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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2656332 No.2656332 [Reply] [Original]

Title. I don't want to buy a sewing machine so I'll need to use a needle. I tried finding resources online but they are all shit like usual. Please send a link to a good guide that assumes 0 knowledge or tell me yourself. I know absolutely nothing about the process itself and what resources I need.

>> No.2656341

>spoonfeed me
Just look up shirt sewing templates and substitute all the machine stitches with a needle and thread.
You're retarded for attempting this though. Shirt will fall apart in hours (assuming you're even patient enough to finish it)

>> No.2656347

Pro tip: DIY your clothes from nettle fibers! It's akin to silk and free if you only have the patience to pick them and soak them in a creek for a few months to allow the unwanted tissues to rot away.
Then just to twin fibers together to make a thread you weave into fabric!

>> No.2656356

Get a shirt that perfectly fits you from dollar store, goodwill, Walmart or whatever. No matter how ugly, as long as it’s cheap.
Use a razor blade to remove all the stitches.
Get some quality fabric you like and start copying it

Any attempt to make a shirt more than 1” bigger or smaller in any dimension usually fails if it’s your first time

>> No.2656366

first thing you need some chinese children...
then ...

>> No.2656383

You'll need a pattern, fabric, light to medium weight iron on interfacing for collar, cuffs, button placket, fabric scissors, needle, thread, pins, tailor's tape, buttons, chalk or marking pen/pencil, iron, ironing board.
Measure yourself and find the size on the pattern that fits your chest. Adjust the pattern for your sleeve and body length, collar and wrist size, shoulder width and biceps size. Cut out the pattern, pinto fabric, cut out pattern pieces in fabric, then sew together following the pattern instructions. Sew on the buttons. You'll need to know how to sew a backstitch, for joining the pattern pieces, a whipstitch for finishing the seam allowances (or use a french seam thru out), buttonhole stitch for the buttonholes, and a slip stitch for closing the collar and cuffs, along with holbein stitch for top stitching the collar, cuffs, hem, and button placket. Google all the words and techniques you don't know. Then after the 4th or 5th time thi gs turn out terrible, and you've wasted all that time and money, go buy a rtw shirt.

>> No.2656461

Trash bag or potato sack, cut out three holes.

>> No.2656528
File: 896 KB, 1527x2160, MV5BNzZhMThjMzgtNWU4MS00OTVjLWFhYjktM2ZlNTRmZDIyZmFlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTQ0NjQzNTE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. also, opie is a schizo.

>> No.2656850
File: 18 KB, 367x384, _think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2656948

Thanks for the bump!

>> No.2658464

buy a sewing machine loser