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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 28 KB, 300x670, 1319611353110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26769 No.26769 [Reply] [Original]

here you go /diy/


>> No.26771 [DELETED] 

pointy elbows, wouldn't fuck.

>> No.26776


Add duct tape and we're all set!

>> No.26779


she wouldn't fuck you anyway, assuming you have a penis

>> No.26785 [DELETED] 

>implying my dick would be anywhere near that she-beast.

>> No.26784

where are her goggles damnit!

Very nice.

>> No.26786

Why are her pants rolled up like that?

>> No.26790


She's pale as fuck, though.

>> No.26798
File: 3 KB, 126x121, 1319464572298s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26813

I'd hit it.

>> No.26828
File: 57 KB, 245x245, 20080613albundyeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean with that hammer?

>> No.26832

this is garbage

>> No.26839


she's using a hammer, anything that could get in her eye would go right through goggles

>> No.26853


It was made more a comment on styling.

>> No.26856

>no duct tape
>no knitting needles
>no safety googles

>> No.26857

you are a fucking terrible poster. if you are going to use a tripcode, at least hold yourself to some standard of quality. don't just spew diarrhea from your mouth.

>not wearing safety glasses

way to go you've created an osha violation

>> No.26866

except for chipped nail heads and wood fragments and any sort of debris from cutting that remains on the boards and is moved while she's doing something overhead thus falling directly into her unprotected eyes

>> No.26867

And what kind of worker has their boots all loosely laced like that? they'd fall right off. Unsafe.

>> No.26868


>implying osha has any bearing on work I do at home

>> No.26870

Look at how loose her sleeves are. I hope she's not using a lathe later...

>> No.26887
File: 109 KB, 1600x1200, p_00192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as we all know, safety regulations are made completely at random, and not because they actually proscribe effective methods for minimizing or eliminating work-related injury

pic related, i just went to the hospital to have some short bastard root around in my eye with a big-ass needle because i put my goggles on my forehead for two minutes out of a three-hour aluminum sanding session

>> No.26891

And she's wearing short pants. She'd better not plan on doing any welding...

>> No.26896

Did they put that glow in the dark shit in your eye? I got a wood chip in my eye a few years ago and they put in some liquid that made it glow. Looked awesome.

>> No.26904


whatever I never wear goggles when working on my shit

In fact I don't know anybody else who does either? hmmm

Maybe you're just a pussy?

Also learn to blink reflex.

>> No.26916

surely this will never back fire on you.

>> No.26927


well, i've never know anyone to get an eye injury doing dimple repairs without goggles

>> No.26931

i've worked with plenty of guys like you. guys who smoke in acetylene storage areas and walk underneath hilo forks and grind without earplugs. strangely enough, none of them were older than about thirty. gee, i wonder why!

protip: disregarding common sense when it affords you no benefit doesn't make you manly or brave, it just makes you a fucking idiot. and a hazard to anyone you're working with.

>> No.26933

You don't reflex blink at exploding cutoff disks, you moron.

>> No.26937

You mean you've never known the joy of metal bouncing off your goggles while cutting wire? I feel sorry for you

>> No.26938


>> No.26946


so wait, not wearing goggles to drive a few nails is the same as smoking around acetylene?

So my original prognosis is correct you're a fearful puss, right?

>> No.26959

>takes common sense safety precautions

>> No.26965

You can't follow clear guidelines while shitscribbling, and now you pretend to endanger yourself and anyone near you? Gee, I wonder how long you'll last.

Can anyone post a drawing that resembles the character as outlined in the old calendar thread?

>> No.26966

>implying /diy/tan only "hammers a few nails"

>> No.26975

Jesus dude are you on OSHA's payroll or something? Might as well throw on a full haz-mat suit while you're at it.
Better yet: glasses, goggles, face shield, ear plugs, muffs, respirator, kevlar gloves, steel-toed boots (with those fancy armor plates)... * With a haz-mat suit
Also take pics

>> No.26981


Of course! Acetylene tanks are made from quarter-inch armor plate. They're extremely durable. The valves were all obviously closed, the regulators reading a round zero. And acetylene diffuses readily enough in air that even if one of the tanks had a slow leak it wouldn't be concentrated enough in the outdoor storage area to present an explosion hazard.

