan of two dudes :WD Gann and Aaronson. both are geniuses at their trade, both should be read. I don't read blogs.


it is based on how you trade. You can gamble with the market, or you can follow a strict system and make money. It might not be tons of money fast but over the years you will make money.

You haven't needed a real broker for the last 8 years

3 is the only point i agree with.


it's not about figuring out the system. The system that we trade in is man made. It will react, it will have flaws, it will tank, it will jump. What maths let you do is create a means for reacting and pro-acting to these movements allowing you to make money over a period of time. However, There is something called HFT ( high frequency trading ) which is using math to make a ton of money quickly by forcing an artificial price drop or increase and letting other buy / short into that increase or decrease. You do it fast enough that it can't even be noticed. It works by sending billions of buy / sell / short signals to the exchange and canceling them before the exchange can processor the cancel. it's bullshit and should be illegal but it is the best example of using math to make a ton of money on the market.

>> No.35424


I own a business so my 9-5 is more like 5-5, I started the business because I like the work. If I won the lottery I would reinvest it. What's the point of having money if you don't do something with it? It doesn't make a good pillow.

>> No.35425


>have fun working 9-5 for the rest of your life

9 to 5? You have no concept of the time involved in starting and running a business. Try 5 or 6 to 8 or 9 on a good day. Luckily I actually do love what I do. I have great fun.

>> No.35428

>not sure if trolling or just stupid

>> No.35429


from 17 - 22 I worked from 5 am till around 12 am. every moment i was awake I was working or going to school. Doing something to be a success. I don't know if all of those wasted have been worth it yet. But i believe they are about to be. As long as I lead a good life and attempt to create a better life then I had growing up I am happy.

>> No.35432

this is simply a matter of cultural difference. you are probably asian, so activities such as work gives you dopamine rush while for the majorities like myself we divide the fun part of our life and our work life.

you're just lucky you're brought up in a way that allows you to enjoy labour.

>> No.35433

lol, trolling to the max. There's already been like 3 or 4 people telling everyone how hard they work.
>it's a weekday
>the workday isn't over yet
>you're on 4chan

>> No.35436


>not sure if trolling or just stupid

Neither. I am 110% dedicated to making this business succeed and never have to work for someone (other than my clients) else ever again. I work with people all over the word. It may be 9PM here, but it 9AM somewhere, and I may need to deal with them. Considering you are obviously using electricity to participate in this thread, and that is the industry I work in, all I can say is "you're welcome"

>> No.35439


>self employed
>no boss
>take breaks whenever you want

>> No.35441

>there is only one timezone in the world

It's 10:42 pm on a public holiday for me.

>> No.35443

What if I invest in a stock like Google? Isn't it basically a stock that only grows in value? Is there actually a name for that?

>> No.35445


lol, trolling to the max. There's already been like 3 or 4 >people telling everyone how hard they work.
>it's a weekday
>the workday isn't over yet
>you're on 4chan

actually in my partnership I handle the computer end, so a lot of my days may be long, but it's a lot of hurry up and wait. Right now I have a network stress test running, so it give me time to screw off on here.

>> No.35446
File: 73 KB, 720x540, comeatme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am a jewish american ( white ) who was brought up in house hold where eating meat was a luxury. I was so dirt poor and such a shitty child hood I did what ever it took to get the fuck out. I haven't looked back. I don't even speak to my family again.


Right because I don't have a shit load of monitors I can use to trade stocks and read 4chan.

>> No.35449

Will it only grow in value though? Android's a piece of shit, youtube makes a loss, google + has pretty much fizzled, apparently some people are using bing these days, they just spent a shitton on a bunch of patents that may or may not pay off, they're getting further and further from their "don't be evil" roots. Google's far from a sure thing.

>> No.35450


wow do i need to reread what I type.

I am a jewish american ( white ) who was brought up in a house hold where eating meat was a luxury. I was so dirt poor and had such a shitty child hood I did what ever it took to get the fuck out. I haven't looked back. I don't even speak to my family any more.

>> No.35457


all stocks will go up, all stocks will go down. Google isn't worth it because it's trading price is so fucking high that just to buy 10 shares would cost the average person an arm and a leg. Google was a great buy when they left china in jan.

Bidu was an other amazing buy. I suggested the ETFs because of how they move and how slow they move. They are also backed ( at least the triple Xs ) they are right now the best bet imho. Unless you have enough to play insurance spreads on the greek bonds...then that is like having gold.

>> No.35460

I started my first business when 18. I just put a card in the local supermarket offering to set up computers and offerering software.

Actually surprised when old people rang me up, I would go round and set up Windows, install all their shit they needed for about 25 pounds (Much cheaper than big stores offer). I did illegally install word and shit too but most of them had no idea and would never get caught.

