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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2783112 No.2783112 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2783114

I won't go to jury until later next week possibly. I think he'll get some time, but it's hard to convict first degree murder for killing someone who has their hands around your throat. Wrong board, OP >>>/pol/

>> No.2783117

Cheap shit that's good enough for 99% of us

>> No.2783124

harbor fright

>> No.2783125

Used to be good for 1-time use specialty tools that you could only really buy a premium version of for 5x the price off the tool truck.

Raised prices, now it’s about the same price as buying the name brand at Home Depot. Or if you can wait for next-day Amazon delivery, you can get the cheap 1-time use tools they used to sell or name brand quality specialty tools for the same price as HF. Even their jacks, tool boxes, and compressors which used to be the big money savers, they’re about the same price as Husky at Home Depot or Strongway at Northern Tool, and a lot of it is rebranded from the same Chinese factory so you might as well go to the other store that gives you a warranty that still covers the compressor by the third time you use it.

A lot of the new stuff is better, but HF’s quality control sucks. The majority of tools with moving parts only have a 90-day warranty compared to at least one year on anything from Home Depot. And for the lifetime warranty hand tools, managers will often want you to return the entire set, so you’re out of luck if you lost a wrench or socket at some point in time.

>> No.2783131

>And for the lifetime warranty hand tools, managers will often want you to return the entire set,

Spend a lot of time returning tools, eh?

>> No.2783178

Most stuff there is pretty good. There is some absolute garbage, but you can tell the shit quality stuff by looking at it or handling it. Impact sockets and the pittsburg pro sockets are damn good. Icon ratchets probably not too bad, I usually opt for gearwrench ratchets instead though. Bauer grinder was cheap and actually one of my favorite go-to grinders. Way better than some equally cheap metabo grinders I have. Big adjustable wrenches are sloppy, but good enough for tractor toolbox duty.

>> No.2783180

This. It's good to save a few $ on disposable things, like sandpaper, zip ties, paint supplies.
I own a few actual tools from HF, but the general rule is don't buy anything with moving parts. Unless it's a one-use type of situation.
My 30yr old Skil jigsaw that was originally my grandfathers died on me while I was on a job site. I ran and picked up a $25 Chicago Electric one from HF just to finish the job. Still have it and it still works fine. Went through 2 of their trim routers before I bought a Rigid, and an air pin nailer that was exchanged when the 1st ones selector switch broke off after one use.
Other than that I have a bunch of clamps and random things I picked up when they were on clearance. You can never have enough clamps.
The good thing about HF is there's no hassle in returning or exchanging stuff.

>> No.2783182

If money was no object nobody would shop here.

That should tell you enough about their quality and service that you’d need to know.

>> No.2783194

Shut up faggot. Nobody asked you.

>> No.2783195

>If money was no object nobody would shop here.
If money was no object nobody would be doing DIY, dumbass.

>> No.2783196

Yes, this is a HF thread.

>> No.2783206

no hazzard fraud in my country >_<

>> No.2783211
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1. buy it at HF
2. if it breaks buy something better
literally half my tools and ALL the big ones are HF brand. used to build offroad jeeps.


>> No.2783215

>he's not going to /diy/ when retired
having to /diy/ solely because your poor is fucking pathetic. for starters there is NO AMOUNT of money that will make some asshole do a good job.

>> No.2783271 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 660x960, Frankenstrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And no amount of money can buy tools that will make you skilled. Doesn't matter if you're an auto mechanic or learning an instrument, an expensive tool does make you skilled or talented by default.
You're being a contrarian faggot and you need to just stop.

>> No.2783273
File: 82 KB, 660x960, Frankenstrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And no amount of money can buy tools that will make you skilled. Doesn't matter if you're an auto mechanic or learning an instrument, an expensive tool does not make you skilled or talented by default.
You're being a contrarian faggot and you need to just stop.

>> No.2783274

>And no amount of money can buy tools that will make you skilled.

heh. you don't know beppy the wonder poodle

>> No.2783296

Not at HF anymore, because I would rather order a single non-HF piece for <$10 on sockets and bits and shit like that, unless it’s from Home Depot or it’s Craftsman and I can toss the single broken bit in my car for a simple one on one exchange next time I’m in the store. I don’t have to dig out every piece from a kit and go to HF on a special trip and exhange it all for what is now a lesser quality kit from a cheaper supplier like HF often does.

>> No.2783299


>> No.2783305

I like their batteries.

>> No.2783320

The yellow ones are absolute dogshit. The blue ones are actually straight when you have a coupon for $5, they’re about half the price of Duracells and last as long, but that’s hardly worth making a trip there.

>> No.2783351

The Quinn and Bauer stuff is pretty decent honestly.

>> No.2783381

…and not any cheaper than Husky and Ryobi.

>> No.2783398

Official HF corporate policy is the manager opens a new set and gets you a replacement. I have an email from their customer support saying so. I had a store manager try to tell me that didn't apply to Icon tools, so I wrote customer support back that [manager name] at [store location] told me they were wrong and refused my warranty claim. Next week when I went back, he stared me down like he wanted to follow me home and murder me while he cracked open that ratcheting wrench set and fetched me my new 13mm.

>> No.2783400

I don't know the prices of husky/ryobi to compare. I have three harbor freight within a 30 minute drive of where I live, the closest home depot is a little over an hour, so really just a case of what makes the most sense logistically

>> No.2783404

Better than Home Depot brand products. HDX is pure garbage.

>> No.2783406

Holy shit, dude xD.

That dude was like 'ima murder you' over a 13mm. It was Icon though, their premium brand. Wonder why he was so hard-up about it? It's all corporate, so it isn't like it's coming out of his pocket.

>> No.2783407

I would go a few times a month, but now a days its only a few times a year. It so expensive and I can buy big name tools now, or just buy used.

>> No.2783412

I used to go regularly until a store opened here that buys overstock and returned stock. I regularly find fucked up decent named tools for .50-$1 that I then return for a new one. Scored a 3/8 Husky ratchet last week. It was a dial-back and locked up. When I took it back they didn't have any dial-backs so they gave me a lever-back that was like $15 more

>> No.2783415

I think it's because the set he opened for the replacement becomes an "open box" set they have to try and sell at a discount. I'm pretty sure a significant part of the manager's job involves getting good financial results for that store location, so when a high value product has to be damaged out and sold for less its probably irritating to the manager, since ultimately that's a detriment to his on-paper performance as a manager. Or, in other words, the store managers are somewhat incentivized to try and weasel out of warranty claims because when the store loses money it reflects poorly on their job performance.

