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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 122 KB, 526x509, stepsca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2762355 No.2762355 [Reply] [Original]

Abominations Thread XLVIII

Redundantly redundant edition

>> No.2762423
File: 51 KB, 720x960, stairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry , I know these stairs keep getting posted but they're basically the /diy/ mascot now.

>> No.2762624
File: 292 KB, 1024x683, 4404829280_f319a7dfcb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2762625

This scares the amerilard

>> No.2762653

You want to try running down that with bare wet feet?

>> No.2762663

Doesn't tempered glass shatter when scratched? Don't drop your diamond ring on it.

>> No.2762665

>the /diy/ mascot now
Now that you mention it, I'd imagine our board-tan would live in a house made purely of /diy/ abominations

>> No.2762689

Anyone would have issues with those stairs. Your overly used meme comment would have been funny had you used it for the pic in the Op.
>three stairs
Rent free.

>> No.2762699


>> No.2762864
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>> No.2762869
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>> No.2762870

People talk a lotta shit about US new construction but OSB would have stopped this

>> No.2762872

They are laminated and tempered (or laminated and hardened, something like that). My old house had a lot of glass walls and doors, a construction guy once walked right into one carrying a metal radiator, there was no scratch. But the glass doors do get scratches from people with rings and sand and stuff but they’re still okay. I don’t know what they do with them but the right glass is extremely strong

>> No.2762882

No, it can shatter when it gets a very concentrated force applied like hitting it with a center punch or dinging a raw edge or corner, but scratches aren't a problem...I used to make architectural art glass and we could safely sandblast up to 1/4 into the thickness of tempered glass.

But >>2762872 is correct, glass stair treads are laminated from tempered glass so that any sharp blows that might cause one to explode only damages that outer layer and enough structural integrity is maintained that you don't fall through.

A dropped diamond ring wont do anything, unless you hit it *just* right with some force behind it tempered glass is incredibly tough.

>> No.2762887

That really shouldn't be the part that concerns you here

>> No.2762895

>electric baseboard heater
yeah I cringed a little

>> No.2762898

I don't think that the laminate would actully support someone if the glass was broken. car windows are no longer solid after being broken even if they remain in place.

>> No.2762899

the benefit of tempered glass is it turns into little sharp beads that won't evicerate you or slice your femoral artery. laminating only keeps it from flying when it explodes. ask a 1st responder about plastic door panels on cars if you want to know what a sharp slice of something can do to the human body.

>> No.2762902

>I don't think that the laminate would actully support someone if the glass was broken. car windows are no longer solid after being broken even if they remain in place.

I'm sure those stairs are 3 or 4 layers of laminated glass so even if one layer broke it would still be fully capable of supporting the weight rating of the stairs.

>> No.2762907

1 sheet of plywood prevents this

>> No.2762912

Piece of gravel stuck to a shoe and stair shatters. Spilled water causes anon to shoot off stairs and slice his face off on the way down. Thrre is no defense for idiocy like this

>> No.2762914

>I'm sure
based on what you're own lack of understanding?

>> No.2762915

>wearing your shoes in the house
americans folks

>> No.2762968
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>> No.2762992

Looks like OSB without the “O” so it’s just “SB”

>> No.2763003

I’m amazed how many of you seem to live in countries where you can install a glass staircase that hasn’t passed tests or certification. Anyway I’ve been on a hundred of these floating glass staircases because all our office buildings have them. They are fine. Have you guys heard of bulletproof glass btw? Or the glass skywalks over the Grand Canyon and in the Rockefeller building?

Windshields are 3 tiny layers. One layer can shatter without the other (like in the meme staircase) on any glass laminate and the glue is flexible to distribute impact

Painted/varnished staircases get way more slippery when wet than these get when dry

>> No.2763004

>hi mom, why are you calling? oh you're at my place to pick up the thing? i put it on the second floor, have to go now love you

>> No.2763182

>I’ve been on a hundred of these floating glass staircases
Are they cantilevered out like that, mounted only to the one wall?
That's the part that makes it seem sketchy.

Between stringers seems less sketchy, and it looks like they usually have some kind of metal support or frame.
But not always.


>> No.2763245
File: 129 KB, 634x845, 81441281-13100081-Can_you_spot_the_major_design_flaw_in_this_Manchester_property_-a-10_1708532092262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2763285

When i used to go the auto junkyard i would sometimes crush spark plugs up with pliers and toss the at windows they would shatter instantly wonder if that would work on these

>> No.2763297

>whaaaa, cantilevered structural glass is scary scary"
They haven't read CEN/TS 19100

>> No.2763354

Cannot possess crap in Manchtroit!

>> No.2763373

NTA but *I* am sure from reading the technical specifications and understanding how these treads are made that the anon is correct that those kinds of glass treads are engineered to not allow someone to fall through them should one or more of the multiple layers shatter, and the designs are rigorously tested for that ability before being OKed for use.

Simplynput: the kinds of loads needed to completely disintegrate one of those treads in a single event are high enough that they would do the same to many other common materials used in that same application, that also meet the minimum safety thresholds of building codes.

>> No.2763382

The lightest tap of anything metal on tempered glass corners will destroy it.

