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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2765263 No.2765263[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Finna leave soon

>> No.2765276

Go to Canada and ask for MAID

>> No.2765277

>unironically wanting to kill yourself.
What are you, a 13 year old angsty girl?
Frequent /lgbt/?

Go outside, pick up a hammer and stop being a little fucking bitch.

>> No.2765283

The authors report a case of suicide by hydrogen sulfide in Australia. A young woman was located in a car wearing protective eyewear. A tub of foamy yellow substance and a quantity of hydrochloric acid and lime sulfur were also located in the rear of the vehicle. Morphological findings at autopsy were nonspecific. Toxicologic analysis of a specimen of leg blood detected elevated levels of methemoglobin. If Australia follows a similar trend to Japan and the United States, it is possible that incidences of such cases will rise, probably because of Internet dissemination. From a public health perspective, emergency service providers and forensic case workers should be aware of the potential hazards to themselves and others when dealing with such cases.

>> No.2765284

>A young woman
Thanks ChatGPT

>> No.2765286

>hydrogen sulfide
She synthesized farts to fart herself to death? You fart weirdos shouldnt have access to AI bots.

>> No.2765289

>minimal resources
rope is quite cheap you can even use belts etc
using the gas method is the most painless heard nitrogen is also a good contender

>> No.2765305
File: 456 KB, 767x639, Erj-eBcXYAYA6HC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbon monoxide, sleeping pills and booze in a sealed room.

Knock yourself out

>> No.2765326

Until they clamp down on it, can't buy pure helium here anymore without a loicence because people were using it to an hero.

>> No.2765330

better stock up now

>> No.2765331

Take it upon yourself to stop shoplifters. You'll either be killed or create a life worth living.

>> No.2765341

>hammering yourself to death
Chris anon that's pretty fucking metal.

>> No.2765386

get 100% nitrogen instead

>> No.2765390

Anon has a valid point.

>> No.2765418

not the diy you have in mind fella

>> No.2765421
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Don’t kill yourself. You’ll die one day eventually, so you might as well see what happens until then.

>> No.2765516

Hanging seems straight forward
I imagine you can make yourself pass out by hyperventilating and pressing your carotid amd make it painless if youre so inclined

>> No.2765519

Awww, picrel looks so nice. Second the wait and see, I was suicidal once after the death of a family member, it passed. Now I'm in Canada where my government wants me to die, I live on out of spite.

>> No.2765525

>any place of sufficient height
You won't feel shit, you basically explode on impact. Can't find such a place? Just fake being interested in buying an apartment in the tallest building you can find, get in, jump.

>> No.2765531

>just live in constant mental or physical pain, bro. My life is fine, so yours will be too.

>> No.2765583

1. extension cord
2. punch hole in ceiling
then you just neck yourself from the rafter. you don't even need shoe laces.

>> No.2765586

that's not the reason. maybe you should go touch grass

>> No.2765588

do you get anything for state assisted suicide? like a last meal? hospital care? because I'm thinking you could milk that system repeatedly and back out a the last minute.

>> No.2765640

Shallow water whiteout

>> No.2765642


>> No.2765661

Jump from a big-ass building, make sure you go head-first like a diver. Do a flip for points.

>> No.2765670

The public transit system in my city has trains which have big fuckin wheels on em. Yours might too. I'd lay with my neck on the track, after sundown, in a spot where I'm not easily seen until it's too late like around a turn, in one of the sections of rail by the highway where they get up to 50mph. Had this as my escape plan for a long time. I've inspected the trains nonchalantly and I'm confident it'd take my head clean off. no way it'd push me out of the way somehow even if it slowed down. The front "bumper" is high above the ground. it could probably slice through 3 people stacked on top of one another without even touching the bumper.