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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2709269 No.2709269 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>2682255

>> No.2709271
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>> No.2709272
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>> No.2709276

The after sex piss could be part of the shared experience...

>> No.2709551

Some shits really require a toilet-side bed.

>> No.2710677
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>> No.2711831
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>> No.2711864

This is very simple. The electrician came for a service upgrade and they routed the wire this way. They asked the owner about the downspout and was told to just cut it, and that they will find a way around it.

>> No.2714554
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>> No.2714562

Floor needs carpeting, otherwise not too bad.

>> No.2714568

Microwave, mini fridge and a sweet gayming system and I imagine this would unironically be better than 90% of 4chan domiciles...

>> No.2714575

I would use an additional kettle for the ramen, but otherwise, yeah, why not.

>> No.2714580

That's actually amazing; definitely over the top but I've done tons of work on places like that from the 1920's-30s and that tile is as well made and installed as you'll ever see, all laid on a 2" mortar bed with wire lath reinforcement.
I get that some people wouldn't want to live with it but that was not a diy or cheap tract house job, it was high end luxury that cost serious money and took remarkable skill to do.

>> No.2714608

This. It would be a crime to demo that.

>> No.2714639

oooooh, thats nice

>> No.2714640

next-days job. Literally 5 dollars worth of gutter angles and a few screws. you people are scarily incompetent f u think this is a problem fr fr

>> No.2714746

Outside outhouse?

>> No.2714830

inside outhouse

>> No.2714869

Outside inhouse

>> No.2714888
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>> No.2715041

I'm trying to think of genuine reasons someone might do this. Godawful mobility? The world's worst PMS? Literally crippling alcoholism?

>> No.2715046

Other way around I think. Already had a bathroom but needed space to put an additional bed

>> No.2715079

Well, that's one way to make the in-laws buzz off.

>> No.2715109

Is the toilet lid chained to the wall?

>> No.2715208
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>> No.2715232

Steal me once shame on you

>> No.2715244
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Okay, this is cheating since it is a doll house but this could very likely be a grandma's bathroom

>> No.2715428

how did you get this picture of my house

>> No.2715441

>I'm trying to think of genuine reasons someone might do this
A crippling addiction to cheeses. They need a good lay-down after the masonry grade shits they pass.

>> No.2715444

Thousands of house, crammed in a few square miles, built in the 50's have wiring that looks like this and zero electric fires. Checkmate safety fags

>> No.2715498

Drug dealers sometimes make a drop in tanks.

>> No.2715533

Young scholars will use the tank lid to break the bowl.

>> No.2715549

It's just an unused bathtub with some plywood laid over it and some cushions added. Lets you use the tub for storage without everything being visible, and as a seating area that is more sanitary than a toilet.

>> No.2715576
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Used to work there, yes.
Sometimes the thing escaped and stuffed people in other cartoon themed toilets, of course after some time the things got possessed and started doing the same thing.

It got so bad we had to install huge magnetic metal dors and hire a night guardian, upper management had the brilliant idea of cheaping out on current (after installing 70k worth of equipment lmao), so they also installed a generator that run on stolen gas that barely lasted a couple of hours.
Did I mention to tell the doors would not stay closed without current?

Eventually an intern suggested we just bolted the things to the wall, management initially refused because "it ruined the restaurant aesthetics and mood", like 2 huge metal doors and 20 dead kids aren't the problem the fucking ziptie on the possessed Bugs Bunny is.

Eventually they had to give up when the local child rapist stopped parking his van there and we couldn't steal his gas anymore.
Good times.

>> No.2716011
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>local child rapist

>> No.2716035

Lmao I was looking for this everywhere when writing that

>> No.2717038
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>> No.2717047

Which is the bigger abomination? The cardboard staircase or the fact the girls father and/or boyfriend allowed her to wear shorts like that for social media?

>> No.2717537

seen worse. are you a first year apprentice?

>> No.2717538
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the fact that she feels proud for folding the staircase

>> No.2717566

post em. I took a picture and posted that because I thought it was funny, most of the actually fucked up things I deal with don't make good photos

>> No.2717570

i ike it.
but the shower stall is still way too sml for my tastes
i need more elbow room

>> No.2717645

uh oh upper decker time

>> No.2717735

Years ago my gaming room was the bathroom. It's definitely a vibe. It had a bath and I also had a tv in there. I used to keep snacks under the sink.

>> No.2717755

she's brazillian dude

>> No.2717864
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>When we said this was a chemical-free establishment, we fucking meant it.

>> No.2717943

A few years ago I made a shitty loft bed with nails and 2x4s and people lost their mind, can someone post the pictures of it I shared so I can save them?

>> No.2718043

Electric is easier when all the wires are the same color. New age hippie ass nu-electrical code is for fags

>> No.2718073

XD fucking rofl the best part is this is the same with everything that the goverment,women,jew,trust fund rich faggot makes

>> No.2718077


That's built in shower is around a century old, original encaustic tiles

No idea how they would waterproof that thing back then

>> No.2718078


It's probably for one of those huge fat cunts that will lay on the bed and just aim his or her ass at the toliet and splat.

>> No.2719386
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>> No.2719391
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>> No.2719399
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>> No.2719511

inout sidehouse

>> No.2719735
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>> No.2719739

>No idea how they would waterproof that thing back then

Heavy tarpaper/felt was the standard behind wet area walls in that era before the mortar bed was applied, and areas that saw standing water would be hot mopped with tar...high end installations like that might also have had a zinc or lead or even copper pan formed and soldered and installed prior to the wall sheeting, with the overlapping sheets hot mopped to make a watertight seal.

Watertight plumbing gaskets for the drains would most likely be made of oakum, which is jute or hemp fibers impregnated with creosote, pitch and/or tar and packed into joints and fittings like caulk and either held in place by a threaded retainer ring or with more tar/ asphalt, or sometimes lead.

>> No.2719741

This is kino you ape
The modern bathroom is soulless

>> No.2719755

Definitely looks like a place where you're paying for the location.

>> No.2719766

Kino bathroom to hide out in while doing drugs

>> No.2719778

It's funny that once this info came out, everyone started doing mental gymnastics and blaming "le white males". The dude is himself so buckbroken that started pushing his LGBT agenda while doing damage control.
The whole situation is a clusterfuck and all of the involved are faggots.

>> No.2719911

an extra step when you're not expecting it is such a horrible feeling.

>> No.2719912

It's perfectly fine.

In 10 years when it's falling to bits and impossible to repair because everything is assembled with giant panels that they don't manufacture anymore... That's a different question.