>> No.2763388

Also important to make a distinction with auto glass that windshields aren't tempered, but use laminated annealed glass for two reasons:

1) tempered glass instantly becomes obscured over its entire surface from even the tiniest fracture, so that if the tiniest pebble or other debris hit your windshield at speed, rather than a crack you'd be effectively blinded by the crazing of the entire surface

2) laminated annealed glass retains a lot of strength against penetration even after it breaks which can prevent items and passengers from being ejected in a sudden deceleration impact.

Architectural glass that has to hold people against falling will often combine both types of glass, with tempered outer lamination providing higher shatter resistance and thick inner layers providing immense structural strength.

Also, the nature of the polymer used to laminate glass causes it to buffer and disperse shock loads in ways that resist total failure and concentrate damage closer to the source of impact.

On top of that, lamination polymers have been developed *specifically* to capitalize on this and also offer vastly improved structural integrity both when intact and after breaking-

>Post glass breakage, a glass unit laminated with an IQ’s Strengthening Interlayer has greater strength than standard PVB. It is able to hold a 3300kg load with minimal deflection as opposed to an equivalent PVB laminated unit which displaced dramatically after 400 seconds. A strengthening interlayer also has a tested tear strength of 50 MJ/m3 compared to a standard PVB interlayer of 10-15 MJ/m3.

>This means that even post breakage, the laminated glass panel can still hold the weight of a human for over 1800 seconds ensuring that installations are safe and secure until a repair can occur.


>> No.2763396

Depends on the direction of the strike, delivered so that the energy goes straight into a hard corner/edge *maybe*, but a glancing blow won't necessarily do it, and either way it still has to be more than "the lightest tap" nine out of ten times.

How the edges are prepped before tempering matters a lot, and ironically cheap tempered glass that will go into a frame where the edges will be protected will often be poorly prepped on the edges and corners and will be far more prone to blowing up this way, where a simple swipe with an abrasive tool prior to to tempering would eliminate most of the hard angles that concentrate internal stress and give that particular piece a hair trigger for breakage.

Meanwhile, tempered glass items without hard corners/ edges like Corelle dishware can be dropped and hit on their edges all day long without shattering or even chipping.

>> No.2763493

did niggers steal the stairs?

>> No.2763495

Depends on the chemical mix of the glass, the hardness of said metal, the force applied, the size of the impact point, etc. SOP for exposed laminated structural glass would be a polymer film around the edges anyway, to avoid water or other contaminant ingress into the laminating agent.

>> No.2763511

Looks British. I can tell because the "detached" house has a whole 2ft gap from the neighbours. Luxurious.

>> No.2763617
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>> No.2763688
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>> No.2763705

Designer just wanted to act smug because his bathroom is quite literally only a bathroom.

>> No.2763766

What's wrong with this? Because I cannot count the number times I have laid in the bed of an austere hotel room and watched the cheap wood wall hanging for entertainment.
Also,what's up with the information stickers? Are they telling me how to operate the thermostat or saying it's available for purchase?

>> No.2763784

>When you discover shortly after starting that it is indeed a load bearing wall.

Even if they hadn't fucked up like that, who the fuck puts a toilet next to a kitchen?

>> No.2763786
File: 69 KB, 1024x683, 1659_MKN318284_IMG_05_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire property just gets more freaky the more you see of it.

I'm going with "A mentally ill electrician died in this house"


>> No.2763790
File: 96 KB, 730x960, 429679172_25084067144540831_2524160806421516573_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2763800

The counter argument is that it has an AC unit.

>> No.2763808

The matching mini staircaise is for his pet ferret to follow him up there or something?

>> No.2763856
File: 811 KB, 2272x1704, 1270611701775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is legit dangerous. I would take a life insurance policy out on the person who put this in their house.

This somehow made sense in the 1960's/70's. From the few accounts of the people who put them in, they didn't expect to live through the cold war longg enough for the carpet to be an issue.

>Also,what's up with the information stickers?
These look like exhibition placards. We are probably looking at an art exhibit masquerading as a bedroom.

Someone probably did die in the house given the lack of maintenance all around. The structure itself appears older than dirt and shows a ton of retrofitting. The house would clean up nicely to be honest.

>> No.2763857

It's a handrail you dingus

>> No.2763955

Is that OSB with fungus or rdaltree camo ?

>> No.2763996
File: 143 KB, 720x960, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know right?

>> No.2764015

Haven't been installed yet.

>> No.2764018

NGL I fucking love this.

>> No.2764020

>who the fuck puts a toilet next to a kitchen?
Previous owner of my house.

>> No.2764022

That's a fucking lot of shelves. And speakers. And plugs. And mold.

>> No.2764048

>his house isnt italics

>> No.2764070
File: 706 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_20240225_204414_(1500_x_1500_pixel).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh off the streets of Murder Capital City.

>> No.2764093
File: 239 KB, 1280x720, 4it6fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handrail bends exactly in line with the stairs

>> No.2764107

Assuming the bricks have been cutout (looks like they have), is there anything wrong with this, excepting that it looks like someone slapped a PA system on their wall, not an AC?

>> No.2764125

Well we don’t mind seeing as how we live in your head anyway.
>rent free

>> No.2764131

>killed by an exploding can of beans in the kitchen

>> No.2764135


>> No.2764233
File: 243 KB, 599x600, 1619504582412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that's how HAMfags live...

>> No.2764238

It was probably a single piece of sheet metal and they just cut a slide to make that rail.

>> No.2764252

I get this looks silly but honestly what's the problem? If that short flight of steps was just around the corner no one would even have noticed something odd.

