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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2682255 No.2682255 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>2659955

>> No.2682256
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>> No.2682258
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>> No.2682261
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>> No.2682271

Someone post the faggot batmobile that had a thread on here.

>> No.2684073
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Not an abomination, just kino

>> No.2684076
File: 65 KB, 600x416, 84b5108cd50bb145a7bf5f7ac082edc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a car in my hometown that had happy meal toys and other tiny figurines superglued to the top of the car. It was rusty as all hell, but the girl driving it was a high schooler and the car was in beater territory. Something like pic attached.

>> No.2684079
File: 51 KB, 773x437, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's awesome, but it needs fenders.
And I don't think foot-wide fender flares would look as cool.
Really you'd need to cut the fenders between the hood and the headlamps and just bring the fenders out about a foot on each side.
Might look pretty dope, actually.

>> No.2684109
File: 148 KB, 768x436, MTc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made these things as duallies. Looks much better with wheels not sticking out.

>> No.2684111

Marty, where we're going we don't need aerodynamics

>> No.2684120

>6.8L NA V8 producing 124 HP

>> No.2684197
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>> No.2684202

considering the "new" Ontario license plates pealed off and left a blank sheet of aluminum, this aint that bad

>> No.2684214

its awful
i like it

>> No.2684230

I would bet these are going to be used in the lemons 500.

>> No.2684268

It looks like the shitting room and the showering room are right off the kitchen which is fucking disgusting, but the idea of separate shitting and showering rooms? That actually makes a lot of sense to me lol

>> No.2684282

That's how it is by default in France. Your bathroom should never smell of shit.

>> No.2684519

In my american home, the toilet is in a little water closet with its own door, apart from the tub and shower

>> No.2684712

Those poor hondas probably have another 200k in them

>> No.2684745
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>> No.2684753

Ahh yes... the built in blumpkin hatch.

>> No.2684790

I think my favorite part is how there's no lip or ledge on the wall opposite the hatch for it to rest on. So when it's down and you walk across it to take a shit that whole side is going to be bowing under your weight.

>> No.2684813
File: 241 KB, 2048x1360, 235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6.8L NA V8 producing 124 HP
I have one anon, it came with a 235ci crossflow 6 cylinder making 105 hp, truck got between 14 to 18 mpg depends on how hard you run it.
Mind you the half ton is only 3000lbs so 100hp ain't half bad in it, especially in days before interstate when this thing was made.,

But guess what, the 70+ year old engine still works, my ancestors are smiling upon me ecoblowsfag, can you say the same?

>> No.2684820

most japanese bathrooms are like this. they have a central space which has the sink and cabinets, then separate rooms off that for the toilet and shower

>> No.2684966

maybe there's a chain or two? i'm more concerned about the lack of a privacy door.

>> No.2685125

>someone comes up the stairs

>> No.2685137

There is a hole in the wall where the latch goes in.

>> No.2685147

wait, you mean a shitty sliding latch?

>> No.2685153
File: 3.77 MB, 2088x1424, Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 03.07.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2685170

Yes. Fucked up design needs fucked up support.

>> No.2685186

it's got an rcd, i see no problem

>> No.2685361
File: 2.81 MB, 4004x1908, 20230729_181204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a normal demo derby

>> No.2685365


>> No.2685834
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Saturday bump.

>> No.2685835
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>> No.2686190

This is genuinely upsetting

>> No.2686436
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>> No.2686458

>what are torques

>> No.2686460
File: 45 KB, 536x480, sortofwant349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sister would take hour-long shits when i needed to shower or hour-long showers when i needed to shit, so it would have been nice to not have the shower and toilet in the same room.

>> No.2686471

>under your weight
its not in amerika and an amerifat wont even fit up the stairs so its fine

>> No.2687517
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>> No.2687526

diy sensory deprivation chamber

>> No.2687528

yes only your person should smell like shit, the French way

>> No.2687629
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>> No.2688147
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Groverhaus is looking rough

>> No.2689682

what's stopping you from using the shower or toilet while she's using the other?

>> No.2689893
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>> No.2689899

this one's kinda funny

>> No.2689934

I dont really see the issue? Other than there being a coffin in front of the door.

>> No.2689947


Now there’s a term I didn’t expect to see here.

