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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 232 KB, 1080x1361, staircare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2807666 No.2807666 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread's hit bump limit >>2795713

Abominations Thread XLVI

'Because fuck you' edition

>> No.2807713
File: 86 KB, 700x1051, R(21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All fund and games until Grandma takes her ankle out

>> No.2807815
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>> No.2807820
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>> No.2808101
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>> No.2808147
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>> No.2808267
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>> No.2808276
File: 80 KB, 700x933, photo16195709404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ever got ridonkulously rich as fuck I'd build that in the backyard as a kids cubby house

>> No.2808290
File: 279 KB, 1060x1413, 1638154917013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2808298

Whats wrong with this? Its not a fantastic use of footprint space to maximize living space, but if its a studio, guest house/tiny house, or an office space why is this an abomination?

>> No.2808316

This is what the English call a folly building. It serves a purpose but it's purposes somewhat frivolous. Nothing wrong with it though. The one I saw on Grand designs was this building that used to house this guy's fossil collection because he was an amateur collector in the 1800s

>> No.2808374

that wouldn't even be bad if it weren't for the final step at the top of the pyramid. Without it, the space would bee a nice place for a little statue or something.

>> No.2808375
File: 214 KB, 386x387, cookieswithham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't real, it's AI, look at the plants

>> No.2808380

this isn't abomination, this is an unfinished shower surround and they put on ball valves so they could still use the water for grout/washing/etc without putting on the fixtures.

>> No.2808409

Someone fucking died there.

>> No.2808416

I swear I'm bitchslapping any dumb cunt I find pulling this off.

>> No.2808427

Maybe it can be lowered, when everybodys seated?

>> No.2808439

I've had some recliners where that actually could be pretty comfy as is

>> No.2808543
File: 168 KB, 1080x1053, 444753302_963594442439091_738024999398247806_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2808549

squito breeding pad

>> No.2808560

Kek, it's like those biohazard car auction listings.

>> No.2808612

The middle column is supporting a void. All columns are obviously stapled to the building, look at the gaps between the siding and the colums. For just a little bit of extra effort it would look a lot better.

>> No.2808616

Those movie posters are the most thing pissing me off in that pic for whatever reason

>> No.2808621

this chucklehead probably cut all the balusters the same length, then later realized the slanted ones needed to be longer to remain vertical. What are they, $2 apiece? He saved $50 by having a laughingstock for a porch. I'd pay $50 not to see that even once, let alone every time I go outside.

>> No.2808622
File: 169 KB, 1200x809, Header-L-316a743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not a real building, what you're seeing is a machine's lack of structural logic. Time to tighten up your AI detector.

>> No.2808623

my old geezer of a dog drowned in a fish pond like that, I'll never have one.

>> No.2808626

It's AI generated

>> No.2808632

>tv too high

>> No.2808648
File: 747 KB, 517x869, staystay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP geezer

>> No.2808676

They're decorative column covers over structural supports. Are you nitpicking design elements calling entire buildings abominations?

>> No.2808693

I'm guessing pre-fab

>> No.2808707

Thats probably not designed that way. Looks like a retrofit, putting an elevator in a pre 1900 building which lacks space.

>> No.2808737
File: 521 KB, 640x466, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, after another look I think you're right, there are marks where other balusters used to be. Explains the shallow angle compared to the stairs too.

>> No.2808840

my cat's would love this

>> No.2808843

baby head fit through that one at bottom

>> No.2808922
File: 798 KB, 2560x1437, 1717328961535794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2808932 [DELETED] 

keke holy fuck this one got me.

>> No.2808933

WTF ? 4" test fails. none of you anon's build commercial staircases for a living.

>> No.2808934 [DELETED] 

>hands the morning after you drink water in india

>> No.2808936

>Pulp Fiction
Possibly because they are the most normie movie enjoyer starter kit you can come up with. Those two alone piss me off, because I'm sick of seeing them. If it was Reservoir Dogs or Dusk til Dawn, that would be better.

>> No.2808937

That anon deserved his grade.

>> No.2808958

I want to know the story behind this one.

>> No.2808959

thats a good use of a small area of land, and would be much better than an apartment for a single person who cant afford a nice big house or wants to live simply.

>> No.2808960

Yeah what kind of stupid cunt likes good movies?
Fuckin assholes, how dare they....
No the problem with that room is the walls an ugly color and the carpet doesnt work at all and that TV is too high. And really its too small for having all those chairs in such a large area.

>> No.2808981

The glass would reflect the TV while you're trying to watch it.

>> No.2808985

Rustic charm :)

>> No.2808994
File: 1.34 MB, 1200x1500, 1707436509052204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange how nobody caught this.

>> No.2809003

Is it AI?

>> No.2809063

Too many for a single pic. Here are some of the 'quirks' of my house:

The previous owner of my house botched the entire addition. It's literally a box that's bolted on the side of the house. The carpet in the upstairs is rolled, because they cut it wrong. In fact, there are a ton of little problems that could have been prevented with "measure twice, cut once" and remembering the kerf. The entire addition isn't level with the main house. The lower level, the floor levels don't quite match up. The upper level I have to walk down 3 steps to get into the master bedroom. The steps aren't coped to accommodate the door frame, which extends all the way down to the floor, past the bottom of the door, for some reason. The foundation of the addition sits a full 8 inches below the main house foundation. The bathroom was refloor without raising the plumbing, that same bathroom has a full tub/shower without a p-trap (the trap is in the drain line downstream of the bathroom). The aforementioned trap was not an actual trap, but rather four 90s Then they built patio outside the addition, and then they put a roof overhang over the porch. But they put the roof supports on top of the railing. As in, the primary supports are coming up from the ground, through the walking surface, and up to the railing. Then the roof supports are mounted on top of that. As a result, they are bowing out. The joists for the deck run parallel to the house, and are bowing, and the rear deck is built at grade level, and they didn't even use deck screws for most of it - they used nails. So a lot of those nails have rusted through and aren't doing anything.

>> No.2809090

no we saw, somebody was commenting on how fucked up it is.

