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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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299598 No.299598 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /diy/. I'm currently homeless and can't get hired anywhere. My only possessions are my laptop, a few changes of clothes, a tent/sleeping bag, and a knife and slingshot. I usually camp in the woods and I live in a rural-ish area so I can get food by sneaking into peoples' gardens for vegetables or hunting small game (I'm not so good with my slingshot so that's rare). I've tried asking farmers for work, but they either say girls are no use, or they try to get their rape on.

Does anyone know an easy way to make some money?
Inb4 prostitution.

>> No.299599

Let me get this straight: You're female, you're homeless.
Where is your family? There is no one who will take you in?
No friends, even?
At worst there are homeless shelters and halfway houses that are female-only. I'd suggest you find one of those rather than camping wherever.
Why is it you "can't be hired anywhere"? Explain.

>> No.299608

My family are a bunch of crazy fucks. I've never had many friends, either. I've been to a couple shelters, had most of my shit stolen and a few attempted rapes. I feel safer on my own under trees and shit.
I've only had one job and everywhere I apply tells me I don't have enough experience.
Most of the people around here don't use passwords so I can get internet easy.
I'd just like to get back on my feet and finish college. If I can manage to finish a semester with at least a 2.5, I'll be able to live in the dorms.

I just need some start-up cash to get there.

>> No.299610


>> No.299614

What country/ state?

>> No.299615

Did you know that there is a shocking disparity between homeless males and females? Want to know why? It's not that hard for a woman to find a place to stay.

As for survial. Emergency food shelves. Battered or other women shelters (tell them you're a runaway if they ask). You could also try couch surfing. As for jobs, you can look for day labor but you won't get most traditional work because sexism. You can see if anyone is looking for housekeeping work, do dishes at any place that serves a lot of lunches (hospital, old folks home, schools), laundry services, childcare, anything "woman dominated". You're in a hard place, don't be ashamed to get assistance or even to tell a possible employer your sob story.

Where abouts in the world do you live? This will help me greatly in giving you advice that is relevant to you.

>> No.299617

Mostly Texas. Anywhere with trees.

>> No.299619

>everywhere I apply tells me I don't have enough experience.

Cleaning. Grocery stores. Burger joints.
If they say that you need more experience, then it's just that they don't want you. Not that surprising, if it's obvious that you're some bum who lives in the woods.

>> No.299621

Mostly true, but I'm not a dirty one. I tried looking up internet survey stuff, but I have no idea if those are actually worth it.

>> No.299624

First: Get the fuck out of Texas, and the South in general. To be quite blunt about it, Texas is full of the most fucktarded people I've ever heard of, and the rest of the South isn't much better. Come to the West Coast if you can possibly manage it, if for no other reason the weather is better here. Stay away from Arizona and New Mexico, though. California or Oregon.
You're going to have to find somewhere to stay if you expect to get a job, though. You may have to go on public assistance for a while until you get on your feet.
As much as I hate religion, try to find a women's shelter run by a church. I think you'll have a better chance of not getting ripped off or screwed over that way.
If you can make friends that you think you can trust, better yet; couch surf for a while.
*shrug* not sure what else to tell you; I'm 47 and I've been *close* to homeless, but it's never happened, and I have friends that would take me in that wouldn't fuck with me, and I'm a man; still the idea scares the hell out of me.
Good luck to you, sweetie. I hope everything turns out OK for you. Wish there was something more I could do for you other than talk. :-/

>> No.299623


waste of time.

I have some questions if you are homeless then how do you get power for your laptop never mind internet connection lol

>> No.299626

Most of the farmers/people here have outlets in their barns for powertools. I charge it at night.

>> No.299628

That doesn't sound half bad, actually. I know people around here are fucking stupid, but that's society in general. Thanks. :)

>> No.299644

Ever get caught or bitten?

>> No.299650

If you make it to a city with surrounding wooded suburbs (think woodlands north of houston), you could have a higher shot of getting a job or shelter with the fallback of remaining in the woods.

>> No.299653

I would totally host you in TN, but I don't own a place to help you out. Stay in school and use your total lack of income to get financial aid. You aren't a dependent anymore.
Also, use this time to learn. Being homeless can feel like prision, but really you're free from so much. It's a good time to learn.

>> No.299656
File: 34 KB, 500x386, 98592_tits_or_gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even on /diy/, darling.

>> No.299659



>> No.299661


That's for women revealing there gender when there is no need to other then to attention whore

>> No.299663

Does the blue background constantly confuse the shit out of you on the rare moments that you step away from /b/?

