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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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312011 No.312011 [Reply] [Original]

Info thread.

>> No.312012


>> No.312013

bumpity bumperson

>> No.312131
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>> No.312134
File: 333 KB, 1067x807, deead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.312136
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>> No.312144
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>> No.312159
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>> No.312160
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>> No.312161
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>> No.312162
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>> No.312163
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>> No.312164
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>> No.312166
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>> No.312170
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>> No.312172
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>> No.312176
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>> No.312183
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>> No.312185
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>> No.312186


>bumping twice within two minutes on one of the slowest boards

>> No.312189
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>> No.312190
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Magnets. I know how they work.

>> No.312192

Consecutive post numbers, even.

>> No.312194
File: 135 KB, 1000x1123, 1348171907089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we all in agreement that armor=/=weapons?

>> No.312195
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>> No.312196
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>> No.312198



enjor your broscience, innacurate and outdated info.

>> No.312284


>> No.312318


I'm happy to see my design got re-posted.

I should get some photos of the vest this is based on. It really stands up to punishment.

>> No.312320

Is that the dragon-skin or dragon-scale vest?

>> No.312322


How does this actually hold up against stabs? I have faith it'd do well against slashes but I'm not sure it could take a stab from a good dagger.

>> No.312326


Very, very well. I have enough faith in it that I have "live tested" it multiple times. I've tested it against all kinds of pointed weapons (from toothbrush shivs to chef's knives to fighting daggers) and it is very effective. I've tested it against multiple ways of attacking, too. No, it doesn't always stop the blade completely (in the case of a two handed downward stab with a large knife) but it turns what would definitely be a lethal wound into a cut.

Against the usual kind of knife attacks you see, though, I haven't had it penetrate.

This probably all depends on the type of rug you have, though.

>> No.312330


Also I'd like to note that the kitchen knives that penetrated were top quality, forged knives. I tried some cheap stamped metal kitchen knives, too and they bent on the vest.

>> No.312332
File: 334 KB, 551x550, 1313608927464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No normal rug is going to withstand stabs from even a vaguely sharp knife.

>> No.312336


The rug I used was reasonably thick.

>> No.312337
File: 55 KB, 455x451, 1341259683572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, what the fuck man. Why would you do this?

>> No.312342

Its a troll image edited from 'how to insert a suppository'. A lot of info-graphics are just complete bullshit and/or troll-ery, this one is more of an all-out joke though.

>> No.312371
File: 26 KB, 800x615, 15605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I really doubt it would do any good against a good square stiletto and someone powerful that knows how to use it. I'd not live test that one either. lol

>> No.312373

I think "joke image" is indeed a more appropriate term.

>> No.312380

Call up these fat bitches and do some real tests on your 'armor'.


>> No.312403

Keyword was stab "RESISTANT" not stab "PROOF"

>> No.312421


A stiletto would go through no doubt. Against the typical shit you face here, though (cheap folders and a kitchen knives) it does just fine.

>> No.312593

Even some Kevlar vests would not do well against a well made weapon designed to penetrate multiple layers of thick, resistant cloth wielded by a person that knows how to use it and has enough strength.

Only if your definition of "normal rug" is the cheap garbage you buy by the meter. And even then, multiple layers of that make a reasonably effective stab-deterrent vest.

>> No.312611

Yes, we get that, but there's not much out there that is really stab resistant. Especially carpeting.

You'd need sheer thickening fluid to do it right.