>> No.2690004

more corners = more fresh skull indentations

>> No.2690021

Can't even be mad at that one

>> No.2691414

Did anyone ever screencap the sewer-tub anon saga? Or save the pictures from the thread? The full photos on moe all 404 and the thread seems to have happened in one of the time periods that warosu was broken.

>> No.2691641

Quebec has the same issue. I wonder if they use the same manufacturer.

>> No.2691880


>> No.2691893

This is some homebrew. The test leads function as fuses if you really screw up.
This >>2685834 is AI levels of fuckups.

>> No.2692617
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>> No.2692618
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>> No.2692619
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>> No.2692620
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>> No.2692680

while the heat distribution may be wack, I would thoroughly enjoy fitting steaks, burgers and dogs on top of that like puzzle pieces

>> No.2692734

what am I lookin...OH GOOD LORD

>> No.2692741
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>> No.2692781

whats wrong with this? you get slightly larger sinks in your shallow ass counterspace than you would a normal ones

>> No.2692920
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>> No.2692921
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>> No.2692923
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>> No.2692975
File: 97 KB, 1000x1000, 1682667391239843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sink is meant to go into a corner; if you put a normal one into that space it could be even larger.

>> No.2692984

if i took a shit in it, would i be messin with texas?

>> No.2693018

>drawers under sink
suspicious image

>> No.2693339
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Man, this was one disgusting carpet I had to take up.

>> No.2693472
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>> No.2693480

I have it too. Just knob, no actual drawer.

>> No.2693501

The smell of the shit is evenly distribute to all floors.

>> No.2693519
File: 64 KB, 707x682, IMG_5040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using bar soap laid on counter instead of liquid soap

>> No.2693656

The workbelt tied to his ladder fucking sends me
>I'd really like to be fully committed when this ladder decides to slam me into the ground

>> No.2693808

It’s also wrapped around the wire holding the cables. so if he fell he’d be dangling from the wire, and would still have his ladder handy to climb back down so he can clean ouf the shit from his pants.

>> No.2693826
File: 2 KB, 125x93, piss bottle for ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I remember this thread
>Finally, a tip for other people unable to use their toilet: public bathrooms
>There is a 24/7 McDonalds somewhat near me
>Best part is only one person is allowed in it at a time because of Covid
>This will make it a great place to dump fresh bottles as I am getting low on containers
>Doing the tub water was a mistake
>Bottles like that will need to go in the trash
>I think the smell was way too much and employees may check the cameras
>My overgrown hair is a very identifiable look and hard to keep clean without showers
>I am going to shave bald
fucking gold

>> No.2693836

yeah I've been looking for a proper cap or archive of the pictures and I just can't find one

>> No.2693839
File: 3.86 MB, 1304x6500, :diy: dentistry 22:1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, no.
I got this one at least.

>> No.2693851

i actually have little tilt out pockets under my sink
nice to put the scrubber and such in there

>> No.2693970

The abomination is that he removed the most reliable engine of all time to make is a trailer

>> No.2693971

Real talk, if he bought some cases of that spray paint, he's just waiting for the car to profile itself to accept the new paint so he doesn't have to buy primer

10/10 money saving strategy while repainting his van

>> No.2693974

And knows how to get good lumber pricing

I'd drop the ford 7.5l gas V8 in it though

>> No.2693975

This + an 8 speed tranny would make it equivalent to a new half ton pickup

>> No.2693978

Only impressed if it's solid core

>> No.2693980

>Miss a step
>Stair hole is so stout you can catch yourself on the far wall and push yourself upright

>> No.2693981

Liquid soap is a scam
Just get a soap dish

>> No.2694009

Godfucking dammit Javier! How can you even identify shit in there?

>> No.2694078
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>> No.2694079
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>> No.2694081
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>> No.2694083

Europeans and Asians talking shit in Americans from their 500 sq ft flat

>> No.2694141

Pure Appalachia

>> No.2694160

Oh god, this reminds me of the time when I was living with my mom and the basement started flooding because something had blocked the pipe going to the septic tank. There was a literal block of shit just outside of the basement door leading to the outside that I had to shovel into an old trashcan. My mom had the bright idea of trying to pour bleach on the concrete floor that had a bunch of piss, but thankfully my brother and I told her not to because it would create gas. We didn't realize it was clogged until it was too late. Never found out why the tank's pipe was clogged.

>> No.2694429
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>> No.2694527

nice AI image in the diy thread

>> No.2694726

red make it go faster, nothing wrong with that

>> No.2694738

Seethe tranny. I'll post 500 more just to make you cry.