All that said, though, there's just no fucking reason to light up a smoke there when you could just as easily do it ten feet away and not have to worry about even the slightest probability of literally destroying the entire facility. Likewise, even though the odds of you actually putting out your eye with some kind of projectile are pretty low, the sense of vision is pretty goddamn awesome so I see (get it? SEE) no need to take any risk with it

>> No.26983


>to afraid to drive a nail without safety goggles

>common sense

Hey I mean if you're a pus...err i mean cautious your cautious you don't have to try to defend it to me. What's my opinion matter?

If you're fear for your safety when driving a nail, hey that's your choice.

>> No.26987
File: 32 KB, 366x588, carol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26988 [DELETED] 



it's ok,
a lot of people on 4chan are

>> No.27014

Dude, that made me lol so fucking hard...

>> No.27017

>hammering nails
what kind of projectile could possibly be generated from this activity that would cause any kind of lasting damage to part of the body besides the eye?

cuts heal, bones set, bruises dissolve. blindness sticks around as long as you do. i honestly don't see what your issue is with putting a fucking pair of glasses on when you're doing something that can generate projectiles. it's not like a fucking hazmat suit. it's a piece of plastic that weighs less than an ounce. deal with it.

>> No.27030


>it's a piece of plastic that weighs less than an ounce.

wait aren't safety goggles glass?

>> No.27032

Not that I've ever heard of...

>> No.27033
File: 8 KB, 260x260, safety first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus, they're so stylish.

>> No.27036


why do they call them safety glasses then?

>> No.27038

Yeah i'm sure this board is full of them.

>> No.27050

butch lesbian is butch

>> No.27052

They're a type of glasses. Glasses were originally made exclusively of glass.
making safety glasses out of glass is a hilarious safety hazard all in itself

>> No.27055

Just trying to get /tg/'s drawfags in on the game. OP seems to be an insufferablre troll. Look over here: >>>/tg/16740898

>> No.27059

In the other thread someone suggested it be a girl to fit in with the other tans rather than to represent the users of the board.

>> No.27062


oh, ok I don't really don't much /diy/ type stuff

>> No.27064

She should wear goggles, simply because good goggles have swappable lenses. If they scratch or crack, you can put in another pair.

>> No.27068

Fuck that description, dude.

>> No.27070
File: 32 KB, 442x480, whats the deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27071


>> Funny guy. I kill you last DOT jpg

Ballistic plastic. My pair were like $6 at Home Despot and have already stopped plenty of shit from getting in my eyes. Unless you have someone who will drive you around, shop for you, fill out paperwork, etc, PROTECT YOUR EYES.

>> No.27074

also, i propose Winrey from FMA

>> No.27076


then why are you on /diy/?

>> No.27080
File: 9 KB, 518x495, 1305300303877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like /diy/k

>> No.27083
File: 18 KB, 442x480, whats_the_deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27084

/diy/ tripfags are a rare breed of faggot indeed.

>> No.27086

/b/ is to the left OP.

>> No.27087


I got lost on my way to /co/

saw this thread

got confused

then I flipped at how much of a pussy this guy was


which got me into an argument

>> No.27089



>> No.27096
File: 3 KB, 126x121, 1319467277453s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it was because everyone except one guy wanted a female

>> No.27103

I don't fucking want some cunt whore representing this board.

>> No.27109 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 442x480, whats_the_deal_with_being_safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you don't actually work with hand OR power tools, and therefore have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, but still somehow feel qualified to argue about it anyway?

what's the deal with that?

>> No.27107

she needs duct-tape. and yes. yes she needs goggles.

