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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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281646 No.281646 [Reply] [Original]

okay /diy/nosaurs,
I have a virtually unlimited supply of cardboard.
wat do?

>> No.281656
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>> No.281654

Make some cardboard furniture.


>> No.281660

Recycle it.

Have some good fires.

Its fucking carboard.

>> No.281658

nah i'm looking for something more creative. like an invention of some sort..

>> No.281661

Or recycle it for monies. In my area they pay like $75 dollars for a ton of cardboard.

>> No.281666

Srsly? Why don't you just go build a huge fire with the cardboard then go die in said fire.

>> No.281695

figure out a way to compress it into fire logs and sell it near campground to prevent emerald ash borer infestation in the area.

>> No.281751

search for "featherweight cosplay"

if you're not into it at least you can make cool looking shit

>> No.281834

I like this. Make your own brand of firelighters and put your face on the packet. Like really big as well. And wear a hat in the photo.

>> No.281881

maybe recycle into new paper

>> No.281906

Wet it down, let it dry -- it weighs more that way.
Sell to recyclers.
Get money.

>> No.281908

Life size cardboard t-rex!!

>> No.281929

>mass from nowhere

>> No.281937

Cardboard Warfare.

>> No.281961

Learn to Bboy

>> No.281969
File: 1.53 MB, 768x1024, DSCN0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make armor? I'll post the infographic for samurai armor.

>> No.281971

Alright, well someone already put it up.

Samurai armor.

>> No.282130

Make a bed out of it;
glue some parts together.
so u got a frame.
now: get a wooden board and put your matress on it.
(might work with bricks too)