>> No.2783419
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>Noooooooo, the multi-billion dollar corporation that's paying me $15/hour will think poorly of me for honoring their own return policy, nooooooo

What the chud isn't realizing is that return policies are a huge factor when someone is buying a tool in the first place

>> No.2783426

Yup, and that’s a waste of my time. I would rather buy Milwaukee or Carlyle which is exactly the same as the Icon wrenches and the same price range, and either get a replacement at a local Napa or try Home Depot if they warranty the stuff like Klein, or snap a pic of the broken tool and receipt and email it to Milwaukee’s customer service and have a new wrench in my mailbox by the end of the week.

>> No.2783444

I haven't had to exchange anything since then, but I'm sure that manager will remember me well enough to know not to BS me again, it'll always be a same-day exchange from now on, to me that's better than needing to wait a week for an online warranty claim to be mailed to me

>> No.2783449

Whats you’re problem dick your an ass

>> No.2783463

…as long as you’re near that specific HF and that manager isn’t on vacation.

Meanwhile for the same money, I know Lowe’s will give me a new Craftsman or Kobalt socket no questions asked because I don’t think the HD return counter bitch is worried about her quarterly bonus like the HF manager that denies the returns without the full set.

Also a lot of Amazon warranty returns have given me 1-2 day shipping just like Prime, and all I had to do is snap a pic of the busted tool.

>> No.2783521

Always tip toeing the line between saving a ton of money vs being cheap junk that's dangerous to use

>> No.2783522

I can't think of anything more american desu

>> No.2783525

true blue american stuff is cheap but quality made domestically
not chinese garbage that you roll the dice on

>> No.2783528

You will always get feedback when warrantying tools

So next time you’re at harbor freight and want to buy something new, think about how difficult it was to warranty before you open your wallet and factor that into your decision to buy or not

>> No.2783970

This. I would say the only thing I wouldn't trust for cheapshit tools would be shit like car jacks and jack stands, that can give you a case of the DRT if they break or fail. But I've crawled around under cars held up with harbor freight shit several dozen times

>> No.2783973

I diy and I can afford not to…just don’t be poor

>> No.2783979

the daytona jacks are consistently highly reviewed, after the second recall on the pittsburgh jack stands they don't even sell them anymore, they sell daytona brandad jack stands now that are fine. project farms did a jack stand review and they weren't phenomenal but there were some other cheap jack stands that were just objective fucking hazards that have likely killed people before, the daytona were fine in comparison.

>> No.2783980

I have a special snap-on walkee talkee that I complain into and snap-on sends a concorde jet vtol to my house in one minute full of hookers, blow and cash, buy’s out my employer and makes me CEO and I get a plaque to hang in my livingroom saying I’m tall.

>> No.2783986

I think the jack stands legit killed someone hence the recalls

>> No.2783987

Have a Daytona floorjack

It's legit

>> No.2783990

Carlyle and milwaukee are both at least 50% more than icon. I've watched some video comparisons and it might be better or worse than them quality wise but it will be close. I looked at 3/8s flex head. Milwaukee 80, Carlyle 66, icon 44. Napas hours are much shittier than harbor freight. I've got the icon one and it's a pretty solid ratchet. Used it on suspension work, big cheater bar on it no issues yet. I'd rather not deal with emailing customer service and then waiting when I can switch it out on my drive home. I've never had an issue returning harbor freight crap or exchanging it.i wouldn't touch any battery stuff though. Like my milwaukee stuff to much for that.

>> No.2784012

True considering 99% of diy are retard larpers who couldn't nail two boards together

>> No.2784094

I’m talking about the wrenches, Milwaukee and Icon are from the same factory with similar pricing. For ratchets, just go Gearwrench. Icon has the issues with the fucked up forward-reverse switch and they’re expensive considering they’re just another mid-range Taiwan ratchet. What is it, like $40 for a standard 3/8”? And there’s that EP Auto kit where you can get a whole 3/8” set on Amazon with the same Taiwan ratchet for the same price as just the ratchet at HF.

>> No.2784095

Based by default because they are literally the only brick & mortar option left for certain tools, especially automotive.

>> No.2784097

The auto parts stores carry more specialty things than you think, but it’s often cheap ass Performance Tool stuff for like OTC pricing, so it’s barely worth it unless you can catch a good discount.

>> No.2784125

Too bad there's not much true blue American stuff being made anymore. Estwing is the only brand that comes to mind right away and not all their tools are made here; sledgehammers made in India.

>> No.2784136

Cheapest place to get shit like casters, zip ties, and clamps which are coming out of the same factory as every other store so why pay more.

their ratchets are fine too. Power tools are hit and miss but I bought a 12 dollar corded hammer drill because it was cheaper than renting a good one and used it to put 1/2" holes in 80 year old cement, I beat the piss out of it until it smoked, used it to put holes in chunks of slate and poured cement, pushed it through rebar until the shitty bit bent, and somehow it's still alive so I'm happy with that.

>> No.2784323

Props to Milwaukee coming out with new USA made pliers and screwdrivers at least. But that’s at the same time where Klein is sending more and more of their screwdrivers and other accessories over borders. At least Klein seems to do some stuff in Mexico and they probably have more control over QC there than if it were mainland China

>> No.2784378

Manufacturing jobs are dog shit,

The made in USA shit is politics they’re not good jobs and if you get really really good at making something you’re too valuable to promote hence will never get a raise or move up in life

You really really should not put any value on manufacturing jobs or work or made in USA

Go out of your way to buy offshore

The people that work manufacturing jobs will have better lives and better upward trajectory and more disposable income if you keep the pit of factories and in the service sector

However to realize this you need more than baseline level thinking skills and need to know how to think critically

>> No.2784388

I was going to say the upside to the new Milwaukee pliers and drivers is that it’s a brand new factory and I believe they invested quite a bit in good equipment. Asia makes some stuff well and a ton of junk, and if a company is going to stay stateside, they typically don’t manufacture the shittiest quality stuff. And if there’s a problem with a mold or some machining, corporate HQ and the retailers are much closer to the US factory than the Chinese one and hopefully that means the issue gets solved before more bad products make it to the customer.

>> No.2784418

Wow, a tripfag being retarded, what a surprise! Service jobs at the level you described are infinitely worse than factory because it's customer service, usually dealing with mongoloids of your caliber.

>> No.2784465

I don’t mean the quality of the product time and quality of life generally jobs in manufacturing sock. There’s no upward mobility, no advancement no raises no unions they limit your growth as a society rather than expand on it.