>> No.2809177
File: 262 KB, 1536x2048, 445502629_10161870518497884_8900255881687110936_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2809192

Holy bright lit raised door, batman!

>> No.2809216

Holy hekkin cute & valid 'lil bright lit raised door, batman!

>> No.2809228

Holy brightmaxxing litcel raisedpilled doororino, batchud!

>> No.2809261

It's really good AI but a couple of things give it away.

> Left tree truck is all wonky

>Branches are going in the wrong direction. Look at the top left branch that should be headed right but is instead headed backwards.

>Front part of the top of the roof has an artifact creating a subtle line in the trees. Blur your eyes and you should see it too.

>Porch chair has different arm rests and it's directly in front of a door.

>Bottom of the stairs aren't level with the ground.


>> No.2809321

>Noooooo you HAVE to have your chin on your chest to watch movies
come on man some of us want to be abl3 to recline while being above 5' tall.

>> No.2809322

>he doesn't have a roll-out ladder and second story door for his bedroom

>> No.2809453

nope, it's >>2808693. They just bought assembled sections from home depot and thought they worked on stairs too. We see stuff happen like this all the time when a home owner or property manager thinks they're a GC.

>> No.2809544
File: 921 KB, 1500x1342, pool0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2809551

Is that the door Mr. Bean steps out of?

>> No.2809554

Project Zomboid base headass

>> No.2809573

surely if you have the money for that house on that property you have the money to do a slightly nicer looking stilt-pool

>> No.2809610

>surely if you have the money for that house on that property
What do you mean "that house" on "that property"? its a basic box with a reverse gable because roof leaks are desireable. And its on a hillside with dense green trees, so maybe kentucky? elsewhere appalacia? We have no idea if he's on half an acre of useless hillside or 4000 acres of ranch. Either way, nothing about the house or land screams expensive high end. Those rock baskets acting as a privacy screen are cheap as shit too; just steel cages with rocks in them.

>> No.2809612

Rich people love those baskets full of rocks, wtf are you talking about.
>Large patio overlooking a hillside
>Steel and glass motif
>Paved walk through the extensively lamdscaped garden
>Is that a hot tub that the path leads to?

Very obviously the home of a wealthy person, unremarkable though the structure may be.

>> No.2809620

>Rich people love those baskets full of rocks, wtf are you talking about.
They're used by cities and commercial properties as soil errosion, they're inexpensive but high profit, and they look ugly as shit because they're the same things they used in military bases as explosion barriers. As someone that lives in a rich as fuck area, no, rich people do not love these mostly because they're ugly and cheap looking.

I already explained the patio and hillside, patios aren't expensive, and hillside land is sometimes seriously cheap because its nearly unusable. See the redneck pool in a shipping container held up by plain I-beams

Steel and glass isn't expensive, its often inexpensive for builders to rapidly put up. What makes you think anything involving steel and glass is expensive?

Paving in the garden? Lol they poured a concrete sidewalk! Its not even stamped and stained concrete. Looks like a plain broom finish.

Hot tubs aren't expensive either. Maybe $10k for a good one. Whats your point? Thats not a sign of wealth. I guess if your standard of living is a double wide trailer with garbage and derelict cars in the yard this place is a palace, but overall these are average grade construction items.

>> No.2809637

The richest cities near my major metro areas all have very many houses that use those caged rocks in their landscaping. I know because I have worked on some of their homes. What can I conclude other than that the homeowners like them?
It's not that any components of that house are inherently costly, Anonymous. It's just that the non-wealthy aren't going to be spending very much money them.
>Oh I need a path through my garden
>Pour cement? Nah just lay down some black landscape paper or something

>I want a hottub
>Buy a used one on craigslist and not the artisinal one in that photo

>I need a railing on the walkway to my pool
>No, I don't need glass; just use treated wood

and I see very, very few homes with large porches. They're seen as a luxury in my part of the world. Most homes have some kind of porch, but almost never along an entire face of the home.

>> No.2809640

>my major metro areas all have very many houses that use those caged rocks in their landscaping.
Do you live in Los Angeles or Baghdad?

And yeah, thats how home ownership works. Some people are content with some paver stones instead of a poured cement. Paver stones actually cost more because its the same prep, but you have individual stones, plus filler aggregate.
Thats not an artisnal hot tub either. Its a super tiny round one; see the person standing next to it. You could fit at most 3 people in it. Its a tiny piece of shit.
And with the amount of glass on that minimalist house and similar Steel I-beam construction, the glass guy was already there. Those glass panels are a few thousand installed. Versus Stained cedar of a similar size would be a couple thousand.

Some homeowners will splurge on shit thats important to them, doesn't mean they're rich. And since that style trend has been a thing for over a decade, prices have come down since tempered glass isn't some new material.

You're over-estimating that house and that property in general. Again, basket of rocks, steel i-beams, glass, and the tiniest hot tub on a hillside do not make a millionaire. Nicer than a doublewide for sure, but this isn't some super high end custom house.

>> No.2809651

I live in the midwest. I'm rather poor but my home isn't a trailer. I wouldn't dream of buying a hot tub, or owning a pool, or landscaping my garden to look so neat, or building a full-length porch. The money just isn't there. I've got more important things to spend it on, like my rusting car and my aged mother.

>thousands of dollars
>on twenty linear feet of railing
>somehow this isn't a sign of wealth
$300 will easily cover the cost of an equivalent railing in the favored material of my local hoi polloi, green treated lumber.

Clearly, you and I just have different ideas about what's expensive, and that's fine -- it just means you're probably wealthy too! I'm really rather jealous.

>> No.2809655

Buddy, $300 is comparatively pennies when owning a house. If you're not in horrendous debt and you're making it work I'm not picking on you. But $300 for railing is going to look like $300 of railing. $3000 for some glass railing looks so much better and will last much longer than $300 railing. Also, check the price of wood and screws. You'd spend $50 alone on screws for such a railing.

>> No.2809656
File: 498 KB, 1227x1348, AL SWEARENGEN 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the elevator leads to stairs......

