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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2740919 No.2740919 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck does something like this happen?

>> No.2740921

My guess is that you're a pure retard who has no idea where you are. At least that's one plausible explanation.

>> No.2740923

>get vaxxed
>get boosted
>forget heater on overnight
>heart explodes

>> No.2740934

Maybe they meant degree Fahrenheit.

>> No.2740942

Good example why manufacturers only sell parts to licensed contractors and not professional homeowners

Real question is why didn't they turn it off or open some windows before literally baking to death

>> No.2740946

Obviously a mob hit. Somebody didn't pay their protection money.

>> No.2741214

lack of air probably

>> No.2741220
File: 88 KB, 798x639, 1646232123265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disable thermostat cutoff
>somehow surprised heater maxes out and overheats house instead of shutting off

>> No.2741224

The heater wasnt working, the "kids" (in their 60s) came over, fiddled around with the thermostat wires till the heater turned on then left.
Who knows why the decrepit people didnt just walk outside or something

>> No.2741234

Suicide, people who have incriminating evidence on the Clintons are prone to it.

>> No.2741249

Decades old heater left on by someone with dementia who thought they turned it off but was left on. We had to put my grandmother into a nice home since she kept leaving the stove on and taking her medication enough times to OD multiple times. Now my brother is over there most days helping her out and when he's not the staff are. It's something like 10k a month to keep her there, it's a crazy expensive place but it's pretty nice.

>> No.2741287

Glad she's got someone helping her, I never realized how awful senior care could be until I went through it with my grandmother.

>> No.2741289

We heard some horror stories as well so we did a lot of research before choosing a place. Every senior gets their own apartment or couples get one together. My grandmother is in a two bedroom unit. She spends a lot of time with the other seniors, mostly counting cards and taking their gambling money.

>> No.2741292
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>grandma started getting pretty forgetful
>eventually got an alzheimers diagnosis
>can still take care of herself physically at least, but her short term memory is completely shot
>mom made her sell her house and move in with her
>been like 4 months
>they came to visit for the holiday since I live pretty far away
>out doing stuff, grandma goes to the bathroom
>mom turns to me
"Anon, promise me if this every happens to me, you'll put me in a home. Don't put yourself through this."

>> No.2741301

Lol, glad it worked out well.

>> No.2741305

My grandma lived like 10 years after she broke her leg and went from fine, shape as a tack to 100% gone painful to talk to over ight.

>> No.2741306

oh good, the resident HVAC faggot is here

>> No.2741314

That's negligent homicide.

The heater, had a further safety cut-off. Even if not 'modern'. And thermal cut-out switches are a thing. If the murderer did that, simply hot-wire the thermostat to 'on', he probably also applied his retard-paste to previously disabling safety mechanism(s) in the heater itself.

Oh well. Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. If he's that retarded ngmi.

Anons are seeing reports of extinguishment of millions of retarded. Minimum 17 million worldwide i heard, from the jab. Probably more like 150 million. Plus, generations of dysgenic breeding have created the kind of self-extinguishing idiot.

Someone said Guidestones were a plain statement of fact, rather than a threat. We have yet to see the great 12,000 yr cataclysmic cycle erupt, but we are very close. Like I've been telling retardanons stuck in egotistical retardland, get your boat ready. I don't need you to tell me I was right, when this is over. I however, have cultivated the right lifestyle, to be able to write this message, sitting here warm and cozy, that you should do the same.

>> No.2741316

Take your meds.

>> No.2741317


For as retarded as they are in every other regard, my parents always said the same even before their own parents turned into a handful.

>> No.2741352

Lol no

>> No.2741431 [DELETED] 

I'm NEET and caring for my dad who had me relatively old (I'm 34, he's 86). Thankfully even though he doesn't show any signs of dementia, he has become incredibly attached to me, almost clingy, and always tries to persuade me to stay in his room if I ever want to sleep, game, study coding etc. He even encouraged me to hold off on getting a job so I can spend more time with him. It's kind of endearing yet saddening at the same time

>> No.2741510

>/diy/ - discussing mobile phone screencaps of random internet articles

>> No.2741525

i came into work one morning to find that the interior air temperature was about 100F. i think the furnace was on full blast when the batteries in the thermostat died, so it just kept running.

>> No.2741575

You first there fruitcake.

Not my fault you lack the masculine capacity to pass judgement.

>> No.2741622

Sorry anon, but its worth the struggle. Taking your parents in is the correct thing to do.
I did prescription delivery to nursing homes after hours (gig job like an uber)
The mask comes off after visiting hours are over.
Every single home, even the huge expensive ones with expansive fake towns/stores inside them are all shit.
Filled with nurses aids (who arent real nurses, have no education, and get paid nothing) they mistreat the vulnerable. Overworked, didnt do thorough screening, get fed up and dehumanize the elderly they work with.

Abuse and mistreatment is everywhere, and if your parents or grandparents were good to you, dont put them into a home.
Not to mention, they exist to suck every last penny out of their bank account.

It was a depressing job when you realize how awful even the nice homes are.
Ill do everything in my power to not put my parents away in one. Not to mention we had a horrible experience with my grandmother in one.

The struggle is a righteous one.

>> No.2741632

Dad is going to be PISSED.

>> No.2741634

2012 called they want their end of times back

>> No.2741666

That shit happened to my aunt. Her furnace wasn't staying on very long and my dumb fuck cousin fucked with then wiring so it'd just run continuously. Thankfully it was an old house and -45 outside so it didn't get too crazy inside

>> No.2741679

>deep state wants to control all of humanity
>they also want to kill off most of humanity which would make their relative power far less and weaker

Makes a ton of sense, have the power to control the world and decide to be the king of dirt instead.

>> No.2741714 [DELETED] 

38 C is still insanely hot for a heater.

>> No.2741715

>Don't put yourself through this.
Being the primary care giver is insanely hard.

>> No.2741716

It is your mother's fault for your sever lack of mental capabilities.

>> No.2741726

Knowing what type of heater would help

>> No.2743178

one that gets hot, probably

>> No.2743197

king john's revenge

>> No.2743271

Of course. Thats why he roasted to death. He didn't want to let the heat out.

>> No.2743292

1000F is still hot. That's all part the melting point of lead and will melt some aluminum alloys. How that heater didn't have a catastrophic failure before reaching that temp is beyond me. I'm sure the old man tampered with it in some way, bypassing temp controls and safeties. My guess is 120v wired directly to the heating element because who needs a thermostat?

>> No.2743369

that part isn't necessarily contradictory; the vast majority of humans probably are an economic and social net negative.
Tell me that you think the USA would be in worse shape if all the beautiful people of color disappeared

>> No.2743375

>The couple’s family had last visited them on January 3, after the pair had complained about their home being uncomfortably cold. Upon inspection, it was discovered that both the heater and the hot water heater were malfunctioning. The family, unaware of the impending danger, attempted to repair the hot water heater before leaving the residence. Unbeknownst to them, the heater continued to malfunction, causing the temperature in the home to rise to lethal levels.
The plot thickens.