>> No.2694747
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vroom vroom abominations

>> No.2694757

I don't know enough about cars to know what's wrong here, anyone care to explain?

>> No.2694785


>> No.2695088

I'm going to assume the car came in with 'overheating problems'.

>> No.2695110

When your MIL decides to move in with you

>> No.2695138

>because you are so fucking new you think everyone else is

>> No.2695149

1,200 dollars in anodized fittings, chinese crank filters and hot air intakes

>> No.2695181

This is equal parts impressive and disturbing

>> No.2695189

I had another one entitled "PLEASE HELP, DIRE" where OP had invented a drug that made bones flexible, so he could shape his jawline to be "beautiful, like a model", but he once took too much of this drug that made his bones "too flexible". The thread was mainly about developing some sort of face harness that would put pressure on his face to reshape his bones.

>> No.2695190

Here's the thread, no screenshot that I can see.

>> No.2695193
File: 142 KB, 787x1784, now ive seen everything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's right there in the thread you linked.

>> No.2695198

am retared

>> No.2695214
File: 1.22 MB, 752x1334, overweight_handyman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tubber handyman mangled joists to gain access to crawlspace

>> No.2695582
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>> No.2695584

Mental illness is a hell of a drug. I read a report about a guy who pushed someone onto the subway tracks. He had journals about how people were "stealing his neck".

>> No.2695588


>> No.2695605


>> No.2695608

What engine is this? and now I see the problem.

>> No.2695609

Why does the turbo go nowhere?

>> No.2695610

It's an infinity dumbass.

>> No.2695640

>plum hollow
They knew what they were doing.

>> No.2695799
File: 3.28 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_06184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a '95 corolla from a coworker who had never so far as I know done any maintenance to it.

>> No.2695802
File: 2.81 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_06188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I pulled these in 2011

>> No.2695803

Those plugs look fine, so you're in the wrong thread.

>> No.2695835

subaru 2.4, driverside rear was a pain, but fuck paying a dealership 1k for induction service, replace filters and a spark plug change.

>> No.2695837

What do you believe is wrong with those?

>> No.2695842
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They look good, check those out.

>> No.2695844
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Also someone was lucky that part of insulator stuck to electrode.

>> No.2695846
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>> No.2695847

But why?

>> No.2695848
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Slow O2 sensor response

>> No.2695849
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>> No.2695853
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It's not as impressive in real life, and they changed Plum Hollow. Bastards.

>> No.2695899

You're supposed to put that behind the converter so as to fool it in to thinking it's good.

>> No.2696082

The point of abominations is that they're real things people built. AI images can be whatever tf you want so why even post it, mr autismo?

>> No.2696101 [DELETED] 

Simple. It make trannies and àrtist kills themselves :-)

>> No.2696138

Go outside nigga damn, there's way more effective ways than posting ai art. You're just kinda retarded it seems. And im not anti-ai btw, I just dont see a real connection between troons and ai

>> No.2696370
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>> No.2696372

lol what the hell, those look ridiculous

>> No.2696373
File: 1.88 MB, 1313x1196, Screenshot_20220318_203429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camden, NJ is really something else. The entire city is an abomination.

>> No.2696425

hey man, got a lot of expierience with these trucks and more with these motors, amazing that the 235 babbit motor is still running, most were just ran into the ground the thrown away, if you ever want to get some more power for hauling/highway use i would recommend you swap in a 1955-62 full pressure 235, about 30 extra hp and much higher sustainable revs. if you can find one the ultimate badass move would be a 261 but those are hens teeth, anyways best of luck to you, adios nigga

>> No.2696724


Camden is what happens when the Whites leave

>> No.2696769

Use a hammer to claw into his braincase

>> No.2696775

holy fucking based

>> No.2696780


>> No.2696876
File: 2.68 MB, 4080x3060, Bath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if this is an abomination but a family member has a bench in the bathroom for some reason.