>> No.2764259

>one day a subhuman walks in without taking off his shoes
>a rock is stuck in his shoe
>he dies but I have to replace my fucking stair
it's almost worth it

>> No.2764276

Found this on a foreclosure auction. Is that a sewage pipe? I don't know what else would need such a straight run, to the point that you're willing to cut through your sauna bench.

Pulling anything through the sauna chamber is cursed to begin with.

t. Very much not a plumber.

>> No.2764278
File: 198 KB, 1200x1600, Average Kokkola planning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm retarded, here's the pic.

>> No.2764283

God, I remember my parents had shag carpet in their ensuite for a while. What the fuck were people on in the eighties.
>listed as two bathrooms :^)

>> No.2764325

That's power for the furnace
When using high current wires, the less bends, the better, but this is just lazy

>> No.2764340

When people walk off an escalator they have a bit of extra momentum that takes a couple of steps to get used to. You don't want to put stairs in front of people with unsure footing. Plus people behind pushing forward.

Imagine someone rushing to catch a train down those escalators and at the bottom is an old man with a cane carefully trying to get down the stairs without tripping.

>> No.2764347
File: 223 KB, 1200x1600, Furnace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the sauna heater? Doesn't look like it.

>> No.2764367

What is above the sauna? Because it looks like there's hot and cold pex lines also running up there. Is there a 2nd floor above it with maybe a sink or something?

>> No.2764385

That's a good point, I assumed it was an up escalator but I'm not sure if it's possible to tell.

>> No.2764413
File: 846 KB, 3024x4032, 20240127_062149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opened up the 2nd floor breaker panel in my apartment for the first time since 2014. What a sight.

>> No.2764630

It appears to be an up escalator. Look at the signage at the bottom. Also I doubt they would put a down escalator next to stairs. Seems pretty pointless to do so.

>> No.2764706

No its not, there is PET hot water and cold water and a 50mm PVC wastewater pipe there. On the floor above there is clearly a sink, probably retrofitted after the sauna, and some fucking retarded DIY russian forgot a sink needs pipes. Or just didnt care because russians dont use saunas as much.

>> No.2764712

This is like sims level shit lol

>> No.2764740

if you ever wondered where all the toilets that the russians stole from Ukraine ended up.

>> No.2764743
File: 174 KB, 1200x1600, 018dac67-f05a-7085-8f2b-8dc00060e350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the answer, I find yours to be the most believable. Unfortunately this is in Finland, not Russia, so its mere existance is a stain upon the pride of the country. I feel like it should violate some kind of finnish heresy law.

With planning skills like that, no wonder they're getting foreclosed. Makes you wonder what else is fucked that you can't see easily.

Picrel is from same house, not sure if I'd trust that anyways, but definitely not considering the state of the sauna pipe.

I am unreasonably mad about this strangers sauna fuckup.

>> No.2764809

>ironically cheap tempered glass [...] will often be poorly prepped on the edges
What's ironic about cheap glass being shittier

>Meanwhile, tempered glass items without hard corners/ edges like Corelle dishware can be dropped and hit on their edges all day long without shattering or even chipping.
That's fascinating, why don't they make phones out of stuff like that though? They crow on and on about muh gorilla ultraglass 5000 but any phone dropped on a corner will still shatter.

>> No.2764814


>> No.2764816

Escalators exist to make it easier for people who have trouble with stairs. Imagine an old man with a cane having to carefully get down the stairs without tripping because the escalator stops 3 steps short for whatever reason, when it could have just deposited the old man down safely at the bottom.

If that short flight of steps was just around the corner, it would still be silly, but you could kind of justify it by saying that it'd be really expensive to install a whole separate escalator installation for a flight of like three steps. But here, it's just plain ridiculous to have the escalator already there and in place and just have it be three steps short of the full run.

>> No.2764830

>Escalators exist to make it easier for people who have trouble with stairs.

That is *not* the primary reason they exist or are installed; people who have trouble with stairs are at a distinct disadvantage when getting on and off escalators, which requires quick and decisive steps with adequate lifting of the feet to accomplish safely.

You just made that up; escalators are used because they allow people to rasily move between floors en masse without the need to wait for elevators that have limited load capacity. They can also still function as stairs in a pinch when shut down.

>Imagine an old man with a cane having to carefully get down the stairs without tripping because the escalator stops 3 steps short for whatever reason, when it could have just deposited the old man down safely at the bottom.

As has already been pointed out, this is *not* a down escalator so this entire hypothetical scenario is a red herring grasping at straws.

This arrangement isnt optimal but there's probably a reason for it that makes some sort of financial sense and is well worth the small inconvenience.

Just like stair stringers escalators are made to order and are not easily altered...there may have been a building redesign that happened after the unit was ordered that resulted in it being too short, or perhaps they were able to get one that was already built and unusable because some dumbass measured wrong, and they got it at a deep discount that covered the cost of adding a landing and stairs.

Regardless, it's not some old man safety issue and escalators are just a convenience for everyone, not specifically intended for people with limited mobility.

>> No.2764846
File: 70 KB, 1024x683, 1687429999282379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the recently installed extra handles above the bathtub. Real environmental storytelling.

>> No.2764847

How many fucking shelves did they need what the fuck

>> No.2764867
File: 34 KB, 550x500, escalator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest it's more likely that there was something preventing them from digging below the existing floor level.
An escalator extends a couple feet below the floor level for the "machine pit."

