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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 1.23 MB, 3024x3317, EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2712310 No.2712310 [Reply] [Original]

Not just talking about self defense. What items to you NEVER leave home without? What do these items say about you? Why do you carry them?

I am not a smoker. the lighter is just good sense. obviously, there is some self defense in my EDC. Most of it is just general function at work and home. Basic pain relief and management is good sense.

I hate having to stop what I am doing, to go get something that will complete the task at hand. simple, basic preparedness saves A LOT of time, and footsteps: Efficiency.

>> No.2712314

do you fit all of that in your purse or what?

>> No.2712322


On belt & Round House double knee work pants pockets. Sometimes overalls, but usually just pants. I also wear button up "work shirts" with pockets.

>> No.2712330

Oh I had a utility knife just like yours but I can't find it anymore or in store. Is it Kobalt? It really happens to be better than any other brand I've ever tried. And it came with a 100-pack of blades.

>> No.2712339
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Pic is old. Now I carry my marker in a custom steel holder that keeps it from getting absolutely fucked, and I also have a new wallet as of about a year ago. Gun has more wear to it. May have gained or removed a few keys... Black Gerber tool has been replaced with a silver one. You get the idea though.

>> No.2712344
File: 911 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_2020-01-27_19-49-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I always have a handkerchief to blow my nose or bandage a severely bleeding wound, or wipe my ass in the middle of no-where...

>> No.2712349


I also carry a wallet, not shown in OP photo. trifold, button-snap on a chain. in that wallet is another EDC item that should be in the photo. it is one of those credit card multi-tool things. also a few hose gaskets and a CO2 tank gasket. also, two sets of keys. one set is my car, home & work. 2nd set is just a duplicate of work keys with an added smartkey tool on it.

>> No.2712376

same thing I have carried since 5th grade:
gum or mints
victorinox knife

when I was working I carried a flash drive.

>> No.2712377

>I always have a handkerchief to blow my nose
my dad carried one of those his whole life.
I called it his booger vault.

>> No.2712410

That poor Ruger has more lint than lube. Did you at least shoot it once after you bought it or has it literally never left your pocket before this photo?

>> No.2712419
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It gets cleaned and every Saturday fired or not.

As a tradesman, I actually work for a living. this means my tools, my clothes and, in this case, my pistol all get exposed to dust and life.

Holster is an IWB, left hand, at the small of my back, on my belt... Yep.... pistol can get dirty. despite that, it has never jammed due to dust and crud. only jams I have ever experienced have been caused by failure to cycle with certain hollow points.

>> No.2712420 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2712421

I was a mobile mechanic in hick country, and my edc never looked like that. You do you bud, sounds like you're not retarded and that's what actually matters.

>> No.2712438

Kek, I have a handgun almost exactly like that.
Have a pocket holster, just looks like I've got a second wallet in my back pocket.

>> No.2712503

Yeah that's a kobalt. They feel pretty nice in the hand and you can get a 3 pack of them for $20. I recommend buying a few of them so you can have utility knives everywhere.

>> No.2712508
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>> No.2712518

his prison purse

>> No.2712520

the irony of the swastika with newports

>> No.2712521

Yes. We know you are Bleque.

>> No.2712526
File: 2.99 MB, 3427x3024, CC3752D3-D17D-4526-B10C-BF218A846C01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2712528

what fucking hellhole do you guys live in where guns are a normal edc?

>> No.2712532


Exercise your rights or lose them.

>> No.2712533

It’s only for if they get past both knives and the tire iron.

>> No.2712538
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how do you think you're going to know when you'll need it?

>> No.2712541
File: 1.79 MB, 2253x1347, Glawk20problemsolverEDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a D4V2 light now

>> No.2712542

In the safest state in the nation. Moose though..

>> No.2712547


talk to me about these defense rounds. I have seen them around. I know it's supposed to create a generous wound channel. something hydraulic expansion something...

supposed to be an alternative to hollow points, I believe.

my EDC is a 380 LCP max. it is pretty well discussed that 380 hollow points do not expand. in addition to that, my ruger hates them. I have never made it through a full magazine of hollow points without some sort of jam.

>> No.2712577
File: 267 KB, 1280x853, 6FF89D5B-32C1-428B-85B1-1EFC923C1D46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay ass PH7 bullets
This is your EDC on memephetamine. I bet Anon has very strong opinions on the beer your drinking and the fact thay it’s not some microbrew seasonal IPA.