What made in USA mostly means is that they built the factory and they have Venezuelan illegals working in it nowadays

So you’re importing the third world to get that made in USA stamp too

>> No.2784577

Doyle is cheaper than the Klein it’s pitted against, and is much better deal than the imported Southwire tools that also copied Klein. Quinn is cheaper than Husk and has better design and build quality.

I’ve been buying Bauer multi pack twist bits for my shop and they do alright. Price to performance ratio is in the sweet spot.

>> No.2784578

If you want American made sledge hammers peep Warwood Tool

>> No.2784580

If you’ve ever walked a shop floor a day in your life, you’d know there are thousands of people in this country who are not good for much more than factory assembly work. They ain’t got it in them to move up to middle management, nor do they want that.

>> No.2785166

You are right about the wrenches. Milwaukee is actually cheaper. I watched a video on taking apart the icon and ep. They aren't identical on the inside. The sockets aren't the same either as the icon sockets. The ep auto set seems like a solid deal. But, when my ratchet broke putting in a new wheel bearing it wasn't going to arrive in the 30 minutes it took me to get to the store and come back. Gear wrench while good, wasn't going to arrive same day either.

>> No.2785168

Who uses a ratchet to install wheel bearings?

>> No.2785260

Mind your own business

>> No.2785269

>But, when my ratchet broke putting in a new wheel bearing

put your trip back on bepfart

>> No.2785325

You watched the wrong video. The guy trying to debunk it bought the wrong set with the 1/4” and 3/8” ratchet or an 3/8 only set and that one isn’t the same as the Icon.

>> No.2785326
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>only having one ratchet
Topkek. I have at least a dozen 3/8” ratchets between all the random tool kits. Also why wouldn’t you be using an impact?

>> No.2785380

Willams 36 tooth is my favorite, was a mechanic when snap on was selling them as the 936

>> No.2785465

had to patronize them today because worthless lowes only carries pop rivets in like two sizes. i hasn't been in a while and was surprised by the lack of chink oil rust preventative stank in the store

>> No.2785773
File: 454 KB, 1299x817, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have one of these? worth it? i've used traditional (non ultra-quiet) pancake compressors in the past and they are way too fucking loud for my cuckpartment living situation.

>> No.2785784

I can go to multiple harbor freight locations right now and buy Pittsburgh 3 ton "racing" jack stands.
They didn't replace them with Daytona because of the recalls, they did it to disguise a price hike as they transition to 'higher tier' products.

>> No.2785789

The Daytona jack stands have a couple added touches, they have more bracing on the side plus the locking pin and I believe little feet on the corner of the folded steel so they don’t dig into hot asphalt as bad

They increased the price a ton though unless you catch a good sale. But they did that with most products at HF, increase quality slightly and charge double.

I think HF’s reputation took a hit from the Daytona stand recall, they probably needed to have the double locking stands and get rid of the Pittsburgh name if they wanted to keep up jack stand sales.

Is it on sale this weekend?

Also lots of those compressors are Chinese OE rebrands, so check Husky and Kobalt, you might be able to get a much better warranty for the same money.

That compressor looks nice and quiet but a lot of the 6gal-10gal compressors are more like 4.0cfm so expect it to be a little slower depending on what model you had before.

>> No.2786157

Prices too high now. My new friend is Vevor. An even more direct line to chinkshit. Lower prices, free fast shipping, more variety and lots of interesting cheap chinkshit from all categories, and somehow they're still avoiding charging me sales tax on anything I buy from them.

I bought a large folding stainless steel table for bread making for $100 from them and I had it on my doorstep in 2 days.

>> No.2786160
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Chief DIY youtuber man Camarata says it's by far the quietest air compressor he's ever used/heard. He pointed it out in his latest vid.

>> No.2786161
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One last post, if you're going to get one I'd just spend the extra $100 and get the much bigger one while it's on sale with almost double the SCFM unless space is the #2 issue for you after noise. The footprint isn't going to be any worse it's just taller.

>> No.2786241

>Chief DIY youtuber man Camarata says it's by far the quietest

You do realize he gets things for free or is compensated don't you? Why would he waste time with that toy excavator he messed with in several recent videos, not to mention all the crazy skid-steer attachments that he "buys" and uses once. He's the perfect shill because he's so down-to-earth and somewhat stupid when it comes to fixing things.

On another andrew topic, if you see all the videos trying to gloam onto his success, there's one where a couple of boomers are insulating his container castle. So, is he going to sell it, finally move out of mom's house, or what.

>> No.2786245

>You do realize he gets things for free or is compensated don't you?
If you're confident in that report him to the police and FTC since he failed to disclose that it was given to him for free as is required by law;

I'm fairly certain I've seen you before across this board for several months because any time Andrew comes up in any casual conversation there's one really assmad faggot that starts insulting him personally, like you just did.

>> No.2786247

>since he failed to disclose that it was given to him for free as is required by law;

stop making shit up you assmad faggot

>> No.2786315

I go there for one time use tools, if I need it again I can dig up the old one and clean it but I usually just buy a new one. like a fluid transfer pump for my tranny with coolant in it. it's pretty much trash because I don't wanna clean it and dry it, so I'll just get a new one when I need it for like $12.

>> No.2786481

I think the tools are good for starting up hobbies or businesses. Cheap and if they last long enough good before you buy some reliable tools. Not only that if you have ZERO experience with any moving tool it's a good idea just to buy it so that if you break it. You at least won't cry over it.

I got a baur grinder and I use it pretty well and I'm willing to take it to go weld testing or any job I wouldn't worry if I broke the damn thing or it got stolen. Oh yeah one guy said about clamps and magnetic are 100% if they go on sale get them.

>> No.2786483

Jeez for him it's a nightmare for me if you or the store in general is willing too do this for me. It makes my sing praise, word of mouth and I will come back for more shit.

>> No.2786486

Bauer tools are interesting, being cheaper than everything because the inherent warranty every other brand carries is an opt-in feature for bauer. I know a guy who uses bauer tools for his contracting work because the drunks and mexicans he hires are going to abuse whatever he gives them, but with bauer he can buy 5 of their brushless impact drivers at $40 each, pay for the warranty on just one of them, then exchange any of the 5 when it breaks because HF doesn't match extended warranty to individual purchases

also just throwing out there, the brushless impact driver they have is fucking crazy value at $40 I have no idea how they've pulled that off even considering the warranty is opt-in. the brushed model was dogshit but this newer one is actually solid

>> No.2786519
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what idiocy is this. this has to be trolling.

>The made in USA shit is politics they’re not good jobs and if you get really really good at making something you’re too valuable to promote hence will never get a raise or move up in life

you're confusing a craftsman with a manufacturing job.