>> No.2696895
File: 10 KB, 322x156, 4B88FD12-A279-4A2B-BE06-6294BDA6287E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this picture years ago. Humboldt/Mendocino is a strange place.
I need to dig up the pictures of the crackhead who smashed out the back of a honda civic and bolted a pallet into it to make an el camino. This is the final product but there's a whole series showing him smashing it apart

>> No.2697125
File: 62 KB, 700x933, 387806021_760916805839475_3914359973484410184_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2697129
File: 472 KB, 1024x768, peak toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you familiar with oldschool german toilets

>> No.2697130


>> No.2697131
File: 55 KB, 1010x567, peak toilet 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2697254

wait they just built the urinal into the floor? i don't see a huge problem, so long as the tile-work is immune to piss chemistry

>> No.2697508

thats the deluxe variant, its just a wall you piss against with a drainage in the corner. the most grotesque ones dont even flush

>> No.2697541

Just stick some anti-slip tape to that bottom step, both problems solved

>> No.2697572

Crackmobiles are always sources of amusement. And hepatitis.

This is nowhere near abomination status.


>> No.2697630

>completely glosses over the rims and bumper as if ricing out a minivan is acceptable

>> No.2697653
File: 2.18 MB, 1891x748, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been like that for at least 11 years. As of June 2022 it looks a little worse but the signs are gone.

>> No.2697680

If the room with the toilet has a sink this is fine.

>> No.2697812

>but the signs are gone
Aren't they just blurred by Google?

>> No.2697841

Houses on that block are 150k on Zillow, Jesus. 10 years ago, you could get a rowhome in an OK neighborhood in Philadelphia for 80k. Camden crackhouses were like 20-30.

>> No.2697958
File: 2.22 MB, 1307x1055, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the streetview from 2020, the one I posted before was 2012.

>> No.2697960

That's absolutely insane. My sister recently bought a non-crackhouse in Mercer county for a little more than that.

>> No.2698143
File: 212 KB, 1280x960, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as German my school had toilets like this.

the two gray dots are water nozzles i think they were time actuated or coupled to the hallway bell.

>> No.2698146

>as German my school had toilets like this.
Those are fine.
>coupled to the hallway bell.
A chime telling everyone when someone goes in or out of the bathroom is not fine.

>> No.2698147

>A chime telling everyone when someone goes in or out of the bathroom is not fine.

no not like this, every hour and every beginning and end of breaks a bell would ring in the whole school, i think it was coupled to that so it flushed after the breaks.

>> No.2698163

i have pee shyness so i can't handle this

>> No.2698217

>Liquid soap is a scam
>Just get a soap dish
Not sure what a soap dish is. I use concentrated dish washing liquid that I dilute with 90% liquid and put it in one of those bedbathbeyondrecovery liquid soap dispensers that turns it into a foam. Works super well and it saves a ton of money on fucking soap. For a shower, use a bar, and make sure it doesn't sit in standing water and it should last a while.

>> No.2698358

Get solid dish soap, it lasts longer. When you want to use it, just scrub it a bit with your nylon brush or scotch-brite. When I was flatting I'd cut up a bar of solid sunlite soap and melt the pieces into a solid puck inside a mug by putting it in a saucepan on the stove with some water around it. Stops it from moving about as you scrub at it.

>> No.2698416

The bench is the least of the problematic parts here, the pillows may be suitable for wet area, too, depending on materials.
>shower curtain
>missing tiles where glass door once was
>awful grout both in the shower and main floor
>cheap TP holder too close to the shower

>> No.2698477
File: 16 KB, 1106x520, camden-nj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source: neighborhoodscout.com

>> No.2698502

This is somewhat okay. That method of climbing mid-strand is OSHA approved, however his ladder hooks should be making contact with the strand. The belt tie off is correct. If he falls, him and the ladder will be held in place until rescue arrives.
If he wasn't so lazy, and had whatever street vendor is selling end tables and book shelves move their shit, this could have been done safely

>> No.2698514

i have both pee shyness and a rather large penis
its hell

>> No.2700044

maybe if you want to have arm wrestling matches while you shit

>> No.2700054
File: 380 KB, 1635x529, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's an 'art' car parade in houston
quite a few people have cars like that
santa drives his year round though
couldn't find any good pics of it however

>> No.2700073

i was just jerking off while she was showering sitting on the toilet as a revenge for her leaving the blooody tampons everywhere lol. When you try to ejaculate while a huge hard fibre filled dump is pressing your prostate the orgasms are insane. it's also easier to clean up doing two things together but then we didn't have bidet and sister had the shower

>> No.2700153

This shouldn't be street legal due to the possibly of them peeling off and smashing into the windshield of the driver behind them on the highway.

>> No.2700209

It shouldn't be legal because there should be laws prohibiting self expression of extremely poor taste

>> No.2700231

She was masturbating.