>> No.2712589

>failure to cycle with certain hollow points.
I got some Hornady 'ballistic tip' or something like that, they're basically hollow points with a little plastic tip.
They're fantasticly accurate on my rifle.

>> No.2712593


sounds like what I prefer to use for my 30-30's. "LEVERevolition" I forget the name of the actual bullet tip, if you were to buy them for reloading. Flex tip?

currently, for the 380, I just use round tips. I figure a 9mm round tip is going to seriously slow down anyone who requires it. with a 10+1 capacity, I bet round tops will work OK.

after forced, legal, last choice, self defense, (AKA mag-dump) I'm going to be getting the fuck outta Dodge. if I can't manage to survive with 11 rounds and retreat, it was not meant to be, I was fucked anyway. a hollow point wasn't going to save me.

>> No.2712633

>or wipe my ass in the middle of no-where...
That's what socks are for.

>> No.2712764
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Well I had a picture of it going through a gelblock and if that was your body it would be jelly. Giant tornado cavity like 6" tall. Idk about in 380 though
I liked IPAs b4 they were cool race traitor.

>> No.2712773

> phone
> id
> money
> 1 piece tissue paper

wallets are too bulky for me. 16 year olds carrying wallets make me cringe.

>> No.2712780
File: 99 KB, 974x1300, me in my edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup guys i don't have a pic of my edc all layed out because mummy was doing laundry and made me clean my tools up, but i do have this pic she snapped of me the other day about ready to go out and get her foot cream and stock up on tendies. I think you can pretty much see what i keep on my person at all times.

>> No.2712798

I saw a smoker in the hospital yesterday with lung to brain nonresectable cancer, coronary disease, carotid disease, and peripheral vascular disease so bad that she failed 4 surgical attempts at endovascular revascularization and now has an infected above knee amputation on one side, and a mummified gangrenous foot on the other. All due to smoking. Addicted so thoroughly despite all this she needs a nicotine patch in the hospital. Sadly not an uncommon sight. You should quit, it's the clearest recommendation in all of medicine.

>> No.2712800

And the die cast 1:64 scale white Miata

>> No.2712811

Skill issue.

>> No.2712822

the only thing i never leave home without is my keys

>> No.2713011

Jeanne Calment is the oldest person on record, lived to 122, and smoked a couple cigs a day for like 80 years of her life.

t. non smoker but i think the body has very thoroughly adapted to a little bit of smoke exposure and it might even be a sort of hormetic stressor in the long term

>> No.2713071

Let me guess, now you’re so over IPAs because they’re popular. And you liked Neutral Milk Hotel in between the time that Pitchfork fag gave it a good rating and when they got mentioned on Parks & Rec.

Wew lad. You’re the guy who takes superhero doses, huh? A quarter sheet of blotter paper and lives to tell about it.

>> No.2713082

What do you mean?

>> No.2713124
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1690367563879049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the patricians wallet

>> No.2713129

you should EDC a handkerchief and wipe the fucking vasoline off your camera lens

>> No.2713140
File: 2.07 MB, 3936x1728, EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+Tobacco pouch and the phone I used to take this image

>> No.2713152

That's it.

>> No.2713156

>carrying money

>> No.2713157

>eye irritation
damn they were reaching on that one

>> No.2713159

Jews want men to stop smoking Tobacco because it increases testosterone.

>> No.2713167

Why wouldn't you use cash for everything that isn't tax deductible?

>> No.2713288

No I still drink IPAs because I like pine and don't care what beerfags think.
Never been to P4K or watched P&R. Beauty is the superior NMH album anyway.

>> No.2713896
File: 50 KB, 720x730, 1697431806768273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to spot a normie 101

The more of the world you see, the more you will understand, anon. Stay strapped or get clapped.

>> No.2713951

newports and menthol cigrettes, women or blacks

>> No.2713962

Words elude me…

>> No.2713969

Not sure 13 year old yuppie larva should be browsing 4chan from their gated communities. Go have a talk with mommy and daddy about the bad men

>> No.2714005
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only carry what fits in my cargo pants with ease.
The usb stick is for work, the garage door opener is because my 30 year old cars visors are too thin for the clip

>> No.2714309

If you live in such a crime infested shithole that it's normal to you to carry a gun every day to protect yourself, maybe you should consider moving. This isn't a sarcastic retort; I'm telling you that there's plenty of places all over the country where violent crime isn't a normal part of day to day life.