If for some reason they weren't able to dig below the existing floor level, they'd have to raise the bottom landing of the escalator.

>> No.2764872

Taking a shit while enjoying a fresh brewed cup of coffee. Looks pretty comfy to be honest...

>> No.2764883

It’s already been pointed out it’s not a down escalator, retard.

>> No.2764898
File: 21 KB, 563x503, 1639675082591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are there so many antennae.

>> No.2764906

Looks like someone forgot to renew their stair loicense

>> No.2764923
File: 106 KB, 776x729, IMG_2859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine pushing your pregnant wife down those

>> No.2764924

looks like corban dallas’ apartment from the fifth element

>> No.2764926

>this puts ikea on suicide watch

>> No.2764936

I'm betting on him being a collector and having whatever he collected in all these shelves. I had a grandad who collected model cars, he had freestanding shelves and cabinets anywhere they'd fit.

Looked like the house had been empty for a long time before the family or council got the house clearers in to strip it so they could do a quick sale by auction.


Would probably go for £250k cleaned up, rewired with a new kitchen and bathroom. Probably £15-20k worth of work

>> No.2764989

>I'm betting on him being a collector and having whatever he collected in all these shelves. I had a grandad who collected model cars, he had freestanding shelves and cabinets anywhere they'd fit.
In the BATHROOM? Right above the tub??

>> No.2765046

maybe they were model boats?

>> No.2765118

I take it you’ve never met a hoarder/“collector”.

>> No.2765131

my money is on it being a mockup/demo room for a hotel trade show or expo or something along those lines

>> No.2765172

They need their hands free for the organ harvesting.

>> No.2765297
File: 41 KB, 720x960, poolro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2765298

>inb4 those webms of people in china falling into and through escalators into their deaths.

>> No.2765329

that's a disinfection vat.

>> No.2765551

idk what that is but i want one in my future house. always warm

>> No.2765617

Looks like a church baptismal (the dunking kind, not the Catholic sprinkle).
That picture is from the house listing with the DVD pirating operation though so no clue what it's doing there

>> No.2765638

I've repaired radios. I love independent radio. I don't understand ham at all, and yes this is their grind.

>> No.2765651

Looks like a baptismal.

>> No.2765652

>from the house listing with the DVD pirating operation
The blue tick thieves den or whatever it was called, which looked like a really well organized hoarder's place?

>> No.2765718
File: 574 KB, 3156x1414, f76978c7-1682-4cd0-baee-d2bdc8fa586f_3156x1414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8800 Blue Lick Road

>> No.2765724

800k pls
T. Boomer

>> No.2765736

holy shit you're right
why the fuck was a building with a disinfecting corridor used to run a dvd pirating operation, was it formerly a biolab?

>> No.2765769

>sandblasting glass
imagine breathing that in

>> No.2765823 [DELETED] 

Wait, was this the house filled with DVDs in the basement?

>> No.2765824

That walkthrough was the best point and click mystery adventure released in the last decade.

>> No.2765825

Just looked and its down...
It really was a sight to behold. Putting it in this thread is an abomination.

>> No.2765826

>its down...

google ''lewis explores a totally normal house with the bois''

>> No.2765828

Works perfectly on the wayback machine


Its a forever old ebay reseller

>> No.2765843

Wayback machine only works for a few clicks.
I am reading people put it on the FlashPoint app, but its not working on that either.

>> No.2765853

I assume it was some sort of place that required that to bathe people with poor mobility? old people's home? It looks like a house tho, so idk.

>> No.2765864

>old people's home?

shower used to be a baptism pit
shower accouterments added later

>> No.2765873
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>> No.2765979

The fact it's in a corridor not a room suggests it was a required path from A to B. Not sure if there were other paths to get from A to B, or if those paths would always be open to both directions of traffic. Completely lacks the privacy for an old folks bath too, even if a bath was required to get into the ball pit or whatever. It makes sense to me if people would be walking out of a mycology lab or something similar while wearing protective clothing, and showering down while still wearing that clothing, possibly even submerging themselves if they're wearing airtight suits, in order to stop cross-contamination. In this case, the corridor would be to seperate the area with normal unwashed people and the area with positive air pressure and sensitive microbial cultures. Or to protect the outside from dangerous microbial cultures.

Show me any other case of a baptism pit taking up an entire corridor with doorways at either end, in the middle of a building. As opposed to being in front of the congregation or in a garden or some shit. It's not plausible in my estimation.

>> No.2766086
File: 575 KB, 750x538, Screenshot_20240301_004036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euro wire standard is as such
>Brown, black, white = L1, L2, L3
>Blue = Neutral
>Green yellow = Earth
There is a perfectly good 5x4mm cable to each floor, what the fuck was this idiot thinking?
Live wire on yellow green. White wire is literally circled there, I tested it. Fuck's sake I will have to dig it out of the wall.
I know PE and N are connected at the meter cabinet regardless but there's other reasons to leave them separate the entire way afterwards.

>> No.2766091

Those scare anyone with even a modicum of common sense, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.2766094
File: 905 KB, 1258x948, Screenshot_20240301_005338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. Clearly, he hasn't been to Žarkovo.
I just hope this dipshit did not cut any supporting columns.

>> No.2766347
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>> No.2766379

Actually, I wouldn't mind the toilet being sectioned off like this. No more interruptions during a shower because kid needs to potty.

