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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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283040 No.283040 [Reply] [Original]

Some nigs next door have decided they are going to be very niggy pigs and play loud "music" which I do not want to hear. I have been next door to complain and they acted like chimps and turned the music up.

My plan is this:
Get a CB radio that works on the AM band and boost the signal till it interferes with their stereo. Every time their music is too loud all they will hear is the sound of me burping and farting and the music of beethoven

At least that is my plan. Problem - I am in the UK and since the 1980's legal CB radio is on the FM band and is lacking sufficient power to interfere with anything.

I am asking for two solutions from you.
Where in the UK can I buy an illegal AM Band CB radio?

If that is not possible how else can I acheive my objective of interfering with their stereo while having no access to their property?

I dont have much skill in soldering and dont know enough to build a transmitter unless that is simple
Thanks for any help

>> No.283052


I'm no expert, but there should be plenty of resources on the internet, and you can buy components from any decent electronics supply store. AM radio has been around for a long time, so it's pretty well documented. Just search up some of the amateur radio communities. Many of them build their own radios.

I must, however, point out a flaw in your plan: What's stopping your niggy neighbours from just turning off the radio and putting on a CD or mp3 or something?

>> No.283056

well I actually knew someone back when many cb'ers had illegal radios and whenever this thing transmitted it affected not just radio signals to tv and radio sets but also would affect the listening of records etc.
I was once with them at a petrol station and they said something on the radio and it actually broadcast over the garages tannoy system

>> No.283073

>AM band
>FM band

AM stands for amplitude modulation, FM stands for frequency modulation. These have to do with the meathod in which the signal is broad cast, not the frequency band. You can broadcast AM and FM on any band (if you ignore the law).

Also, don't expect DIY to help you break the law. /b is that way <-------

>> No.283097

/k/ might also be inclined to help, but don't listen to him about /diy/

>> No.283103

It's not actually against the law to buy them, nor is it against the law to sell them, and it's not against the law to talk about them, just to use them. So unless youre planning on turning up at my house for the lulz when i overdrive their equipment then nobody is helping me break the law

>> No.283110


Get big microwave, disable door mechanism and remove door, leave start button depressed.

Get a good distance away, plug in extension cord, have you some roast.

>> No.283200

theyd just throw in some leftover kfc and cut their watermellon on top of it

>> No.283237
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AM 26.965 to 27.405 has been legalised in UK. You can buy a dual band cb like TTI 550 or President Harry 2 off any cb shop. I won't give a business site because its against board rules.

>> No.283264

God, you european guys are such spineless pussy faggots I swear to god.

"Where can I legal this, legal that?"

"We can't have guns, they aint legal."

"But that's illegal."

Tired of those filthy obnoxious niggers and too pussy to DO something about it?

>"But that's illegal. :("

>> No.283268

Get a mobile cb radio, by a cheap amplifier (the chapter the better, actually) and an antenna. Aim the antenna or it as close to the speaker as possible. Hammer down and speak loudly. They call cheap amps "splatter boxes" because they literally splatter signal everywhere. However, if they're audio equipment is of high quality, it might not work because of built in rf protection. The signal you put out is being picked up through their speaker wires, the frequency channel doesn't matter.

>> No.283302
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>get a dozen big microwaves
>make magnetron gun
>make Faraday suit
>enjoy the hum as you microwave everything around you

>> No.283305

You mean linear amplifier.

Polite sage

>> No.283307

polite fail sage...oops

>> No.283316
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>1. Call police to report noise violation
>2. By law UK police must investigate and issue a warning if deemed sufficient disturbance
>3. If niggers continue, repeat steps 1-2
>4. Watch as niggers have stereo equipment removed by the police

U dense OP?

>> No.283319

If they're black just use a payphone to report drugs or domestic violence. Lords knows any stupid nigger that won't compromise with their white neighbor is into some illegal shit

They're niggers...

Capcha: mbackha n officer

>> No.283331

Yes and no.

Bandsplatter is common with poorly designed radio transmitters.

You're better off just buying an FM transmitter though.

>> No.283332

acoustic weapon

>> No.283338

put on your own music or use earplugs you lame-o

>> No.283791

Is it so hard to just communica-
> I have been next door to complain and they acted like chimps and turned the music up.
Nevermind, fuck them.

>> No.283802

Back to
with you, dipshit!

>> No.283820

Shit OP, wait for them to leave, sneak in through an open window or something, and smash the fuck out of it. Or just simply take in and throw it away in someone's trash.

How fucking hard is that?

>> No.283828

Call up a CB shop in the states, and tell them you want them to build a stryker radio for you, stupid powerful and all. This should solve your problem, but I'm not usre why niggers would be listening to am band radio. The UK is a strange and awkward place.

I'm glad radiofag showed up. I keep sending people over here from /o/, and wasn't even sure he was still around.

>> No.283833

or you know, call the cops for a noise complaint. Dipshit

>> No.283834

>buy radio from america
>tune everything to max(modulation,power,etc)
>clip audio limiters and whatnot
>drive into cookie-cutter class c amp with no filtering

Enjoy your splatter!

Or just call the police on them. That way you don't risk getting in trouble too.

>> No.283855 [DELETED] 

noise is not an issue for the police in the uk
since any legal action is a civil action not a criminal action
you have to go to the city council and we have tried that
and its a lons slow process and is costing us a lot of money to get it stopped
the council can issue an injunction against them playing loud music and it becomes a criminal matter if that injunction is ignored
but to reach that stage is long winded and costly

>> No.283856

noise is not an issue for the police in the uk
since any legal action is a civil action not a criminal action
you have to go to the city council and we have tried that
and its a long slow process and is costing us a lot of money to get it stopped
the council can issue an injunction against them playing loud music and it becomes a criminal matter if that injunction is ignored
but to reach that stage is long winded and costly