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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2711523 No.2711523 [Reply] [Original]

I work at a computer all day. To prevent myself from blowing my brains out, I want to do something that requires the use of my own creativity and hand skills. I'm considering woodworking or leatherworking since I don't have to talk to people. Selling the stuff I make would be cool, but I'm really just in the mood to have a useful, yet creative skill that can keep my brain occupied outside of bing bing wahoo.

>> No.2711528


>> No.2711605

Fpv drone building/flying
Its like vidya too

>> No.2711729

Buy a lathe
>can start with easier carbide tools to get a feel and progress to hss and actual skill later on
>can use small pieces of exotic woods without incurring ridiculous costs
>can use scrap offcuts, possibly obtained for free
>easy handmade gifts and everyone seems impressed by simple stuff because round
>can be meticulous and plan projects or just wing it depending on your mood
>free-form and creative, mistakes are often just design changes
>has more useful applications than expected
Honestly, I'm extremely mediocre and even so, it'd be easy to sell the stuff I make for way more than it's worth and everyone wants me to but I can't be bothered to make a job of it. Uou can do pretty neat stuff with laminated woods or can go full autist with segmented work. There's really a lot of variation for what you can do and at least the base setup is small if space is a concern, though you'll eventually want a lot of supporting tools. The biggest issue is inital cost. Unless you only want to turn pens, get a midi, preferably with variable speed control.

>> No.2711778

become a DIY gooner

>> No.2712642

So… you can make pens, wands, and butt plugs… or is there actually some unique things to make that aren’t stair banister and chair legs? Cause I’m not giving grandma a hand-turned buttplug/chair leg.

>> No.2712646

Guns, clocks, anything mechanical. (Note, if you don't know your shit well your guns will blow your hands off)

>> No.2712670

>start with easier carbide
youve never machined in your life

>> No.2712693

Creativity is a bit of a prerequisite, so it's noy suited to everyone I guess. But aside from bbw (big black walnut) dildos, I mostly make bowls, small decorative trees, boxes, ring trays, cloche bases, and the like. I've got a paper towel roll holder gluing at the moment and both the base and spindle were made on the lathe.

I'm a CNC monkey. Did you maybe misread that, because you're not making sense.
OP seems like he's just starting to DIY and probably doesn't want to buy jigs and a grinder/belt sander or learn to sharpen tools by hand right off the bat. It's easier to start with carbide and begin turning rather than making sharpening his hobby right off the bat.

>> No.2712698

Right, CNC monkey. So youve never machined in your life.

>> No.2712770

You can make guns with a lathe?

>> No.2712831

Woodworking has the largest spectrum of projects for the least investment required to get in. You can do almost anything with wood and hardware store components. AND it’s quite practical.

Machining(lathe, mill) is also extremely fun, but very investment heavy. You can but a shitty lathe for 500$, but you wouldn’t be able to do much with it. Realistically I’d say you would need 3k dollars just to get in the hobby assuming you have a place for machinery. I’m currently in the process of cnc converting my 1500$ mill and it is itself very enjoyable.

>> No.2713624

You would use an end mill instead.

>> No.2713668

im curious what bing bing wahoo means

>> No.2713676


>> No.2713751

I fuck around with a diode laser cutter/engraver for fun and sometimes profit. It's pretty inexpensive to get started on a basic level, there's enough prep/finish work for it to feel hands-on, and I think it's very relaxing to prepare images/vectors. A huge bonus is the ability to mark tools or other stuff you make. Like if I weld some stainless together for a practical purpose I can also make it pretty by adding whatever laser marking I want.

>> No.2713943

Video Games, specifically Nintendo ones.

>> No.2714479
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>> No.2714484

Kek, first based post.
Fuck you OP.
>sell me
I ain't selling you shit, Jack.
If you didn't sound like a faggot and asked nicely, I'd be inclined to share something, but you're a faggot computer wagecuck, so kill yourself.

>anon tells OP to learn metalturning

>> No.2715834

It's expensive he should try building gliders

>> No.2715842

I'm telling him that he can start with carbide tools and ignore presentation angles and sharpening, while turning WOOD. You seem to be an esl or other variety of retard and think I'm telling him to machine carbide as a work material.

>> No.2716260

My hobbies
- cultivation, brewing
- photography, hiking, cycling
- music, trading, programming, math
- sc2, mtg

>> No.2716866
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it means video games, but in an embarrassing way. picrel

>> No.2716867

Just try a bunch of shit and see what sticks. Ultimately the best fit is going to be the thing you like doing because it's gratifying for you, not something you land on extrinsically by trying to deduce which one has the best advantages. Start with woodworking and leatherworking since you seem already interested in them.

>> No.2717029
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OOPS posted the wrong one. here's the correct one.

>> No.2717044

Some day you will be dead as fuck. Lights out. You're worried about what people in public that you will never meet again think about you?

>> No.2717057

>You're worried about what people in public that you will never meet again think about you?
no. not at all.

you don't understand satire do you?

>> No.2717060

Buy an old house and repair the fuck out of it.

>> No.2718828

Fuck off nigger my hobbies/trades full