Only took about 2 hours, nice little sidejob while at Sixth Form. Taught me that a little inititive with an idea can go a long way

>> No.35461
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If you have even one hour a day for which you are cruizin' the net "at work", you don't know what a hard job is, so stop your complaining/boasting about how hard you work, and count your blessings.

I have to deal with assholes like this at my job too. Yeah, they put in a 10 or 12 hour day. Shit isn't very tough when 3 of those hours are spent bullshitting with people and making personal calls.

>> No.35464


I spend a lot of my day bullshitting with people so they think I'm friendly, when I get done with that I move thousands of pounds of steel by hand. Get over yourself.

>> No.35466
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>I move thousands of pounds of steel by hand
What are you, a caveman? Get a forklift.

>> No.35469


I think there are different kinds of hard. My hard has probably more to do with the hours than the pace. I am lucky enough I don't deal with people very much, that is my partner's end. So, yes, you are probably correct in that I don't deal with assholes all day (I did that enough when I worked Help Desk for others). Now I spend more time doing research, keeping up on industry trends, etc, along with keeping my network up and running and responding to the requests of my partner and our clients.

>> No.35470

how about u take that $520 per year and invest in something else

a) invest it on someone you know
b) buy risky shares
c) buy a product that will save u money (kindle in my case)
d) a piece of art (young/new artists are cheap)
e) a collectors piece or memorabilia

>> No.35471


I'd get a forklift but the surfacing immediately outside my shop is that really small, loose gravel. We had one out here and it just got stuck. Using carts for everything isn't that bad, a skid loader with forks would work but I'd end up just digging holes with it out back.

>> No.35474

For any students, here is a fantastic idea which worked very well for me.

I would basically pay a popular student pub 60 pounds to rent out their upstairs every second thursday. I would then hold an open acoustic night aimed at all the local hipsters, and charged 3 quid entry. Acoustic so only needed a shit PA system which they already had.

Aslong as I got over 20 people in I was in profit, and usually got about 40-50 over the course of the night. The pub loved it since the people all bought drinks and filled the place out.

Usually made about 70 or 80 pounds for what 4 hours work? Nice little side earner.

>> No.35475


I spend a lot more then $520 a year on that stuff. hell i just funding 10k to for an artists first solo show, and didn't even go to the show.

sadly i also spend about that much on food each week. Maybe more. Living in NYC we have the best food you can buy which sucks because it makes me want to eat out tons.

I could be persuaded to help some anons on their /diy/ projects....

>> No.35477

Whats stops the pub telling you to get lost and doing it themselves?

>> No.35482 [DELETED] 


the same reason people pay someone to fix a tire. The general public don't want to be bothered by doing that shit themselves.

>> No.35481

Good question.

I had a friend network that they didn't which meant I could attract more people by getting my friends to invite their friends ect. I also used to study next to the music block and go in sometimes and invite some of the people to come play to get themselves heard.]

If it was a young dude running the pub then he could feasibly do it himself if he had the time, but I imagine most don't. They got 60 quid and 50 extra drinks buyers each night, wasn't a bad deal for them at all.

I even considered asking for a cheaper deal on the rent since the way I saw it I was doing all the work.

I should add I didn't go to 40-50 people the first time, it took about 6 weeks to get to that, I considered packing it in when on the second week only like 7 people showed up, but thankfully it picked up. In business you have to stick things through

>> No.35483


He's paying the pub.
He put in all the footwork and made all the connections with the artists.
He does all the advertising.

Was that a real question?

>> No.35484

But wouldn't it be logical to just lend enough money to buy let's say 100 google stocks, sell them when the time is ripe and then repay your debt + interest.
I think you'll get some nice pocket money out of that.

>> No.35488


no because one it's a ton of money to lend. Goog is trading right now at 599. And there is no guaranteeing it will go up or down. It could stay sideways. Then what? your left paying off the debt which will have a stupid high interest rate.

>> No.35489

what are your thoughts on bitcoins?

>> No.35495


genius. I have had a couple of clients ask me about them. I have offered to take payments with them for my clients who need a bit more anonymity.

The big problem is miners and the entire market can be tanked pretty easily. Once those two problems are taken care of i can see it being traded along with other commodities that aren't legal on it's own market. I toyed with the idea of setting up a index for bitcoins and various Comos........

>> No.35496

Yes it was a real question, I can't imagine the owner having the contacts but surely he could get some after some time.

I imagine most people are too lazy to do that though, especially since it wasn't much money you were making.

>> No.35501

Meh he seemed very happy with the arrangment, definatley wouldn't of got the same people I could since he was pretty old. He even gave me free drinks all night (Though I could only have a couple since I had to make sure everything went smoothly).