>> No.2700232

I'm not a violent person but this would do it.

>> No.2700235

Nah hillbillies understand carpentry. It's like cousin fucking. That's probably in the midwest somewhere.

>> No.2700330
File: 2.96 MB, 4656x2094, IMG_20231022_201207297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oc shitshed ama

>> No.2700414

at least you have a large penis

>> No.2700436

I'd probably jam pencils in so when it "flushes" water goes everywhere.

>> No.2700460

this is a nuisance and i would report you

>> No.2700464

where did you steal all those bikes?

>> No.2700532

Was it your intention to build a "shed" or did your pile of trash just accumulate in that form?

>> No.2700600

Ok fag build me a shed for winter while I make my house livable while working an hour out of town 60 hours a week and going to night classes.
Lol though.
The cargo bike had a free sign in an alley, couldn't help myself. The repainted raleigh was 10 bucks at the thrift shop. I bought the felt for 150 from some guy who wanted to sell it instead of fix it. The gravity fatbike was a gift from an 84 year old union teacher I had. The mtb raleigh, cultech, and get were 20 bucks a piece from a guy who got in a lawnmower accident and shattered his pelvis a couple years prior and gave up biking. The peugeot tandem I bought for 300 from a lbs owner. The white speshy was a childhood bike that got stolen and then recovered. There's a nishiki that I bought for 50 and made my first fixie, and a trek touring bike that I bought for 150. The old guy who sold me the trek said it was too big for me but I have the seatpost maxed lol.
The repainted raleigh is my 650b tracklocross build that I'll probably finish next year, and the gravity is going to be a rigid mtb/winter beater. Not pictured are my two santana tandems I bought from the local bike co op, one for 600 and the other 350. As well not pictured are a schwinn unknown ladies bike I cbf to remember the name and a bianchi nyala, both of which I will build up and give away so not worth covering; those I took from where they were stood next to a recycle dump bin at the local facility.
A lot of the wheels in the picture came from my union teacher or literally out of the trash, same for tires. Also forgot another raleigh frame that came out of the trash.
My intention was to slap something together I could stash my table saw, mower, chop saw, and some bikes together without having to allocate time to build a real shed and do a good job of it. I have other priorities and this will do (I hope lol). The treated pallets are to form the base of the shed I will build next year.

>> No.2700615

It looks like the civilized white humans had to flee the area, reducing the real estate values to the point that investment is unprofitable. I wonder what could cause such white flight?

>> No.2700638

Obviously he shouldn't have cut the joists like that but that does look like a pretty tight crawl even for a slim guy desu

>> No.2701235

>that many bikes
Are you black?
>this is a nuisance and i would report you
I hope a cyclist runs into you and your head hits a curb.

>> No.2701340

>Are you black?
Lol. I restore and maintain an n+1 fleet. I don't steal, abuse, and dump bikes.
Also, I have a job and pickup trucks.

>> No.2701398 [DELETED] 

Public toilet in a climate where there's mud or slush, yeah
City in spring while snow is melting -> brown, dirty layer of slush everywhere -> you always track a layer of wet dirty slush with you everywhere you go, and if there isn't a doormat that you thoroughly dry off your shoes on (as there wouldn't be in a public toilet), you get this.
The warmer interior melts the cool slush into just very dirty water, which is why you can see the most recent footprints still having the vague shape of the shoe, but older stuff has melted and surface tension has caused it to collect into amorphous blobs of very very wet mud/dirty water.

>> No.2701401

>Not sure what a soap dish is.
It's a sneed for the soap to rest on so that the water drains away and doesn't dissolve the bottom of the soap when not in use

>> No.2701521

>It's a sneed for the soap
They used to be called chucks.

>> No.2701539
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>> No.2701540
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>> No.2701542
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>> No.2701543
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>> No.2701546
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>> No.2701548
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>> No.2701549
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>> No.2701550
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>> No.2701552
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>> No.2701567

unhinged backwoods houses are based

>> No.2701597

This just looks unironically rad as fuck

>> No.2701601

We had urinals like this in my U.S. hick town pre-K - junior high school that flushed the exact same way. Best setup for piss distance competitions.

>> No.2701628

This looks exactly like a shared bathroom we did some work in for section 8 housing once. Same wall and floor tile. Niggers absolutely destroyed the place. Never did section 8 since.