>> No.299665

what are your qualifications? is there something you are good at?

>> No.299669



Tits or gtfo is the standard request, when women post anything on 4chan.

In this case, a young women is obviously asking for advise.
And since most of us are still a bunch of neckbeards/virgins we would just like to see a nice wreck in return for quality answers.

Just take the step and than we can get this threat serious.

Do it or all you will hear is Prostitution( that you already inb4'ed) or other bullshit that doesn't work out and help you at all.

Also my times lurking on /b/ have passed since 3 years now and i am 98% of my time on /diy/ giving advise, instructions, drawing 'how to's, debating and even posting a couple of quality projects.

Maybe just don't tell people your a female in the first place.

>> No.299678


/b/ != rest of 4chan

Fuck off.

>> No.299680

Advertise on craigslist as a shopper for old people or NEETs.
It could lead to making friends or doing light tricks with virgins (hardly counts as whoring yourself out).

>> No.299683


Which reminds me that the local bums often wash store windows.

>> No.299812

Right - because we live in a gender-neutral society where being male or female affects only one aspect of life: which public restroom you use. Please don't reconstruct reality to justify your own dickish behavior.

>> No.299815

>get out of Texas
>go to the West Coast where everything is 3 times as expensive AND the job market blows

You're an idiot

>> No.299826


I've never seen a man giving birth to a baby nor a female president.

Continue to live in a dream.

>> No.299850


>> No.299854

the coast life is nicer to hobos. If they prove to be industrious, not crazy, and not too stinky they can get work, and they can live outside somewhat easier, due to a more temperate climate. Lots of tourist traffic means lots of state and federal parks, which means lots of free bathrooms with running hot water.

If you're a young, cute woman with a good attitude you'll find not only work, but also a roof. You don't even have to fuck for it, though you may have to pray.
begging at the door of a mormon temple will get you near-immediate room, board and job if you pray. What you do after you get on your feet is up to you; Latter Day Saints sure have their shit together though. If you wanted to be adopted into a gigantic family of caring, loving wet blanket nerds with skewed sexual roles, that'd be the religion to go to.
See if you can make it to Portland. All sorts of working poor there but it's like a non-religious lovefest up there.
Go to a college town. Wifi, barista/sales/etc jobs, lots of couch surfing chances. I'd suggest my alma mater of Chico, since it's equal parts college and podunk, and a big homeless population and a loosely patrolled campus. Just get to a college town at around may, and jobs will be all over the place for the getting.

>> No.299861

Yeah, nah, you're a cunt. fuck off. Lots of us are /b/tards here on /diy/, gee, I wonder if there's a reason why literally nobody else is requesting tits on this board?

If troll, 6/10. convincing.

>> No.299872


>How edgy

>> No.299882

>How pedestrian

>> No.299923

Because you're in a gun friendly state, get hold of a .22 rifle, shoot small game and sell the meat. I know down here there's a lot of farmers who'll happily pay $5 for a freshly shot rabbit. You can easily get a dozen rabbits a day.

>> No.299960

I don't think getting from Texas to the West" is viable for this person. I would suggest lying on your resume or offering to do menial tasks like cleaning out barns, garages, or raking leaves. Get yourself a flyer and put your email address on it with the services you can offer. Old people will pay you to get their groceries or walk their dog. If you've expended all your viable employment options where you are, move one town over and try again. Collect cans and bottles out of the garbage and recycle them for money. If 21, hang out at a bar and talk to the bartender until he or she likes you. Offer to clean the bar's bathrooms for a few bucks. Earn trust and get people to want you to succeed. Be upbeat and sell the story that you're down but not out, and that through no fault of your own you're in a shitty predicament that you must work your way out of.

Go to church and tell people your dad tried to molest you after your mom died, and you need a job so you can quit eating dog food. Seriously, you're gonna get raped at some point if you don't get off the street.

>> No.299965

find out the name of a restaurant in the location that just closed. Lie and put on your resume that you worked there for 5 years. when they call for references, no one will answer.

>> No.299979

Here again.

Since you obviously don't want to give out location or personal information (for obvious reasons). You'll have to look for what applies to you locally. Find the nearest Health and Human Services office. Go there. Get the applications for assistance. Get an appointment to see a case worker. Tell the case worker your story. They will be able to get you on welfare and direct you to other local services like shelter and food.

If you do not want to do this. The recommendation to go to a church and ask for help is the second best. The pastor or church workers will do anything they can to help you. You'll probably, at the very least, get a hot meal and a place to stay for the night. A church is also hand down the number one easiest place to find a basic job in the entire world, no exceptions. If you tell them you're looking for work, they'll call the congregation members that own local businesses and get you some job. Probably waitress or some sort of unskilled labor.

