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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2894268 No.2894268 [Reply] [Original]

My oven broke and I don't know how to fix it
The light and burners both stopped working at the same time
What do I do?

>> No.2894278

check your circuit breaker

>> No.2894287

Pull it out, take off the back cover and do a power trace back from the mains supply with a multimeter?

Oh... you don't know how to do that.

>> No.2894301

flipping the breaker didn't fix it
I don't
and my dad said he would fight me if I tried to fix it myself but he won't do anything about it

>> No.2894302

>I don't know how to fix it
call a repairman or buy a new one faggot. you are not going to fix it.

>> No.2894304

I don't have the money to do either

>> No.2894305

Wait for your dad to fix it, then. It sounds like (You) are incompetent.

>> No.2894308

>light and burners both stopped working at the same time
is this a gas oven or electric oven?

>> No.2894310

my dad didn't even own a multimeter until I got in a fight with him about not fixing it and not letting me try to figure it out

>> No.2894311

it's electric
my dad was running it at like 450 fahrenheit constantly with the door closed to "warm up the kitchen"
and then it stopped working

>> No.2894321

My guess is you blocked the vents, it overheated and blew a thermal fuse on the main circuit board. Ask me how I know.

>> No.2894322

>to "warm up the kitchen"
so retard can't buy a cheap heater?
>my dad didn't even own a multimeter until I got in a fight with him about not fixing it and not letting me try to figure it out
but you have absolutely no idea what you are doing anyway


>> No.2894373

he broke the fucking oven

>> No.2894393

because it's common sense and obvious to anyone that you will have a house fire without such safety?

>> No.2894394

these videos are gay and retarded, find schematics of your oven, learn how to read them, learn how basic circuits work, do not plug diy shit into electric socket without knowing what will happen

>> No.2894396

Get a job and move out, since it looks like your weak beta faggot of a "father" cannot afford it either.

>> No.2894397

I've never had a job

>> No.2894398

it's a good motivation to get one, remember that physical jobs don't ruin your health, being unfit fag who has improper technique does, notice how powerlifters have less back problems than trench diggers

>> No.2894421
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>don't know how to fix it
1. Stop being a faggot
2. Check your breaker
3. Check the thermal fuse
There 98% of consoomer appliance issues fixed.

>> No.2894422

You should probably beat the shit out of your dad on daily basis
99.99% chance its the thermal fuse.
Also 100% chance your dad is a retarded moron.

>> No.2894435

>Also 100% chance your dad is a retarded moron.
that's true for every 4chan poster, unless you're new here

>> No.2895445

OP here
still haven't been able to do anything
my dad just lies around and he only bought a multimeter because we got in a fight over him not doing anything about it and not letting me try to do something about it and he did it out of guilt

>> No.2895454

Bro go turn the fucking breaker back on you useless faggot.

>> No.2895455

what makes you think I didn't try that already you worthless nigger
god I fucking hate niggers
why are you posting on the internet instead of chucking spears at your mud huts?

>> No.2895463

>I can't figure out why the stove doesn't work, I refuse to learn anything to fix it, I refuse to get a job to replace it, and I'm an all around faggot loser, but you're a nigger for suggesting that I do anything to fix it!
Your father would throw a party when he found your lifeless corpse hanging from the rafters.
If you weren't too stupid to tie a noose, that is.

>> No.2895464

except the part where my dad said he would fight me if I tried to do anything you spear chucking monkey

>> No.2895478

>duurrrr ur is niger cos u tells me to do thing!!!!
Go get a fucking job or kill yourself you waste of resources. I cannot imagine being such an effeminate and worthless failure that you're straight up proud of being.