>> No.2786572

>I have no idea how they've pulled that off
Because by the time you buy a battery and charger, it’s the same price as a Ryobi kit

>> No.2786582

The ryobi brushless impact driver is $119 bare tool, if you've already got the battery and charger there's a pretty clear fucking difference there

>> No.2786585

Overpriced garbage

>> No.2786589

Sears tool section used to be the Sunday afternoon stuck on a project save your ass destination. All gone now, HF mostly fills the role.

>> No.2786595

$150 for the HP drill, impact driver, and 2 batteries. Shop like a normie and buy kits and sales and it’s the same shit, assuming you’re not supplying 5 Mexicans who are going to break the stuff.

Also HF will only replace the tool once under the extended warranty IIRC, so you have to buy a new 2 year plan on the replacement tool.

>> No.2786602
File: 28 KB, 348x348, 3A4132C9-C326-498D-8B59-53EAFA5FE658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was younger and Sears wasn’t on the verge of bankruptcy, they opened up a Sears Hardware right by my house. It was pretty sweet, like bigger than most Ace Hardwares or the size of a smaller Home Depot. I got my first tool box there

>> No.2786605

I disagree with the conclusion but the analysis is correct.
Almost all of these factory jobs are worse than fast food in terms of wages, nevermind workplace hazards. When I started at my job, a regular mcdonalds job paid as much as the entry level position at this one. $4/hr in raises later, I'd make as much as a janitor at a mcdonalds, given my initiative, I'd probably be a manager and make probably $10k more than I do now and not have the health issues.
Everyone else is a mouthbreathing retard at doing their job, they can't even count the product when sending it from station to station. So despite getting a verbal agreement that I'd done enough jig making, machinery improvements and repair (none of this is actually in my job description) for them to move me up to train in engineering work, they never actually did it. I am too useful in my position of the production process to be replaced of doing the work accurately and the specialized product knowledge and repair of the tooling and machinery.

>> No.2786607 [DELETED] 

To the quality comments, the stuff I have heard from people who worked other jobs, personal dealings with material from different suppliers and actually making the product, I'd actively avoid anything made in this country if you have a Japanese or European alternative at a comparable price.
The Boeing thing from the Max crashes to the stuff going on currently is a good macrocosm of the manufacturing industry in this country. The product starts with material's out of spec and fucked up from the supplier, then people taking the raw material just phone it in without giving a shit to aesthetics, durability or quality control.
The shipping department sometimes for one order has to ship it 3 or 4 times because they can't read the order sheets and send the right shit out because they keep forgetting to add the other items or they don't quality control that it's that it's actually the correct model, or assembled properly according to the build sheet.

>> No.2786608

>>2786605 (You)
To the quality comments, the stuff I have heard from people who worked other jobs, personal dealings with material from different suppliers and actually making the product, I'd actively avoid anything made in this country if you have a Japanese or European alternative at a comparable price.
The Boeing thing from the Max crashes to the stuff going on currently is a good macrocosm of the manufacturing industry in this country. The product starts by being engineered with flaws inherent to the design because the engineers either don't know what they are doing, or are too lazy to fix it, suppliers send material out of spec, fucked up material, then people taking the raw material just phone it in without giving a shit to aesthetics, durability or quality control.
The shipping department sometimes for one order has to ship it 3 or 4 times because they can't read the order sheets and send the right shit out because they keep forgetting to add the other items or they don't quality control that it's that it's actually the correct model, or assembled properly according to the build sheet.

>> No.2786616

No, if you become a really fucking good machinist or programmer.

There is such a glut of people entering the trade (because 5 years experience will get you less than McDonald’s wages which kids currently in high school that vape the on the job out earn you despite you being a very sought after skilled tradesman)

You can no longer get promoted, because the machine operator under you, lacks the skills and won’t have the skills to be at your level for another few years.

However he won’t be given the opportunity to learn those new skills because they can’t promote you because you’re too valuable in your position so you never learn design and basic engineering technician roles that work under the engineers (boomers that refuse to retire)

So manufacturing in the United States is in this really weird spot

The new generations are stuck in the lower/entry positions for very low pay,

Then nobody in the 10 year experience gap

Then boomers in their 60/70’s who make the same stuff they always have

>> No.2786630

I've seen 3 videos. 1 where he says they are exactly the same and holds them next 2 each other. Another where a different person references the first and does a tear down. In the tear down they are different. The third is the first guy who says they're the same doesn't do a tear down but shows how the screws holding the gear housing are in are in different spots. What's the right video. If ep auto is identical I want to know and will buy the cheaper stuff.

>> No.2786632

It was in the removal of suspension pieces getting to the steering knuckle. Once I got to the knuckle it was hydraulic presses.

Earlier this year I had 3 ratchets. Broke one replacing a radiator, the second a few months later on suspension work. My last is shit tier and would definitely break. That's how I got down to one. Also why I don't have an impact. It's rare that I'm wrenching. I have an m12 ratchet and it makes it much more bearable.

>> No.2786634

You do realize he probably has fuck you money from youtube views and therefore could probably afford some skid steer attachments to mess around with right?

I mean you're not really that retarded are you?

>> No.2786637

Ep auto isn’t the same as icon ratchets… also if you’re so poor that you’re buying fake harbor freight off of Amazon because a $40 ratchet is too much

Especially off a rumor then you’re really buying some fucked up cheap Chinese shit and trying to base your piss poor purchase decisions

>> No.2786686


now you're confusing a union problem and a fragmentation problem.

>> No.2787440
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I have a couple Vaughan hammers that say they're made in USA, and also some Empire squares too. I notice Stanley has some stuff "made in USA, with global materials". I live in Australia and it is truly difficult to find any tools made here anymore; I have a tape measure from a few years ago that says it is Australian-made but now that same tape measure is made in China and sells for the same price, if not higher, in stores. There used to be a company called Mumme that made crowbars and cold chisels here in Australia but they were bought out by Klein Tools and now it looks like all their stuff is made in China too, and of course it sells for the same price in our stores.

>> No.2787460

What about that Sidchrome stuff? Or is that unobtanium for a normie weekender like most Snap On?

>> No.2787515

I think only the old Sidchrome stuff was Australian-made, ending sometime in the 90s. Sidchrome got bought by Stanley Black & Decker, so they moved manufacturing overseas just like Klein Tools have done with Mumme.

>> No.2787956
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All of their (non life threatening) auto tools are great, especially if you have to "customize" them to accommodate the retarded engineers who made your vehicle and don't want to destroy a nicer expensive tool in the process. Just broke down and got a big boy 1/2" breaker bar/ impact sockets for under $40. They survived hammering and lots of torque so far, would have cost me twice as much for even husky shit.