Failing this. Get to a friendly place. College towns are good because you can find people your age and they're all very trusting and will let you crash. College campuses themselves are great places to find shelter. I've had periods where I've been homeless and I've lived on college campuses. All night libraries or study rooms for sleeping in. Gyms for showers. Cafeterias for food. Internet. Heat. Security.

I'd offer you a place to stay until you got on your feet but I'm in Minneapolis. Best of luck.

>> No.300006

>>hates the south because he has an imagination that all southerners are hateful
>>Hates religion but will use their resources
>>drops his political opinions noone cares about.
>>47 years old....on 4 chan
>>uses the word sweetie

I hope you get a stroke and never come back to /diy/ or 4 chan or the internet grandpa. Go vote for more fucktarded politicians and fuck us over.

>> No.300009

Where in Texas do you live op?
Im near austin so maybe I could help you out in some way. My bf lost his job about 6 months ago, and to keep money coming in hes been browsing craigslist for free or cheap stuff and turning a profit on it. Or finding small jobs on there! :)
Ive even seen people posting adds on there asking people to bring them canned goods and items because theyre in need, though Im not sure how much, if any they get.

>> No.300015

Eat shit and die, faggot.
Yeah, I'm in your goddamn motherfucking 4chan; wanna DO something about it? Oh, that's right, you CAN'T, can you? So go suck a box of cocks.

>> No.300017 [DELETED] 

>>10 minutes to respond.

Did you have trouble reading the keyboard without your glasses you geriatric burden on society?

Go read up on fiber supplements and gtfo with your hippie libfag bullshit.

>> No.300019

>>20 minutes to respond.

Did you have trouble reading the keyboard without your glasses you geriatric burden on society?

Go read up on fiber supplements and gtfo with your hippie libfag bullshit.

>> No.300020


Looks like you're the dumb one here.

>> No.300022

>>I hope you get a stroke and never come back to /diy/ or 4 chan or the internet grandpa. Go vote for more fucktarded politicians and fuck us over.

For the life of me, I can't imagine where the stereotype of the hateful southerner comes from. Maybe that song by Neil Young?

>> No.300030

If he has trouble reading the keyboard, isn't it likely that he would also have trouble reading information on fiber supplements? Wouldn't a fiber supplement podcast or YouTube video make more sense? Your advice is bad (and you should feel bad).

>> No.300034 [DELETED] 
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>> No.300035
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>>Passive aggressive antique Libfag from the failing left coast acts like an asshole and talks shit on Southerners.
>>Southerner calls him on it and tells him to eat a dick with his bullshit


>>never go full autistic

>> No.300036


>retard so mad he f5'd for 20 minutes straight waiting for a reply

>> No.300039
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>> No.300042

For the record, I never said they were hateful. I only said they were fucking ignorant, which is totally different. Seriously, you have to admit that anyone who religiously votes Republican anytime in the last 30 years or so isn't playing with a full deck; look at what they did to this country!

>> No.300043

I'll bet you give great PowerPoint.

>> No.300044

>calls a 47 year old dude "grandpa"
Only in the South would a 47 year old be a grandfather. Hell, there's Southerners younger than that who are great-grandparents already!

>> No.300053

no that is asinine and asshole for no purpose

this is where titsorgtfo makes sense

>> No.300054

All that shit belong on /b/, sure as fuck not here.

>> No.300065

>uses the word sweetie
What's wrong with that?

>> No.300071

I don't get that either. I think the anon who blew up at that guy has some axe to grind that has little to do with anything happening on /diy/

>> No.300075

also, doesn't use greentext right.

>> No.300076
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It's like I'm really on /jp/

>> No.300082








I just checked and /b/ is back online!