>> No.2809658
File: 87 KB, 430x589, immunity cat 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking bastard

>> No.2809664
File: 57 KB, 598x340, stress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do i come in these threads ngaaaaaaaaaaAAA!
My landlord has had some ideas, but they are all shit.
The stairs have a quarter spiral at the bottom but this makes it difficult to get anything up them, so he made the bannister removable, but it's made of thick heavy steel box section. it might actually weigh like 100kilos. it's so heavy.
Everything else is just a bit ... off.
Kitchen lino is wavy as a stormy sea. roof on extension leaks. bathroom has one of those shit glass door things on the bath/shower, barely stops water- it still gets everywhere and it collides with the sink every time you open it (i can't wait for it to shatter so i can put in a curtain).
Most lights are those stupid spotlight things, they are all falling down, i already replaced one with a normal single bulb.
Pro tip: waste more than 4 times as much energy to light your room by using a spotlight lamp with 4 filament bulbs instead of one LED bulb.
The kitchen is just weird too. it has no space for a bin, the sink is half blocked by the corner counter, like the actual bowl of the sink is in a corner.
He made built in cupboards in the small bedroom, but the doors are just shitty thin plywood and so have warped and don't fit properly.
He added a loft ladder but the hatch doesn't fit properly either so in the winter you just get massive condensation, to the point of RAIN, inside the loft space.
I have learned the hard way not to put any effort into a house you do not own.

>> No.2809675

cobblestone is the worst looking brick in minecraft

>> No.2809677

>why do i come in these threads
I come to these threads to click pictures, not read a poorly written book of whines. Post some pictured dickass.

>> No.2809684
File: 429 KB, 1536x2048, 447660393_7832304376836337_6753631205013541292_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2809688

Not even good AI.

Try to make out any single object in the picture.

Look at any "fine detail" and it'll have the typical AI artifacting. Shingles on the house in the background. Grass. Leaves. Bark on the tree trunks. It's all fried to hell.

Not to mention all the geometry issues you pointed out.

>> No.2809715

that's not ai, the image is just insanely overexposed

>> No.2809726
File: 1.95 MB, 1024x1024, 00057-3633029949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, you are in severe danger of being bamboozled in other areas. Get stable diffusion running, generate a few thousand pictures, teach your brain to recognize what's not real. It will run in the background.

>> No.2809776
File: 121 KB, 900x1013, look normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm? low pattern recognition? sure you're not ... a normie?

>> No.2809862

I'll go snap a few of the deck situation, you worthless bundle of ugly sticks. Don't go anywhere.

>> No.2809868
File: 1.26 MB, 1576x2662, 1696150196060514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally wtf. Also note the direction of the walking surface planks.

>> No.2809870


>> No.2809878

Looks like an average joe put it together, this isn't an abomination. Why wouldn't you have the deck planks oriented that way?

Some of you people are posting normal pics calling it an abomination when in reality you don't even know what you're talking about let alone photographing the thing you're trying to point out.

>> No.2809929
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>> No.2809932


>> No.2809973
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>> No.2810021

honestly my biggest concern is the splinters you'd get walking barefoot on those steps.

>> No.2810031

it's not drunk people safe at all, one stumble or heavy lean into the wrong part would collapse it. Also, I don't see any nails or screws holding the wood parts together, imagine suddenly changing direction, like dodging something thrown from the pool while you're running up the steps, but the board slides off the 4x4 posts and takes your leg between the steps as you fall. You'd have to walk like an old woman on those stairs or you'd break a hip.

>> No.2810040
File: 86 KB, 700x933, because_fuck_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810041
File: 48 KB, 700x692, eww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810042
File: 395 KB, 530x405, Renovations_Scotland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810043
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>> No.2810044
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>> No.2810045
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>> No.2810046
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>> No.2810047

Are those bottles empty?

>> No.2810055

diesel most likely, cooking oil, or possibly just piss

>> No.2810067


idk who's worse, the code enforcement that demanded that be put in or the installer.

>> No.2810074

So in some jurisdictions a wide staircase is just banned?
The installer did the only reasonable thing, since the top is less wide than the bottom treads. The place that has this could put up a no entry ribbon over the wide lower step's path to nowhere.

>> No.2810098
File: 439 KB, 1080x1440, 444935337_861917012639585_6708367297140502906_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810107

What state is that? Assuming USA?

>> No.2810108
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>> No.2810112
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>> No.2810122

A bottle a day Keeps the catalytic thief away

>> No.2810135 [DELETED] 

im mostly disgusted by the waste of 4x4s...just make it narrow enough for the boards to span, or just use the blocks because none of that shit is treated anyway and its gonna be fucked in no time. if they are fat enough to actually need the 4x4s, the webs are just going to break anyway.

>> No.2810137

>way of the road bubs
i guess we need /pjg/ part 3

>> No.2810152
File: 685 KB, 2173x1081, barro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this at the junkyard today. Dare I say, based?

>> No.2810153

What's wrong with it?
It's a trailer park but as a roof that looks fine.

>> No.2810156

>each step is waist high to a toddler
imagine not being 6'2 and needing to actually ascend those

>> No.2810159
File: 5 KB, 206x245, it hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could literally just change the position of the lower rail and they would fit vertically. better yet actually set the top rail to match the step slope and bottom rail at vertical balusters length. jfc such and easy fix with the least bit of consideration.

>> No.2810161

unbalanced load of death

>> No.2810162

>wood costs more than the pool

>> No.2810164

my kids would love this

if it's a hospital, old folks home, government building etc. hell any kind of public space even if private it's a better idea than having a fall lawsuit.

>> No.2810165

>what color shingle?

>> No.2810173

every piece of wood in the angled sections is too short to so this

>> No.2810178

not abomination at all actually good scrapper engineering

>> No.2810180
File: 186 KB, 1024x681, 1706525573130369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government building etc. hell any kind of public space
These are stairs outside of an art museum. Should they get a big ass railing every 6 feet across?

>> No.2810186

>it really ties the room together

>> No.2810188

Is that the Rocky one?