>> No.2766597

It's a baptistry, the walls were built around it later when it was no longer used as such, you mong.

>> No.2766604

Do euros really?

>> No.2766720
File: 16 KB, 96x88, square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a square grate, that wasn't designed for a plug
do they do baptisms with showers these days?

>> No.2766736

Kek it gets worse the longer you look at it.
Look at the trim (mainly the rosette in the top right of the door cut in half) but also the plinth block on the bottom left

>> No.2767044
File: 695 KB, 4032x3024, 20240302_163235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is fixed. Indeed I had to fuck up the wall but it was 5 minutes to fix.

>> No.2767136
File: 97 KB, 636x333, groverhaus-pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a house made purely of /diy/ abominations
So Groverhaus, basically

>> No.2767213

Are the other threads archived somewhere to go back to?

>> No.2767230

Many eastern european commieblocks have separated toilet and bathroom.
And desu, the bathroom isn't much bigger lmao. We had room for only a bathtub, washing machine, sink and small cabinet.

>> No.2767282

Man that takes me back, what a wild ride that thread was. The staircase was hilarious. I wonder if he still lives there or somehow pawned it off onto some dope. Or if it burned down or collapsed upon it self.

>> No.2767651
File: 214 KB, 1024x683, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had this one back in university. It was also quite shaky

>> No.2767680
File: 2.99 MB, 1923x1163, 2024-03-03-223146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in college, I used to walk past this building on the way to the EE building.
And yeah, I often imagined an AC crushing my skull.

>> No.2767688

Wago Lever Nut?


This is quite indulgent spoon-feeding, but here is the search, already performed for you (url is quite long):
tinyurl com/mrxw9878

>> No.2767691

>You want to try running down that with bare wet feet?
Why the hell would I do that?

>> No.2767714

not having Aluminium oxynitride stairs.

>> No.2767721

>Wago Lever Nut?
Checked, HH and I guess I'm keeping it like that.

>> No.2767744

At least these have a handrail and better support.

>> No.2767812

It is a 3 stories high spiral stairs which is already bad and also with glass steps and it shakes as you climb it. Especially if multiple people climb it together. You could make it shake really hard if you try to resonate it.

It is probably safe, very thick glass and all that support but still just some designer's wet dream that made it to reality

>> No.2767822


Blue Lick Road forever

>> No.2767867
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>> No.2767877

looks like it's for forklifting to the second level

>> No.2767888

the fuck are those nozzels doing?

>> No.2767896


>> No.2767898

keeps the windows cooled so they don’t shatter in a fire

>> No.2767936

looking good deano

>> No.2767945

>PE and N are connected at the meter cabinet regardless but there's other reasons to leave them separate the entire way afterwards.
Then why did you connect them with a WAGO?

>> No.2768060

>you can take shit while cooking food

>> No.2768091

Ty for the spoon-feed

I've seen mention of a lot of different archive sites over the years but never used any.
Is this the /diy/ one?

>> No.2768098

>It appears to be an up escalator.
This. The steps keep the crips from using it instead of the elevator where they belong. Too many YouTube videos of people who have no business on moving stairs already.

>> No.2768103

>Jack the whole thing back straight with a regular car jack and a fence post
>install a single sheet of OSB onto one interior wall
>House fixed and problem solved forever

>> No.2768106

That's just an extension for PE. I ran out of 4mm solid core yellow green wire.
In other news they are also no longer connected at the meter cabinet. Turns out the house has a very good earth rod. In fact if you touch the N wire to the PE it will fucking spark. 1V between N and PE. TN is forbidden in houses here.

>> No.2768112

It mostly made sense until I noticed the second rear shock assembly and the sheer level of complexity required to retain steering capability. Cannondale did stuff nearly this mad in the 90s.

>> No.2768122

holy shit i've been looking for this for a while


>> No.2768263
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>> No.2768360
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>> No.2768541

Ah yes, the Brazillian shock special

>> No.2768546

I use these cause I don't know what else to use

>> No.2768550

I think that's a baptismal.

>> No.2768600
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, 20230622_172915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what else to use
really nigger

>> No.2768609

I live in a house without hot water piping. I'm not about to semi rebuild my house just to have a hot shower.

>> No.2768672
File: 357 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20240306_035853_254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I actually have OC

My dad likes to nigger-rig electric scooters out whatever he finds around the house. I think he has about 4 of them. They're all fucking abominations

>> No.2768673
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>> No.2768676
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>> No.2768678
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There's one that's just a straight up car battery hooked up where the footpad is, he keeps that one at work. You guys get the gist

>> No.2768680
File: 1.61 MB, 3120x4208, IMG_20190807_092635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here she is

>> No.2768694

Mire cum?

>> No.2768733

I don't think they're abominations.
I think they're great.

You have shit taste.

>> No.2768742

Your dad is based, his only fault is not beating you enough

>> No.2768765
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Nah I love the bikes but they're objectively Mad Max tier. And he loves them.

This one I think he basically either got an ebike frame from Alibaba or...picked it up from somewhere for free. He claims he can get 45mph before the steering gets too wobbly

>> No.2768859

Yes, that's what makes them good.
This thread is for things that are bad.

>> No.2768874
File: 85 KB, 918x1147, 428674430_896227912511375_5364674161572775726_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2768941

Jesus Christ

>> No.2768960

The smell of cellulose in the morning and falling out of the shower 2 1/2 feet to the painted cement.

