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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 185 KB, 1280x960, foam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
282857 No.282857 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/

I recently decided to put a foam topper on my bed. I had to cut the pieces in order to fit my mattress and now I have 2 pieces of foam that have no purpose. I'm too cheap to throw it away, so how can I re-purpose this foam?

Pic related, it's the foam.

>> No.282861

Make a cot? Headboard pad?

Camp chair?

>> No.282863

Cut to size, cover in a fabric, sew ties to one side and make some chair pads?

>> No.282865


>> No.282867

Only practical idea you're going to get.

>> No.282866


>> No.282868

only option. post pics when done

>> No.282878

OP here.

I like this idea. Looking into it now

>> No.282885


Don't look into it, do it.

>> No.282892

Keep it for padding the top of your car if you want to put couch or canoe or whatever up there.

>> No.282910


I am not magic, tripfriend. Need to look for inspiration.


Not a bad idea

>> No.282931


and you have to wear it whenever people invite you out and you have to always be late and when you show up say 'sorry guys i was a little tied up'

and when you go to restaurants you're only allowed to order bow tie pasta

beware op, the path in front of you is paved in ridicule and misunderstanding, but we here on 4chan will appreciate your sacrifice.

>> No.282962
File: 115 KB, 1280x960, Novelty Oversized Bowtie Inspiration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-Leftovers for sofa hauling/ect
B-Bowtie Inspiration
C-Probably waste

>> No.282995

Use a bit of it and form it into a neck pillow, cover in whatever choice of fabric.

Turn rest into giant bow tie as others have said.

>> No.282997

look into foam re-bonding or foam recycling, some places will give you money for waste foam some chemicals like you might want to look into a foam rebonding spray or maybe someone has a recipe for it here on diy

>> No.282999

Bow tie + 1

>> No.283023
File: 23 KB, 239x480, 1_foam_finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giant novelty USA #1 finger

>> No.283137

if you like fishing, carve some hundreds of bass or saltwater poppers on it.

>> No.283172

OP here,

It's memory foam with gel stuff in it so that somewhat limits what I can do with it. The bowtie would be all droopy and the finger wouldn't stay up so I'm not sure what I could use it for

>> No.283206
File: 52 KB, 740x633, Novelty Oversized Bowtie Inspiration Directions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The broomstick/pole holds the bow tie up, it keeps it from drooping

>> No.283221


use PVC pipe to retain a humorous level of droopiness.

>> No.283230


I'd need to use a belt to keep it on but that would add to the humor. Good ideas, guys!

>> No.283231

Post pics when you finish it. We'll be here.

>> No.283234

Sell it to these girls.


>> No.283451


Op here,

I'd rather swallow the foam than have to interact with these two autistic fur dikes. No thanks, anon. And shame on you for linking me to that video.

>> No.283564

make a LARPing weapon

>> No.283710


>droopy foam
>larping weapon

For some reason I'm just thinking of a huge, droopy, dildo.

>> No.283772

Make a boffer weapon and go play Dagorhir or Amtarg

>> No.283779

You could use it to upholster/reupholster some chairs you have.

Also, if you have enough space in your metal tool boxes, you can lay it on the bottom under a rag to cut down on some of the clanging that goes on in there.

>> No.284162

foam glider?

>> No.284182

they have a core, like a fiber glass rod or a bamboo rod inside so that doesnt happen.


>> No.284356


I'm so glad you know that.

>> No.284733

Well I've decided to wait for a few days and see if inspiration hits me. I would like to use the foam for a functional purpose before I make a bowtie out of it.

>> No.285139

form something in the shape of vagina - has many uses

>> No.285150

We get a thread a week here in /diy/ on how to make foam LARPing weapons and SCA weapons.

>> No.285163

LARP swords are more effective if you wire up the circuit from an electric fly swatter/ bug zapper to foil tape lines on the blade... Jussayin.jpeg

>> No.285202

use it for making your own fleshlight, or sex in a potty or whatever they are called

>> No.285229

No sex toys or aids. I have a girl friend that does all that for me. Thanks for the suggestions though!