I live in one of the blackest counties in one of the blackest states in the nation, where the median household income is about $40K. It's not a gated yuppie community. And somehow I've never known anyone who has been involved in violent crime more serious than a drunken fistfight or wife beating.

Either I'm living a charmed life, or you're living in a shithole.

>> No.2714315

>If you live in such a crime infested shithole that it's normal to you to carry a gun every day to protect yourself,

I live in an area where violent crime is almost non existent. The chances of me needing a gun to defend myself are almost zero. I still carry.

Maybe you should go ahead and remove the fire extinguishers from your house and place of work. The chances of a catastrophic fire at either of those places is probably pretty low. No need to be prepared.

>> No.2714430

You're both a living a charmed life, but yours is at much greater risk of ending suddenly and violently at the hands of a stranger.

>> No.2714433

> i haven't been shot yet so no crime exists

Christ you are fucking retarded

>> No.2714599

enjoy lung cancer

>> No.2715638

Lemme see the other side of that shitty cobalt razor knife.... Gimme my shit back jessie

>> No.2715796
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>> No.2716008

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)

>> No.2716078

>>Phone lost
>>Phone robbed
>>Phone breaked
>>Internet fucked
>>Bank card expired
Emergency happens, needs cash, zoomy lost his mind, caveman next door laughs at him.

Karambit is a meme, dude.


Maximum cope, faggot.

>> No.2716085

Are you niggers or something?

>> No.2716107

They carry guns because of niggers, doofus

>> No.2716127

how do you feel about this OTF knife you have, you feel secure with it? you feel that it has enough resistance if you ever need to stab something in minecraft?

>> No.2716170

>a toy zip gun

Aight, now I've seen everything. What you gonna shoot with that, cockroaches?

>> No.2717094

I'd give it a 6/10 but only because of price. i paid $30 for It 3 or 4 years ago. ended up buying 3 total. on for me, one for wife, one for (hot) chick boss.

they need regular silicone dry lube, or they don't function correctly. as long as you keep that in mind, they are pretty good.

they are, oof course, cheap chy-na clones of whatever quality brand uses the raptor claw as their logo.

next time I will buy the quality mil-spec legit version, but this one has held up just fine for $30

it is my 3rd place backup knife. I only use it about once a month, when I forget my cobalt or its just too far to walk to get it.

as for Minecraft... I don't bring knives to gun fights, as the OP photo supports.

>> No.2717153

i have the right to pick my nose in public, don't you wonder why i dont exercise it?

>> No.2717155

let's be honest, anon, you've never properly tested the CO/smoke detectors in your house, and you certainly don't have an evacuation plan. you just like guns because you saw it in a movie and you like to play pretend

>> No.2717157

Well thats a first

>> No.2717165

Do you carry an epi-pen every day too? An AED? Snake antivenom?

If you feel the need to carry a gun daily in order to protect yourself, then you either:
-live in a shithole where it's reasonably necessary
-are an unhinged paranoid psycho

that's statistically untrue

>every place is Mogadishu

>> No.2717409

Looking for a flashlight recommendation if anyone here knows a thing or two.
-Something on aliexpress for sub-20 dollars
-Has that 2-way clip for putting on a hat
-thin and small, size of a pen at most but not so short that it's awkward to handle
-usb-c charging

>> No.2717424

Lol no

>> No.2717425

>i have the right to pick my nose in public, don't you wonder why i dont exercise it?

I honestly couldn't give any less of a fuck what you do... Go ahead and pick your nose. Maybe eat it too while you're at it.

Why do you care so much about what I do?


I wonder who could be behind these assmad schizo posts again...

>> No.2717453
File: 93 KB, 375x523, AMERICA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For having such a dim view on firearms you grabbers sure are desperate to take all of them.

I carry because I can, and if you coprophage leftoid subhumans could just fuck off and behave yourselves nothing would make me happier than living a long, peaceful life never having any reason to use any weapon, gun or otherwise, and on my deathbed granting you your smug shit-caked grin and an "i told you so" laugh at my expense. It really is that simple.

>> No.2717475

check out the workkos store but if you're going to use it even remotely often a head lamp is the way to go

>> No.2717574
File: 1.30 MB, 2523x2268, MexigroomerBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not alergic, there's one on the wall, no snakes here. I'm sorry you're a homofag and are scared of guns.