>> No.2768972

I bet that counts as a full bathroom.

>> No.2768985

As based as they are, they kind of fit the abomination category though.
They look like a scooter version of Frankenstein.
Agree though, his dad should have beat him more.

>> No.2769000

Last house I owned, the prior owners carpeted the kitchen and the bathroom. ONLY the kitchen and the bathroom. In my current house, the prior owners carpeted over perfectly good hardwood floors. I have no idea what the fuck they were on, but somebody needed to be beaten savagely for it.

>Central Services here, I'd like to talk to you about your ducts.

>> No.2769009

This used to have a bridge and is located in West End near brisbane

>> No.2769057

Is the sink in another room or do they wash in the kitchen sink?

>> No.2769060

Do Americans not use RCBO's, only ever see cbs

>> No.2769066

If the panel is 15-20 years old and never updated, probably jusy CBs. The bathrooms/kitchen outlets will have a RCD built into an outlet somewhere.

Newer panels have to be almost entirely RCD or arc fault breakers. It's costs like $3000 to buy breakers for a panel now. Fucking hell

>> No.2769114

I'm always disturbed and irritated seeing these free-standing pipes that have zero support or protection. All of them are exposed to be grabbed by hands or knocked by something falling on them. It takes just one yank and some soldered joint gets broken some place you can't see it and then it just gushes water... or sewage... or natural gas. What do you think happens when the valve you try to close won't move because it's been suffering decades of neglect and is rusted shut? Or even worse still, the direction you twist is the wrong one and you break it a second time at the valve.
> Pipe dreams
Pipe nightmares.

>> No.2769171

Is this that house?

>> No.2769183

wow, this looks like my parents house, except the retarded addtions, and no toilet.
they got a shower in the basement like that next to their washing machine. the shower is closed off, and non functioning but its there. weird.

>> No.2769296
File: 267 KB, 1200x1600, abomination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was taken a few years back... notice the key for stress relief

>> No.2769314

Try an electric shower, like one of these: https://www.toolstation.com/bathrooms/electric-showers/c422

Much safer

>> No.2769323

Lol clearly a virgin ham radio boomer lived in that house.
The bathroom is what wins

>> No.2769330

Yes but jumping sideways in the shower when it blows isn't the safest either.

>> No.2769331

>>2769330 meant for >>2769314

>> No.2769399
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>> No.2769400
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>> No.2769403
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>> No.2769405
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>> No.2769471


>> No.2769492

>spot reserved for stair parking only

>> No.2769506

*Sensible chuckle*

>> No.2769511

I bought a beat to hell rv and nigger rigged my way into getting the plumbing working and this looks like home to me

>> No.2769522

On the one hand, that'd kill me the first time I tried to use it drunk. On the other, hell of a way to assert dominance.

>> No.2769723


the purpose is to let forklifts load pallets to the 2nd floor because the elevators are not large enough. not an abomination

>> No.2769729


>> No.2769755

This is the room where my car listens to music

>> No.2769765

Always find the main before touching anything t. Made that mistake only once.

>> No.2769808

Clever tool battery slot.

>bathtub propped up above shower tray
Looks like an ER trip waiting to happen.

>> No.2769827

There isn't a bracket balancing and distributing the weight. It could tip out.

>> No.2769828
File: 106 KB, 1024x737, round-iphone-2-1024x737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phone dropped on a corner
You said it, corner. Unless you're down with having a circular phone.

>> No.2769864

This would actually make for some kino parties.
You could put a railing on the inside with a small gap behind the door, then you can open it to get a full balcony view and get some fresh air.
It's safe too because no criminal is brave enough to build a fucking bridge or raid machine to seige the house

>> No.2769924


>> No.2769927

How do you wash your hands
Or do you live in some climate without winters where the "cold" water is always lukewarm year-round

>> No.2769929

That bathtub... No....

>> No.2769977
File: 215 KB, 373x366, cev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free-standing pipes that have zero support or protection
Are you fucking blind?

>> No.2769979

Do we yuros even use RCBOs? I've only seen brits talk about them online and it's weird they still don't require earth rods at all but they do this advanced expensive shit.
>Newer panels have to be almost entirely RCD or arc fault breakers. It's costs like $3000 to buy breakers for a panel now. Fucking hell
For what fucking reason? You do not really need more than a sensitive bathroom RCD unless you have TT earthing like me and that's not allowed in the US as far as I know or just never done.

>> No.2769980

Trying to reduce house fires by .05% and increase profits of GE by 1%

>> No.2769983
File: 1.48 MB, 3024x4032, matkjhlzo1081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and arc fault breakers here come with a pig tail instead of a screw to save space or something.

>> No.2769988

Sublime. My God, it even has accessible valves for each individual pipe...

>> No.2770034
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>> No.2770111

I'm pretty sure everything in that picture was stolen from somewhere.

>> No.2770160

Right hand drive Mercedes wagon/estate in front makes that obvious anyway.

>> No.2770167

I'm more concerned with walking into these than going up/down.

>> No.2770169

Maybe it's not a kitchen and they're just using cheap kitchen cabinets as a vanity.

Separate toilets aren't all that uncommon in the US either, but putting the bathtub/shower in its own tiny separate room is. (Usually there's a larger bathroom with tub, sinks, etc. and then a small toilet off of that.)

