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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2721486 No.2721486 [Reply] [Original]

By 2050, there will be more people on the planet than our current food system can support.

>> No.2721491

Yeah, so our current system will improve along with it.

That's how population works. There can never be a larger population than can be sustained, it's called carrying capacity.

>> No.2721497

Yeah our system will become increasingly plant based (vegetarian) to adapt. Requires less land under cultivation for greater agricultural output.

>> No.2721499

So you have 25 years to grow a potato and onion patch

>> No.2721512
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>By 2050, there will be more people on the planet than our current food system can support.

Yeah, well man-made global warming will wipe us all out by:



So what does it even matter?

>> No.2721514

goddammit, how do you strikethrough text on here? Should I have done each line separately or how did I fuck it up?

>> No.2721516

stop being gay. I bet you love spoiler tags too.

>> No.2721522
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>stop being gay. I bet you love spoiler tags too.
I'm just parroting what the media has said over the years. They keep changing their narrative so I'm just recording their fear mongering "mistakes" for the sake of history...

>> No.2721607

By 1980, there were supposed to be more people on earth, the the food system could support - if you listen to retarded faggot "professionals", that is.

>> No.2721624

Last I heard they were projecting a decline in world population. I think you're full of shit and making up stories on the Internet.

>> No.2721625

Yeah, weird how we throw-out so much food from our kitchens, restaurant's and grocers.

stop worrying about shit you are told to worry about and start worrying about real problems in your world.

>> No.2721628

global death penalty from minor offences is the way

>> No.2721649
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>By 2050, there will be more people on the planet than our current food system can support.
The US alone could feed 11 billion people just with our current production and there's millions of acres of arable land not in use still.
Animals don't need anywhere near as much land as the bug and onions shills want you to believe.

>> No.2721651

This makes me so mad. The whole point of animals is they feed on semi arable land with little oversight. You kick the cows out then they come back that night a few pounds heavier

>> No.2723211

̶i̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶r̶e̶t̶

>> No.2723215 [DELETED] 


>> No.2723412


>> No.2723452

not my problem im planning to die in 2049

>> No.2723510

Its more about potable water than land

>> No.2723536

lol newfag

>> No.2723546

Population crash coming anyway. No one is gonna breed in 20 more years.

>> No.2723569

Did you know that by the 1900s, the population of the planet exceeded the food system that existed in the 1850s???

>> No.2723575

>Animals don't need anywhere near as much land as the bug and onions shills want you to believe.
I never understood the bug meme, either the people paranoid about it or the WEF shilling it in online journalism a couple years back.
Lentils are a superior protein alternative to bugs and a "green" alternative to meat, are pretty hardy re. growing and the infrastructure for mass producing and distributing them already exists. My wife's cousin is a police captain in Spain and told me that almost all cops there eat lentil & pork stew almost daily especially if they're cutting to meet their protein macros.

>> No.2723612
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>more than one cop on the force is fit

Sounds delicious though

>> No.2723614 [DELETED] 

>By 2050, there will be more people on the planet than our current food system can support.

Stop feeding Niggers.

>> No.2723630

well you can forget about that what anon has in mind is doubling down on the system where cows and pigs live overcrowded in slaughter farms or where chicks go straight into the grinder after being hatched
also it's pretty niggerlicious to turn every piece of land into some kinda crop field we need forests too

>> No.2723632 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2723674

There is less land under cultivation today then there was 50byears ago because we're more efficient. There's more forests and less farms.

>> No.2723713

You are an idiot. As someone who has followed the policy making surrounding global warming, pretty much everything has been correct. Sure the media blows shit out of proportion-it is how they make money. Even the energy giants have been planning for rising sea levels for the last 20 years, and openly admit that man made global warming is real.

>> No.2723715

No, 0 has been correct. My house should not exist right now based on what they told me when I was a child.

Enough with the narrative. The solution to the current problem is always more control over life and murdering free people.

>> No.2723726

Dumbfucks treat them like people.
Stop treating vermin like people.
Stop sending aid to places like africa.

