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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2664327 No.2664327 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everything so anti-brush motor now? I love my old power tools that use brushes. They are simple to fix and never really die.

>> No.2664334

>They are simple to fix and never really die.
You answered your own question. They want you to have to buy a new one every 6 months.

>> No.2664345

Who wears out quality brushless tools every six months and doing what task?

>> No.2664349

Mixing cement for 8 hours a day 6 days a week with a spade handle drill cause boss is too lazy to buy an electric mixer.

>> No.2664350

I've killed quite a few brushed motors...

>> No.2664356

Brushless have more power. I agree though that brushed motors work great and work forever if lubed a little and brushes changed on occasion.

>> No.2664359

High drain, continuous use, and fast charging can easily kill the battery in 6 months. Lots of people testing brushless have also killed the electronics package… motor controller, bms, sensors, cpu, etc. just more shit to break.
Also, you had to ditch your cordless with unfixable brushed motors didn’t you?
Befor that you ditched NiCd for Lion
You ditched again for 12v
Then again for 18v
Now we have 40v… ditch, ditch, ditch.
So brushless comes out… you ditch your old cordless brushed.
Hey, I need drm and bluetooth and geo-tracking in my battery. Ditch my existing shit.
You know what, my drill isn’t on the blockchain, this is why I’m poor… I’ll ditch my stuff and get wifi enabled blockchain integration.
I’m hearing about grapheme batteries, I need to switch everything that. I read about it on reddit.
I’m tired of thinking, like it’s complicated to pull the trigger and the speed of the drill changes under different conditons. I need my drill to have AI and hooked into chatgpt. Plus it won’t let me do anything dangerous with the self-drilling option and the heated handle that I pay $27.99 per month for.
Why am I using this brushless motor? I need a superconducting motor made of LK-99 that is so small I can fit my angle grinder in my anus so I can break out of prison after being caught stealing catalytic converters.

>> No.2664360

Brushed die all the time
The filter cap has 1000 hour lifetime before it blows smoke, then the item gets sold as defect

>> No.2664373

NTA, last cordless drill I had was a 12v, then I picked up a 120v AC drill and haven't needed a cordless since. It's annoying sometimes dealing with a cord however I don't have to live off my tools so a little inconvenience is worth the long life of the tool.

>> No.2664383

Brushes were rarely replaceable in cordless tools, so BLDC would be probably more reliable.
If you can blow up a motor controller, it means that some Zheng didn't do the proper physics calculate and fucked up a current limit or something in motor driver firmware. Or chinked out on mosfets.
>I need a superconducting motor made of LK-99 that is so small I can fit my angle grinder in my anus so I can break out of prison after being caught stealing catalytic converters.
lol. Stealing cats is a free service, because makes car go fasta

>> No.2664391

You never need to replace a brush like you do in a brushless tool, and they both use less power from the battery and deliver more at the business end.

>> No.2664459

I didn't know what that thing is but my inflator pump burned itself up yesterday and I took it apart to see what interest was inside and saved 2 of those cause they looked cool.
Big ball of copper wire was all covered in soot. I just ordered a new one. I must inflate the pool.

>> No.2664515
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if that is redit speak for "not the asshole, what did you mean, other than "HEY GUIZE I'M FROM REDIT"

>> No.2664531

Not that anon

You retard

>> No.2664533
File: 599 KB, 1280x1280, Makita_Polisher__18058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I use makita variable speed grinders all day under pretty extreme conditions. These buggers never die.

>> No.2664574

People are so anti carbon that they've even attacked our motors.

>> No.2664576

Okay this gets funnier every time I read it.

>> No.2664591
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Nothing outs a newfag like an idiot complaining about reddit out of nowhere.

>> No.2664642


I have a water pump for a solar setup that died after 5 months and needed new brushes. It runs everyday for 8 hours a day.

>> No.2664653

Makita quality and longevity is top tier. Close second is Milwaukee.
Dewault is shit.

>> No.2664654

I have a big bin of cordless, I haven’t bought a new one since the last NiCd died, I didn’t want to spend $200 on a new battery, so I’m using the old 40 yr. old corded makita my dad gave me from when *he* was in construction. He replaced the brushes right before he gave it to me.
No issues with it. My kids will get it in another 20 years.

>> No.2664724

>t. newfag.

>> No.2665018

Brush motors are a PITA to service on a regular basis. If you are using them on every day duty cycles they will burn out every two to three months and need replacement. So while they might last forever, the service and maintenance costs are higher due to labor.

>> No.2665025

>$200 on a new battery
Kobalt has reasonably priced batteries. Generic, higher quality dewalt compatible batteries are $65/pair. Use an OEM DeWalt charger though. Those will work with the brushed, 18v dewalts with a simple adapter. DeWalt makes one, and there are numerous 3rd Party ones with a USB charger port.

>> No.2665444
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Every fucking time!