Money wasn't great, but it was a weeks rent on my dorm in the first year, meaning I had an extra 60 -80 to spend on whatever I wanted on the weeks I did it. Plus I met alot of people doing it, even had a small club ask me to do a night on mondays but by then I had a work placement and didn't have the time.

Overall its all experience in business and when you want to open a full time business, experience is invaluable

>> No.35506

What is a good program/company to start trading stocks through? If I only want to invest relatively low amounts of capital?

I don't really want a broker, is it beneficial to get advice from them?

>> No.35515


not any more.

I would use Scott Trade or any online broker with fees under 8 dollars. They are all pretty equal these days just read the fine print.

>> No.35534

for small amounts your better of playing the horses, you can study the horses, and the rates are much higher and the losses are much less... there both gambling

>> No.35593

If you're a student or recent grad and you live in a small to medium size college town, start your own taxi business. Use social networking to get your name out there. Make cheap flyers and leave them around campus, and don't charge to much. Call your cost "tips" so that you don't need a taxi license. And then wait for the weekend. Drunk bitches love rides to parties when it gets cold.

>> No.35692

thanks Financial Engineering Dude, I'm going to get a bit deeper into this trading thing.
Maybe try some forex shizzle.

>> No.35733


Forex is a fucking monster. Good luck sir.

>> No.35735
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there IS only 1 time zone


get ON it! Sucka!

>> No.35748

hey man hearing stories like this is fucking inspiring. do you have an email I could contact you with? I am 16 years old and every single day I think of way to get to were you are and even further.

>> No.35755
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this thread
so much butthurt and trolls

>> No.35763

Are there are sorts of things that I could like, make and sell? What kinds of things are in demand that are easily craft-able without some sort of natural talent in some area? I'm not looking to start an entire business, I don't have the capital required to do so. I want just a sort of pastime that can also earn some money on the side. Like knitting scarves and selling them, except not that.

>> No.35770

Not strictly DIY I guess But I'm writing a book and going to self publish it on the Amazon kindle market and other ebook platforms.

Any tips for marketing or anything? Anyone done something like this before?

I'm kinda flying by the seat of my pants here to be honest.

>> No.35802

heres a good tip, do the publishing yourself

real book publishers will rob a fuckin fortune of you mate. look at it yourself.

>> No.35849

Financial Engineering Dude, thanks for all the info. You're a beast. good luck with everything

>> No.35862

I can't wait until Occupy Walstreet and myself kill all of you fuckers.

>> No.35876



i can be reached at.


it's funny because i have been down there. I was even there during the time square event. I agree with some of what they are trying to do. And i don't see how me working for my self makes me a corporations fucking people over. I would glady pay 57% taxes to insure free uni for all and health care. And corporations =/= people.

I don't see your point. You have never been down there now do you know what you are talking about.

>> No.35883

I design jewelry, and sell at craft fairs and various independent boutiques. I make a good amount of money on the side, doing something I love. The thing is, if you're not passionate about what you're doing, a thousand other people who are will kick your ass (figuratively speaking). You need to be talented to stand out, because there are so many talented people in the DIY world. Crafting is huge, so if you're not *really* into it, and don't have a natural creative talent...I don't see how it would work.

>> No.35885

Help this guy out

>> No.35904

Obvious troll made by some neocon just ignore posts like that man.

>> No.35910

so are you 100% self employed? I was thinking of applying to get into investment banking and working for a bank as a new analyst. I don't come from a financial background, education wise, but have a top degree in a science field and am well educated. I am actually still studying for another degree, but don't see it having much of a future and am kind of getting cold feet. Do you have any advice for me?

>> No.35918
File: 87 KB, 396x385, madfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm glad to come back and find the thread straight on first page... but...
I thank F.E.G. for the shit on trade but it wasn't really a thread for "how to get rich" or shit like that. It was abot running a small business.
The idea is: here we are in DIY, and we like to do some stuff. >Doing stuff, sell stuff, make some money out of it, maybe it will be only a sidejob, chill and live a good life: how to.
Basically advices for handy guys unskilled-shy on gettin paid or shape out their skills-related business.

Investments in stocks, it's not what I asked for.
Shit like
is more tuned with the thread's spirit

Anyway nice to meet you F.E.G. , but what about a specific thread for tradingz and shit?

>> No.35927

Experience business dillweed here.

If you guys have any knowledge in building, and i'm talking remote knowledge. Offer a heating and ventilation report to private clients and businesss (builders, contractors).

Get a good program to calculate home efficiency and offer it on a good basis. Shits easy man. I don't even do it, but if you can get good partnerships with builders/tenants easy man easy

>> No.35930

>science degree
>wants to go work at a bank

You realize, of course, that you are why the economy is dying.