>> No.2701645

>how many bathrooms?
>1 of each sir

>> No.2701669

Bros, I'm no plumbing expert, but what the fuck is the point of putting a trap on a sink with an open drain to the urinal?

>> No.2701685

Waste water from the sink could wash all the pigs to the drain?
Could've just been they fucked up when building and forgot a drain for the sink

>> No.2701686

It's code, please understand

>> No.2701687

Stops concentrated piss fumes going up the pipe and into your nostrils.

>> No.2701688

it's a pee-trap

>> No.2701813

It catches your wedding ring so you don't have to fish it out of the piss hole in the wall.

>> No.2701955

its a standard metal sink trap probably came with the sink
so why not use it instead of putting together 3 more HDPE elbows

>> No.2701956
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pic rel

>> No.2701957

She has to be autistic, no other explanation

>> No.2701958

Where do you live that sinks come with traps?

>> No.2702086

Thanks to My Auto, Camden is now a bustling auto recycling center. Who wouldn't want live next to piles of tires on oily streets with flocks of homeless scattered around? What a deal!

>> No.2702441
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>> No.2702463

I would live here and brew potions with my toad familiar

>> No.2702492
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>> No.2702504
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theres so many places like that around me lol

>> No.2702506

I'd give this one a go myself.

When i was young we would get rid of teeth that were loose by tying them to a door with a bit of string. Even had it done to me.

Nowa days Americans are hypersensitive. They think you'll get an infection in seconds if you dont take antibiotics. Forgetting that you have an immune system.

In my neck of the woods you dont even get the dr to put you under when you get a tooth removed. Thats an american trick to sell you more health products like something to put you to sleep. AND ITS DANGEROUS. Lots of people stop breathing while under anasthetic, lots of people are still aware of the pain and everything but cant speak or move! Since when do you need an anesthesiologist to get a tooth pulled! And most anesthesiologists are fuckups! Its a hard job to get right! They have to measure the exact amount of meds to your bodyweight and then if you dont tell them: btw i only have one kidney you get overdosed. Or if you tell them btw my livers been feeling bad or i just came back from a party and there might be some alcohol in my system.

This is just like the time someone told me that i had to get a skin tag on my face frozen off CRYOGENICALLY by a trained doctor, and then i just snipped it off and, instead of growing back ten times as large. It just stayed gone.

Calling bullshit on you calling bullshit.

Cry babies.

>> No.2702510

awkwardness creator 9000.

>> No.2702615

Baby teeth and adult teeth are wildly different, buckaroo. Baby teeth fall out just by flicking them, adult teeth are deeply rooted in your jaw.

>> No.2702625

I'm laughing realizing how dumb the pipes are now. Thank you.

>> No.2702665
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>> No.2702802


>> No.2702806

It’s fine, he’s wearing his helmet.

>> No.2702929
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>> No.2702972

How accurate is this actually? I did my neighborhood which is really fuckin small and it claims mostly white followed by blacks. From the people I see out and about I would have guessed toss up between Hispanic and white. I rarely see blacks. I've even made jokes about this to my family when I bought the place, they asked about crime I laughed and said, nothing huge, our poor people are Mexican. (family lives around lot of blacks)

I do wonder if this is just that thing where a lot of Hispanics claim they're white though and maybe it's a self reported thing

>> No.2703026

Justice Map uses census tract data, i would assume these sites do as well

>> No.2703068

My area is the same. The problem is there are so many Mexicans there just isn't a way to track them. There are so fucking many

>> No.2703080

This is based

>> No.2703304
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>> No.2703306

Those are actually done on purpose as creating a perfect building is an affront to god. It's a relic of Christian culture in the builder community.

>> No.2703315

There is nothing wrong with these plugs, anon.

>> No.2703355

Wrap it around a cup and make some hot tea

>> No.2703357

I paid for the whole door god damn it

>> No.2703386

Sorry taxman, non-permanent structure.

>> No.2703503

Wouldn't you trip the breaker if you tried to use all of those plugs at once?

>> No.2703523

Depends on what percentage of the insulation is copper wire.

>> No.2703534

don't you fucking call that a shed you asshole

>> No.2703537

That strap is structural now.

>> No.2703543

There probably was something between the two apartments and it got torn down and backfilled.

>> No.2703544
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They look a bit worn. A good idea to replace them, but they do not show signs of anything wrong.