>> No.2788053

I’m curious now if the Sidchrome stuff is the same as Facom and that stuff.

Also Klein is so depressing now. Was at Lowe’s the other day looking at some of the cool newer Klein stuff. And the back of the package for all of it makes it seem like Klein is a Mexican company with products all made in Vietnam and Taiwan.

>> No.2788065

The idea of Harbor Freight is better than the real thing. But the idea is what I love, so I go anyway.

>> No.2788068

harbor freight is not the same place it was 20 years ago. I remember when their best tools were complete garbage. now 75% of them are good to excellent.

you just have to know what to avoid.

>> No.2788134
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, 1698593760665681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss the ridiculous cheapness of the garbage freight of yesteryear. things like carbide skilsaw blades for 49 cents on sale for cutting up scrap wood full of nails without giving a fuck. they killed off a lot of their super bargain shit that made shopping there fun. i miss the 25 page sales flyers they'd send 6 different versions of a month. they were good shitter reading

>> No.2788141
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Remember what they took from you

>> No.2788162
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Once every 6 months or so they will send me a “We Miss You!” email with a 20% off one item coupon in there, and of course there’s a bunch of restrictions. I normally stop by to use the thing on whatever stupid Snap On or Knipex knockoff item they recently dropped and would never pay the full price for it because it’s an oddball tool.

>> No.2788182

I'd like my tools to survive more than one project

>> No.2788188
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>> No.2788237

The Daytona jacks are from the same manufacturer as snap on I’m pretty sure. They got sued by snap on for it https://biztimes.com/snap-on-harbor-freight-settle-floor-jack-case/

>> No.2788265

I definitely do not get we miss you coupons anymore

>> No.2788267

I kinda miss it but also harbor freight is better now.

Doesn’t smell like that cosmoline knock off

>> No.2788287

I'm glad I bought all the cheap chink tools I needed when I did years ago. I used the shit out of those 20% off and 25% off coupons back in the day. Also, when the harbor freight coupon database page was at its peak, I got all the deals stacked that I absolutely could. It was like extreme couponing... And then when they had that class action lawsuit they ended up giving me like $4500 back in gift cards which I of course used with multiple 20% and 25% off coupons and other coupons from the database to absolutely stock up on shit!

>> No.2788378

Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end.

>> No.2788412
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 1212180815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end.

>> No.2788471

You can still find all the cheap one time use tools they used to sell on Amazon. Or get it straight from China on Ali for less.

As HF fucked up their business model, Amazon stepped up with same day or next day shipping on almost everything, even a lot of more premium brands.

It’s another Snappy item that is “Assembled” in the US but made in a Chinese factory. Norther Tool sells the same thing under the Yellowjacket brand or some shit.

>> No.2788474

I’ve gotten 2 or 3 of them, it comes from a Store Manager email address and it’s like 6mos after the last time I bought anything there.

>> No.2788475

what kind of old shitbox are you wrenching on if you need SAE impact sockets in 1/2 drive

>> No.2788553

The worst thing I've ever smelled was the poopy body odor of a partly disabled man blocking the aisle with his cart in one of these stores once. Tried to walk by and once I got within five feet of him I just turned around and left the store.

>> No.2788625
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I would have came instantly.

>> No.2788643
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I just grabbed a quick pic, I got both metric and SAE sets. Also like getting magnet trays/little odds and ends. Also it tends to be the store that generally has some odd-end tool you need for one or two jobs.
>what kind of old shitbox are you wrenching on if you need SAE impact sockets in 1/2 drive
Knowing what I know now, 1/2 inch is what you should just start out with when working on Ford anything. Don't even break out the 3/8, 1/4 is reserved for those extra well engineered nooks and you'd be better off if those were impact grades too.

>> No.2788670

These are both 3 ton jackstands I own. Guess which fully boxed thicker gauge steel stand I trust at full extension or with my 6500lb truck on it.

>> No.2788672
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Pic got stripped, trying again.

>> No.2788680
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>Guess which fully boxed thicker gauge steel stand I trust at full extension or with my 6500lb truck on it.
Neither, I hope.

>> No.2789118
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>Bauer dropped a new cordless ratchet
What do we think?

>> No.2789228

Any cordless ratchet larger than the M12 design end up being so large that you can’t get them in many spots where a small impact would fit, and the impact will be much more powerful. Plus the slide pack batteries, especially the 18V, that’s some thin ass plastic right where you want to pull on the thing to break stuff loose.

That’s what has kept me from getting the Orange version. Those things are big compared to the M12. Even the DeWalt 12V has a lot of the same issues as the 18V/20V

>> No.2790866

Don't lie FBI drop out

>> No.2791691

Smells like cheap oil. Stores are robbed blind here. All my HF tools broke and I replaced them with better. I buy Milwaukee now.

>> No.2791707

I didn't really know all that much about them.
The first time I really heard people talk about them was their jack stands being unironically shit and could get you killed. So I avoid them entirely now.

>> No.2793630

Their sand paper sucks. If you're gonna be doing a ton of sanding, like auto-body work, spend the little extra on some decent sand paper. You're easily gonna blow through the same dollar amount on cheap paper as you would with good paper + time wasted cleaning build up/ replacing pads. If you're not sanding much it's fine though.

>> No.2793641

I think people that purchase Harbor Freight are people that know they're getting ripped off, and can't do 1/10th as good of a job if they just shelled out 20% more money to buy quality tools to do quality jobs. They're digging their heels in saying that everyone else is wasting money buying quality tools, and that they're really the ones wasting money buying cheap tools and cutters 50 times to do the job of one name-brand tool that's 20% more. Or they buy a jackstand that's been through 8 recalls, and still think its a good idea to prop up their D-250 over their bodies with $20 of chinesium between them and the Almighty.

Stay mad you queers.

>> No.2793649

My dad is a long time harbor freight guy… he doesn’t care about tools… he will buy some wire cutters abuse them and throw them in a tool box.

Next time he needs to do a job with wire cutters he’ll just pick up a brand new cheapest set at the store and throw it somewhere in his disorganized box

No organization no nothing, bought a black and decker saw once never bought another burns wood more than it cuts not worth finding a socket in the socket bucket and finding a non-broken Chinese /tawau ear socket wrench to drive it with

Uses an adjustable on almost everything

>> No.2793652

Moral of the story is that harbor freight guys, do not care about tools

They don’t get that pride of ownership the guys that post here have when they open the top drawer of their tool box and it’s just snap-on wall to wall in perfectly organized rows

And nice high dollar tools in perfectly organized rows

When my dad is at my place and he’s going through my tools he gets frustrated that it’s too organized and “what he needs isn’t easy to find”

And mentions everything is over priced

He liked that all my power tools are on one battery platform because he’s been buying harbor freight all his life and they keep changing their batteries and platforms every few years

>> No.2793656

all my harbor freight junk was destroyed, but not because it was junk, but because it burned in a fire lol
never had an issue with harbor freight tools, and if i did i would just buy something sturdier to get the job done, no big deal

>> No.2793777


Daddy issues. It's all starting to make sense now...