>> No.2717599
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, I_wont_let_you_get_away_with_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in eurostan (they don't let you leave easily) and once had my bank account frozen for buying crypto, my bank told me to get fucked and go physically see them if I wanted my own money back. how you gonna pay for gas or public transport if you have no physical money and your accounts are frozen? since then I always make it a point to carry an emergency amount with me

>> No.2717730

are EDC threads usally here or in /k/?

>> No.2717752


>> No.2717766

/diy/, /fa/, /g/, /k/, and /out/ all have edc threads

>> No.2717767

thanks. a lot to keep up with

>> No.2717769

You should probably take them...

>> No.2717772

they're all slow boards, you'll be fine.
but you can skip /fa/, those threads always devolve into arguments about carrying a knife in public.

>> No.2717845
File: 171 KB, 680x743, smug_chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.2717855

Lol. Assmad schizo.

>> No.2717865

checkout what underwood ammo offers for 380, they make essentially the best defensive ammo IMO. $30 for 20 rounds sucks but I'm not using these at the range etc

>> No.2717866

one shouldn't smoke a pack a day, but most of the shit we are consuming is worse long haul than smoking. The age old, everything in moderation etc. My friends grandma lived to 104, smoked a pack and drank a 6 pack a day

>> No.2717918

i'll save you some time, just picture this in your head:
>black spyderco knife used exclusively for cutting up boxes
>fat boomer wallet full of loyalty cards
>warden-tier keyring
>poorfag phone
>$80 titanium pen, sharpie
>unused knipex mini pliers
>current year nitecore
>gun in brand new holster (i have 6 holsters i rotate)
>bottle openers on everything

>> No.2718207

>mask in 2023

I automatically assume the wearer is schizophrenic.

Unless you're doing crime, then based.

>> No.2718320


I'm going to give that guy (mask) the benefit of the doubt, based on other items shown in his EDC.

I could be wrong. it could all be for show.

I sometimes use a mask, for work. if I'm doing demo, sanding, heavy aerosol exposure or cutting stone, etc.

I'm anti moron mask, but generally pro lung preservation.

I didn't quit smoking after 22 years, just to get COPD from easily avoidable particulate inhalation.

11 years since my last cigarette, since that has also been a topic in this post.

>> No.2718356

you obviously missed the crack pipe in the pic

>> No.2718509
File: 430 KB, 1280x960, EFB999DF-552E-4BA5-B82B-FA170794DAD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. This is pretty good. Those Knipex XS pliers are too small to be useful for much at all unless your femme-hands can’t unscrew a valve cap to air up your tires.

Also who the fuck needs a bottle opener if you have a BIC lighter? Did your uncle never teach you how to pop a bottle cap with a BIc?

>> No.2718679

I have the shield plus.. ur a man of good taste

>> No.2718688

phone, wallet, keys

i dont larp

>> No.2718720

The guy in this picture is both the best and worst carpenter on earth, depending on the stage of his opioid high

>> No.2718729

it's just an aleve guys my dick works fine alright

>> No.2719264


>> No.2719389

I carry a revolver, an epipen, narcan, a pack of cigarettes + lighter (I don't smoke), tylenol and a tourniquet just in my jacket pockets. Sometimes a brother needs some help and you gotta be there for them. Being prepared for the worst is different than expecting the worst.

>> No.2719395

What was the process for gettin narcan? There’s so many kids dyin out here, there was one morning I found some mid-20s girl passed out in her car running behind a grocery store almost wished I had some. She wasn’t blue at least, but I was getting pissed off pounding on the window trying to wake her the fuck up to move the car before she gets arrested or some shit because it was sitting in the middle of this little road.

Also would be fun to hit some junkies with the narcan just to ruin their buzz and piss em off.

>> No.2719432

keep in mind that none of these "gun-toting" larpers has the balls to shoot and kill someone, let alone have the mental stamina to move past the trauma.

>> No.2719446

I bet most of them would freeze up. Whem you start getting into some fucked up situations a few times, you start to see how the majority of people react. It’s like 30%-40% of people just panic, i.e. women standing there screaming “somebody call 911!” even though they have a cell phone in their hand. Then another 30-40% of people freeze up and just watch, tha majority of the remainder will flee and GTFO, and this 5% of people, normally men, try to handle the situation and start dictating to a few of the frozen people to do this and do that (it’s not worth asking the hysterical women to get anything done when you need to act fast).

