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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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287071 No.287071 [Reply] [Original]

GUYS! what do you tihnk of a hyperspin console build? A small console with hyperspin that emulates and plugs into your TV? What are you thoughts would a 4 TB hardrive be big enough to encompass every game from PS1/N64 back?

Also, USB ports for plugging in actual console controllers?

Pic unrelated

>> No.287078

I like it! Go forth and do it. You have my blessing.

>> No.287085

What was the purpose of this post? What help are you asking for? Because I'm fairly interested in this as well. I plan on refurbishing an arcade cabinet, sticking a pc in their and running a bunch of games with a frontloader off of it. I have not looked much into emulating systems like the N64 - PS2 era of systems. I am unsure as to what quality is possible on the emulators. Do you know? Can a fairly powerful pc run a dreamcast game with no lag and sacrificing no audio or visual stuff?

>> No.287090

that'll sure download fast

>> No.287093


Well you start with a select few that you like... Then build from there... Come on man, this is the FUTURE. Internet speed ain't shit anymore.

Also, as far as recommendations go, i'd see about using PS3 controls for your main controls besides the arcade stick stuff. The buttons are pressure sensitive, it has blue tooth that can be easily manipulated and you can plug them straight into the USB slots of the machine. plus it's comfy and it has enough buttons for pretty much all systems except maybe the N64s C buttons...

>> No.287100

Also, does anybody know anything about using a wii-mote on say duckhunt? I would love to be able to whip the game out and play with a new shooting control. Or maybe play Lethal Enforcers... with the wii-mote...

Is it possible?

Say, can we please make this a build the ultimate arcade machine thread? Not OP btw...

>> No.287105
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That sounds cash, but why not any thing older.
NES/SNES, I mean that was a beautiful era
and four TB sounds more than enough, most barely scrape 50 MB to 100

>> No.287108


All the 8bit to 16 bit era games Could probably fit on a 4 gig flash drive. They aint shit really. But the you start getting into PSX isos and n64 games and it just gets bigger and bigger. Wii games are averaging 4 gigs each. 4tb is enough. Maybe even too much. 2 tb might be enough.

>> No.287107

I setup a NES/ arcade an atari for my dad
his face just lit up at gauntlet
I set up DOS on my phone DAGGERFALL

>> No.287110

I have gameboy color for my phone
I don't think any game is above a MB

>> No.287112


They're really not.


there's a list of pretty much all the systems we should build upon. 4 player arcade machine with lightgun/wii zapper capabilities, a keyboard, trackball, possible 2 controllers available for more complicated/recent games... Man... I'm hard just thinking about it...

Quick question, what's the legality of something like this? I understand that you can't make money off of it, you can't set it up and charge people without the game companies coming down and stomping you out... but what if its free? Would we get away with say, calling it an art piece?

>> No.287117

Emulators are free
ROMS are a grey area, technically you must own a hard copy making ROMS a legal backup
No one can prove you did not legally purchase a hard copy so no one can make it technically Illegal, However you may not make money off of the ROMS and may not be distributed for a price, as you do not have legal distributive rights.
I hope this helps mate

>> No.287120

If you download the stuff to homebrew a WII
it alerts you not to pay for it, that if you did you were scammed and should demand money back
A perfect example

>> No.287121


Yeah I'm fairly familiar with the wiibrew stuff so I saw that a lot of these programs and hacks are free. I did not pay for anything other than the physical stuff I needed like sd card and the wii.

Now let's say I wanted to place one of these in a bar or an art gallery, again,not charging anybody to play it so technically not making a profit and again, not distributing it, what would you think the legality of that is?

I sure as hell don't need capcom coming by and taking all my shit.

>> No.287122


>> No.287123

that would be one tricky fucker
It would probaly legally work like one of those YOBO clones that sorta runs 3 different types of games IE. NES/SNES/ genesis
"technically its not infringement or copyright seeing as they are just making their own systems. they arent using the Nintendo logo or any of its offical parts and calling it their own. nor are they saying that they games that they play are theirs as well. a lot of these systems dont play exclusivly nintendo games either, they play sega as well. basically its an "adapter" type of system so to speak. much like the company that makes afterglow wii remotes and ps3 controllers. yes it has to do with that companys particular system but said controller isnt an offical liscensed product of that system."
after a little research it seems as though there is difference in the way the interpret the cartridge a way nintendo has not patented

>> No.287125

OP here!


Im asking about how I would go about buildin an actual stand-alone console for emulation.
Like what programs to use, what specs i should run, what kind of build I should make, etc..

If you've ever checked out hyperspin, this guy made a whole system with graphics of his favorite and it took up 1.85 TB, so I'm not sure how every game would fair on that


Google fiber is coming out here soon, I'm pre-registered and when they set it up the 1G per second download speed is when im going to start the downloads


Sorry, if I wasn't clear. I meant everything from PS1 backwards so basically ATARI to PS1

>> No.287127

I also discovered patents have an experation date
If the dates up for the SNES
So is any legal holding Nintendo may have
Emulators MAY BE considered different original software and may be charged for as Nintendo did not design them
SIncerely that one ANON

>> No.287138

Well I'm hoping to do this in the near future. If I can have it on display, that would be tits.