>> No.2703547

Guy used a bunch of "kits" to redo the water hoses and air intake and gas lines and yadda yadda but he did really stupid stuff like use a bunch of short hoses joined with couplings instead of a single curved hose. Also I'm not sure why but there are a bunch of tiny air filters all over the place.

>> No.2703548

>AI dream house
>the garage has a garage
It's perfect.

>> No.2703558

Also the axle is so far back that it makes this a lousy trailer. Almost all the weight is on the tongue.

>> No.2703563

it would be extremely painful

>> No.2703564
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>> No.2703566


>> No.2703569

Your girth couldn't even fit into 500 sq ft

>> No.2703584

You know what, this would be pretty nice if it weren't painted 15 different colors. Not very practical though.

>> No.2703590

your mom likes how my girth feels inside her

>> No.2703591

What's the deal with the left front rim? Never seen that before...

>> No.2703641

>4x4 fuso
>not practical
pick one

>> No.2703643

Step on the wheel because he removed the original steps to improve approach angle

>> No.2703673

I meant the door that sits nearly a meter off the ground and has no steps.

>> No.2703725

That's normal
The driver's lower step is the thingy on the front wheel and the camper probably has a ladder.
These sit about up to a foot higher than the 2wd models.
(inb4 too high) the same type of truck is used as rural firetrucks in Australia

>> No.2703738

>you get slightly larger sinks in your shallow ass counterspace
Someone failed intro geometry.

>> No.2703743

Only if you assume all the plugs are on one breaker.

>> No.2703765

definitely wrong. the step is on the front bumper. it's a wheel for a dually basically 2 rims in 1

>> No.2703771

I was sympathetic until the second part.

Your racism is sad and boring at the same time


Kill me

Would live here in peace practicing my Magic’s until I leave my secrets to an orphan boy with royal heritage.

> of teeth that were loose

Baby teeth fall out on their own. Dumb fucking boomers. You probably had the tip of your dick cut off too. And bitched about pussies having to wear seatbelts, and how your grandma smoked until she was 80, and “kids these days”. You are so uneducated you don’t realize that every generation for thousands of years says the same thing as the world changes around them.

>> No.2703827

Guy's on a FB group I read. Front left rim is a rim step. Makes it easier for him to climb in, (disabled vet). I guess it's got a lollipop shaped slit in it so he can use it as a quick rope winch., too.

He's making slide out stairs for the camper. I think it's a great idea. He designed a subframe for between the camper and truck frame so the frame twist won't impact the camper, which rides on it's own torsion bar suspension, (inside the box thingy on the side). The axle shafts ride in heavy panel bearings and the shortened tongue sits on the the hitchball, so the trailer rides just like it always did. Pretty ingenious, really. All mounted on urethane pads, too.

I guess the Aussies in the groups don't like it or him much, because he found a way to do what they've been doing, but cheaper, easier, and better! Pretty funny to watch them try to pick his design apart!

>> No.2703835
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Guess he's going royal blue with a wood accent down the side. Prolly what those blue patches are, tests. I'd wanna cover up that green too!

>> No.2703840

Why are you holding onto all these old bikes?

>> No.2703850

It can be used as a poor man's winch, put a cable around it and drive Nd it will wrap around the rim and pull you out

>> No.2703941

Exactly. Like this, but also a step.


>> No.2704132

What's wrong with this one I can't spot it? Also hi.

>> No.2704134
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>> No.2704152

what's wrong with this? apart from leaking sewage once it's removed, how would the homeowner even notice?

>> No.2704154

looks like a typical toronto neighbourhood. do flyover cucks shit their pants when they don't see parallel streets?

>> No.2704162

you'd be amazed at how easy something like that might leak. I put up curtains in our new house, and when I was screwing them in to one wall I felt something spring, at gave way easily and the screw went in fine.

never occurred to me it was a pipe. every thing was fine until summer when I noticed that the room seemed a little humid and smelled wet.

didn't see anything unusual, then one day walked passed the room and saw the curtains had fallen off the wall and there was a hole and a large soft spot in the wall.

upon opening it up I found I had put a screw in to the condensate drain line from the upstairs Air conditioner. A pipe with no pressure at all and yet it leaked around the screw and got the wall wet, causing the sheet rock to soften and fail.

I managed to fix it by removing the screws filling the holes with caulk, then using epoxy and fine fiberglass over that. since it does not get pressurized it has worked fine ever since.

now I'm super paranoid about drilling holes in my walls.