I’m not a medical professional by any means, but the number of times I have had 911 on the line while I’m checking on somebody who just collapsed doesn’t make sense, but it’s because everybody else nearby was totally fucking useless when an emergency happened, it’s baffling to a point. And I’m the one who’s indecisive when it comes to “where should we go to eat?” and stuff like that.

>> No.2719501

Been in a couple of situations were someone was seriously hurt and dozens of people were just standing around frozen. Asking the group for help doesn't do much good. You got to pick someone out, point at them, and tell them what to do. I found people don't hesitate if you single them out.

>> No.2719509

Is that a leatherman rebar? Or a supertool?
Regardless, how do you like it? Thinking about getting one with my christmas giftcard from the in-laws lol.

>> No.2719574

Well then you have even less of a reason to give a shit. Yet here you are, still butthurt.

>> No.2719626

You anon. I have you.

>> No.2719641

Bepis live in il?
Only carry a cheap box opener now its great. Trucks have 1/4 to 32m no skip socket set, Allen keys, screw driver.

>> No.2719643

Money clip even easier

>> No.2719660

>live in il
Fuck no, not anymore. I’m done with Crook County.

>> No.2719661

Exactly, except the panicked women can barely function if you do that, so you have to point at a couple of the frozen people and instruct them.

>> No.2719709

what's a good edc flashlight? are surefires worth it? i have a cheap chinese made high output led flashlight and it's bright and has this incredible focus bulb feature which allows you to focus all the light on a 4" square at 6' distance.. but the switch is shit and it randomly toggles between modes with the slightest tap which blows if you're doing anything with it. The flashlight i have is also like 6" long and almost 2" thick. Would be nice to have something half as bright and half as big, also with that hat brim clip feature. Amazon knockoff brands have high reviews but there are still 1 stars with the same problems i've had with my flashlight.

>> No.2719734
File: 54 KB, 500x534, 1312316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 different knives, one of them possibly illegal to carry
>3 fucking pencils AND a sharpie
>a rusty af painter's tool
>that utterly filthy pistol

>> No.2719771

Hey I have that Springfield

>> No.2719890

gonna have to file this one under cope

>> No.2719906

>utterly filthy pistol
nigga what happns to stuff you shove up ya grundle all day

>> No.2719976


The patrician's choice.

>> No.2720042

Not at all butthurt. I speak the truth. Keyboard faggots talk a big game about walking around carrying a gun and being "always ready to use it" when, in fact, even if they do use it, they'll either hurt themselves, get themselves shot, or be the one in handcuffs.

>> No.2720052

Living in a unsafed, goblin-filled shithole and telling yourself that it's normal and the only option is the definition of cope.

>> No.2720117

The kobalt box cutter is my favorite of all the box cutters I've used.

>> No.2720126

>Yeah I don't drive with a seatbelt, the risk of getting in an accident is pretty low
>Fire extinguishers? Nope, don't have 'em, none of my neighbors houses have ever burned down and I haven't seen any fires around here ever
>What do you mean 'insurance'? Like anything would ever happen to my house or car, stop being paranoid

>> No.2720128


OP here.

I live way out in the country, in a good area of a good state. no gangbangers, hood rats or junkies sprawled out on the sidewalks. no mass theft at stores in town and no merchandise behind plexi at Walmart in town.

Crazy STILL does not make appointments. nothing stops some piece of shite driving down the highway from two states away robbing the convenience store while I'm getting fuel, attempting to rob me while I'm using brand name tools on a job site, or going full-tactical mag-dump while I'm getting milk at Wal-Mart.

I don't have to make it easy for the crazies. I very well might die either way, but at least when armed, I can fuck up their day, and possibly save myself in the process.

>> No.2720133

There’s a bunch of decent ones, Amazon had lots of good Black Friday sales on Olight and Streamlight and whatever those few good brands are. I kept seeing this babby Olight that looked dope but I can’t bring myself to drop $100 on a flashlight when I stuck 18650s in a couple cheap 3xAAA batteries and they work great.

That Torque Test Channel on Youtube has started doing flashlight reviews the past couple months, I recommend watching that if there’s any they have tested that you’re thinking about. You can’t get a great idea of the beam/throw, the color, and the actual battery life without seeing some of em compared,

>> No.2720137

So why do you care?