>> No.2793821

This is 4chan breh. I don’t think there’s very many dudes here who had a good, present father and a healthy relationship with said father. Those types of people aren’t on 4chan.

>> No.2794641

i broke the tooth off one of their like 8inch wrenches on my car and i dont think im all that strong. i wouldnt rely on it as my only set.

>> No.2794697

I had a solid relationship with my old man. We worked together every day until he got so feeble from cancer that he physically couldn't do it anymore...

Built our farm shop with him, completed many large farm projects with him, he helped me remodel my house before I moved in, I helped them remodel their house, etc.

I just really like diy and shitposting...

>> No.2795744

It's somewhat refreshing to see a person with your level of self-awareness. And sorry about your dad...but...you sure he was your father? And I only say that because I know your mom...

>> No.2795745

prove to me they're made at the same factories

>> No.2796389

My dad has been using Harbor Frieght stuff professionally at his shop for over 15 years. Used to own all Snap-On hand and power tools but it took forever to get shit warrantied so he's been switching over to Harbor Freight for hand tools and DeWalt for powered ones. Even the shop next door which does motor work is going over to HF and Milwaukee. Just means more money for cars and projects.

>> No.2796392

2 tickets to China?

I mean there was literally a lawsuit between Snap On and HF over the jacks. Snap On had the parts shipped over and it was “Assembled In The USA” and sold for $800 while HF had the parts assembled in China and was selling it for $250. The same parts, I think the wheels were slightly different and the pad. That’s about it.

Look at all of the jack stands. All of the 3T stands are the same. The pins are exactly the same. The lifting arm of one brand will stick right into the base of another. There’s slight differences like maybe they put tiny feet on the Daytona model that the Pitts didn’t have. They same with tons of the jacks. My HF McGraw compressor, Home Depot sells the same thing except the Husky is painted black and the on/off switch is a different color.

It is not uncommon at all for these companies who don’t manufacture anything (Any HF brand, Husky, Kobalt, old Craftsman) to be rebadging the same stuff from a single Chinese factory.

>> No.2796432

Wew lad, that’s a bold statement. And Harbor Freight 15 years ago was a lot different than it is today. If he was using nitrile gloves and zip ties and some extra long 3/8” extensions, that’s understandable. But you wouldn’t want to be using the Pittsburgh jaw pullers or screwdrivers professionally unless you like having bloody knuckles.

I readily admit the Snap On truck is a ripoff under most circumstances, but the old cheap HF was mostly very difficult to use much. Maybe you could buy a jack or compressor for 1/4 the price of the mainstream brand, and if you were lucky and it lasted 1/2 as long as the name brand, it seemed like a good buy. A lot of other people would rather buy once, cry once, although it’s debatable whether the Snap On truck is the best choice for that.

>> No.2796497

"The FTC works to stop deceptive ads, and its Endorsement Guides go into detail about how advertisers and endorsers can stay on the right side of the law.
If you endorse a product through social media, your endorsement message should make it obvious when you have a relationship (“material connection”) with the brand. A “material connection” to the brand includes a personal, family, or employment relationship or a financial relationship – such as the brand paying you or giving you free or discounted products or services"

NTA btw you're just wrong and I hate the way you type all confident knowing nothing.

>> No.2796498

>pride of ownership
Snap on guys are worse than apple fags.

>> No.2796963

>Claim no amount of money can buy tools that will make you skilled
>Picture of Eddie Van Helen's frankenstrat with deceptive cigarette burns, but a Floyd Rose bridge.
"Eddie Van Helen received a prototype from Floyd Rose in late Fall of 1978"
So at the time Eddie had the cutting edge tool.

Skill and tool quality are commutative factors. Skill times tool equals productivity.

>> No.2797881
File: 23 KB, 447x213, hbsavings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some deals this weekend, boys.


>> No.2800127

Harbor Freight is like the tool equivalent of a hipoint. Perfectly fine and cheap, but people with weird and illogical priorities refuse to refer to them as anything but horrible trash that only a mongoloid would ever use because they fear what randos would think of them if they said anything positive. Hipoints are more reliable than some HFT products, but still.
So, just like someone would rather dump $800 on a rock island knockoff 1911 than save $650 for ammo/accessories/a rifle/etc. and just get an equal capacity hipoint for cheaper, people would rather spend $60 for an also chinese screwdriver, or $100 for crowbar with a fancy name printed on it than getting the same thing for cheaper.

>> No.2800131

But literally any other pistol manufacturers makes a gun that is lighter, higher capacity and more ergonomic.
So yes if you just need a gun for a task or two a highpoint is fine but if you need to carry a gun around you should upgrade to something better.

>> No.2800169

buy one good mechanics set of tools from not harbor freight, and then buy all of the little shit you need as you go along at harbor freight, if it breaks in a way that makes you think you need an upgrade, buy a better version of it. i wouldnt buy any kind of construction hand tools at harbor freight.
keep in mind for actual specialty tools the chink shit on amazon is probably going to be a better value and work for the one off use that youre going to need it for, but if you need tools in the middle of working on something nothing beats harbor freight

>> No.2800228

Unless it's the old $3.99 ratchet+socket set, anything sold there is going to be of an equivalent drive tool quality to any other large retail store.

>> No.2800304

Only a concern for the same kinds of wusses who demand their laptops be folder-light like a mac.
>higher capacity
Dual-stacked mags are better, yes, but so are an air compressor and attachable tools like nailguns and drills over regular hand tools.
There are compact pistols for lady hands, yes. New hipoint designs are actually smaller. Check out the Gen 2s and the yeet cannon. But that's getting beyond the point. HFT gets the same unfair bad rep, and most of it tends to come just from people who are worried they'll look lame and get made fun of if they don't disavow. Especially these days, when it's not like you can buy a Craftsman tool kit and have it last long enough (unless you let the tools get wet and stay wet like a moron) that your grandchildren can use them 50 years later like they were brand new.

>> No.2800339

That $3.99 socket set was a knuckle breaker. Had a retarded friend who kept buying those and every single ratchet would just randomly assplode and the drive side would pop out and you better get a clean rag for the blood.