Let's get down to business...

Accessories: I would be able to have practically a million in one console set up. Meaning I would like to be able to use light guns for gunning. But I would also like to be able to use some dance pads. I know the DDR metal dance pads are around still, and I think that would just be awesome. Maybe run Stepmania on it which would just be EVERY DDR GAME EVER PLUS A MILLION MORE SONGS.

>> No.287141

im hard

>> No.287142
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>> No.287145

DDR is something I hadn't even thought of you could???
But I wouldn't it would eventually break due to lardos jumping all over it if you had it in a public place
Also just how much freetime/cash do you have?
no offense of course

>> No.287149

Seriously I dont have a lot of free time at the moment nor do i have a lot of money, but i like the idea. It is a dream of mine and I would build it piece by piece. The lardos jumping on it would be a problem but we can probably reinforce it. I wanted to build something like this for my wii but they dont have a good ddr emulator and the wii compatible dance pads aren't great... no offense taken.

>> No.287153

That one ANON here
you are a bro, a gentlemen and a scholar and for that BUMP

>> No.287157

Op here.

This discussion is amazing so far

>> No.287156


Haha. I really would like to create it.

>> No.287163

That ANON here
If you need help/research/ WHATEVER
just ask
Don't spam guys
this has sparked my interest

>> No.287164

Well we are toying with the idea but we need to get the specs down. N64 emulators and older should be fairly easy... but newer stuff like ps3 era games... would need a specialized gaming pc...

>> No.287169

OP here



>> No.287170

that ANON here
put an add on craigslist that you will buy PS3s that don't run along with XBOX's and WII"s

>> No.287178

its-its beautiful >>287169

>> No.287182


>> No.287183

What about games that need specialized controlers (i.e Guitar hero, rock band)

Also, wireless controller support would be nice, not sure if already said.

>> No.287186

Uhm... im sure they make USB versions of those-- plus im sure you could just convert it because they are only worth like 3$

>> No.287216

So were gonna need a ton of USB ports then. 2 for the DDR pads, 4 for controls? 7 for ultimate rock band support...

>> No.287279
File: 102 KB, 1067x1600, vpin.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built two hyperspin-based cabinets so far. Arcade & arcade + pinball only though. No emulated consoles. Used Happ parts because they'll be used by kids that'll abuse the shit out of them, and they can take it.

I just wish the Hyperlaunch utility weren't so dodgy. It's built around autohotkey and it's a bear to get it to do exactly what you want. Even minor stuff like screen fade in & out when loading roms doesn't work like you expect it to.

Also don't use Future Pinball as your pinball app. It has trouble taking focus when it launches (which means your controls don't work until you fish out your mouse and click the screen), loads very slowly, lots of bugs and doesn't play nice with UAC under Windows Vista/7.

Visual Pinball is a lot more difficult to set up, but works properly and integrates far better in a caibinet or console.

Thinking of making a virtual pinball cabinet. Something like a 46" widescreen TV sideways as the playfield with a smaller monitor to act as the backglass.

>> No.287353


That's pretty cool dude. I'm thinking we make a full on All in 1 multi-emulator arcade cabinet thang. Remember that star wars arcade game? Where it was based on eps. 4,5, and 6 and you blew up the deathstar, on hoth and on endor? that was one of my favorite arcade games... That'd be tits to be able to throw that in too... haha... I recommend we start throwing up links to collections of Roms and emulators for us to have organized.

>> No.287359


I don't know how to get magnet links from torrents... Help?

>> No.287406

I've thought a good deal about a project like this, but I lack the funds currently to buy everything I need.

This is the build list I've up with:
CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115077
MOBO: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157236
RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231396 (or whatever else is cheap)
GPU: HDD: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136792
PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125409
CASE: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151117 (or any other micro ATX compatable case you like)

From what I've researched, this should be good enough to emulate everything up to and including Gamecube/Wii and PS2. Not Xbox, there's not an emulator for it.

As for controllers, there's a ton of options.
You can get a bluetooth dongle and use either Wii remotes and their addons or PS3 controllers. You can also pick up the Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows (In a bundle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004QRKWKQ for black and http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000KA5T6A for white, or on it's own: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000HZFCT2)) to use Xbox 360 controllers wirelessly on the system. Of course you could also use the USB wired versions but wireless is sexy.
You could also modify or buy modified classic controllers so they work over USB.

I haven't looked too much into arcade sticks for computers though, so I can't really help you there.

>> No.287412

i recently finished building a bartop jukebox/arcade.

It runs mame and some jukebox program.

The hardest part making it was getting all the softare to work together.. Im still having troubles with it now.

4TB would be HEAPS. I have nearly 2000 mame games and its just over 1gb.
PS1 games are about 500mb each I think.

I havent used hyperspin.. but I might give it a look. I've been using Maximus Arcade.

>> No.287415

You might want to check out XBMC, it does movies, tv shows and music out of the box, and with the advanced program launcher you can also set it up to launch emulators and other programs.