>> No.2723809

/pol/ has rotted your minds

>> No.2723826

He fell for the media hype! Lol. Lmao even!

>> No.2723838

You’ve probably never seen, much less read, a policy journal. Your “opinion” on this issue doesn’t have much value. You’ve chosen to believe what is convenient for you, rather than looked at and evaluated competing arguments from experts in their fields.I don’t really blame you, we all do it in some areas of our life. You can’t be an expert on anything.

But here is a good trick you might learn from, somethings are worth believing in, even if they aren’t true. Not fucking up the environment makes sense even if you don’t believe in man made global warming.

>> No.2723842

Here's the thing faggot. I'm not fucking up the environment. Never have and never will, yet the government will take my money and solve nothing.

>> No.2724536

doubt there are more forests today than in the past

>> No.2724611

That's not true, anon, this is why you didn't post a link.

>> No.2724612

Congratulations, you have been subverted by propaganda. Learn to do your own research or you will be misled your whole life, anon.

>> No.2724613

OH NO! how could this be happening to us?!?
And who will take care of the elderly? :O

>> No.2724623

There's probably a new iceage around the corner but let's just pretend to worry about heating instead OK?
That's the nice thing to do.

>> No.2724633

>Animals don't need anywhere near as much land as the bug and onions shills want you to believe.

From google - "livestock takes up nearly 80% of global agricultural land, yet produces less than 20% of the world's supply of calories".

The main vegetarian point appears to be that if they grew something just for people, they could grow way more of it.

>> No.2724721

Take one forest, build a highway through it, you now have two forests

>> No.2724774

>"livestock takes up nearly 80% of global agricultural land, yet produces less than 20% of the world's supply of calories"
They're comparing situations where a few cows are roaming on thousands of acres of scrubby prairie to a similarly sized intensively cultivated farmland.
It's an apples and oranges comparison because there are lots of this "agricultural land" that wouldn't be suitable or used for intensive onions production anyway.
Additionally, most people who "farm" large acreage plots by having cows roam on them don't have the capital to have converted their land into an intensively cultivated plant farm anyway. We're not having a problem with global hunger or poverty right now because of a lack of arable land on which to grow enough food.

This entire conversation is a red herring.

>> No.2724780

>There's probably a new iceage around the corner
Within the next 100k years, yes.

>> No.2724809

Then the less competent nations must adapt. Not my problem and not DIY so fuck off.

>> No.2724813
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>By 2050, there will be more people on the planet than our current food system can support.
27 years in the future. Wanna bet our food system from 27 years ago wasn't able to supply enough food for our current 2023 population?
This is a non-issue stupid click-bait.

>> No.2724832

I love this ebic maymay
On one hand, it encourages locking up all of the !type of! people likely to create more people than they can support/add value to society for and on the other it pushes whites and high performing tans to continue to prove themselves as the dominant races in evolution
No racism tho haha

>> No.2724996

i will believe your bullshit narrative when the obamas sell their waterfront marthas vineyard property and al gore moves out of his coastal home

>> No.2726277

Look at this little bitch... Sucking on the tranny jannies pathetic estrogen shriveled dick... Quit being such a worthless little propaganda echoing cuck.

>> No.2728705

They keep rolling back Overshoot Day. This doesn't bode well.


>> No.2728894

You may be eating plants, I will be feasting on bugs

>> No.2728896

I produce my own food for me and my family, so idgaf

>> No.2728985

You mean Europe will be completely fine due to low birth rates, as will most of China and America, while blacks will have trippled with no regard for resources or infrastructure, still entirely depending on the now disillusioned, disappointed, angry and decaying European civilization?
Yeah. This is the reason they always fear monger about climate migration.
The reality is that people in 2050 will be so radicalized that they'd rather nuke Africa than let them mass migrate to Europe again.