Could this be one of those Jewish ritual baths? Forget the name but women have to go in them after their period before they're considered "clean" again and stuff.

>> No.2770188


I find it strange that Americans use a separate neutral supply cable. Instead of a twin.

>> No.2770189


Pure class

>> No.2770190


Mr fix it cut the wrong wire and used the earth a neutral.

Its probably going to an insulated fitting anyway. No biggy

>> No.2770232

I've seem enough open neutral problems I admit it's a huge problem.

>> No.2770276

No construction quality rules there. I guarantee that on an American one it's impossible to cause the walking plate to deflect and slip out even if you forget to bolt it back down.

>> No.2770425
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>> No.2770458

I think I can explain this one: The architect played Dwarf Fortress. You're supposed to have a pit with some water in your entrance hallway so that when people walk through it, the water washes away whatever is stuck to their shoes.

>> No.2770567
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>> No.2770580

the vague smell of toilet water while microwaving your popcorn. ah.

thank you. i think i'll just hold it in.

>> No.2770584

You see these around New England occasionally.

>> No.2770587

Explain t. Not a sparky

>> No.2770622

I don't see anything particularly wrong here, what's your complaint?

>INB4 promoting one of those over-stove microwave abominations

>> No.2770623

Mallets need a stool to reach microwave

>> No.2770628

>microwave soup
>end up with skin grafts on face

>> No.2770631

It's the least-used medium appliance I have, I use my toaster oven more than my regular one.

>> No.2770640

a dude posted it with some more pics, small house had the toilet upstairs and his dad had trouble walking.

>> No.2770665

don't be short and clumsy
unless you're my gf

>> No.2770815

>(Usually there's a larger bathroom with tub, sinks, etc. and then a small toilet off of that.)
But why?
>want to shit
>someone's in the shower
>can't access the shitter room
>either have to lock down the entire bathroom, so no-one can use even the sink or anything)
>or risk someone getting in the shower and then having to get out while they're still in there
Like literally why not just have an external access door?

This is independently of the bathtub room being absolutely tiny in that photo, I imagine bathrooms THAT small are rare whether separate or combined or whatever.

>> No.2770842

I'm thinking based

>> No.2770843

What's the issue?

>> No.2770916
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>> No.2770934

>microwave is way up top
>cabinetry and stove are all slanted for some reason despite other objects on that side of the image being set straight

>> No.2770941

For me its the countertop thats split into 2 unusable tiny spaces instead of having just one bigger space.

>> No.2770966

>god does not build in straight lines.

>> No.2770981

that's all corners. that's infinitely more corners than a rectangular phone.

>> No.2770982

It's also zero corners at the same time, what a paradox!!!

>> No.2771071

The fridge is obscuring a bit, I think both sides are large enough to fit a plate, small/medium chopping board, or saucepan.

>> No.2771086

>putting the stove right next to the fridge or doorway

>> No.2771088

I love the antimidget microwave

>> No.2771253

Why is the car on the roof
For what purpose

>> No.2771261

I've seen one of these "thrones". It has to do with a height requirement for the sewage to flow

>> No.2771293

I could be wearing my slippers and had worn them in the garden fucker, I could walk up my glass stairs and cut myself realll good. EuroPUSSIES everyone.

>> No.2771294
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You could always go the Mexican route
>heat up water in a pot
>pour it on an old paint bucket filled halfway with cold water

>> No.2771426
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>> No.2771432

There is something i love about stuff like this. Its got an I need this to work now aesthetic. Free flow nigger engineering at its finest.

>> No.2771435

It gets worse the longer I look and I can't look away

>> No.2771456
File: 406 KB, 497x429, heatsink1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss ghetto engineering threads on /g/

>> No.2771606

Looks like a kikish mikveh

>> No.2771643
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>> No.2771644
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Easier to just reach up there and fix stuff, no hydraulic lift needed

>> No.2771706
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>> No.2771758
File: 470 KB, 1757x1321, exhaust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me years ago I was working retail, a friends exhaust hangar broke and was dragging the ground as he came to work.
Bought a dog tie out chain and whatever else, and we just chained the fucker back up on our lunch break.
Worked fine for a long time, I dont think he ever touched again

>> No.2771805

don't need to fix what ain't broken

>> No.2771832


>> No.2771886
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>> No.2771901

I don't know what is worse, the suatty potty or the handrail.

>> No.2771908

based goat house

>> No.2771909
File: 38 KB, 640x443, 192279_1_trinixy_ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why you've bother either. Having parts of your car so fierce that they need to be chained down sounds hardcore

>> No.2771988

I'm going to guess this is something like a single door at the bottom of the stairs, and the fire marshall didn't like the staircase widening into a choke point.

>> No.2772006

We have stainless steel zip ties at work, and that's what's holding my truck exhaust on. Pretty solid for 6 years so far... I guess it's permanent.

>> No.2772033

Ahaha, pex running in 120C sauna ceiling. Love it!
Plumbing pipe to cover power cables because someone was too cheap to run silicon insulated cables.

>> No.2772037

Good ol oven window unit

>> No.2772130
File: 11 KB, 281x179, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's probably a higher standard than what most houses are being built in America look like today

>> No.2772180

Oh don't you worry, I'll be glad to

>> No.2772203

>TFW scoliosis

>> No.2772495

The entire real estate industry is an abomination. A wise man doesn't build his house on sand. A wise man also doesn't build his house on a monolithic foundation that is no wider than the house. The Earth's crust is a big and ever changing place, and it's folly for one to think his McMansion will be secure sitting on virtually nothing.