>> No.27115

also you need to put some knitting and crocheting shit in her bag. make it hang out so you know it's there.

>> No.27120
File: 20 KB, 442x480, whats_the_deal_with_being_safe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you don't actually work with hand OR power tools, and therefore have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, but still somehow feel qualified to argue about it anyway?

what's the deal with that?

>> No.27132
File: 331 KB, 1024x1024, armordress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a dumbass fucking newfag for complaining she's a chick. A lot of the other board-tans are chicks. Also, she could be the non dumbslut who tell the other bitches what to do, The "handyman". You bitches need your shit fixed, call good ol' /diy/-tan!

>> No.27135

I want a guy, and I'm a femanon.
I want an Al Borland look. Plaid shirt, beard, tool belt. Plus safety goggles, duct tape, and some knitting needles etc.

>> No.27141

It comes out of the maxed out thread. Give a better one if you can.

>> No.27145


>I'm a femanon

stopped reading right there


>> No.27148


>I'm a femanon


>> No.27150
File: 44 KB, 283x283, 1305433834472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, a white knight posting armor.

All the other boards that HAVE "tans" are faggot boards.
This does not seem like a faggot /cgl/ fucking board.

>> No.27152

There's no need of any fucking mascots.

>> No.27154

>not on r9k

>> No.27161

There were at least five descriptions and you chose the worst one.

>> No.27167
File: 21 KB, 445x440, I'M MAKING STUFF ANON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27171
File: 35 KB, 333x610, 14991_381911647711_630262711_4083993_7308195_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that diytan looks like a moran

like she would buy the lighter pink hammer at fucking target

here is your /diy/tan

>> No.27175


were her red green flannel?

>> No.27180
File: 14 KB, 350x400, cheese-mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where, up your ass? You can either whine or post them, but you whine. Have some cheese.

>> No.27182

I like that

>> No.27186
File: 44 KB, 648x484, 41339_433427747711_630262711_5357292_2316392_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/diy/tan changes according to her project or task, has no bimbo about her, can do anything given minor instructions

has all tools necessary

doesn't has cute makeup hair face
hands beat to shit

she will fix your car while you fix the computer

/diy/tan smells like rattlecan and glue
this is her perfume

>> No.27187
File: 28 KB, 445x440, diytan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now 50% darker and edgier

>> No.27188

>yfw Marie Curie, Martha Stewart, and Lina Van de Mars are all included in the /diy/ pantheon

>> No.27192


>still no red green flannel

>> No.27196

>add flannel
>add tool belt
>add duct tape

>> No.27199
File: 59 KB, 453x604, 62902_435291932711_630262711_5396696_485327_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is not grunge faker hipster readin martha stewart and dressing like fake lumberjack
she knows how to use chainsaw to get wood for winter
how to hit some attacker in the face with fist
how to put together a half pipe and make the toilet flush again

she makes books and toys and foods and anything else she needs

she wears safety gear a lot and has duct tape bandages on her

never wears hot pants, always boots, always carharrts, always tanktop.

can arm wrestle but won't win

knows where to get all the materials you need for projects, probably has the tools and things you are looking for in a box in the garage or shed

motor oil and power tools turn her on and she can show you how to fix the torn hem on your favorite pants

>> No.27200
File: 28 KB, 445x440, I'M MAKING STUFF ANON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but green and red flannel looks ugly

>> No.27205



>> No.27207
File: 221 KB, 500x384, bcosby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you created amy pond

>> No.27208

But I don't want realistic, I want some thing cute.

>> No.27212
File: 73 KB, 604x362, 45758_426970767711_630262711_5207309_587394_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has not a tool belt but a utility belt, with tools and objects in it. she wears thick pants, not shorts or skirts, in case she drops hot objects or fire on herself while working, and her nails are stubby.

her ass is perfect from standing and leaning and reaching and lifting stuff.

she doesn't give a shit what you do as long as it is useful or interesting.

she built her own hammock and took in the carharrts so they'd fit her non-flabby ass.