Dammit my fucking sides.

>> No.2665488

I bought a cheap battery pack on massive sale for a discontinued line (i assume) hoping to take the cells out and put them in a dying dewalt pack. Unfortunately they cheap one used 2/3 C cells (whatever the fuck that is) and were just totally wrong and I gave up.

Nothing like standards.

>> No.2665503

2665018 no (you) for (you)
> If you are using them on every day duty cycles they will burn out every two to three months and need replacement.
Brushed power tools are among the most popular of construction power tools on the market for people who actually run businesses, not people who have a collection of tools they never use that collect dust in a garage. Brushed tools are cheap and easy to maintain while parts are plentiful and afforable.

You have no clue what you’re talking about. This isn’t even worth arguing.

>> No.2665510

>Why is everything so anti-brush motor now?
??? Brushed is the cheap default. Brushless has fewer wear items and they use replaceable bearings instead of bushings like brushed motors.

>> No.2665518

A brushless would last indefinitely

>> No.2665520

Those are brushed. They make contact with the commutator which spins along with the motor coils. It is the way the electricity gets to the spinning armature, and also what makes the electricity switch between the three coils to make the motor turn. Keep the brushes in case the one on the new pump ever wear out, though that will realistically be in a few years

>> No.2665522

*Those are brushes*

>> No.2665525

I have the same setup. Use the IEIK (eye eee eye kay) pump from Amazon. I had the bayite pump, and the way they attached the motor to the pump is flimsy, causing the bearing to fail. Same thing; ran for 5 months then failed, swapped w the IEIK and haven't had issues.

Your panel should not be direct feeding the 12v pump. Overvoltage will cause premature wear. There is a potted 15-40v to 13.8v converter. The pump is down in the woods, so the panel is connected into 12/2 landscape wire; 300 ft downhill is the pump. About 100ft in vertical drop. The converter box is right before the pump.

Because the spring produces less in the summer than in the winter, add a 1203BB speed controller, or the larger 40/60amp stepless motor controller, available for about $15. No model #, look for stepless motor speed control. Consider using a motor that pumps more water, and using the stepless controller to reduce it's duty cycle (speed).

>> No.2665541


I plan on going brushless in the future the price difference was not worth it for the testing phase

thanks, I'll look into it.

>> No.2665557

it literally takes 2 mins to replace them on most power tools

>> No.2665572

Hikoki make a brushless corded
In case you want the best of both worlds.

>> No.2666239


>> No.2666242

>tfw can get chinkshit 9v nickel batteries for 16€.
What's there to loose?

>> No.2666243

>what are bearings

>> No.2666360

Looks comfy.

>> No.2666362

>USB charge
How does that work. USB is 5 Volt DC. Charging source needs to be higher than target. So how do you charge an 18v battery with USB?

>> No.2666367

>Charging source needs to be higher than target.
if that were true you couldn't charge a electric car with residential voltage

>> No.2666370

There are step up inverters in those charging stations, retard.

>> No.2666385

maybe there's a step up inverter in the usb charger? retard?

>> No.2666387

That isnt how USB works.

>> No.2666419

tell us how usb works, genius

>> No.2666427

>what is a DC boost converter?

>> No.2666428

With a toilet and tub in the kitchen, why bother having a sink?

>> No.2666460

You will be long dead before typical sealed bearings are going to go out unless you have a habit of showering with you electric drill. Even if you get a bad one, they are a few bucks, even cheaper than brushes

>> No.2666534

that has the holes for brushes though?

>> No.2666547

USB C can negotiate 15v and 20v

>> No.2666587

The slide-to-post adapter has an integrated USB port, so you can use the tool battery to e.g. charge your phone.

>> No.2666669

on paper brushes are a wear item. new things are just so cheap that it breaks before your brushed dinosaur can wear its brushes out

AvE stop posting on 4chan

>> No.2666855

He's in here...

>> No.2667234

Nickel? What planet are you on? 0/10 for a troll attempt.

>> No.2667247

Its the same reason people drop 60k+ on a new car, its new, so it has to be the best and I need it. In reality, companies have been fucking us for decades by reducing quality while raising prices.

>> No.2667440

>Cope by a guy using an underpowered drill that goes through batteries twice as fast

>> No.2667478

brush-less last longer by design, i think someone laced your crack bro

>> No.2667517

Yeah, it’s the same with induction motors.
But, the hand tools have another problem, the electronics die far before the motor. And sometimes they take the motor out too when they go.

>> No.2667545

That would kill anything but your boss is impressively retarded.


I bought decent tools so I didn't have to "ditch" shit. I still have a good M28 Milwaukee battery from 2011 and the only one of the V28 (much older) tools I had to repair was the angle grinder I overloaded by modding the guard for 6" cutting disks. I'm not kind to any of my gear. Later buys, all still serviceable, include DeWalt and Makita brushed and brushless. I've rebuilt tools perhaps longer than you've drawn breath so maintenance is NBD.

