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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 520 KB, 1712x2288, Terry-and-BQL-PVC-Camail-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
298496 No.298496 [Reply] [Original]

Chainmail thread? Hells yes.

>> No.298497


>> No.298499

Welded, buttend, stainless steel rings or stainless riveted rings > everything else

8-in-1 pattern > 4-in-1 pattern

That is all.

>> No.298503


45 degree seam:

>> No.298507


>> No.298514
File: 695 KB, 876x410, bikini1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.298517
File: 405 KB, 1096x620, bra2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.298571

Hey folks, i wanted your opinion on something.
I’m one of those fools who think, hey, i want to be a super hero.
Then buys a bunch of useless crap and walks around in dangerous areas.

What i want from you is a way to keep my insides on the inside, when the treated bmx armor and cutting boards don't catch the blade.

Now, this is a deflected stab, i want to know what kind of chainmail i should attach in between the pads of my torso. And how you think i should attach it.

>> No.298656

You should use aluminum.
This got old the second time, honey.

>> No.298660

.......i get the feeling you browse cgl/?
If so. tell me. Why seagulls?

>> No.298663

No. I have just a lot of chainmail threads (~10) since /diy/ was opened.

>> No.298667

I don't think i have asked this before....

But if so, i am sorry.
I post drunk sometimes.

>> No.298702

Any guide for making some out of split rings? All I can find is a video that doesn't explain much.

>> No.299020

only if you are not making jewellery. otherwise, Aluminium is better. rotary saw cut

>> No.299021

eat your heart out


>> No.299022

was this an info thread or a questions thread? I can answer some questions, as I make chainmail professionally.

>> No.299033

Just a fun thread, but also suggesting stuff if people ask!

>> No.299034

I like Bills work, but I found a way to make happier bosoms.
(bra you quoted)

>> No.299035

well, we know Bosoms don't like bras........ but when they must, I prefer good chainmail bras

>> No.299037

The EPDM really helps out... heehee.
Working on another and I ran out of rings... used them up on bracelets and forgot to get more.
Anyone know a one-breasted woman?

>> No.299047

...... cancer survivors? ( i know, poor taste)

>> No.299050

Buying rings from two different anodizing lots is one of my biggest chainmail peeves. I should just buy a metric fuckton of black ice and save myself from this.
Label it, too.
^ocd about chainmail sometimes

>> No.299051

or learn to anodize yourself/ find a local anodizing set up. there might be one in your area, but you might have to search under car detailing.

>> No.299054
File: 37 KB, 509x286, drftyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump with the berk before I had to stop.
Pregnancy has a way of making you not be able to handle galvy.

>> No.299055

looks good. you gonna tighten up those sleeves? or do you need the room for under-clothing?

>> No.299058

The weight from them going to my wrists will tighten it up. But, I also want to share it with the husband and he is Mr. Muscles so it needs to be big.
The rings look so big. I swear it is 14g 3/8". I think.

>> No.299061

cool Idea. I am not a full sleeve guy myself, but now it makes sense.
You SURE it's 14g 3/8? those spaces do look awfully big for that ring size.

>> No.299063

oh, and show us your chainmail bikini top too, while you're at it :P

>> No.299067

Pregnancy has a way of making me forget.
I have to remember it by going "I bought 14g fence wire and a 3/8" piece of bar stock".
At a local gathering, someone is making one from like... 18g small as shit rings.

>> No.299068

I sent the one above to someone and do not have pictures, and the one I have here is in progress.

>> No.299071

I have one, and I cannot find anyone endowed enough to wear it lol.
I need to get my cutting rig back up so I can coil and cut the wire I have. Bra's take a lot of links when no rubber links, and you do it in 1-6 euro. Damn people and wanting to wear their bras in public without exposing themselves lol

>> No.299073

Oh, oh, try out this at some point! I haven't the chance to as I like to use EPDM.

>> No.299076
File: 709 KB, 1128x578, top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a top like this at some point...

>> No.299078

scalemail tops make a GREAT draping effect.

>> No.299080

I have a template from theringlord I want to try. it also has sizing advice. i'll post it if i find it lol

>> No.299082

NVM, they are PDF, can't get them on here lol

>> No.299083

Oh, did you buy the pdf? That might have some cool stuff!
Share? *waggles eyebrows*

>> No.299086

heh, i forgot i wasn't on /b/ for a minute, was about to drop Tits or GTFO.....

how would you wish to share?

>> No.299097
File: 257 KB, 2048x1216, lHifW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tested this site and it takes a tiny bit of work, past link from email.

>> No.299106

i will look into it.
Is that the rubber ring bra?

>> No.299107

Yeah, I found a picture while going through looking for stuff to post.