>> No.300088

I actually agree, but do not go to the west, nor should you stay in the south.
Go to the middle south states (VA, MD, N or SC) urban cities. Ask Fast food for their large boxes and find one with an exposed outlet for laptop charging and free WiFi. Preferably a 24 hour lobby one. Then just camp in the heavy brush by the highway, with the boxes. I've asked fastfood for a job and they turned me down because I'm too pretty. Maybe if you show up to an interview looking like a bum the conservative states will give you a job. Apply to all the name brand stores online. Usually every single fast food restaurant has converted from paper. Next you figure out the lead managers name and address and you stalk them, tell them your sob story, then stalk them some more if they

>> No.300100

>stalk managers
I have a problem with that. You're homeless, and regardless of whether you've managed somehow to keep yourself clean and otherwise present yourself well, acting in a harassing manner isn't going to win the hearts and minds of the people doing the hiring, it's just as likely to get you arrested for vagrancy, and what little you own confiscated (or conveniently "destroyed" while being arrested). Let's face facts: America hates the homeless. If she can manage to find some sort of living arrangement that doesn't involve living outdoors she'll have a much better chance of not only getting a job, but of not being perpetually hassled by police.
I also disagree about coming to the West Coast being a bad idea; things are more liberal here, there is a more tolerant attitude towards someone honestly down on their luck who is trying to make something of themselves. In my opinion, that is.

>> No.300146
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You can be my wife. I have a car shelter and a job but no wives.

>> No.300161

You're homeless, but you have a laptop and internet?

I don't believe you. Either way....


>> No.300163

It's plausible.
There have been a couple times in the last 10 years that it was a real possibility that I'd end up homeless. I've got a laptop, and I'd take it with me because I know I can get internet access for free in places, and so long as I can get access to the internet, I know I still have a chance to get a job in my field. That, a cellphone, and if I can afford it, a private mailbox, and I can fake my way through everything else and eventually get back on my feet.

>> No.300169

OP is now charging her laptop, like the fucking boss she is...or not?

>> No.300173

Z? Is that you?

>> No.300175

Dunno if OP is gonna check this thread again but if there's any possible way she could make it up here to Nebraska she might be fine.

The football fans here are fucking insane, but that just means there are TONS of fast food places and Walmarts here to appease their obese redneck habits. All you have to do here is drop one half assed application off at one of those places and they'll hire you in a heartbeat.

Tons of cheapish apartments too. Just stay away from South Omaha. It's got about four or five wannabe gangs, all Mexican. And when it rains there it smells like dog food. Bellevue is very chill though.

>> No.300179

I'm working on getting a farm together for your type, OP. Smaller livestock is easier to handle, so the gender argument is more null than it ever was. Also, if a 12 year old can run a tractor, so can a full grown woman.

>reasonable independent living quarters
>piecemeal work
>side projects for increased earning potential
>opportunity to purchase your own acre if desired
>tfw only $96,000 to go

Let me know if you want a ride up north in the spring. Plenty of smaller farms are popping up in the Illinois/Indiana/Wisconsin/Minnesota area, and a lot of them are the commune type as well.

Texas isn't a bad place for you to be. I grew up in California, and its one of the worst places to be homeless, unless you're making a lifetime career of it. The midwest holds a lot more upward mobility for the lowest classes.

>> No.300181

Just dropped a few crusties off there a few days ago. Its a major hub for train hoppers, being the UP headquarters, and all. Everyone out there is either giant, obese, or giant and obese, so this anon's hypothesis is sound. They will never have enough people out there to feed everyone fast enough forever.

>> No.300194

Are you applying for literally every job in your area and following up all the time? If not, you're not doing it right. I'd let you crash on my couch for a few weeks if I didn't live several states over.

>> No.300200

Female not will to become a prostitute enjoy dying

>> No.300215

edgy black knight faggots need to stfu

>> No.300220

Calm down slut it's the only way you will make a living as a homeless female deal with it

>> No.300222

fuck it.

Go squat some property.
Like an abandoned house or even just land.
Build a fortress. learn to make a bow. hunt for food. do your best until you can find a job or something.

>> No.300320

Still here, OP? I'm male, but otherwise in the same boat in PA. I'll post back later, and/or you can email me.

>> No.300356

>not will to become
maybe you should become a prostitute because it seems as though you have nothing to offer intellectually

>> No.300406
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There's a term for this type of behavior.

>> No.300408

Straight outta suburbia. Hardcore.

>> No.300419

I interviewed a guy recently for my podcast (homelessinterview.com) who was in a similar situation in NY. He sleeps in a room at a state university and got a job as a dish washer.

>> No.300543

Actually English is my second language but sure slut

>> No.301139

Bumping for OP.

>> No.301188

you're really fucking stupid if you think the only way she can survive is by soliciting sex for money/whatever. maybe you think that but it isn't true.

>> No.301201


Ah...to be 17 again.

>> No.301636
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>Seriously, you have to admit that anyone who religiously votes Republican anytime in the last 30 years or so isn't playing with a full deck
Only "religiously", and anyone who votes on Democrat is an idiot too. Both parties are screwing us. Don't tell me Republicans are worse because they nominally support free markets and small government, either.

