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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2894809 No.2894809 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for ideas to DIY a very secure gun safe in the wall. I've already built one that turned out pretty good but it's a "hidden" one and I wouldn't really call it "secure". I could probably rip the thing down with nothing but my hands if i tried.

I'd like to make another one that doesn't necessarily have to be "hidden", but should be more secure so that it wouldn't be as easy to break into.

This would likely be between 2 wall studs and I can use the entire floor-ceiling height of the space in between. I was thinking I could build a custom hidden hinge door seated between the studs and use a key locking bolt in the stud to secure it.

anyone done something similar or have better ideas for DIY safe options?

my alternative is to just wait for an actual fireproof safe to pop up for sale near me and take the easy way out.

>> No.2896583

if you're going for security then have someone pour a concrete wall and let them integrate a heavy duty safe with some rebar
>waited 900 seconds for this reply

>> No.2896642

The most secure safe is one that people don't even know is there.

>> No.2896670

Thank you for your sacrifice. That sounds sweet, and would actually make alot of sense, the wall im considering using is a somewhat concealed exterior wall so that might actually be very possible.

yeah, i think the issue is there will be some other people that will know its there. not that i keep bad company, but coercion is a thing.

>> No.2896951

hide it behind a bookshelf facade thats connected to the door, and hide the lock behind a book
a good safe also doesnt need to be metal, hardwood is easier to work with and sturdier than a lot of cheap safes, its just not fireproof
but unless you live in california or have priceless guns i wouldnt really worry about fires

>> No.2896952

also not all safes are fireproof just because theyre made of sheet metal, they need to have some kind of protective insulator, which you could probably just diy

>> No.2896953

>they need to have some kind of protective insulator, which you could probably just diy

Drywall is what they use as the fire protection for most safes.

>> No.2896959

Just buy one from v-line. Their quality is so good for the price. Cut the hole, shove it in, 4-8 screws, hang a painting over the top.

Handgun safe is $350, shotgun/rifle safe is $700 on sale + free shipping (60lbs of metal anywhere continental US). They’ve got tacti-cool options for an extra $100.


There’s no point DIYing this

>> No.2896986 [DELETED] 

fuck off stupid cocksucking faggot kike nigger

>> No.2897007

Anyone that has to ask 4chan how to diy a gunsafe should NOT be DIYing their own gunsafe. 98% of locks available over the counter can be defeated with a hairpin, or even simple bumps. Anything relying on 1.5” screws & $3 bargin-bin studs for structural“security” is about 2 kicks from getting blasted through the wall.

OP has already screwed up once and wants something more secure.

Don’t want to buy a purpose built model? Buy a used safe for $50 off Craigslist then and DIY the cubby to inset it in the wall (and then another foot through the wall, because no one sells used built-in safes. Why would they?).

Don’t like my recommendation? Go buy the mall-ninja electric lock stuff everyone else sells. Most of it costs twice as much for no reason.

>> No.2897016


>> No.2897025


is this like a new /diy/ meme or something? by simply asking the question it implies you arent capable of accomplishing the answer? i see dumbshit posts like this in every single thread. "IF YOU'RE HERE ASKING HOW TO DIY YOU SHOULDNT BE DIY" lol fuck off

>> No.2897027

I’d trust you autists with chicken coop designs or RTFM mechanical help. I would not trust any of you with guns or safes.

>> No.2897030

Com.ercial gun safes are all pretty dogs hit too against modern tools.

You.used tk be able to secure shit because you couldn't just grab a carbide saw blade with a cordless battery that wpuld cut through anything.

The safes yku.buy don't help. You.need like 10k$ safe to get onenthat will actually do shit

You.need super carbide bolts yourself for the door, and chainsaw pants lining all around it to stoo saw blades, then you need your gypsum fill for the fire protection.

>> No.2897186

Nobody asked, go kill yourself you cock suckling bastard manchild.