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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2789993 No.2789993 [Reply] [Original]

Is it gay as a man to order sewing kits online so I can repair my socks DIY style? All the darning tutorials I see online are made by women.

>> No.2789995

No, sewing is a very useful skill

>> No.2790000

As long as you aren't sewing up gay stuff you're good anon. I mostly use a leather stitching awl and sew stuff with it, but someday would like to get the Juki sewing machine in my garage fully operational and stitch up wrench rolls, custom bags, seat covers, and other upholstery out of heavy canvas, etc.

>> No.2790002

> /diy/ is it gay to /diy/

Anon pls

>> No.2790011
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Can someone tell me if this tutorial is legit for fixing socks with holes? The way this video sews it it makes it look like the sock would get smaller.

>> No.2790012

>makes it look like the sock would get smaller.
Darn it!

>> No.2790020

Buy new socks…fuck

>> No.2790024

It's cheaper to just repair them though.

>> No.2790025

Self sufficiency is never gay.

>> No.2790036

>Is it gay as a man to order sewing kits online
only if you are sucking a dick while doing it.

>> No.2790043

>Is it gay
Yes, but only because it's a colossal waste of time.

Don't get me wrong, this is /diy/ and you should know *how* to do this, but socks are generally in the range of $0.50-$0.80 each. I'm the kind of guy who salvages parts and metal from anything I'm throwing out or taking to the scrap yard. I'm familiar with wasting a lot of time in order to save a little money, but even I wouldn't bother fixing my socks unless I had to.

>> No.2790105

Unless you have really nice, quality wool socks or something, it's really not.

>> No.2790114

>what is the value of my time?

>> No.2790115

Cooking is a colosal waste of time since you can just buy a burger and use the spare time to make money
Training a sport is a colosal waste of time since there is a nigger that can do it better and you can just make money instead
Fucking your wife is a colosal waste of time since the mailman can do it while you go and make money etc

>> No.2790119

Yeah really do you guys need religion to not make money your God? If you make money your God it's how you turn into a freaking psycho.

>> No.2790122

Yo religious rituals take time we gotta hussle during that time instead to make money
Life is actually chinese world of warcraft gold farming simulator

>> No.2790132

Is it gay? No, not at all.
Would it be gay if you did it? Yes, very much so, because you are a giant homosexual.

>> No.2790138

It's gay to care.

>> No.2790535

Repairing your own stuff is manly as fuck

>> No.2790541

It's gay to be a man, so by proxy yes it is

>> No.2790545

No. Keep your shit in good order, you earned it.

Also can transfer over to first aid a bit. SHITTY first aid with just thread but it will work.

>> No.2790566

Nigga I buy knitting needles and wool in the shop because I want to learn how to knit, that doesn't make me a homo. What's gay is actually giving a shit what the pimply face fuck working the cash register thinks

>> No.2791347

Gotta learn this skill, myself and for the same reason. You can't really buy quality socks at a decent price anymore. They're chinkshit or from some other 3rd world hellhole. They wear so fast, it's like they're made of paper.

>> No.2791394

No but it is gay to order online instead of going to a store like a real human person. It's also gay to look at youtube tutorials instead of picking up a book or using your brain. And >>2790138

>> No.2791427
File: 83 KB, 636x960, 58398963006e33b8d0bf85aa191d48e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mostly use a leather stitching awl

>> No.2791433
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It's OK for small holes in socks with spandex in them as opposed to socks that get all their stretch from being knitted...the first way she does it is less preferable because those seams will irriate your feet and create new stress points as the fabric tries to stretch against the scar- like seam

But the real way to darn then is like picrel...it takes more time but leaves no seams or ridges and can be done pretty quickly once you get some practice...it also doesn't distort the original shape or add new stress points and actually makes the garment stronger.

>> No.2791436
File: 18 KB, 570x497, il_570xN.1024876373_qun0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also note that in pic 3 you can see that the darning needle has a curved tip to make picking up and interweaving stitches in the undamaged areas easier when the fabric is fitted over a convex shape like a darning egg.

>> No.2791957


This guy seems to know what he's doing. Learn from him.

>> No.2792066

It's not gay but you better be repairing some really nice socks to justify the time.

>> No.2792094

It's not gay, just cheap. Buy some new fucking socks, spend a little bit more on better quality and hole wont be a problem.
I learned how to sew in high school. Stitching up an otherwise good pair of jeans or a jacket is one thing. Socks or underwear though? Cmon dude.

>> No.2792096

Might want to take an AIDS test there princess.

>> No.2792241

Can you use the iron-on patches you use to repair jeans to repair socks?

>> No.2792287

It's too late for you anon, if you weren't gay you wouldn't have had to ask, you would have know.

>> No.2792377

When I was young, (back in the late 60's and early 70's) my parents were struggling to make ends meet and I had given to me, some of my uncles socks that had been darned in this way. (admittedly, the quality of socks then, is better than they are now).

I guess we live in a 'disposable society' but I still repair holes in pockets, rips and tears, etc. There is nothing that a bit of black cotton and a needle can't fix.

>> No.2793199

please do not to this, premade kits are absolute subhuman fractions of a penny garbage, spend $10-20 getting actual, proper, non factory reject supplies.

>pack of variety needles
>small white and black spools of gutermann or other non shit, non coats and clark thread
>a small dime bag of buttons, including any spare buttons that come with any premade garments you buy
>a small pair of properly made scissors (the tiny red handled ones that come in "kits" suck fat cock) or smaller/lighter still would be a razor

quite literally all you need

>> No.2793289

If making money was as easy as farming gold in wow I’d be fucking rich