>> No.301641

>I've only had one job and everywhere I apply tells me I don't have enough experience.

what kind of job did you have and what others did you apply for

and why doesn't thread hiding work in /diy/, but on the other boards

>> No.301644

No, republicans are worse because they support harmful ass-backwards social policies.

>> No.301647
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“It is a feeling of relief, almost of pleasure, at knowing yourself at last genuinely down and out. You have talked so often of going to the dogs - and well, here are the dogs, and you have reached them, and you can stand it. It takes off a lot of anxiety.”

>> No.301648
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Social issues are a joke/wedge politics. Most Republicans don't hate gays and the ones that do don't have any real power. On top of that, Democrats have just as many terrible social ideas as the Republicans at their worst (pic related).

Seriously, don't hate someone just because you disagree with their politics. That makes you no better than the folks you're criticizing.

>> No.301654





>> No.301674
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>> No.301687

Hey OP..
You anywhere near the Louisiana border?I need a 'wife'..

Currently working 84hr weeks and housekeeping has fallen behind.... hell I'm hardly even cooking anymore.

Anyway, free lodging/tv/webz/food in return for housework. I'm actually in northern Mississippi and there's two colleges close by.

Waddaya say?

>> No.301694
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>> No.301788
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>>nominally support free markets
By subsidizing the most profitable corporations on the planet.

>> and small government.
Small enough to fit in the womb of every female by restricting access to abortion and forcing victims of rape and incest to carry the pregnancy to term.

>> No.301789 [DELETED] 

Loving the people trying to teach yourtalented /diy/ercreationism would truly be human evolution.

>> No.301791

I love the people trying to teach mytalented /diy/ercreationism and put a fracking well in my back yard. I love them because if I hated them, well, that would make me no better than they are.

>> No.301792

there is a filter for k i d?
A baby goat is atalented /diy/er

>> No.301801

>By subsidizing the most profitable corporations on the planet.
Yeah obviously that stuff is bad, but a lot of Democrats buy into it and hate them for supporting "supply side economics" or whateva

>> No.301818

>By subsidizing the most profitable corporations on the planet.
It's even worse with the Democrats because they spend more money. The so-called stimulus was nothing more than a huge money bag from which the politicians handed out money to their supporters. That's why it had so little effect on the recession.
The only solution to corruption is to limit the amount of money the government spends. Give congress as little money to spend at their discretion as possible.

>> No.301854

Go back to /pol/ you children.

On the off chance that you're not just a liar / troll, OP: panhandle, women-only shelters and recycling to get you started (collect cans, ask the other (female, if possible) homeless where they can be found.)

Ignore the idiot who railed against Texas and then offered you, as advice, to travel on foot or hitchhike 1,500 miles. He is both stupid and completely useless.

Here's the bottom line: when you're that down and out, your fastest and best bet is to depend on the kindness of strangers. Being picked up by the cops is often a bonus, as you get free food and shelter for the night if they keep you in jail instead of just giving you a ticket. But panhandling, if you don't look like a crack whore or serial killer, is a very effective means of getting a basic store of capital to wash yourself up, get you shelter/decent food until you can find a low paying job, the next wrung on the ladder.

This isn't politics, and frankly I'm not going to win or entertain an argument on the internet with some teenager or early-20s person who thinks they have it all figured out and can show you what's wrong with this party/country/etc in 140 characters or less. And frankly that's not the purpose of this board anyway.

>> No.301877

If you were near me, I'd offer to put you up in our guest room and feed you for a few weeks while you try to get on your feet, but unfortunately my wife and I don't live in Texas so we're not much help.

>> No.301881


Web definitions in name only; "nominally he is the boss". wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn
that was exactly what he meant. You are banned from abusing princess Bride quotes and macros.

He was saying both parties suck and the only difference is in name only - - how they pander for votes, both parties do their best to keep pandering by refusing to fix the problems they are elected to fix.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

>> No.301888

Hell, I'm in one of those colleges. I'll take you up on your offer. But... I'm a dude.

>> No.301895

in a very small quantity or degree

Your grammar lessons are nominally better than my dog's.

>> No.301898

Vocabularly != grammar, idot

>> No.301902

Truer words were never almost written.

>> No.301923

I've heard a lot of homeless people say the best place to live were beach towns, because they have showers on every beach

>> No.301926

My troll thread sense is tingling.

>> No.303375

I'm guessing OP is gone forever?

>> No.303467

she went to suck some dicks

>> No.303829

Well, I hope she finishes up soon.

>> No.304360

Just go to a Church.