>> No.2810204

as someone who swims laps, that's very cool

>> No.2810270

Truly disgusting

>> No.2810272

they probably have a cripple ramp on the side or something.
or at least some sort of handicap access

>> No.2810280

who do I blame for this? hillbilly rednecks or insufferable woke hipsters?

>> No.2810290

I've done this once. We had a surplus of extra shingles from past jobs that we couldn't return and were collecting dust in the warehouse. Some old client hag we knew from ages ago wanted a new roof. She didn't care about the color as nobody could see the roof shingles from the road or from her neighbours. We unloaded new old stock and she didn't know any better.

Shows up on google maps tho.

>> No.2810293

>I am unable to climb stairs because reasons do you have an elevator?

>> No.2810294

I feel like this could kill you

>> No.2810314

I'm with >>2810153 & >>2810290
Clearly low income trailerpark, if they could save $1000 by using whatever the fuck leftover shingles from other jobs the contractor or supply warehouse had then its not an abomination. Shitty job on that ridge cap but otherwise who cares?

>> No.2810323

It's not about the vague $300
It's about the $300 after putting in all the rest of the money to build your house

>> No.2810324

Literally just sponge painting it the Colo of the stone would be plenty

This is low-key genius

>> No.2810329

>It's about the $300 after putting in all the rest of the money to build your house
huh? Houses are basically money pits. There is always something that needs fixing, altering, maintaining, fuckin whatever. If you didn't have to do it this week it'll come up next month. If you neglect shit for months it turns into tens of thousands in repairs sometimes. I know this is /diy/ but its highly improbable 2 people are capable of doing everything conceivable for repairing, renovating, or maintaining on a house.

>> No.2810490

Either someone brewed too much Lipton lemon tea with Kermit or they had a gush moment in what they thought was a jacuzzi

>> No.2810497

Normally Home Depot's skilled carpenters just screw little blocks under the treads and use the uncut stringers as skirt boards.

>> No.2810501

you are retarded, wood is infinitely adjustable
just move the piece of wood parallel to the railing and suddenly the small pieces are not too short

>> No.2810502

If you could rack the railing and balusters to pitch, the lower rail still needs to be withing 4" of the stairs. But the sections are too short now so just build it right the first time instead of hiring a hack.

>> No.2810503

Then how about $30,000 for a marble slab railing, capped with copper? You're not poor are you?
$30,000 isn't very much money, after all -- really not in the "wealthy" territory at all -- and it'll last much longer and the patina on that copper will be just lovely.

>> No.2810504

eh, not really. I mean yes there is maintenance that needs doing but if you built it right to begin with it will need only limited maintenance, and the parts that need maintaining will be easy and cheap to fix/replace.
The constant maintenance thing comes from repeatedly cutting corners or shitty design.

>> No.2810537

This is fucking cool. I would ditch the glass, and replace it with some kind of wood railings
>steel supports
>concrete foundation
Looks good to me. Not like the usual redneck engineering we see in these threads.

>> No.2810539
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>> No.2810549

This is fine for us Englishers, cause we do left foot right foot. but if not UK and do right foot first left foot then gona be a stupid. Keeping it up hard

>> No.2810552

I'm having a staircase like this installed to keep midgets out.

>> No.2810557
File: 88 KB, 852x511, Screenshot_2024-06-09_13-25-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they probably have a cripple ramp

>> No.2810610

I think you've had enough to drink tonight, anon.

>> No.2810768

do you want them to destroy the old world faster than they already are?

>> No.2810830

>Buddy, $300 is comparatively pennies when owning a house.
And a single piece of railing is comparatively nothing when building a house.
If you're gonna inflate the price of every non-crucial component by 10x, and maybe 10% of the house is "non-crucial" (e.g. pool railings, garden paths - stuff you can compromise on without making the house worse to live in, so for example not the roof or the plumbing etc.), then you've nearly doubled the cost of the house by making those 10% cost another 100% of the original budget.

You don't just do that on a whim unless you actually have 200% budget sitting around.

>> No.2810832

I think it's cute

>> No.2810838

>fall out of the pool

>> No.2810881

Those steps are floating too lol

>> No.2810882

>when you build a house in valheim before you unlock the pickaxe

>> No.2811149
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>> No.2811150
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>> No.2811152

>fall out of the pool
That takes a special level of stupid

>> No.2811155

>Strange how nobody caught this.
Humans can create dumbass arrangements of pillars. No need for an LLM.

>> No.2811266

When you really need to keep out the disabled.

>> No.2811285
File: 90 KB, 720x629, 448175271_864032302431618_5615806834620050468_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2811303

Those steps don't have to comply with building code because they are existing steps that pre-date the code. You wouldn't be allowed to build a new set of steps like that now.

>> No.2811323


>> No.2811324

Do you frequently jump 2 feet over the water line like a dolphin?

>> No.2811340

genera, pronounced gen-era, is the ai-generated equivalent to genre.

>> No.2811416

while this looks terrible whoever did the tile work was a certified master of the craft

>> No.2811450

this is simple, an abomination, yes, but logical: owner dont want the water to come inside because the floor is below the surface.

>> No.2811464

It's not real, it's AI

>> No.2811482
File: 698 KB, 1920x610, trailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeez just rent a trailer from uhaul

>> No.2811486

woah its like a fossil

>> No.2811748

The small step would be more than enough to stop light rainwater from flowing in (also a simple raised doorsill would do the same job).
If bigger flooding is a concern, that tall step is absolutely not sealed against the walls anyway, any water level going up above the lower step would just flow into the door through the cracks on the sides between the step and the doorframe.

It really looks like the owner literally just doesn't want wheelchair users to come inside.

>> No.2811754

should've been transparent, with blue led lighting from behind

>> No.2811777
File: 255 KB, 1284x1734, 448184394_482804640938405_280613626654628911_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2811779
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>> No.2811796

or just rent one from Home Depot while you're there

>> No.2811801

TV too high sub reddit seething.

>> No.2811802

That's actually a based way of getting water you need before the job is done

>> No.2811816

Anyone have the vid of a car with PVC pipe going through both sides, it hit a power pole or something and shatters the pipes

>> No.2811818

Here in Maine we call that the Marden's special.

