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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2894697 No.2894697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I made my own little blog/scocial-media site, cause MySpace is dead and 4chan Captcha are too annoying for me (had to wait 900seconds just to post this). If some of you are interested in my little DIY website it's: https://kcore.online
Read the about page to know more.

>> No.2894698

yeah no

>> No.2894839

What do you mean "synty"? is that a word or something?
> Login
> Register

Like that's some unique to my site?
4chan has it too... my-space had it too.

I don't even ask for an email so not sure what you are complaining about here?

And if a minimal login system can keep idiots away, it's probably worth keeping.

>> No.2894840

What does synty even mean?
I don't know what is your problem with login and register especially when they don't even ask for an email, but if the login page can keep idiots away, I am keeping it. what even is that complaint? even 4chan and myspace have login page...

>> No.2894879

you sound like a retard. synty is the company that make those ugly low poly characters.

>> No.2894893

I am sure you think a lot of people sound like retard, (sorry for the duplicate response, I taught the first reply did not work) I had never heard of Synty before, and it's true they make really cool low poly assets, as for the banner on my site it's AI generated (No shame in that, I ain't an artist and am too poor to hire one), That you think the character in the banner are ugly is beside the point, I personally like them but moving on, what's your point about the login and register? You are literally judging a site by it's cover?