Modular foundations with lightweight, flexible structures on top are the way.

>> No.2772502

Doesn’t change anything

>> No.2772520

There was an era when hardwood required regular maintenance. To avoid that, the boomers would put maintenance free flooring over them, like carpet and linoleum or tile.

>> No.2772531

>A wise man also doesn't build his house on a monolithic foundation that is no wider than the house. The Earth's crust is a big and ever changing place, and it's folly for one to think his McMansion will be secure sitting on virtually nothing.
Gotta admit, it doesn't roll off the tongue easily.

>> No.2772574

I never got groverhaus. It's by all measures a well-enough built house. It just looks a little silly in some areas. Peak goon elitism.

>> No.2772575

When you have waited the mandatory fifteen years waiting period to get a car, mainly made of cardboard of course, under a communist regime, you're gonna keep that fucker close.

>> No.2772664

>How to have a basement that will flood and collapse

>> No.2772672

Lol it's like one of those ai generated images

>> No.2772673

I actually approve of this. Stops the retards (Chinese) ignoring the signs and trying to take trolleys and prams onto escalators.

>that image

>> No.2772688

I'd buy just for the foundation

>> No.2772847


>> No.2772926

im dying of laughing

>> No.2772942
File: 110 KB, 770x566, istoriya-o-zhigulyax_001_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol it's like one of those ai generated images
If only.
And you have to make a four-story commieblock patio/veranda to store it too.
From materials you (or your neighbors) could steal from your work.

>> No.2772978

It was the first forced meme. The people on the military forums where Grover frequented hated him so much that they just never let it go away

>> No.2773001

How do you drive it. I dont see any obvious lift system

>> No.2773022
File: 206 KB, 1140x583, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was the first forced meme.
Now listen here, kid...

>> No.2773032

Actually very wise men build on sand, look into cathedral construction.

>> No.2773041
File: 1.56 MB, 236x307, 1688242966774553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>designated shitting stairs

>> No.2773113

My library stairs were very similar. I bet they make you feel like a one-legged pirate climbing them (because if you take the outside line, one leg does all the work)

>> No.2773128

>trips while going up
>loses leg and nose

>> No.2773133

I need something like that to hold all my bath beauty products

>> No.2773163

>Imagine an old man with a cane having to carefully get down the stairs without tripping because the escalator stops 3 steps short for whatever reason, when it could have just deposited the old man down safely at the bottom
I wander what “down” means. Do you think it means down?

>> No.2773177
File: 136 KB, 1080x1440, 432280439_10228656227083674_5971286074535537764_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2773199
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>forbidden biscuits or something for EOD to figure out

>> No.2773204

milhouse is not a meme

>> No.2773218

>le heckin Reddit joke

>> No.2773234

I thought I was the only one that did this.

>> No.2773240

it's for dog grooming

>> No.2774047
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>> No.2774151

this was the picture that started abominations threads

>> No.2774154

mormon church baptismal font

>> No.2774155

does the basement have a separate entrance?
in mining, coal, and other heavy industry areas, its common to have a wash room very close to an alternate entrance to the house, so the man when returning home could put his soiled clothes in the washer, clean himself up, and not track filth into his house

>> No.2774202

Well, I don't see any wheels on that car either...
Probably got it craned up there to keep it away from the other gyppos while he picked off the parts he needed.

>> No.2774482

Seems promising, but it's just a mirage.

>> No.2774513

>refrigerator next to 3 heat sources
>this's fine

>> No.2775085

I lost

>> No.2775127


Another West Ender, hey - before or after gentrification? I don't remember what street this is on - more towards Hill End?

>> No.2775549
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>Sir, the headquarters you ordered just arrived!
>Where should we unload it?

>> No.2775566

Someone pls shop Muffet in that pic

>> No.2775826

the state of your body obviously

>> No.2775906
File: 246 KB, 698x1240, 6542316513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some OC for you boys, found this buried in my wall

>> No.2775923
File: 106 KB, 800x1067, 800px-Luis_Barragán_House_and_Studio-115242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not, this shit is from a World Heritage Site

>> No.2775926
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>> No.2775965

judging by the style of kitchen I ripped out, was probably buried 30yrs ago. Shoulda took a pic of how they ran new outlets. Sheetrocked over existing wall, left a gap in the belly joint and ran wire in there. Slapped some tape over it and then a flimsy 1/8" wood panel on top and called it a day.

>> No.2776145
File: 51 KB, 680x572, ee9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mario if he real

>> No.2776335
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>> No.2776339

Ask me how I know this wasn't in the USA kek

>> No.2776501

Reminds me of working in a navy galley

>> No.2776503

kek, diet kitchen
too fat? no food for you til you skinny up
that dishwasher tho

>> No.2776558

There's a washing machine in the kitchen.

>> No.2776573

Looks like something out of Combat Arms

>> No.2776683

It did had 2-3 maps with stairs like that.

>> No.2776735

Because we live rent free in your head?

>> No.2776898

the easiest answer is usually the best one. the city just got a shorter(cheaper) escalator

>> No.2776906

I like this

>> No.2777049

The 50's wife kitchen. She doesn't need more and no one else should be in there.