>> No.2811820
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>> No.2811822
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>> No.2811823
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>> No.2811833

Not pictured; all the scalpers, scammers, homeless meth addicts and pretzel stands. Fantastic armoury though, stuff in there I’ve never seen in such good condition.

>> No.2811902

If there were a bed to lay down on and comfortably look upward it wouldn't be so bad...
... Like that exactly.

>> No.2812075

>Buy a truck they said.
>So you can haul stuff, they said.
But, being an euro station wagon master race, what really grinds my gears is that only the biggest station wagons have a 2 m trunk when folded down and you can simply load 2.5 m by folding down to passenger seat too. I’m not as bad as the pictures, but damn, does that make loading shit needlessly complicated and unsafe.
(Well, at least a truck would t work either. They also don’t have 2 m. Sprinter is where it’s at!

>> No.2812103
File: 50 KB, 800x1056, 448121704_810353591196622_6011381448820177927_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2812106
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>> No.2812158

impressive tile work.

>> No.2812159

I guess that is "art"

>> No.2812174

The first one? Probably.
(That looks surprisingly clean. Being out drinking with my buddies after climbing, we’d all go > challenge accepted! And try to piss in that)
The second one seems like someone build a Kotzbecken on a budget. At least the label on it says what it is.
> https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speibecken

>> No.2812176

A lot of those doors reveal an extensible chain hoist boom arm to lift equipment like air handlers and compressors.

>> No.2812178

It's the fact that the load bearing posts don't anchor straight into a ground footing... the terminate on the railing. At least it looks like he matched it with another 4x4 directly beneath it.

>> No.2812179

You don't know they're load bearing, but quite the autismal catch I guess.

>> No.2812303

if you pinch the end of your dick just right and push, you could piss into this from the ground. You can also push pee into your balls though, so be careful if you try this.

>> No.2812335

You just angle it in the bed.

>> No.2812405

This feels like a video game model. Someone moved/scaled the wall around but didn't notice it is clipping through the stairs

>> No.2812424

High Stakes Pissing

>> No.2812435

Apparently that's a vomit bowl in a German pub's bathroom

>> No.2812458

You could put trophies on that or something and shove your wife into them to impale her. She just tripped officer.

>> No.2812460

>Mom found my piss bottles

>> No.2812472

rockabilly landscaping

>> No.2812476

rock climbers bathroom

>> No.2812527

what is supporting that roof, looks like a sampson tie resting on the railing

>> No.2812528


>> No.2812543

The "people" who did this deserve summary execution

>> No.2812566
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>> No.2812618
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>> No.2812833

It's sitting on top of the main support. But it should be tied to the main support at the walking surface, not at the railing.

>> No.2812834

I, the owner of the house, can tell you they absolutely are load bearing. What you are looking at is one of four posts holding up the roof over that section of porch

>> No.2812855

>I, the owner of the house
Did you build the deck, or did you buy the house knowing it has improper supports? Also, if that exterior wall to the right is a load bearing wall, those 4" posts aren't bearing much load and you're sperging out over nothing.

>> No.2812869

I bought the house not knowing what I was looking at. Now I do. I don't know how much load that wall is bearing, because I didn't build the addition, or the porch coming off of it.

>> No.2812872

>I don't know how much load that wall is bearing
Theres where you made an assumption. You assumed the deck was bearing the load of the entire exterior wall. When in reality it was the wall and those 4x4 posts are just holding up a tiny section of the roof that is otherwise cantilevered.

Protip: if you ask 5 tradesmen or 5 contractors about a specific issue, all 5 will say "the last guy did it wrong". Contractors smell their own farts for fun, and are usually wrong, but also kinda right. If the place isn't falling down, out of code, or kinda dangerous to be near, its fine. Stop pretending its an abomination when in reality that roof is holding UP those posts, and its not really resting down on them.

>> No.2812879

Then why are they bowing outward?

>> No.2812881

Are they actually bowing out, an effect of the camera lens, or just kinda installed crooked and not actually supporting anything anyway?

>> No.2812887

I walk by them every day. They are definitely bowing out. Though, if I'm being honest, since I don't know how the roof was built, I can't really speak to your third listed alternative.

>> No.2812940

Why the hell did you buy the place?

>> No.2812941

It should be tilted so you're still looking at it straight-on center from your most common seating position if it's up that high.

>> No.2812943

>Four-poster bathtub

>> No.2812983

a homeless shelter near my usual bar has a door like this. oddly enough, so does the bar. my theory is they used to have balconies but had to tear them out since they're too close together, but the doors remain due to laziness

the shelter has boards on its, but ive heard the bar actually did put up a real wall on the inside the door to nowhere. but why they didnt remove the door is beyond me

>> No.2812986
File: 978 KB, 750x876, memes made reail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the allen key is normal
>the wood peg is just drawn in shitty perspective not broken perspective
what a gyp

>> No.2813012


>> No.2813020

i remember these fuzzy toilets were super popular in the 90s. as a kid i never understood why and was bewildered how stuff like that pic didnt happen more often

same for those shitty padded vinyl seats. they were always gross from butt sweat, let alone poop/pee stains

>> No.2813055
File: 171 KB, 1195x1207, 448391983_814422210687789_5841234236678184702_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2813066

>how a gigchad hides fuel in rocket based vehicles in ksp

>> No.2813068

I would see shit like this in south texas but with a retard hauling a pallet of concrete

>> No.2813107
File: 186 KB, 945x540, lead-acid-ups-batteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could also be for delivering large items that won't fit up a stairwell, such as a second floor piano, or battery backup machines for a webserver. I can think of two buildings at work that have these 2nd floor doors to outside. One has a piano in a 2nd floor auditorium, the other opens to a room full of basically pic related.

>> No.2813114
File: 73 KB, 960x720, 448251455_859373082901748_8148459178589000669_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2813121


>> No.2813147
File: 108 KB, 1168x1531, 448430402_484521337433402_5665846257407578784_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2813149

Is this a result of code saying you cannot hang pipes below the joists?