>> No.27213

>she is not grunge faker hipster
>posts picture of grunge faker hipster in impractical clothing

>> No.27216
File: 42 KB, 800x602, 1296085304647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw you are right.

>> No.27217
File: 45 KB, 467x700, 127896727082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This! is your /diy/-tan!

>> No.27221

What the fuck is that? It doesn't even look human.

>> No.27223
File: 41 KB, 604x453, 148142_469238102711_630262711_5957401_2851298_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the human /diy/tan. the drawing of her will be cute.

because in real life she can fucking do anything herself.

cute? or hot?

cute, or "man am I glad she doesn't mind killing spiders"

cute, or "her tits are perfect in those coveralls"

this is the question.

she has red and green hair, half and half, like cruella deville it is short or shaved, and often hidden under her welding helmet or other safety gear

>> No.27228

I'll just leave this here

>> No.27234

Shouldn't /diy/-tan be black?

>> No.27235

You guys are really niggering this place up with racist sexism.

>> No.27237

This! is your /diy/-tan!

>> No.27240
File: 65 KB, 480x600, karibyron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw /diy/tan already exists

>> No.27242


you mean kari ratface?

>> No.27243
File: 262 KB, 442x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27245
File: 31 KB, 445x440, diytan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this MANLY enough for you

>> No.27246


Actress. Bitch cant even wipe herself.

>> No.27247
File: 83 KB, 550x409, gadget hackwrench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27250


>> No.27251


fucking perfect

now do rule 34 of her and x-tan during the Zombie apocalypse

>> No.27252

Bitch, where the knitting needles at?

>> No.27253
File: 26 KB, 163x283, 37586_415041933370_630288370_4875360_1671333_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/diy/tan is a polymath and has no patience for your ikea-direction-following ass. even though she has all the necessary hex wrenches in her utility belt.

>> No.27261
File: 64 KB, 468x544, 123812968311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, one last try.

>> No.27262
File: 10 KB, 180x135, 37863_415018233370_630288370_4875018_2785072_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes needs handmade diy utility belt. pouches and stitches.

>> No.27263

ruined by furries just like nazis ruined the swastika

ruined for everybody

>> No.27264
File: 32 KB, 445x440, diytan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27269

>has weapons
>not /k/tan

Replace that shit with a wrench.

>> No.27270

that's a good idea to put them in her hair. Why is she smoking though? She shouldn't be smoking. Unless she's celebrating because she just built something beast.

>> No.27272
File: 78 KB, 685x1165, female_body_template_by_galerianxkadaj_ii-d45jr4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start drawing /diy/ alter-ego
>give up cause it's 5am
>misfire post it as a new topic.


>> No.27273

no fuck that. give her a power drill or mini-chainsaw. or hacksaw

>> No.27275


There are furries with nazi accessories, so I'd say they're on their way to ruining the swastika for the nazis. Look around DA for nazi furries, hilarious.

>> No.27277

Best female role model in all of 90s television.

>> No.27278
File: 94 KB, 1196x936, I'M MAKING STUFF ANON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok how about this

>> No.27279
File: 582 KB, 700x784, cutewarrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw attractive, slightly butch blacksmith

We'd forge tridents and scimitars by day and make sweet gay love all night.

>> No.27283

/k/ has a "tan?"

How dreadful.

>> No.27284


>> No.27287

I'd accept a folding knife, after all it is a tool, not a weapon.
Which I have to keep telling people all the fucking time.

>> No.27288
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 24825_381420743370_630288370_4017101_2644949_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that hair is gonna get caught in the lathe, shorter hairs! safety first

also, no shorts, are you retarded?

>> No.27291

Says the person who posted a woman with no shirt on.

>> No.27292

This is how we get a mascot. Naturally.

You're as bad as the guys trying to force a name.

>> No.27293

I have seen one other pic from this set in years of searching. Good luck.

>> No.27295
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x2560, DIY-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's progress of my version. Anything I should add or fix?