>> No.299108

how long did it take you to make? what size, if i may ask

>> No.299109
File: 198 KB, 600x450, 1331079736780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't work on it that often, so about a month. Most people can do one in like... 12-20 hours if they are used to it.
It is for a B cup, so I did 16 rubber rings at the base of each of the four triangles.

>> No.299112

ok, I have a room-mate that size, I may have to make her one to model. let me guess, since your preggers, it doesn't fit any more.

here is the linke:

>> No.299117

Oh, sounds like a great idea. I just add or take away rows for the cup sizes or amount of ummff needed.
Thanks, man, excited to give it a read through.

That never fit me, I was a AA before pregnancy and now I'm finally a B... hahaha! Pic is the buyer.

>> No.299121

yeah, I have a few others from them, but I try to make a lot of things one my own. even crated a new design for earrings the other day. no one else seems to be making them :)
Do you have a site or any place you post your stuff to?

>> No.299123

I wish I could delete the file once you had it lol

>> No.299143

We should take over a /po/ thread so that we can upload PDFs...

>> No.299145

Aluminium chainmaille

>shiney for larp
>weak as fuck
>gay shineyness, real maille wasn't that shiney was it faggot

therfore, good for costume, shit for actual combat

>> No.299146

I use steel for my armor, aluminum for jewelry.

>> No.299154

>rotary saw cut

Tech term is butt-end cut. Both sides of the cut are flat and parallel to each other. It makes it easier to weld and makes riveted rings look better and easier to make.

And, no, I don't make jewelry. I make mail that can take repeated beatings. The 8-in-1 pattern is much tighter.

>> No.299161

It has been a couple hours, I think they are gone.

>> No.299189

i check back in now and then. i'm the pro.

yes, because there is SO MUCH combat involving chainmail.

>> No.299190

there are different ways to make butt end cuts. i was telling what kind of tool i used. if you use anything with a pinch cut, for clothing of any type, you're asking for trouble.

But i agree, if you are making any period piece, aluminium is bad idea. but it sells a lot better :)

>> No.299199

>pinch cut

Which does not make a butt-end cut.


Butt-end cut
Sheer cut
Pinch cut

Butt-end is best, sheer is second best, and pinch is terrible.

>> No.299200


Because girly men are too weak to tote around 50lb shirts.

>> No.299203

>cause there is a lot of need in a 50 lbs shirt.
we work towards different goals. I work towards making jewellery people will wear outside of renn faires

>> No.299272
File: 147 KB, 1200x900, Optimized-DSCF0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new to this thread here, so, hello!

looking for advice...
i made it this far and my hands started making some horrid nasty painfull popping noises.

any tips?

>> No.299334

your hands started making popping noises?
number of options, could just be the same issue as people cracking their fingers.
it's not arthritis, so be happy about THAT.

what are you making? that looks like galv. steel? what kind of pliers are you using?

>> No.299816
File: 77 KB, 1200x900, Optimized-DSCF0059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the pliers. i tried many different pairs but the bend on the ends of these made quick work of bending links and the wide grips felt comfortable. perhaps i just did to much at once. and its 14 gauge galv. wire. bent into 3/8" loops cut with a wiz wheel for the perfect butt end cut.
6 in 1 mesh

unrelated-> say hi to my kitteh in the background (mittens)

>> No.299839

I think mittens needs a chainmail vest....
I use smaller pliers, even for the galvy. but you are right about the bent nose.

any of the bent nose pliers at the bottom are good. I prefer the small pair. you'll build some serious muscles too lo
l good for fapping grip strength :P

I myself am looking at buying a ringinator, not sure if the $200 or $500 version.... 2000 links a minute *orgasm*


>> No.300073

I suppose mittens could wear a light aluminum vest...

>> No.300262

1-4 or 1-6 european, too tight, and the hair will come out.
So it turns out I have an unexpected show this Saturday :) will be small, but i hope I can make enough to pay some bills and buy that cutting rig.

>> No.300289
File: 2.27 MB, 2272x1704, handschoenen 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made gloves once. Not very practical, but still pretty cool.

>> No.300327

Those are very practical. You ever had to shuck 50 oysters? These would be great for that, no fear of an oyster knife slipping and fucking you up!

>> No.300328

Also, what size rings did you use for the gloves?

>> No.300481

swimming with sharks... they are useful :)

>> No.300504

oyster gloves are really expensive too

>> No.301086

Surprised the thread is not dead.
Sorry guys.
I was out of the house a lot...

>> No.301433

no biggie, I've been here keeping it up... with random input from others.
I have a show tomorrow, so I have been busy buying supplies, doing a mock set up, and making some last minute items.
I hate last minute showings.

Needless to say, I won't be on tomorrow, but will be happy to answer any questions that come up .