>> No.2813306

It's still a house. And somebody is going to be as stupid as I was when they buy it in a few years for 60% more than I paid for it. And I intend to fix a few of the things I mentioned. And it's my first house, so I didn't know what I was looking at most of the time.

>> No.2813320

Holy fuck why.

Some HVAC retard cut the supporting joists for a load bearing wall in multiple places in my house and I want to cut their 1940s brake lines

The wall has sunk 3.5" from where it's supposed to be

>> No.2813451

The allen key and wood peg both have the same perspective problem

>> No.2813560

Hope you don't have a hangover Monday morning

>> No.2813562

LGTM but there's a bit of a disconnect in my head where it doesn't feel like that support should be enough for that amount of water

>> No.2813586
File: 489 KB, 781x1182, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worse part of this picture desu

>> No.2813587

This is genius
>elevator in garage
>enter house in car in garage and use elevator
>solicitors have to climb 20 steps to bother you

>> No.2813589

probably cocaine dissolved in gasoline

>> No.2813626
File: 65 KB, 1079x1409, 448123640_7664548523634029_1737858329436964134_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2813669

>when the nigger rig takes more effort than the real solution >>2813626

>> No.2813677

Install a roof using free samples!

>> No.2813683
File: 188 KB, 1080x1068, 448394608_374470335646487_1302007888017488218_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2813696

I refuse to believe this is a real image from the 90s where the driveway is a 40 degree slope.

>> No.2813746

Did the excavate the hill to be that steep?

>> No.2813747

>No curtain
>Literally everything outside the tub is thick carpet
How to make mold in three easy steps.
I live in a 40 year old mobile home that used to have carpet in the baths.
Shitcanned it because I couldn't take the smell anymore.
Just running a hot shower everyday for a couple months was enough to make it rank in there.

>> No.2813749 [DELETED] 

Some shitskin's attempt to fool the drug dog, I'm guessing.

>> No.2813751


>> No.2813754

As a Fellow South Texan, I believe you.
Once saw some retards load a Ford pickup with a fuckton of plywood.
Did they use straps like sensible people to keep it in place?
Nope. They sat a 300 pound fat chick on top of it and hit the road.
I wish I had a picture of it.
Saw those dipshits again a few months later. She was sitting on the toolbox in the bed.
Turns out, she was too fat to fit in the truck to begin with.

>> No.2813762

Imagine rolling out the red carpet every morning.

>> No.2813809
File: 52 KB, 579x720, 448607358_7612855585478899_1641878001026351539_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2813810


>> No.2813842

Oh shit I work in Fayetteville. I'll drive by that sometime. The article says they regraded it all but still.

>> No.2813850

Nah that rocks, futuristic egg shitter is a hella vibe

>> No.2813864

Didn't the creator of this use animals as batteries at one point?

>> No.2813867

>the poster
Worse than the diy

>> No.2813928

just throw a culinex tablet in there every other week

>> No.2813930

Or a quart of used motor oil twice a year.

>> No.2813936

>boomer puts carpet in basement
>basement floods
>boomer's wife takes pictures of the water damage
Not exactly riveting but still a better love story then Twilight.

>> No.2813938

Got an actual source on that or are you making up this story? Because none of that looks like a basement flood, or a basement.
>t. midwesterner with a flooded basement

>> No.2813944


That was a funny thread and I love 3d printers and still think hard-core printer nerds are retarded

>> No.2813947


Most SUVs nowadays can fold down the back rows of seats which just makes for a really big trunk.

Station wagons are pretty dead in the US unless you want to call crossovers one (I guess they're getting there). It's funny how my mother complains about how even when she was in school in the 70s her friends made fun of her for driving a station wagon

>> No.2813952


> homeless shelter and alcoholic gathering spots have suicide doors

Now that's what I call based, although I suspect a proper drunk could just walk out of one on thin air like in the Looney Tunes.

>> No.2813956

I too am from Maine.
Kennebec county
Can confirm.
My father in law has shingles 5 layers thick.

>> No.2813957

Reminds me of the time I bought a 32'' CRT TV off craigslist. It was at literally the only house in the road with a sloped driveway and stairs at the front door, nearly fucking killed myself getting it into my car.

I still have and use that TV though, it was worth it.

>> No.2814035

>none of that looks like a basement flood, or a basement.
Now that you mention it, I went back and took a longer look at the photo. What I thought was stairs down was in fact just another type of flooring. I thought the mess in the distance was basement clutteresque. My revised estimate is basement apartment, leaking roof or flooded 2nd floor bathroom.

>> No.2814054


>> No.2814064

At least there's a nice pile of sharp bricks to break your fall if it fails.

>> No.2814124

>put too many towels in washer, set to 2 spin cycles
>kill yourself in a way befitting a tom and Jerry cartoon because you went downstairs at the wrong moment to get a glass of milk

>> No.2814129
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>> No.2814140

>made fun of her for driving the ultimate sex wagon
Their loss!

>> No.2814147

>You wouldn't be allowed to build a new set of steps like that now.
That's dumb. So we just can't have cool buildings anymore?

>> No.2814150

4 mommy

>> No.2814153



>> No.2814364

ah, the fuck you cyclist hitch

>> No.2814366


Who's going to stop me, the stair police? I ascend as I please

>> No.2814417

my guess is a leaky trash bag, on top of the cardboard in the background, for a week or three. Someone finally takes the stinky leaky bag out, the contents have run off and underneath the cardboard, so they drag the now-moldy cardboard away, and the fluid pooled on top of the cardboard runs off the edge and makes the puddles near the blue curtain. Meanwhile the trash juice that was underneath the cardboard slides off on the carpet as it's being dragged, making the rake-shaped pattern on the left with the white shower curtain ring on top of it. All of it still very stinky, but let's say a mixture of beer, barbecue sauce and coffee; it's definitely not the right color to be blood.

>> No.2814503
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>> No.2814504
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>> No.2814509

in case anyone doesnt know what this is like me

>> No.2814513

>Reservoir Dogs
lol, youre not allowed to call other people normies.