>> No.2720167

based follower of God's Plan
He wants you knifed by a minority trying to rob you? just lean back and let it happen. resistance is for athiests. surviving the lethal malicious intent of another human is a form of "natural selection" aka DEVILution, which is not Godly

>> No.2720288

>>Fire extinguishers?
I'm not seeing any fire extinguishers in these EDC pics lmao

>> No.2720408

good shit i didn't realize TT channel did flashlights. I was thinking about the streamlight for a smaller one for a hat brim, but i can never tell if those review numbers on amazon are reliable.

>> No.2721492

That's a Viagra.

>> No.2721509

Those cheap HF 6-way screwdrivers are actually decent for the price. I have a few that look like yours where all the little rubber nubs have come off from grease and oil. They're cheap enough that if you fuck up the bit by using it as a prybar you don't really give a fuck and toss the still good parts in your shitty screwdriver box and grab a new one. 10/10 would recommend.

>> No.2721565

Protip: they're not

>> No.2721604

The review #s?

Yeah I found that one out, but it seems like it’s on the Chinesium brands a lot. This one Amazon brand RXBETI or some gay shit has the same rebranded Chinesium close to the same price as the rest, but all of their products have like 30k reviews and 4.8 stars, and the postings aren’t even that old. I bought a cheap caliper because of those reviews, it’s fine but I probably could’ve saved $5 with the same shit from another brand with less fake reviews.

You can scroll down and see when the item was posted, also there’s a ratings to actual reviews with comments ratios, like if something has 10k ratings and only 4 actual reviews, probably fake ratings.

>> No.2721714
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>Gun is part of their EDC

It's like Somalia but with money

>> No.2721781

Its hydraulic jetting. The shape of the cutout causes it, not the positive + metal thats left. As the metal curve passes through nominally fluid flesh, the fluid (flesh) itself is accelerated in the Z-axis of the curve (duh bullet maeke hoel). The X-Y shape focuses this acceleration into a jet, much like an EFP shaped charge focuses a curved metal plate into a pin.

tl;dr great way to get convicted of murder in your self-defense case, cause jury is 12 emotional soccer moms "The heckin booleets!"

>> No.2721792

The normal stuff. Flashlight, work gloves, spare belt, rope, trash bags, ice pick, and a bag to carry it in.

>> No.2721795
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hu. my pic didn't show.

>> No.2721810

Saw a vid about on this. The smart people say if you’re serious about self defense and want the best chance to stay out of prison in a shitty jurisdiction, as a local cop what they use. Then when the Soros-funded prosecutor says “why would you use hollow points if you weren’t out to murder this jogger of color?” you can say “I asked the local police what they use, and I figured if it’s good enough for their protection, I’ll use the same ammo.”

>> No.2721822

EDC Glock 19 Gen5

>> No.2722877

Based killkit enjoyer

>> No.2722969

So many poor jealous slaves in here worried about guns.
I hope you can experience freedom someday.

>> No.2725072

I only transact in cash unless it's online. Sorry, I just don't like giving VISA money for no reason

>> No.2725083
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Keys and phone not pictured. Sometimes I have a leatherman instead of the little knife.

>> No.2725121

All that shit is brand new. None of it is carried everyday faggot

>> No.2725126

>the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed
Its an integral component of the founding national document. Why does it bother you so much you faggot?

>> No.2725128

Are you trying to be hard with your klein and milwalkee goyslop doofus tools? Youre just as much a faggot. I could beat your ass

>> No.2725215

I pay my Visa bill on time and get 2% cash back.

>I could beat your ass
Now who is trying to be hard on a Slovakian pastry forum?

