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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2845884 No.2845884 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this stuff legal?

>> No.2845904

Explain why it shouldn't be.

>> No.2845915

>Why is this stuff legal?
>Explain why it shouldn't be.

In fact, explain why the government should have any say at all in whether a flooring product is legal or not. Seems like something they should have zero input on because fuck the government and fuck government overreach

>> No.2845918

What's wrong with it? Is that vinyl or laminate? I just had revwood premiere adobe oak installed in my basement, it's beautiful and no formaldehyde smell, and yes I had the air tested. It's great for relatively water proof flooring and areas that wood would get scratched and dented too easily.

>> No.2845925

this shit always reminds me of seeing dated 90s-built kitchens in the mid 2000s. the linoleum floors would start peeling up, and even if they didn't they looked like the shit you'd see in a dollhouse, not a real house. in 10 years trends will change and this type of flooring is going to look like linoleum and turn people away

>> No.2845941

I cant wait to introduce my lead line asbestos paneling on the market.

>> No.2845948

liberturdian demolished

>> No.2845950

and they're going to find something even worse

>> No.2845965

It's ugly.

>> No.2845982

Just needs some gaudy busy high contrast tile to complete the look

>> No.2845983

so what kind of flooring should i use?

>> No.2846012

>asbestos is bad because... because the government funded studies and government funded universities said it was bad!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2846015

Mine has soft spots in several places. Pried a piece up and there’s nothing but dusty sand shit under it. Do they really underlay it with cement board? Why did it crumble. Good thing I rent

>> No.2846041

We can't ban your mom

>> No.2846088

Ideally, ditra xl with all their own compounds and such with high quality porcelain or granite tiles, maybe even that fancy dekton stuff for flooring. Otherwise, carpet? hardwood (not engineering nonsense), or all else not permitting, high quality no formaldehyde laminate floors with really good prints and quality silent memory foam underlayment.

>> No.2846090
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Oh no, someone think of the children! Lets give away all our freedoms for the sake of the children!

>> No.2846098

Well yeah, but so are you, and we let you run around.

>> No.2846112

Big Brother knows whats best for you.

>> No.2846116

Asbestos has been a known hazard for thousands of years

>> No.2846269

> granite
Granite and other stone products emit radon gas and/or radiation, so you can’t allow any stone products to be used.

>> No.2846294

Lead is still permissible and is used for shielding and soundproofing

>> No.2846295

fiat currency has enslaved billions of people. things like hardwood furniture or hardwood floors, which were staples of middle class life just 70 years ago, are now only within the grasp of 7+ figure rich households.

>> No.2846376

Im 5 figure income and im putting oak floor in soon

>> No.2846379

Also 5 figure, I've got ash. Almost like if you do it yourself you can afford lots of things, but some people have problems with their narrative not being followed so they have to post crazy crap like that guy. Notice he doesn't even mention that oak and ash (which were the woods that were put into most houses 70 years ago) were also the cheapest ones you could get, and people looked at them like they look at engineered wood today. Just goes to show, be prepared!

>> No.2846503

Installed this for a client a year ago, they bough it themselves. got the whole floor done in two hours. had problem cutting holes in it for pipes and fittings because it's basically cardboard.

Lasted a year, damaged by the weight of furniture, wore out near door. It's a great way of delaying to have to pay for proper flooring for a year. if you're trying to live in a shed, and it's the insulation or the flooring, you buy this shit. Can't think of any other reason

>> No.2846527

have laminate plank flooring in my living room
8 years old and still good

>> No.2846542

>Otherwise, carpet?
Revolting show of poverty
Commieblock standard flooring. If they could have it you can have it and SHPULD have it.

>> No.2846794

The amount given off by granite flooring is less than you'd get flying for a few seconds at altitude.

>> No.2846797

Stratamat i better grampa

>> No.2846811

Enjoy your toxic fume inhalation death during the fire, bro.

>> No.2846823

It's probably much safer than aluminum fiberglass. On another note, WW3 battles will go much faster, in either direction in the usa and eu, because of the lack of asbestos.

>> No.2846843

>aluminum fiberglass

>> No.2846858

It's laminate not vinyl, if MDF/HDF fumes are deadly, we're all dead anyway.

>> No.2847234

it off gases formaldehyde

>> No.2847335

there are some non-formaldenhyde laminates and mohawk revwood line is one of the few.

