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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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309278 No.309278 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/!
I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask but still
Can you recommend me some interesting hobby for which I won't need tons of expensive materials or tools but will be able to make something (like a gift)?
I've already tried papercraft and origami and liked it if that helps

>> No.309292

Music, guns, wood working, reading, cooking, sewing, art, etc etc.

Hobbies generally cost money. Our ideas of 'expensive' are going to differ unless you let us know how much disposable income you'd like to spend. But a hobby can be anything you find interesting. I read books a couple hours a day and play music. Books are virtually free, and music only costs money at the startup, other than new strings every now and then.

I play paintball, I love it and it's a good working. But it's also expensive (up to $100 per day, plus around $500 to get started)

So what do you enjoy, or think you would enjoy? We can't tell you what to do for fun.

>> No.309296

By not expensive I mean almost free (like papercraft, where everything you need costs a couple of dollars). And i asked for more productive hobbies, because I already enjoy reading, music and movies. I think I would like robotics or electronics, but how much does it cost to get started there?

>> No.309324


grow flowers/plants

>> No.309481

Calligraphy. A pen, a few nibs, a few bottles of ink, and some paper to practice on won't set you back very much.

>> No.309903


Bushcraft:It only costs you whatever you find in nature (which is free....usually) and some physical effort and barely any intelligence.

>> No.310178

You can do robotics/electronics for fairly cheap, maybe $200 to start materials and parts, possibly $50 if you know how to scrounge but if you're just starting you won't really know what to scrounge for. It takes a lot of clever to do interesting robotics for that little money but I've seen people do amazing things with discarded printer parts and soup cans.