>> No.2800435
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>buy one good mechanics set of tools from not harbor freight

I still swear the 301 piece mechanic's tool set from HF is a damn good deal for getting basically a full set of 1/4,3/8, and 1/2" drive sockets in both shallow and deep as well as ratchets, extensions, swivels, adapters, torx bits, e-torx, 12 point 1/4" drive sockets, etc. Lots of good stuff in there for the price... Hell I just outfitted a service cart in my shop with the entire socket setup (minus the 1/2" drive deep sockets because I put 1/2" drive impact sockets instead...)

>Unless it's the old $3.99 ratchet+socket set, anything sold there is going to be of an equivalent drive tool quality to any other large retail store.

This. The Pittsburgh Pro sockets and impact sockets from HF have never let me down and I've rallied on them hard in a farm shop environment. I've used the chrome sockets on a 3/8" impact thousands of times, and used them all as press tooling too. Even the Pittsburgh Pro ratchets are decent. I still would upgrade to a Gearwrench ratchet over time, but they'll get you by for a long time and if you clean and lube them they're really all most any DIY'er would ever need.

>> No.2800529

>cant open the drawers if the lid is closed
by far the worst thing about that little cart, other than the fact that it isnt even square.

>> No.2800538
File: 278 KB, 828x1331, 06217269-206F-4BB0-BD4E-529C36056568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had the cash to blow, I would get down on a cart like picrel. Somebody I know has a Matco version like this, it’s nice that you can slide the top open when you have parts and tools sitting up there.

There’s a cheap version sort of like this, Sears used to have a ~$200 Craftsman version, but it’s physically smaller than the HF and other tool carts, more like 28” x 14”.

>> No.2800545
File: 345 KB, 1508x707, extremecart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over 1k for a cart that doesnt have full drawer capacity lmao
I've heard nothing but bad things about sunex carts
for me if I "had the money" I would spend it on this, it's a cart but you're not cucked by having to open the lid in case you have stuff on it and acts as a top drawer

>> No.2800547
File: 284 KB, 1520x756, extremecart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the open bottom version mogs the Sunex and is more affordable

>> No.2800548
File: 2.44 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy one with full drawers if you want, but a lot of people don’t want it. I would’ve bought another 28” bottom chest if I wanted full drawers, but I wanted 2 shelves for boxes and stuff.

>> No.2800549

This is the same shit HF sells for $200. Not sure what your point is.

>> No.2800550

based on what? why isn't the sunex the same shit as HF?

>> No.2800554

you get emails from harbor freight? wow, my special little boy. Aren't you the super mekanik

>> No.2800557
File: 179 KB, 828x1223, D3E6A021-1926-4C8D-A273-9245AE631D1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shit on the sunex and posted two completely different things…. A 41” tool chest and a 4-drawer tool cart that is just like everybody else’s $200 4-drawer tool carts. Nobody needs help finding either one of those because HF, Lowe’s, and Home Depot will all sell you one right off the floor.

That was a post about sliding top tool carts, which are dope but aren’t $199 at Lowe’s like the one you posted for $1000.

>> No.2800558

Hey man, the store manager was personally begging me to come back! Oh and he thanked me on Veteran’s Day as well. You’re just mad “StoreManager@harborfreight.biz” isn’t sliding into your DMs and asking for your social security number so he can tell you the financing rate on an Icon hutch.

>> No.2800559

Hf lowes and home depot aren't on the same level of quality as extreme tools or any midrange box like toolvault, gatorbuilt, montezuma, etc
they are bottom of the barrel trash and are priced accordingly. i dont want quality control issues for something i spend hundreds of dollars on, just my 2 cents

>> No.2800564

>2/3 of the box is 3 drawers
Total deep drawer death.

>> No.2800592

The thing with harbor freight guys that they don’t care about their tools or tools or junk they know it, so they never organize well so Harbor freight tool boxes are always one drawer filled with random loose, sockets another drawer with some random loose screwdrivers no one can find anything so you’re just always taking no five years to do a project because nothing is where you left it last and so many partial sets because they just don’t care. It’s five dollars and say who cares, why bother looking for the 10 mm just buy another set when you have another project to do

The snap on boxes everything is organized in a tool holder in a tall grid system or laser cut foam or shadow board because the tools are nice they’re high-quality they’re expensive they’re well-made. It’s a different lifestyle.

>> No.2800603

>The Strap-On Lifetyle

Somebody pls put me down if I ever start cutting my own foam inserts.

>> No.2800623
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I can open my drawers with the lid closed. All you have to do is remove the locking bars tard. Want me to show you how?

>> No.2800650

Idk man I hate clutter and I come from /fa/ so I have designer furniture and clothing so… why not have a nice work space

Machinist now too so our tool boxes need to be perfect

>> No.2800688

Currently running one of their 8750 watt inverter gennies, I’m pleased with it. Its noisy but I don’t care, my neighbors fucking suck and it’s a huge flex that I have power and they don’t

>> No.2800723

The problem with that is the drawers don’t have a latch or anything, so whenever you roll the cart around, you risk heavy drawers flying open.

>> No.2800769

>The problem with that is the drawers don’t have a latch or anything, so whenever you roll the cart around, you risk heavy drawers flying open.
These 2nd gen US General tool karts have the slide latch on one side of the drawer that will hold them closed. I have also seen where people put magnet catches on the back of the drawers to keep them closed too. I might do that upgrade someday but time will tell.

>> No.2800773
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HF wins because the big boxes don’t carry any kind of electronics supplies anymore. But HF does.

>> No.2800993

My point was that you had to modify it out of the box.

>> No.2801016
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>My point was that you had to modify it out of the box.
Oh no! How could a person ever modify anything to reach the desired end result? I must just consoooome things that exactly meet my needs!

Hint, it didn't come with the socket organizer either, or the wrench holders, or the folding shelf on the back of it...

>> No.2801020
File: 73 KB, 600x372, chinese tools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miu was found guilty tho.

1. buy HF
2. if it breaks get a better brand
about half my shit is HF tools. I have shitty socket sets in each vehicle and had a chinese vice that I beat on constantly for 12 years before selling it. Extra big box wrenches and stubbies are all HF. Most of my air tools were HF. Yeah I vote yes.

>> No.2801021

deja vu

>> No.2801037
File: 63 KB, 1200x1200, 95690_W3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>care about tools
>They don’t get that pride of ownership
>No organization no nothing,
Once you actually start using tools, you'll understand. Also doing this is a great way to get your tools stolen too because they're out on display instead of in several hard to sort shitpiles that only the user is wise enough to sift.