>> No.27298

Leather gloves.

>> No.27299

Since this is /diy/ we should all draw our own.

>> No.27300

Them was reruns, man. Rescue Rangers are from the eighties, just look at her hair.

>> No.27301

>This does not seem like a faggot /cgl/ fucking board.

you're a tripfag you're not even part of this board fucking newfag. you shit up this board gtfo

>> No.27303
File: 17 KB, 160x278, 24825_381409848370_630288370_4016979_5004170_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly the point. does shorts and no shirt sound right to you???

that pic is me, and I put my shirt on as soon as I was done moving all my tools to the work area

>> No.27305

>board has been around for less than a week
>calling someone a newfag

>> No.27306

OP violates osha standards. Gonna have to shut this thread down.

>> No.27307

Damn you got old face.

>> No.27308

its what /diy/nosaurs do

>> No.27310

Oh, I'm a part of this board, mothafucka.

>> No.27311

/k/'s mascot is a fucking guy. God, newfag get the fuck out.

>> No.27314
File: 33 KB, 275x381, 27026_379300838370_630288370_3968284_4566886_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more recent picture in which I'm not exhausted. the day I worked on building the cement foundation for the fence at my shop when we took that first photo I'd been up for two whole days mixing concrete and moving it and leveling it.

(I am old.)

>> No.27318

Ok I take it back you're hot. Now show your toolbelt.

>> No.27319

Her hair length is fine, as long as she keeps it tied up.
Where are the fucking crocheting/knitting needles in her fucking hair?

Also, I was thinking since this bitch does everything from cooking to knitting and other shit shouldn't she look less like all she does is build fucking houses? The needles in the hair is the only think that tells me she does other shit.

>> No.27320





also you seemed to have confused those things in your hand with dishes

careful sweety you'll hurt yourself


>> No.27321

You have a strong jaw and nice skin. What kind of shop do you own?

>> No.27323

>implying a large part of the diy community isn't made up of women

>> No.27325
File: 10 KB, 192x256, 164320_478473827711_630262711_6089582_227246_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




I used a utility belt the army makes and added a ton of pouches and shit to it, my leatherman is at right hand center...

/diy/ muthafuckas

to make her look more knittery and shit give her some visible stitchery on her clothes like how my utilicorset attachment has.

>> No.27328


the look is because she's masculine

she represents /diy/cks

and even though she can fix anything a guy owns or build anything he needs at the end of the day you'll still have to diy if you know what I mean

>> No.27329
File: 65 KB, 266x341, 1264312139066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27335
File: 31 KB, 445x440, diytan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27336

like >>27261?

>> No.27337


>implying I give a shit

also sewing or pretending to be competent in repair isn't diy it's just attention seeking bitches being attention seeking bitches

>> No.27339
File: 14 KB, 180x240, 65897_447660367711_630262711_5637751_5346477_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tattoo shop. pretty much did everything by hand, myself with a few friends along to assist.

I haven't done dishes in ten years. My man friend handles that shit.

>> No.27340

You should make an instructable for being an obnoxious self-important camwhore.

>> No.27342

Yea, fuck yea that's much better.
I was thinking maybe her personality could be something like Moira Brown's from Fallout 3? Anyone play that game? /diy/-tan is supposed to be a little cooky right?

>> No.27343
File: 31 KB, 445x440, diyck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27345
File: 105 KB, 445x440, diytan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27347
File: 150 KB, 1904x964, how about this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok am I getting any closer?

>> No.27349


lose the mustache though. and maybe she should be wearing the shorts things. she looks like too much of a fucking lumberjack. this bitch knits and cooks and makes all kinds of crafty shit too. sews and stuff.

>> No.27353

needs a leatherman on thaht belt, but looking better

sez self important camwhore

still needs visible hand stitching on somewhere
says the selfimportant camwhore, lol

she should seriously have her hair less loose, i keep having flashbacks to a lathe incident in my youth

>> No.27356

Yes. I'm liking the one with the dirt on the ground lol
and that better be red and green flannel, I really think the red/green reference is a good idea.