>> No.2814515
File: 830 KB, 300x221, IBN2l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>fall out of the pool

>> No.2814516


>> No.2814518

a vampire took this photo!

>> No.2814520

no cross bracing
Get a few waves going in the water and the whole thing'll be thrown off-kilter

>> No.2814524
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>> No.2814527
File: 743 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_1372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some OC. helped my dad build a deck for his trailer one summer. we finished the floor right before i left for school. came back next year and he put the railings and roof on but its all fucked up. not sure how we're gonna fix it.

>> No.2814529

lol, looks like whoever built my back porch struck again

>> No.2814530

Pull that shit down and start again.

>> No.2814531

youre suckin the glass dick you think im doing that.

>> No.2814533

ML bullshit is cheating.

>> No.2814539

Would you rather it collapse on your old man while he's enjoy a miller high life? 'sides, it'd be a nice father-son bonding experience

>> No.2814549

>Would you rather it collapse on your old man while he's enjoy a miller high life?
he doesnt even use it! i spent weeks building that shit in the hot texas sun, and the bitch has been cluttered with tools and junk for years! the furniture shoved into a corner, unusable!
i built the floor. is it the prettiest deck floor in the world? no, but at least its sturdy and doesnt sag six fuckin inches. then he goes and fucks up the roof. and then he doesnt even use the thing. if he wants me to build a solid roof, fine, but he can take down his garbage himself. otherwise we're jacking it up with a 4 by and calling it a day.

>> No.2814597

the flood of bullshit laps at your toes, deniers be like >>>/wsg/5585563

>> No.2814609

God bless 4bys.

Also, I take it you guys forgot to tell the county about your building plans?

>> No.2814672
File: 290 KB, 889x711, ac_has_teh_gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a home inspector go over a duplex prior to making an offer, apparently the AC in the attic was disconnected and a new one installed in the second bedroom closet, with no return ducting just a grill installed in the closet and bedroom doors. fucking boomers

>> No.2814769
File: 55 KB, 736x552, meat go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but where does the heat go?

>> No.2814802
File: 925 KB, 826x686, ac_compressor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where does the heat go
outside, to keep the lizards and bugs warm

>> No.2814805
File: 305 KB, 1000x839, tahoto-chion-in-kyoto-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is japanese inspiration.

>> No.2814810

That's clearly Australia

>> No.2814816

Lmao. Too much weight is obviously on that poor 2x4. You have a few options:
>Replace it with a 4x4
>Add cross braces
>Add 2 more pillars (you already have bases for them)
>Replace those crappy planks that are nailed to the corrugated steel with another beam that spans the full length. Now you have 2 beams supporting the weight instead of 1

>> No.2814866

those crappy planks are called purlins, they are not meant to support the structure of the roof. They are for nailing roof panels on. Replacing them with beams would be mostly harmful.
>Let's add more weight to the sagging roof

The only proper fix is to but a stronger beam UNDER the roof, supporting the rafters. A 4x4 is also the wrong answer because you're adding strength on the wrong axis!

2x6 or 2x8 or 2x10.

>> No.2814871
File: 439 KB, 1001x629, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's add more weight to the sagging roof
It would be a rigid body supported by the pillars to the side. It would support the rafters which pull down from below. That would require bolting them right, so it would be my last choice of solution.
I agree adding depth is the right choice.
This whole setup looks like it will fall apart at the first hurricane, so the whole point is moot.

>> No.2814875
File: 279 KB, 820x523, LMAO-Emoji-PNG-Image-197641512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.2814885

And who's going to stop me? You?

>> No.2814905
File: 444 KB, 1536x2048, 448636078_984805803650760_1370793621546495850_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2814922

People have no idea how hard it is to schedule three companies that don't want to do maintenance work to do maintenance and the city wants to fuck each one of them for 5k $ because they can.

>> No.2814994
File: 176 KB, 777x540, andi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dabs on homeless people while pretending to give a shit about wheelchair cripples

>> No.2815016
File: 61 KB, 639x428, angpool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternate angle

>> No.2815118

Was there an intention to put a door in the recessed part?

>> No.2815123

genius like this doesn't belong in an abominations thread, ylyl would be a better place for it

>> No.2815129

>botpost replying to post calling out botshit

>> No.2815160

Hey, this is just like near my house!

>> No.2815243

Step out of elevator... fall down 5 floors of stairs... Elevator is waiting at bottom with doors open... fall into elevator all dazed and confused... elevator takes you back to the 5th floor...


>> No.2815360
File: 807 KB, 320x240, ok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice pic
See this is why I don't ignore things like Abominations threads.
Even the shit on /diy/ that is supposed to be useless sometimes has some real good info.

I had no idea about that beam stuff.
Thanks for posting!

>> No.2815399
File: 23 KB, 480x360, IMG_2481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2815403

This hitch is used for punching people's cars. If you see a car like this, key him for me. He will back into your parked car because he thinks it's funny.

>> No.2815440

abominations are often the best thread on diy

>> No.2815482


/diy/ is unironically a mix of good bants and jokes even in ironic shitpost topics and on topic threads tend to be uniformly high-quality. It is also the fourth most racist board on 4chan. /diy/ is a board to be proud of.

>> No.2815545

I made that post, I was pointing out that the threads we love are in danger. It was sort of botposty though, I understand why you thought so.

this picture is from the same guy as the identifying wood meme, I bought his book on ebay but it had a slightly different picture on the front

>> No.2815712

Once you recline it's perfect. You just sit back and watch the movie.

>> No.2815724
File: 104 KB, 605x747, 1696873764894335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is also the fourth most racist board on 4chan
/v/ is obviously the second most racist
but what is the third?

>> No.2815734

You can fix this without replacing the beam. Just grab some sheet metal steel and cut it so it runs along the top and bottom side of the beam, and screw it in good. You’re essentially building a hillbilly I-beam. Rather than resisting flexing force itself, the steel will be resisting the stretching and squeezing force that the top and bottom of beams receive.