>Moral of the story is that harbor freight guys, do not care about tools

People who "care" about tools either don't fucking use them because they'd rather gawk and make them look ready to be used when the time is needed, or they steal them and pawn them off. Also once you use enough of them you'll realize something; They break! The pristine nail gun you just bought is not immune to that hidden knot or other nail that will ricochet the wrong way and fuck it up. That one rusted bolt doesn't care that you breaker bar is a snap on, it's gonna "snap off" no matter what brand it happens to be when the time comes to unfuck some evil genius beancounter engineers ideas. Sometimes you have to get a shitty cheap tool and modify it to keep up with their mental gymnastics..
My favorite are these little fuckers right here. Go ahead and buy those roundup shitter bottles for an extra $10. They might last one more month than these when you go to replace it next year, but at least you'll get two extra nozzles you'll never use.

>Modify Harbor freight tools
This is the greatest part about them though. You don't feel bad about it because you don't feel like you're ruining the resale value of something like a dewalt.

>> No.2801130

I use my tools all day everyday, i even stock rebuild kits for the snap-on dual 80 system in my box

I know exactly where my Stanley #4 is

I know exactly where my snap-on rotating head dual80 ratchet in 3/8” is

I know exactly where my Matco 22mm impact socket in 1/2” drive is

I know exactly where my Browne and sharp test indicator is

>> No.2801155

Congratulations, you know where your tools are. So do I. You're not special...

Also your ratchets break so often you have to keep parts kits for them? Sounds like a shitty quality ratchet problem.

>> No.2801157

>what is a autoparts store

>> No.2801160

are you rolling your cart down stairs or are the bearings just that smooth? seriously when the fuck does this happen because I want those drawers if they slide out that easy.

>> No.2801163
File: 63 KB, 321x357, I guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a wrench monkey in an air conditioned concrete box with all my wrenches
Neat. I bet they don't rust either. It certainly does keep it easy to keep track of your tools when...they don't go anywhere in the first place.
>I even stock rebuild kits for the snap-on dual 80 system in my box
Maybe try using a $10 breaker bar instead of constantly breaking $100+ ratchets like a knuckle dragging idiot. That's just my wise tip for the "jack of all" who lists a series of tools indicating they're a master of none.

>> No.2801164

It's for autoparts. Don't tell me you buy those expensive tools they have lying strategically around like gum sticks and candy in the cashier checkout isle?

>> No.2801171

$2 for 8ft of heat shrink tubing. Not what I went in there for but it’s what I bought. HF is good.

>> No.2801176

I haven’t broken one yet , I make 3/8” drives

My tools should indicate my profession to you very quickly

And it’s not easy shit like removing and replacing parts like a mechanic anyone with a low iq can do that shit

>> No.2801177

>And it’s not easy shit
Lol. LMAO even!

>> No.2801178
File: 626 KB, 1280x720, slate[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My tools should indicate my profession to you very quickly
Youtuber? The stanley #4 threw me off, I was gonna say "Hobby wood machinist".

>And it’s not easy shit like removing and replacing parts
And yet all the tools you listed....do that. Except for one which simply measures, which is even easier than actually making what's being measured.

>> No.2801183

Agreed. I plan on anything I buy from there to work once when needed. Any extra use past that is a bonus.
I've had one of their corded drills for ten years plus. Damn thing just won't die.

>> No.2801187

Every machinist I’ve ever met has some pallet wood fixturing or pallet wood made endmill holder sitting around.

Why not plane it and make it look nice when people tour the setup after bid submissions

>> No.2801191

What’s the runout on that $10 drill look like?

Stick a gage pin in that sun $10 jacobs chuck

How big is that hole you drilled with a 1/4” jobber drill in that corded drill
After you’re done?

Good luck tapping it with more than 30% thread engagement

Good enough just means “I don’t know any better “

>> No.2801250
File: 537 KB, 960x1280, C3CE04FB-FB7E-4951-84CB-77A631AB33A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only place I could find leaded solder locally a couple years ago was Napa. HF just introduced that new soldering stuff a year or two back.

Sometimes the cart has to go over a bump or two outside of the garage, and it doesn’t take that much for a loaded drawer to come flying open.

There are some random gems, a few of the Titan tools that VatoZone has next to the Snickers bars are kinda cool. The pistol grip multipurpose pliers in this pic were one of those. Also the $2 bins, wire brushes and mag pickup tools and battery post cleaners, slways worth having those around.

Plus the regular tools, most Duralast stuff is actually decent taiwanesium, and Advance Auto used to have Gearwrench, and then they rebranded it as TEQ Pro and now it’s Die Hard. When they have 50% off sales on those sets, there’s nowhere else you will find a 7pc Gearwrench ratcheting flex head combination wrench set for <$40.

>> No.2801264

When I swap the cabin air filter in my car I do it at autozone every other time I get a free reward item so I grab a socket or other cheap tool.

The reason I do that is so that if a neighbor or coworker needs to borrow a tool I hand them an old craftsman wrench and a socket rail of dura last tools

If I handed them a snap-on ratchet and a snap-on set of sockets I’ll never see it again and they’ll be like “oh I forgot”

Forgot to return a $300 ratchet and $500 set of sockets uh yeah sure

>> No.2803404

Buy what you need from Harbor Freight, Use what you need, upgrade whenever something breaks. Hasn't failed me yet.

>> No.2803405

>word of mouth
thats what hes afraid of, more people coming in claiming warranties. HF wants the same demo as planet fatass, get people in the door buying a service or tool they will likely only use once

>> No.2803439

Harbor freight is clearly doing the Amazon thing, expand fast, offer great service for a little bit

Then once they have market share , make everything shitty jack up prices offer less good deals

Like how Amazon day deals are all shitty now and you can’t even talk to a human if you tried your fucking hardest unlike back in the day

>> No.2803913

If I only need to use the tool once I get it from HF.

>> No.2804188

floyd rose is worthless except for weedle woos. eddie van halen was classically trained on piano and knew basic music theory before learning guitar unlike 99% of guitarists (because guitar is a dogshit instrument for learning theory)

>> No.2804293

They sell shit that is inexpensive yet useful. I use their air tool cleaner wire brushes to clean my vape mods. Other tools they have such as their screwdrivers are good and solid. Can't hardly make errors when designing a screwdriver. Sockets are solid as well. Zip ties are great. I have several of their flashlights laying around. They're nice in a pinch when I can't get to my mag light. Some of their tools blow ass, but you can reinforce/improve them with a little know-how. In all, they're probably right up there with Stanley. I used their tools to change my radiator and it was all a cinch. No problems whatsoever.