12V was obviously a ick joke. Did not buy.

I still have and use my corded and pneumatic tools where they serve best. Not being poorfilth I don't need to exclude useful options, and cordless is glorious for mobile work where no air is available and I don't care to drag my CO2 cylinder because cordless also outperforms that, too, except for tire inflation. Thanks to inverters my corded gear can go anywhere too. Shit's easy and cheap if you think to do it.

Makita may never have made a bad grinder. Their ancient aluminum grinders with Bakelite handles still turn up and they're every bit as good as a Black and Decker Wildcat (from when B&D kicked ass).

Don't tell anyone. I do that too and score many older quality tools thereby, like the glorious Milwaukee 5196 (there is no cordless version as it's so far unmatched) die grinder I bagged for twenty bucks yardsaling.

>> No.2668146

I hear ya, I got both and like either one until it breaks, upon which it sucks. Both can. I'll say this much about it though, if you get a nest of spiders in a 20V brushed tool's motor the web silk can wind up around the commutator bars isolating them from the brushes then ya gotta either hand-spin the thing forever to get it to work again or take it apart and clean it. I hate spiders. But ya gotta hand it to that silk shit, it's amazing.

>> No.2668229
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The whole NTA think is kind of stupid. Why try to differentiate yourself in an anonymous imageboard when there's no need to? Yes, you're that anon, it's in the name, might as well just use a tripcode if it's so important.

Anyone with half a brain can deduce from context alone if more than one posts follow the same ideas, and if you're the same person posting about different stuff in the same thread, so what? that's kind of the point of anonymity. Also, pointing out that you're not the same guy in this post (>>2664373) serves absolutely no purpose, it's almost like a lite version of the old "femanon here,".

>> No.2668230
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I mostly use it to avoid arguments with retards.

>> No.2668243
File: 308 KB, 1220x813, 4E240BE4-FEA4-4BC9-9857-7FE3E9B6A753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> longer than drawn breath
Nice RP attempt. You don’t even have the original nicd makitas who invented all this shit and can’t realize Milwaukee has nothing to do with the usa, it’s just a name bought by the chinese to sell their reactor waste pot metal to dumbasses.

>> No.2669341

Tasty Makita porn!

I do own pre-buyout Milwaukee (luv me Hole Hawg and various grindas) including V28 cordless still working fine, but don't own early Makita cordless
since I mostly went cordless later on for mobile work.

Did use pre-cordless Makita grinders and their new corded and cordless are excellent too. Their cordless chainsaw fitted with a shorter bar let me fell many trees after shoulder replacement meant no pull starting. Now my gassers have sat for years...

>> No.2669362
File: 35 KB, 228x183, 314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayee soaking in the tub while today's beans come to a boil, while tomorrows beans soak in the sink, and yesterday's beans have their place to go too, all in one photo by gollie!

>> No.2669441

When I worked in demolitions we use the smaller makita grinders daily. We used the shit out of them and I never saw one die.

>> No.2670020

that's true, but add that up over a shops or company worth of power tools and you have an issue.

>> No.2670048

Dewalt says 150 hours.
That almost certainly exceeds the lifetime of li-ion batteries, not including the charge/swapping tine incurred.
Most cordless tools out there in the world still have brushed motors with unreplacable brushes since the tool is disposable and designed to last as long as the original battery pack.

>> No.2670126

We live in corporate America where people can't even figure out how to communicate with each other effectively despite being in the same building, do you think they actually know how to change a brush or want to go through the hassle of saving a few bucks by buying the needed supplies to actually fix it? Hell no, they would rather write it off on their taxes and get a new one.

>> No.2670155

Brushes are easy to replace on nearly any tool.

>> No.2670267

> nobody knows, cares, or cares to know
Your argument is 100% valid.
But hat’s why you need at least one guy — that boomer — that still knows how to get shit done. Knows that drills even *have* brushes.

At least you can ask me on 4chan.

>> No.2670788

Zoomer here, have only brushless tools but thinking about buying old stuff cheap, school me on changing brushes?

>> No.2670814

Use screwdriver to unscrew the caps
Old brushes pop out
Put new ones in there
Put caps back on

It's literally that easy. You can find all the brushes on the internet if your local hardware store doesn't carry them. They usually only have the ones for really common tools like skilsaws.

>> No.2670823

For as much shit brushed motors get its always the electronics that give out.
On my old job there was a small mountain of dead M12 rachets, nothing mechanically wrong with them. No puff of smoke when they die. They either get slow or the battery indicator shows nothing.

Always used the brushed rachets because it's nay impossible to overtorque the manufacturing racks.

>> No.2670833

Are the brushes usually pretty model specific/lots of variation, standardized across brands like batteries, something else?

>> No.2670845

Every tool doesn't have caps, in most cases you have to take whole thing apart.