>> No.2815743
File: 116 KB, 1121x1313, 448606119_487618333790369_2006391849586649192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2815744
File: 332 KB, 1152x2048, 448396986_10161383229355552_4970957190554397282_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2815763
File: 107 KB, 793x960, 448913363_1028688738825270_5897951551769081003_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2815764
File: 186 KB, 545x302, Screenshot 2024-06-21 234940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate this and I cannot explain why.

>> No.2815779

Looks like a Japanese kitchen. They don't use driers and may have the washer in the kitchen.

>> No.2815810


>> No.2815820


>> No.2815879
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>> No.2815880
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>> No.2815883

what's wrong with that?
looks comfy AF desu
real pain to maintain I'm sure

>> No.2815902
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>> No.2815904

>Yeah, we live in a big house. my husband owns a scrap yard

>> No.2815907
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>> No.2815938

the sistered 2x4's aren't really the problem, they need more screws, but the deck's joists should be 2x6.

>> No.2815939

this one also belongs in a ylyl thread

>> No.2815970

>anon soundproofs a shed... for reasons

>> No.2815983

This could've worked as the dream house of an mtv era professional skateboarder except there's not enough porch and too much handrail

>> No.2816054
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>> No.2816057
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>> No.2816062
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>> No.2816072

>tv of Damocles
Yeah, no thanks.

>> No.2816088

Oh God it gets worse the longer you look at it

>> No.2816105

The only thing that looks expensive to me is the grading and concrete pour, my bet is that it's otherwise a relatively inexpensive build and may even be a prefab that the owner DIYed because it looks a lot like some I've seen. A real rich person would have that hot tub in the ground, the grass and plants would be in much better shape, and they definitely wouldn't have used those Hescos.

I live in LA myself and have been to quite a few high-end properties (rich relatives and work in a luxury business) and I've never seen those rock-filled Hescos anywhere except infrastructure, actually the only major installation around me is a railroad embankment.

>> No.2816107

kek imagine seeing your turds going through it

>> No.2816112

>winch/block and tackle lift doors
Actually not a bad idea versus having to haul everything up the stairs. Could even make a ladder truck's rescue easier.

>> No.2816114

It's a static load, and TVs aren't that heavy these days.

But I think if you're going to put in that much effort, why not just mount it flat to the ceiling?

>> No.2816128
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>> No.2816138

>hazard tape for stairs
Is this for some retard school? I would guess the plywood would be to catch them if they begin to fall down the stairs.

>> No.2816142

>Is this for some retard school?
Its so your attorney has something to point at showing a visual warning there is a trip hazard or a step ledge there. Just notice next time you're at a business with steps in it. Theres always a useless railing even if its 1 step, powered lights next to it, and often a "CAUTION THERES A FUCKIN STEP HERE" sign somewhere next to it. Enough people got sued for some dumbass tripping up or down stairs hurting themselves and suing the business successfully winning.

>> No.2816151

this is normally done to stop assholes from riding bikes down stairs. what you are seeing is a parking garage. each level has a different photo on it and thats how you remember what level your car is parked on

>> No.2816155
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>> No.2816161
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>> No.2816182

Replace the wood with thick steel and make the barriers go all the way to the ground and that'd be a pretty based defensive position.

>> No.2816198
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>> No.2816217

Who's Marden?

>> No.2816301
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>> No.2816327
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>> No.2816367

Hello Escher

>> No.2816440

Those are witch stairs. They're done that way because apparently witches can't climb them.

>> No.2816446
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>> No.2816447
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>> No.2816449

The strand-board walls really accent the 70 year old plain cabinets. Neat idea but dude probably doesn't understand letting water and other dust in between those un-mortared river stones is going to make that bathroom a stinky biohazard in about 12 months.

>> No.2816458
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>> No.2816467
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>> No.2816468

all it needs now is 40 gallons of chinkshit epoxy poured over the top so the next owner needs a backhoe to break that retarded shit out of there

>> No.2816479

It does look really nice though.

>> No.2816516
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>> No.2816559

greenhouse made from salvaged windows, nothin wrong with that

>> No.2816671

he's creating a more natural habitat for the silverfish, pillbugs, and spiders to hide and live that would normally just hide under the sink n bathtub

>> No.2816754
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>> No.2816764

Is it retarded?
Do I want it?
Fuck yes!

>> No.2816771
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>> No.2816777
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>> No.2816816
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>> No.2816833
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>> No.2817067
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>> No.2817129
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>> No.2817157

the approach/departure would be fine, it's the breakover that'll get most vehicles.

>> No.2817184

>Men in Brown

>> No.2817321
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>> No.2817347

That's for throwing up, so you can keep drinking.

>> No.2817396

>design passivly reminds you to eat healthy
Whats the problem?

>> No.2817413

imagine the smell

>> No.2817488
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>> No.2817501
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>> No.2817505

Sometimes you just gotta do the best you can with the tools ya got.

>> No.2817517

And sometimes you see a problem and pick the worst method on hand to accomplish it.

>> No.2817532

nu thred when this one dies

>> No.2817534
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Fuck yeah, my boy MC Esch representin

>> No.2817562


Sometimes I see something fucking stupid and instead of thinking ‘wtf’ Instead it’s ‘sure, why not’ This is one of those times

>> No.2817597

that's stellar

>> No.2817747

Turning it into a winter ice rink would be so much fun.

>> No.2817748

Very impressive work with the tile cutter.

>> No.2817879

This gives off prison vives

>> No.2817880

I feel like the run out of windows midway through building this

>> No.2817885

I like it desu. Houses usually have a pool of that volume that is just round and it's completely pointless other than to get soaked. At least here you can swim a bit

>> No.2817982

someone is taking the castle doctrine literally

>> No.2818004

>the elevation makes the user feel more powerful and gets a great view from the window

>> No.2818046

Not bad

>> No.2818047

I would love to have a cool rock in my basement

>> No.2818069

this isnt in the US you moron

>> No.2818072

I thought that was a useless door on the left at first.

>> No.2818150

/gif/ has constant bbc threads

>> No.2818208
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this is by the meme man

>> No.2818209

It's artificial, some discord faggots force it there

>> No.2818227


this might be the back of the house, with a more normal front, but there is a house number, so ?