>> No.2704163

If the homeowner did not notice that hole would not be there and the picture wouldn't exist
Very likely it produced odors

>> No.2704164
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nothing wrong with that room.

pic related is a representation of this:
at the time it happened my cell phone did not have a camera.

we requested several modem lines for a customer, they were only supposed to run the lines to the demark, and we would run them to where they were needed.

they were to been installed in a rj11 punch
down block not the wall.

the QWEST (now century link) contractor who came out decided to install them in the wall. which look like pic related.

I don't remember the exact number (maybe 12). when we complained to QWEST they sent out a female supervisor who looked at it and said she didn't see anything wrong.

my boss immediately called and her manager came out, took one look and said "we'll take care of it" he then took her outside and had a "talk".

>> No.2704167

>doesn't even refute that having toilets in the shower room is a bad thing
>just throws an insult because he felt offended
Classic American.

>> No.2704168


>> No.2704193


>> No.2704202


>> No.2704226
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 24_1_2c1fa735-6a69-41fd-9be9-96b89febee80_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me sir, did you specify rj11 jacks when you wanted rj21?

>> No.2704315

Let me guess, you need more?

>> No.2704438

thats not a 2j wtf is this? looks like a bmw?

>> No.2704450

If the French aren’t shitting in their bathrooms then I don’t know what the fuck they’re doing in there because it sure as hell isn’t showering.
>>2704167 sorry Pepe le pew. Didn’t mean to offend.

>> No.2704457

Man, tv is shit anymore.

>> No.2704462

would the folding actually help with aerodynamics?

>> No.2704497

need to know far those beams extend into the house
if it's all the way across, I actually feel okay about this

>> No.2704510
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>> No.2704552

That's fine of the joints are sealed and you just need a little air, like for a small bathroom or something.

>> No.2704600


>> No.2704613
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cybertruck back home

honestly this is based

>> No.2704631
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I know someone who did this cuz he couldn't stop having kids.
Here it is today.

>> No.2704636

Lol. Sorry, I meant "improvisional pallet port" but I didn't want to bring your mom up
Go back fag
Because I like them, build them, and ride them. "Own nothing and be happy" is not my MO

>> No.2704775

Since it would make the camper lower than the cab, yes. But the truck is as aerodynamic as a brick already!

>> No.2704918

Depending on how long the screws are it could clog.

>> No.2704921

lol one in the middle is upside-down

>> No.2704924

I've played enough 90s FPSs to know that it's a switch to a secret room.

>> No.2704925
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>what's wrong with this?

>> No.2705007
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>"Own nothing and be happy" is not my MO
baka desu senpai

>> No.2705338

lol i have a family member who did this.
half of the house is a double wide and the other half is an actual house structure. concrete slab and everything.

>> No.2705349

>red block

>> No.2705360

looks like the house from the blair witch project

>> No.2705435

The framers read the plans wrong, or the architect fucked them up in the first place. Had a client that commissioned a custom home through a shitbag GC with one of these to a bedroom closet, sans the brilliant ceiling correction. I'm going to this sent to her.

>> No.2705686

This is baller

>> No.2705774

I want to live in this house.

>> No.2705810

That's not much of an abomination for Humboldt/Mendocino, looks like the average crackhead car in Eureka these days.

>> No.2705842

I agree. Guy designed the subframe himself. I guess it prevents the twisting truck frame from ripping the flimsy camper apart off road. And the camper rides on it's own torsion bar suspension and tongue.

>> No.2705856
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>> No.2705982

This is totally fine

>> No.2706357

My personal nightmare is drilling into a wall and hitting a pipe or power line.

>> No.2706379

No hitch, no wheels. Looks permanent to me. That said, once a manufactured home always a manufactured home.

>> No.2706443

>No hitch, no wheels. Looks permanent to me
Does your shed have wheels, anon?

>> No.2706451

Sure, but that's beside the point. These houses are skinnier than hotel rooms.

>> No.2706507

At least there will be less weight when you're coming down then when you're going up.

>> No.2706518

Bar soap is superior. Liquid soap leaves a soapiness no matter how much you rinse your hands.
And you're paying for plain old water with liquid soap; there's a reason it's a modern thing whereas in the past they exclusively used bar soap.

>> No.2706587


>> No.2706868
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>> No.2707015

NGL, I kinda like this.

>> No.2707936
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