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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2707627 No.2707627 [Reply] [Original]

long story short, at some point my townhouse had its roof done and these cockroaches removed the bathroom exhaust vent on the roof. what's the best way to fix it without having to make another hole in my roof? i have a whirlybird installed, can i reroute the bathroom vent to it?

>> No.2707642

a 90 degree elbow, obviosly

>> No.2707648

Is this the shitfan? Or the plumbing vent?

>> No.2707663

that pipe isn't going through the wall, it's just a bad pic. should be vertical but they removed the roof vent and patched where the hole used to be on the roof and tossed the pipe on the floor

the hole next to the pipe goes to the shitfan if that means what i think it does

>> No.2707673

If it’s just the bathroom exhaust fan, venting into what appears to be a large attic space is fine.
The roof venting (you mentioned turbine vent) will exhaust your stink just fine.

>> No.2707693
File: 1.36 MB, 1157x1700, IMG_E0285[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not just the smell i'm concerned about, when we shower the steam becomes unbearable and we're dealing with serious mildew problems. i should mention that the vent is clogged with god knows what, when i put my hand in there from below i pulled out a clump of bird feathers. so really it's not venting anywhere right now, i want to make sure that the steam has somewhere to go when i unclog it so i'm not turning my bathroom problem into an attic problem. this is what remains of the roof vent

>> No.2707695
File: 86 KB, 800x1067, ROOF PENE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There I hope this clears up all the confusion here.

>> No.2707697
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i take it this is the plumbing vent?

>> No.2707698

gee thanks kind stranger, have my e-gold

>> No.2707700

Reminds me that I need to figure out what the fuck is up with my own shitfan, it's taped to the ceiling with packaging tape which covers all its vents. I don't think it's connected to any piping in the attic, and I think the second lightswitch that controls it is connected to nothing.

>> No.2707713
File: 137 KB, 1157x1700, rem roof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut out roofing, extend duct through, then install a roof jack and rain cap.

>> No.2707716

i have no idea how to do any of that

>> No.2707718

Then I guess it's over.

>> No.2707719
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>> No.2707724

black mold typed this

>> No.2707726

>that pipe isn't going through the wall
well, here's your answer then

>> No.2707736

>venting into what appears to be a large attic space is fine
Depends if that bathroom has a shower or not.

>> No.2707774
File: 2.49 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_0283[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since nobody wants to answer my question might as well ask now: is this asbestos? i pulled it out of the insulation

>> No.2707781

>If it’s just the bathroom exhaust fan, venting into what appears to be a large attic space is fine.
jesus christ

Inhale it, and if you get mesothelioma in 30 years then yes it is.

>> No.2707782

You better have something to cover your face.
Try to set that piece on fire with a lighter; if it burns or kinda melts you're safe, if it doesn't you've got asbestos

>> No.2707789

Asbestos testing is cheap and simple. Send it to get tested. There's no way to tell by a photo.
The only real cost is the week or so it takes to get results back.

>> No.2707794

Do not do this under any circumstances or your house will be fucked and worthless.

>> No.2707873

we're rentoids

>> No.2707993
File: 1.71 MB, 1836x4080, IMG_20230917_154140627_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copper should not be used as a sewer vent, hydrogen sulfide and copper do not get along.

I recently did this exact job at my house. I have a tar shingle roof so if you don't, fuck this, but here are the steps i did.
1 pick spot for vent
2 measure width of vent
3 cut shingles 1/2 of vent thickness on each 4side of nail, use speed square to cut the entire shingle to the next one up and remove obstructing flap with pry bar
4 break the seal of the surrounding shingles to slide vent under, check fit with vent
5 drill the hole
6 pull back insulation on duct, insert roof collar into duct and tape with aluminum tape
7 pull back insulation on duct, attach to fan outlet and seal with aluminium tape, zip tip insulation closed
8 cut 2 tabs on roof collar and nail to the roof
9 caulk top and side of vent, do not caulk bottom side
10 lift shingles and slide vent under, push down and work vent tight
11 lift shingles and nail vent to roof
12 reseal all lifted shingles, in the row with the vent, on all edges
13 lift the next shingles and nail vent to roof
14 caulk across the top of the vent

picrel is the outside vent before cover

>> No.2708008

Why are you fucking with the vents in the first place then? Who gives a shit if all your shit vent steam rots someone else's attic?

>> No.2708131

There's probably hundreds of instructional videos on youtube showing how to install a pipe/vent boot on a shingle roof. The rest is pretty much common sense. Cut hole in the roof, put the pipe up through it, and put a cap on the pipe so it doesn't get rain in it.

>> No.2708139

Connect it, use a strap and screws to hold it in place, point it most of the way to the whirlybird so you're not just chucking we air into your attic. Add flex 4" if needed.

>> No.2708470

it is, and you thought mold was a problem.

>> No.2708495

Excuse me is that a joist that has just been cut in half? Please tell me it is atleast screwed to the wall

>> No.2708500

Someone Photoshop ceilingcat there ASAP

>> No.2708526

i'm not making holes in the roof. i'm pretty brave doing this but i'm not stupid

because i have to live here

i'll have to go back up and check but i wouldn't be surprised

>copper should not be used as a sewer vent, hydrogen sulfide and copper do not get along.
i have no idea what it could be then. if it's disused maybe i can replace it with a bathroom vent

>> No.2708542

Put it back in place and use basic vent connectors in the right size

ALWAY SCREW VENTING TOGETHER so this shit doesn't happen

>> No.2708548

It's called a bathroom extractor you savages.

>> No.2708549

DWV copper exists and has been in use for a long time already.

>> No.2708894

theyre destroying your house anon

>> No.2708906

not my house but yes, i agree. these were excellent houses when they were built in the 60s but all the maintenance that has been done since has gotten progressively shoddier and shoddier. quite the microcosm for this entire country

>> No.2711141

It simply just doesn't fucking matter if it's asbestos
It's probably not.
Rockwool has a high burn temp and fiberglass insulation burn temp is almost as high

Just wear a mask when you fuck with insulation regardless because all of it will give you lung cancer- asbestos or not

>> No.2711443

this just leave it as.
if the shit smell does stay to long i would deduct the rent by a few % (this is how its done in this country)

then kindly tell you're landlord you think the workers did something wrong and he should ask a for a different opinion fom another company or a inspector, if he does not care its his problem.

Here in Germany if you get mold or smell you send him a notice to fix it, if he does not fix it you just short rent between 10 and 30% he then can decide to sue you and loose, fix his shit or accept the lower rent.
there are cases where the court accepted a 100% decrease in rent for asbestos contamination.