>> No.27357

Good to know early morning US is a shit time to be on /diy/. You fucks know that most of the -tans aren't female, right? And they have a really specific reason for being represented that way besides "lol tits"? But of course you didn't. Bunch of /b/ rejects.

27000 posts isn't even enough time for this to be properly representative anyway. I hope you people get banned for being off topic.

>> No.27359
File: 68 KB, 479x720, 36919_406744768370_630288370_4661808_4721225_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no mustache. and some kind of patch on the pants to show that she can sometimes miss with the jigsaw

>> No.27360

In terms of personality her sexuality should be strongly suggested to possibly be lesbian but still ambiguous. Kinda of like Smithers in the early seasons of the Simpsons

>> No.27366

Leave sexuality out.

>> No.27369

yes one should assume from her appearance that she would in fact fuck anyone, and hopefully you as well

>> No.27371

who gives a fuck about sexuality? her image should show "yeah, I know what the fuck I'm doing" and not much more

>> No.27374
File: 101 KB, 445x440, diytan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27376


>> No.27377


Oh the fuck you say.

>> No.27378

I say this ain't the board for fapping

>> No.27383


fuck you

I'll fap to whichever board I like.

>> No.27386

you wouldn't like it, I'd just lay there and sweat and tell you what you're doing wrong

>> No.27389


>> No.27391

capable women are great fap icons, it'd be awesome if sex symbols had calluses and knew how to bend steel

>> No.27393


>implying that's not a huge turn on

>> No.27395

needs more duct tape bandoleer...
which is also made from duct tape

>> No.27403

Marilyn Monroe was discovered in a factory.

>> No.27405

made her a winner, didn't it?

>> No.27419

Yup. Love me some girls who know their way with a wrench.

>> No.27423

So I wandered over here from /tg/ after one of you folks posted. Didn't even know you guys existed until now. One of these days, I'm going to have to ask you guys about the various processes of making photovoltaic cells.

Anyway, it doesn't seem like there's much of an agreement on a mascot-thing here.

>> No.27449

Pst. Elegan/tg/entlemen have to stick together in these dark times. It's dangerous to proceed alone. Take this: http://www.builditsolar.com/Projects/PV/pv.htm#MakePV

>> No.27466
File: 43 KB, 247x327, mascot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just forcing the bloom. when the time is right, the mascot will appear.

>> No.27475
File: 191 KB, 612x816, diy 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the best artist but here's what I put together.
I was thinking of having her hold something over her shoulder but an axe isn't carried that way and that wrench would be huge for a diy:er

>> No.27495

I'm pretty convinced this board is around 55/45 or 50/50 male female. I'm also pretty sure our mod is female based on how he/she typed in the meta thread sunday.

I really don't like DIYtan wearing short pants. coveralls OP. Coveralls.

Also, needs more tools. I like the cigar.

>> No.27502
File: 31 KB, 300x214, DIYtan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh. I thought I could save some time by just making a few adjustments but it's pretty late and I need to get a few winks before work. Tried to preserve some elements while moving towards someone or another's description.
Anyway, I'm off to get some sleep

>> No.27618

You look like you have a tattoo of your face on your face.

>> No.27627

give her a drill

>> No.27638

How about a drawing that doesn't suck, OP?

>> No.27688
File: 175 KB, 733x1090, 1304903392693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27819

While I do like moe anthropomorphism I think a male character for /diy/ would fit better in 4chan house.

He would make a nice brother and sister pair with /po/ and would also be funny to have a big guy (carpentry and other masculine crafts) doing delicate and feminine crafts (kniting, crocheting, etc) This impact is lost with a female character. I think for this board a male character would make a more unique and memorable character. Remember, /x/tan is one of the most popular board-tans and she doesn't represent the userbase, she represents the board!