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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2845803 No.2845803 [Reply] [Original]

>completely renovates an entire restaurant in one night
Literally how? Tv magic?

>> No.2845813

Yes it actually takes about a week

>> No.2845927

I hate this shit because it gives people who watch this shit unrealistic expectations as far as how long renovations actually take. All this crap about "it has to be done in the next 36 hours so our crew of prized Mexicans is going to work 24/7 to get it done". Fuck right off with this.

>> No.2845939

It's bullshit. It's always bullshit. Nothing you see on TV is real. The fact that you're not aware of this is concerning.

>> No.2845974

When I was a childe I always thought that if they did it in one night, then they did it wrong

>> No.2846001

I always took it to be in man-hours. From the look of things they basically do a very hard cleaning most of the time.

>> No.2846002

Reality TV is scripted.