>> No.2725233

Omaha Nebraska

>> No.2726000

not that anon but you only quoted half the amendment. proof that you've fallen for the cherrypicking meme.
>A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
"people" is lawspeak for population, for referring to the group as a whole. if it meant individuals, it would say "persons". this is standard and normal.
so it's obviously just talking about letting each state have an army with a stockpile of weapons. which was important to people at the time but kinda useless at this point, basically as outdated as 3A. this isn't some fringe interpretation either, this was the most common understanding till like, the 60s? 70s? i don't remember, probably fucking up some details, but if i recall its author Madison was the first guy to introduce anti-gun legislation so it clearly wasn't on his mind.

he did write it like shit though, which is why all the guys that want to make money off of you have used its semantic ambiguity and your ignorance about lawspeak as a convenient method of shilling their products. i mean why do you think there's always something in the air about your guns being taken away, or how after every mass shooting gun sales go up? nothing like the feelings of scarcity, religiosity, and contrarianism to push products out the door.

im white and middle class so im safe and don't give a fuck. but im sick of you cucks acting like you're some kind of noble being for autistically fellating a killing machine that's statistically more likely be used on its owner than anyone else.

nah man you like guns. they make boom, you feel like big guy.
cut the bullshit, just own it.

>> No.2726008
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t. only guy itt who drinks plenty of water and doesn't larp as an operator on the jobsite

>> No.2726044

Oh look it's someone on the internet making things up.

I agree with the current thing fellow citizen.

The right of the people to hunt deer shall not be infringed. Fudd 4 lyfe

>> No.2726231

A black nazi, interesting

>> No.2726274

TLDR. KYS faggot.

>> No.2726366

20 united state dollars.

>> No.2726495

Is the jobsite your mothers basement?

>> No.2726505

You act like scum don't go into nice areas.

>> No.2726650
File: 72 KB, 620x515, confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck makes these images? they're always the most cringeworthy bullshit

to answer your question: swiss army knife, lighter, handkercheif, vaseline.

>> No.2726651

every BMW owner's entire identity is owning a BMW.

>> No.2726669

just carry a gun so you dont get raped

>> No.2726811

is that a sparkplug gap coin

>> No.2726867

He'd rather just lube his asshole...
>is that a sparkplug gap coin

>> No.2726885

>t. the engineer that walks into the mud hole the moment he walks onto site

>> No.2727042

the vaseline is for my lips, starting fires, soothing my roids, and YOUR asshole.

>> No.2727044

hahahaha i can see it

>> No.2729310

Imagine being a grown ass man and carrying a gun, and playing army man

>> No.2729427

be careful with that stick, sand can fuck up those slider ones easily. maybe opt for one with a detach cover

>> No.2729578

Imagine being a naive child who thinks the world is some magical fairy land where nothing bad ever happens...

>> No.2730025

You forgot "and if anything bad ever does happen, there's nothing you can do to prevent it or protect yourself, things just happen out of the blue!"

>> No.2730046

>swiss army knife
boring i know

>> No.2730852

> dick
> balls
> about $200

>> No.2730910

Kobalts are gay and fat.. Sheffield is the nice one

Husky actually makes an exact copy 2-pack for like 10 bucks

>> No.2731229

Klein 11-in-1s and their users are both fucking annoying.

>> No.2732610
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missing the purse

>> No.2732633
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>> No.2733679

wow you got enough cards, retard?

>> No.2733720
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If you say so, but they fuckin work when you don’t want to carry around 15 drivers. I got the precision guy in my go-bag too,

>> No.2733730
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>> No.2733731

based turkey hill robber

>> No.2733812

Yes. I much prefer to act like a real man. A real man doesn't need to carry a gun. A real man carries a phone to call other men with guns.

>> No.2733816

Other men with guns can take awhile. And shit changes even more when you have a house and a family too.

>> No.2733817

Iimagine being a grown ass man and carrying a fire extinguisher and playing firefighter

>> No.2733853

>A real man doesn't need to carry a gun. A real man carries a phone to call other men with guns.

I know this is just bait but:

>A real man doesn't need to carry a spare tire. A real man carries a phone to call other men with spare tires.
>A real man doesn't need to carry a penis to fuck his own wife. A real man carries a phone to call other men with penises to fuck his wife.

No difference between all of this.

>> No.2733866

Did you honestly not get the heavy sarcasm I was laying down? I can’t imagine you wouldn’t but you answered my post seriously so I’m genuinely confused.

>> No.2733869

not him, but there are real men who carry phones to call men who have guns. quite often they wind up real dead, but shit happens.

>> No.2733904

I’m starting to think there’s a retardation outbreak on this board…

I’m not going to use the sarcasm “s” like they do on Reddit regardless of your struggle to understand satire.

>> No.2733910

>real men

>> No.2734008

I mean that’s the real non sarcastic answer from libtard gun grabbers give… why do you need a gun if you can call the police and they will show up… maybe… with a gun?

>> No.2734120
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