>> No.287518


I think if it were in an arcade cabinet, we'd want to reduce the usage of it as a video player and music player. Primarily just installing a front loader so that once it's on, you pick from a selection of systems and then the games themselves.

>> No.287519


That's pretty good, that's just under 600 for the necessities. Now we need to factor in the price of the arcade cabinet if that's the route you decide to take and the price of the television. Old CRT tvs don't cost shit nowadays. But maybe we'd like to put in a nice flat screen LCD tv in there?

>> No.287542


After looking through a bit. I found this from a link that the hyperspin video guy posted.
It has a bunch of stuff already including pretty much every SNES game and PS1 game. Torrents of course. Gotta get a much bigger hard drive. Also, gonna test this out on my hacked wii!

...Fuck man... I'm trying to post a link but 4chan thinks it's "spam" any way to get around this?

>> No.287546

>would a 4 TB hardrive be big enough to encompass every game from PS1/N64 back?
Assuming each CD is filled to the brim (702 MB), you would be able to hold short of 6000 isos. BUT, PS1 games are known to use as little as 50 MB, and most are well under 400 MB

There are well seeded torrents with collections of PS1 games, in private trackers at least. All USA games, all Japanese roleplaying games, etc. These will max your connection speed, and are highly compressed with 7zip at maximum compression settings, each game individually. You can distribute downloading between multiple computers (ie, at friend houses)

Just use USB Dualshock replicas. Or XBox, whatever floats your boat.

Use bsnes for SNES NES and maybe GB emulation.
Use PCSX for PS1 emulation.

Google GoodSets

>> No.287603

Op here!


>> No.287796


GPU is nearly inconsequential to emulation. It's practically all CPU-bound.

The HD3000 GPU integrated into an Ivy Bridge processor is more than up to the task all by itself.


Until you start hitting HD and Disc-based games, it's the artwork and videos for your frontend that take up most of your space.

>> No.288435

OP bumping

>> No.288601
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pacman rom: 14kb
video and menu theme artwork: 3778kb

>> No.288634

Ok yeah, you're right.
So get an i5 instead and ditch the card from the build list.

>> No.288838


>> No.289039


Light guns are tricky. The ones that operate without an infrared sensor (eg: NES Zapper) will not work on anything but a CRT screen.

>> No.289414
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Just finished doing a little cosmetic work on the OS of a Hyperspin cabinet.

Let me just say that Windows 7 is an absolute motherfucker when it comes to hiding elements in order to make a cabinet seamless.

You have to actually edit protected resource files to remove all the logos, text messages and cursors, and they do not like to cooperate. Just getting rid of the spinning toilet bowl that appears while loading the welcome screen requires you to break the protection on imageres.dll under system32 (and also SysWOW64 if running 64bit), and edit out the cursor bitmaps with a resource editor. You also need to take care of the regular aero spinning toilet bowl cursors. The easiest way to do that is to just break the protection on them and delete them from the Windows\Cursors directory.

>> No.289417
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Hiding the POST messages was relatively painless because it's running an EFI-based board. I just threw a pac-man backdrop in there and had it display that without any boot messages until the OS loads. It's capable of animation so I may experiment with that later.

BIOS-based machines can be somewhat easy if they allow you to install a custom splash screen (there's usually still boot messages but whatcanyado), to highly difficult if you actually have to mod the bios image to change the splash screen (did this once, never again), to downright impossible if it doesn't support splash screens at all.

>> No.289458

Did you look into booting hyperspin as a shell?

>> No.289847
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Naturally. That's only one step in the process if you actually want to completely hide the OS.

Shelling your UI means the desktop is never seen but everything before that still needs to be taken care of, including the mouse cursor.

>> No.289975

Did you try disabling the splash screen, and setting auto login?

>> No.289991
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I did all of this and more.

Well, actually I didn't disable the splash screen because you actually can't. The OS is still loading during that time; the splash sequence is not optional. You could remove the text and graphics to make it just a blank screen but then you're be staring at nothing with no indication that anything is happening... and that's no fun.

No, I replaced the W7 splash with a sprite and removed the Windows text from it. It'll also display the Welcome screen wallpaper for a bit regardless of whether you've set it to autologin, but all you need to do there is change that wallpaper to something arcade-themed.

Splash screen mods and autologin still don't affect the spinning cursor that appears as Windows boots. It'll show up anyway. You must hack resource files and delete/rename those cursor files to hide it. There's no other way.

Once the OS hiding work's all done you'll get a bootup sequence similar to this:


>> No.289994

Just wanted to say, good luck with your project OP, and that this board is awesome. I usually don't come here but I think this is easily the best board on 4chan.

>> No.289999


Note: It's overkill to have more than 3 action buttons for players 3 & 4 on a 4P arcade cabinet. There are games that use up to 8 buttons, but they support at most 2 players.

Mind you it's a different story if you emulate more than just arcade systems on it.

>> No.290005


Yeah, But I'd say at least six would be good if you begin emulating more recent systems. 3 punches and 3 kicks.

>> No.290634


How many six-button fighters are 4-player?