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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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35228 No.35228 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, Im back.

Next year i'm going to be starting something completely new in my life.
I'm 18 and ill be starting to study herbalism/horticulture in school.
I want to learn as much as i possibly can.

Also, (the reason im here) I want to build my own hydroponics setup and/or greenhouse/garden.

I do intend on growing weed but that isn't the main reason I'm doing this.
I want to help me and my friends/family save money on fruit and vegetables

How would i go about creating something worthy of doing so in my own home?
I want to grow inside first, because i have no yard.

Pic sort of related.

>> No.35233


>> No.35255

shit, I don't know anything about growing food inside your house, but you should check permaculture out. Also, you could grow food in community gardens if you have those around.

>> No.35267

I don't know much about hydroponics, but I'll give you a free bump with a cool video I saw on here the other day. Maybe you'll find something useful in it.


>> No.35320

My friend studied something similar (I think his life goal is to be a forest ranger) he's the biggest bro ever I love going on hikes with him he knows everything. sage because I just wanted to talk about my awesome bro Tom because I miss my friends.

>> No.35437

Torrent permaculture videos and manuals

>> No.35454

What I would suggest to you, is to read up on irrigation, plant physiology, plant nutrients, and fertilizers. When you study horticulture in college it will cover a broad range of growing techniques, and you will have to do much of your own researchon hydroponics.

>> No.35713

Yeah, you should do that.

If you download a permaculture collection on torrentz (10gb or something) you'll get some books on topics you're intrested in.

>> No.35739

Actually some of the best books you can get on hydro/aeroponics are weed related. They are available in torrents too.

"Flood drain" is the simplest hydroponic setup as far as I know. Do a search for "build flood drain table" and you get lots of useful info.

>> No.37682

ITT: stoner wants to major in growing his own weed

>> No.38096

Former horticulture major here, define "school".

If you mean you want to major in horticulture, then I might consider studying it on your own and finding another major. Horticulture is actually quite easy to teach yourself, and most of the classes I had to take were fairly useless (plant physiology is essentially a more specific form of organic chemistry and biology, useless unless you want to develop GE crops).

It was a pretty fun major at times, one of my classes involved tending 3 rows of vegetables on a massive field roughly 2 acres in size, other times it was tedious, and once again all of it could easily be self-taught.

In the end I dropped out and became a crop manager for some organic farms in the area, didn't last, being surrounded by undocumented immigrants who haven't got a chance of acquiring the "American Dream" is depressing as hell, but other than that I was pretty successful when it came to growing high-quality field crops. Now I'm an Electrical Engineering major.

But if you want to learn herbalism, then yeah, there are certain schools that teach that sort of thing, and I say go for it.