>> No.2847554

Unironically garbage. I don't know why people put carpet in, the shit is absolutely the worst. Put in a regular floor and buy a fucking rug, ffs.

>> No.2847557
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Am a carpenter and have a real wood floor that I love, is a wood frame house with a wood foundation over packed Earth. And even I don't have a problem with this stuff. There are other choices than vinyl if you are not building with planks.

>> No.2847560


All the new builds I've worked on had a stone masonry foundation, concrete.

You can leave that bare, carpet, vinyl, real planks, tile, what have you.

Wood does last longer than concrete, but even stone crumbles.

>> No.2847561
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>All the new builds I've worked on had a stone masonry foundation, concrete.

You can leave it bare for a intended effect. Not bad, this is what a woodshop floor looks like. Kind of Spartan, but not ugly. Can be polished.

>> No.2847562
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>You can leave it bare for an* intended effect.

Rich people seem to like it, looks modern.

I'd prefer my wood floor to the concrete.

Some very old buildings have stone.

Does not look bad, pretty cool.

>> No.2847603

yeah but that's not the shit the majority of people use. It's the cheap, toxic shit from Bloews or JewDepot. Enjoy cancer. I hear it's fun,

>> No.2847608

My basement has tile on top of the concrete except in the laundry room and i dont really understand why they bothered

>> No.2847831

How does it hold up against moisture?

>> No.2847985
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>safer than aluminum fiberglass

rock and glasswool bade before 2002 or so is almost as cancerous as asbestos (has to do with the lengt and thickness of the fibres).

in 2002 the manufactures tweaked their machines to produce fiber geometries which can be removed by the body within a few weeks.
Old glass fibers last a few years and asbestos can never be removed by the body from the lungs.

>> No.2848338

Are you sure that's wood?

>> No.2848340

I have chestnut floors after having lived with carpet forever. If it's done well in specific rooms and not just "Beige/brown carpet on every square foot" it can be really nice.

>> No.2848341

I can't imagine why you would want polished cement in a living space over large format tile, stone, or wood.

>> No.2848901

Because it's cheap garbage made in China. The great enabler of landlord special flooring.

>> No.2848906

>you must buy the 1000x overpriced U.S made junk wood

I love the free market.

>> No.2848908

>Old glass fibers last a few years
fiberglass cant be removed by the body either, wait until you learn that mattresses are made with fiberglass that leaks out

>> No.2848921

fun fact: asbestos is still used
the only thing that has been changed is the amount that is needed to be inside of a material, before it becomes a hazard.

>> No.2848931

how do you determine what is harmful and what isn't?
vibes? I'm actually asking.

>> No.2848939

The solution to pollution will always be dilution

>> No.2850209

its gay

>> No.2850211

favorite anons of the day.

>> No.2850274

>>asbestos is bad because... because the government funded studies and government funded universities said it was bad!!!!!!!!!!
It:s dangerous when dismounted because the microscopic mineral fibers can damage your lung. The example you respond is BS anyway because the topic is floor not poison (wich you can rule out w/o any gouvernment just by - long long gone - commons sense).

>> No.2850281

>If this 0.25% chance occurrence happens, you'll wish you lived in a log cabin with all natural, unsealed finishes

Imagine letting thoughts like this affect you lmao

>> No.2850308

I think that's more to do with there just being less old growth forests in the US now.

>> No.2850314

Pvc is a carcinogen, contact with skin over and over leeches into your blood stream

That’s why it stopped being used as faux leather in the 90s…

Walking barefoot on your floor is basically an abrasive on pvc and the Vic’s are leeching into your home air

>> No.2850334
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fuck yessss
i knew it would come back into stock eventually

>> No.2850338

Is this true for laminate not vinyl flooring too?

>> No.2850764

>Asbestos is le bad because if you grind it up and snort the powder... It will make you sick!!!!
Yeah so will pretty much fucking everything maybe don't grind up construction materials and huff them????

>> No.2850773

Laminate uses melamine not vinyl/PVC.

>> No.2850934

I don't use that shit in my house. It's either ceramic/porcelain tiles or the good laminate or hardwood.

>> No.2852171

lots of pussies itt

>> No.2852182

No I have definitely seen PVC laminate flooring advertised.

>> No.2852212

new mineral wool rock and glass made after 2000 and made in Germany apparently can be removed by the body.
it has to do with the fiber geometry thickens to length ratio.
the third world probably still use the old machines the Germans sold off in 2000