>> No.2728986

Try eating only dent corn no. 2 and see how that goes for you ffs

>> No.2729001

In the mid ages there were almost no forrests left in europe

>> No.2729058

yeah right they must've planted them during the industrial revolution

>> No.2729072

I work at a grocery store and im always amazed the system works at all

>> No.2729079
File: 201 KB, 474x338, Screenshot_2023-12-17_09-38-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I work at a grocery store and im always amazed the system works at all

I feel the same way when shopping. My store has piles of fresh bananas. Every other store has piles of fresh bananas. Just imagine the infrastructure and the coordination of efforts to accomplish that week after week.

Same thing applies to everything in that store. How the fuck does everything work so close to perfection. Inexpensive sardines in particular blow my mind.

>> No.2729082

Malthusianism is a fearful, superstitous, false religious belief system.

>> No.2729096
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>How the fuck does everything work so close to perfection.
You have to be careful about that. This is because grocery stores usually have 3 days worth of supply at best. During extreme weather you will see a lot of bare shelves. All it takes is a gas crisis or specific sector strike and you will see mass run on the stores and panic.
Best to learn how garden beds and potted plants growing works. Get started now. Expand and teach the family and friends. Once the crisis starts, it may be already too late to start.

>> No.2729117
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This just makes the stores seem that much more impressive when you get into it
I bought a house and a little bit of farmland recently and the effort and expense i have to put in for pithy yields and failed experimnt is staggering
>build a fence
>build raised beds
>build a green house
>build animal housing
>pest and predator proof
It goes on and on and ill maybe get a bushel of food out of it
Meanwhile i can go to the store at the right time of year and buy 3 bushels of tomatoes for $60 and im set for the year

>> No.2729120

aren't you wanted in ohio?

>> No.2729566

>Not fucking up the environment makes sense even if you don’t believe in man made global warming.
I could not agree more
We need to stop worrying about cow farts and instead focus on the increasing sprawl of cities and suburbs and just how little nature there is left in some areas
NTA btw

>> No.2729593

Instead of huge farmlands, why not have huge high rise mega indoor warehouse farms?
Solar and water powered. Bring the soil/compost inside.. or even just hydroponically grow rows and rows stacked high as the moon of vegetables.
Then you can have outside for more Low Income Family Apartment complexes

>> No.2729675

>Then you can have outside for more Low Income Family Apartment complexes
Why would you want this?

I would rather have open expanses of farmland with nobody around for miles and miles. Keep your scum contained to the cities.

>> No.2730063

Indeed. But worth pondering how fragile it is and what you're gonna do on the day when it doesn't work. I've been toying with growing my own food for about 15 years now and it takes time to see how you could produce enough to meet your needs. It becomes clear why staple crops are so vital - Going hard in on potatoes and having them be the bulk of your calories is viable, but every bit of diversity you add into the mix complicates things greatly, and you're always at risk of a failed harvest.

>> No.2730076

You need a lot of space to be growing enough to sustain one person.

>> No.2730103

And that problem will resolve itself in a matter of a decade one way or another.

>> No.2730106

if it can't support them how are they alive?

>> No.2730108


>> No.2730167
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Wouldn't be a problem if white cucks didn't send what's supposed to be their children's money to donate food, fertilizer, and medicine to shitskins.

The world is greening.

It's all just-in-time supply chains. Production stops and the show stops pretty much immediately.

If you did not have enough land but a lot of energy, you could do that, but this is not the case.

>> No.2731436

once the prep work is done, most everything is automatic assuming you aren't buying constant maintenance shit. Get produce that's local to your area (and would grow without you being there) and you will be inundated with insane amounts of veggies/fruits.
blackberries in texas is an easy example, we tried to plant some plants many years back, they never did well. then they decided to move and show up and we kept wacking them, finally said fuck it and let it grow by accident.... then 1 year later we got 60 lbs of blackberries out probably ~$600+ in value. the only work was picking the blackberries, which was fun and enjoyable.
repeat that for everything else you want to grow (make sure your growing zones/climate/soil acidity/nutrients are right) and it's 'free' shit forever.

>> No.2732568

>By 2050, there will be more ~~people~~ niggers on the planet than our current food system can support.
Only if we continue artificially boosting the population of africa.
All other populations are on the decline.