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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2846162 No.2846162 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is ground? do i just stick a wire in the ground? this shit is so stupid.

>> No.2846163

In electrical engineering, ground or earth may be a reference point in an electrical circuit from which voltages are measured, a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the Earth.

Grounding is the process of connecting a conductor or an electrical device to the earth, effectively providing a safe and stable path for excess electricity to escape. This reduces the risk of electrical shock, electrocution, and fires caused by unexpected voltage spikes or short circuits.

>> No.2846217

I don't know what you're working on, but I'm fairly confident you're going to sustain serious injuries, or die.

>> No.2846223

yeah that's basically it. ground is a reference point.

>> No.2846226

>do i just stick a wire in the ground?
yes, a ground rod preferably, google it

>> No.2846237

OP is working on his shitposting skills.

>> No.2846245
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Don't let these sparkles convince you to dig a hole, you can just hang a bit of dirt on the wall as a fail safe. Dirt naturally absorbs electricity, its why lightning goes downward most of the time.

>> No.2846264

its literally a wire that is stuck like 2m underground

>> No.2846268

how the fuck does that form a low impedence path

>> No.2846288

You bond it to the neutral of your power system in the US. In the EU they give you a separate ground wire that they bonded to neutral and grounded at the transformer.

>> No.2846289

Yes all wires in ground are connected. Does not need be very low resistance for safety. Yes it does not work in the desert unless very deep

>> No.2846297

the ground needs to be somewhat electrically conductive, so dry sand and dry rock do not work well.

>drill a 5' deep hole, then pound an 8' grounding round down it, pour a few gallons of concentrated brine around it.

>> No.2846398

That's too bad. I was hoping OP would sustain serious injuries, or die.

>> No.2846431

The Ground wire is what permits coherent light (electricity) by providing a parallel plane to guide it protected by the vibrational energy of Mother Gaia via the 36" long elemental silver rod buried deep beneath your hearth during the invocation rite for you hut or dwelling.

>> No.2846460

Aren’t we all from time to time?

>> No.2846474
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>just connect to ground, bro
>trust me, it's totally safe
>electricity will completely flow that way

What a scam

>> No.2846664

apparently it's full of negative charge

>> No.2846813

refer to article 250 of the NEC

>> No.2846815

This makes mustard gas. Don't do it

>> No.2847199

If so, what does propane burning freon create?

>> No.2847218

no that's wrong. ground contains an infinite number of everything.

>> No.2847229

> short circuits.
huh? how does grounding help?

>> No.2847246

Hey you found my stash of brown Mexican hashish!

>> No.2847273

Guys, why don't we just use our copper plumbing pipes as power delivery in your house? Seems like that'd cut down on unnecessary wiring in a lot of spots, especially rooms that already have plumbing in them.