>> No.35936

I'm looking at starting my own IT consultancy focusing on small business, does anyone have any experience/advice? I've worked as a consultant before for a consultancy company and was struck by the lack of professionalism I saw there and at companies like it. It always seemed like paying customers were given a poorly configured cookie cutter solution. I understand the importance of up-selling partnered products, but it seems really wrongheaded.

>> No.35937

AusFag here. I have my own software company, currently working part time at a job in the mornings and fulltime on my software. Don't make enough to quit the part time job yet. It's really tough to keep going, I could quit right now and walk into a $90kAUD a year job, no bullshit. But then I'd be working 10 hours a day with a 2 hour commute and just wouldn't have the time or focus to work on software in the evenings/weekends. Plus I'd be trapped in the city.

I want to be financially independent so I can live in the bush and travel a lot. Once my business is firing on all cylinders I'll only need to put in a few hours a week and I can do it anywhere in the world. It may take 6 more months or 6 more years, it's a huge risk, people think I'm nuts working on a farm right now, doing only 4 hours a day, 15 minute commute, no worries, plenty of time to work on my fortune.

I don't know how it will turn out, but I do know the 9-6 slavery makes 90% of people miserable. I think I have a better chance than them.

My one piece of advice is to be patient and slowly build up. I started out trying to work 80 hours a week and burned out. Now I work 40 hours a week on software and 20 hours on my job. My work is better and I'm consistently moving towards my goal every week, not starting and stopping. Make time to live too.

>> No.35943

Made $60 this week in the stock market. I had $1890 invested, rose to $1950.

All my money is in an index fund that mimics the Willshire 4500. I figure once the financial crisis is over banks will give out loans more frequently once again which will result in a small business boom.

I bet a great number of people have held out on good ideas over the last 10 years but haven't been able to get started because of banks hoarding cash. Once this shit stops I figure my fund will climb for at least the next 10-12 years.

This is just my retirement fund (I use tsp.gov). I'm looking to get a trading account so I have the option of buying stocks in particular companies, and be able to play around. When this boom I'm predicting hits I don't want to miss out.

>> No.35953

this guy right here listen to him, see this shit?

you have proved out a real good point, walk before you can run, stay consistent.

I admire your beleif in yourself man, fuck working 40 hours a week in a shithole for more money, money doesnt make happiness. Good on ya cunt

A good quote i like to think of when thinking about business is - "Rome wasn't built in a day, but they sure was laying bricks everyday"

A good tip: Stay consistent.

>> No.35975

My uncle became a millionaire building high quality chicken coops for suburbia. Has like 30 people working for him now.

It all comes down to execution over a great idea. Most people are stupid and incompetent. Most MBAs are complete retards and only did the MBA to learn a few pre-designed business methods. They can't think or improve on them. Business is easy as fuck, provide something people want, receive profit.

In fact if you're quite intelligent I'd recommend going into the most basic and easy industries and doing a kick ass job. Competing with an Engineering company would be tricky because people who understand Engineering are intelligent, but competing against drain cleaning companies? Or chicken coop builders? Much easier.

>> No.35989


The reason college costs so much right now is because of college financial aid. Finanial aid creates artificial demand, letting everyone and their mom go to college even if they don't have a passion for it, and as with supply and demand the costs sky rockets and people that have to pay for their college themselves get fucked. Free college is a horrible idea.

>> No.35991

yes, and we are doing very well. basically find a niche (in our case it is independent pharmacies). learn their business. learn what they need. and most importantly, live by the phrase "The buck stops here". Don't point the finger somewhere else unless you can prove its not you.

>> No.36004


my point was that i run my own small business. I didn't mean to hurt your thread.


yes half the world is doing it wrong.

>> No.36009

Thanks for the advice. I've taken a crash course in "The Buck Stops Here" at my current job, where I've found myself managing someone else's historically mismanaged company. Anyone else have suggestions on general stuff like incorporating (or llc'ing) or getting straight with taxes? Is the boilerplate stuff you get online enough or should I get a lawyer to help me out?

>> No.36011


Much more than half.

Need I remind you how many people die on a daily basis from unnatural deaths?

>> No.36014


My dad is a plumber, but very intelligent. As a result he outsmarts all the other plumbers in the city and has the best clientele (People willing to pay alot of money)

Not glamorous but he is on 70 k a year
I don't really want a broker, is it beneficial to get advice from them?

>> No.36045

Why not just do it the way Scotland does theirs?

Their government pays of every university level student in the entire country, meaning there are no students having to pay for it themselves and since the UK government as a whole has put a cap on how high university fees can get the supply/demand issue stops the government having too pay too much.

Thanking about it it'd be a shit ton harder to do in America, Our size really does fuck us over sometimes.

>> No.36074

Why doesn't your dad hire more plumbers to command more market share?