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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2629228 No.2629228 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else /diy/ stuff "the man" doesn't want you to?
after mattias spectrum wandel posted about doing his own eye exam, it piqued my autism as well and I ordered my own lens test kit
I'm currently wearing glasses I prescribed myself and feel unstoppable

what other fringe /diy/ shit should I start doing?

>> No.2629238

I installed my own heatpump. HVAC techs would have you believe the unit would spontaneously combust and your mother die in her sleep if you did such an unthinkable thing. They also hide highschool level plug and chug formulas behind paywalls and specialty books.

>> No.2629241

how much refrigerant did you offgas tho

>> No.2629247

precharged lines

>> No.2629253

I buy fish amoxicillin to keep on hand in case I get a serious infection. It's the same as the human stuff, and comes in the same capsules. I haven't had to use it often, but it saved me when I caught lyme from a tick once. Way cheaper than going to a doctor, and I like being able to treat my own bacterial infections without needing someone else's permission first.

>> No.2629254 [DELETED] 

Atheistniggers literally incite violence on this board and they don't even get banned, mods just delete the thread to try to hide it. Meanwhile, mods will go through a rule-breaking thread to ban you for offending them, then leave the thread up.

Atheistniggers and loxist atheistic communist jews will spam the board with the same handful of extremely lazy, low effort, bait/troll threads and they won't ever be deleted. But if you criticize atheism or judaism or the jews, your thread is wiped and you're banned for "trolling".

>> No.2629255

Is this /diy/-able? Are you complaining about my thread?

>> No.2629381

How much does a box like that cost? My eyes keep getting worse so would be nice to be able to order some cheaper gasses online instead of spending 270usd at a store.

>> No.2629399

thats going away really quick. be aware

>> No.2629429

I found one on the Walmart website for $99, it was the cheapest kit I could find
Now $101, but still, good deal, don’t know why Walmart is selling it though

>> No.2629431
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Atheists are literally the worst.
I think we can all agree that Satanism is the one true religion.

OP other than medicine/dentistry, I can't think of anything that's generally considered "off limits" to DIY.
I've done household DIY stuff: auto repair, masonry, electrical, plumbing ... but all of that is within the realm of normal.

I did end up adjusting my prescription a little when I ordered sunglasses, and am happy I did.


>> No.2629527

What they’re outlawing it? I have actually rec’d one of those websites to a few normies who couldn’t get to the dentist right away and it’s legit, even with overnight shipping it’s less than the dentist or urgent care.

>> No.2629529
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Walmart.com and HomeDepot.com and a few of those other big brick & mortar store websites act a lot like Amazon and post stuff from other vendors.

>> No.2629541

nah they just pull in xml data from b2b vendors known as 'warehouses'.

>> No.2629658

I taught myself woodworking literally because I didn’t want to pay Nebraska Furniture Mart $7k for a matching set

>> No.2629683

If your eyes aren't that bad and you don't need weird shit like astygmatism corrections then why not do it yourself? If you can see when you're done then good job.

You put in a kit with precharged lines designed for installation by drooling retards. The fun part will be when it breaks down and you won't have a clue how to work on it, won't be able to get parts for it, and no hvac tradie will want to help you.

I'm an athiest and I despise other athiests. They aren't happy just believing what they want to believe, they want to belittle and humiliate religious people. They don't just refuse to believe in God, they hate Him. They're just as bad as extremists. Personally, I don't care what others believe and its not my job to try and change your faith. If you go to church every week and it helps you to be a good person then how is that a bad thing?

>I can't think of anything that's generally considered "off limits" to DIY
I've stitched my own finger before (4 stitches) and butterflied a couple other wounds. I've done minor surgical stuff like cutting out an ingrown toenail before. I use anbesol as a local anesthetic. I've reset dislocated fingers and toes. Most of treating wounds is cleaning them and keeping them clean. Repack bandages with triple antibiotic often. Sterilize tools beforehand by boiling in water for five minutes then alcohol wiping. If something is too serious I don't fuck around I go to the hospital.

>> No.2629705


I had briefly considered this at one point, but I had just assumed any kit or machine capable of giving a usable prescription would be way out of my price range. ~$100 is barely more than a basic bitch eye exam at Walmart, WTF.

I will have to keep this in mind if my vision ever changes again.

>> No.2629783

>You put in a kit with precharged lines designed for installation by drooling retards. The fun part will be when it breaks down and you won't have a clue how to work on it, won't be able to get parts for it, and no hvac tradie will want to help you.
yes, the man who's designed circuit boards for fun, fixed electronic equipment, worked construction, has a degree in physics, has excelled in every job he's had, has the ability to self teach, will be utterly stumped by the magic box that shits out hot and cold air. The biggest hindrance is tradie gate keeping with parts and knowledge. You sound like the faggot that insisted god would smite that mere engineer who had the audacity to source parts from digikey instead of paying a premium for a highschool drop out middleman.

>> No.2629784

I'm allergic to amoxicillin :(
is there anything similar but azithromycin?

>> No.2629790

>the man who's designed circuit boards for fun, fixed electronic equipment, worked construction, has a degree in physics, has excelled in every job he's had, has the ability to self teach
Wow cool resumè bro. All that education and you're patting yourself on the back for installing baby's first HVAC home play kit. It's the hvac version of assembling an Ikea dresser.
If you had gone out, bought the tools, got certified so you could buy refrigerant, and managed to install a regular split system by yourself and it ran great then I would be impressed. The cherry on top is letting yourself get assmad over a comment posted on a Khazakhstani basket weaving forum.

>> No.2629797

theres erithromycin too.
i used to go to the doctor and complain on vague cold symptoms so theyd give me a scrip for antibiotics but instead of taking them id stash them away. supposedly if you store them properly they retain 90% of their effectiveness for 5 years or more. i ended up tossing mine and i dont take them anymore because it seemed like they were wrecking my immune system and i was constantly getting sick. i started taking vitamins and eating better and it made a huge difference, i wasnt sick all the time anymore.

>> No.2629834

knuckle dragging gorilla ape hvac faggot is mad lmao
cry for us

>> No.2629835

Fishmoxfishflex dot com

The site is legit, the preppers shilled it to me and I’ve used it before. They have a bunch of different antibiotics.

>> No.2629836

>got certified
yeah that's just a way to keep tabs on you man
you don't need to be certified to do something you already know how to do

>> No.2629837

I recharge dehumidifiers and window AC units. Convert them over to propane blends when needed.

>> No.2629838

>not using anhydrous ammonia for licenseless hvac installation

>> No.2629839

american healthcare moment

>> No.2629915

I admire you. I have a collection of tools and kits as well as books to cover everything from basic wounds and illnesses to trauma wounds like gunshots.... But when given the option, I still go to the Dr because I'm afraid to be wrong

>> No.2629980

>knuckle dragging gorilla ape hvac faggot is mad
I'm not the one who got so buttflustered he had to post about how smart and capable he was.

Do you make any money doing it?

>> No.2629981

i go to the doctor too but only when its bad and i don't want to take any chances

>> No.2629986
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>what other fringe /diy/ shit should I start doing?

Start your own bank and gold backed currency

>> No.2629988

>Is this /diy/-able?

Anon is advocating you /diy/ the 4th Reich.

>> No.2630015

Ah, not a murican so I'll have to look elsewhere, thanks anyhow.

>> No.2630031

>astygmatism corrections
the lense kit comes with lenses for correcting astigmatisms, I have slight astigmatisms in both eyes and was able to prescribe myself the correct prescription.

>> No.2630032

When mattias posted the video I thought it couldn't be that easy. And given I'm $140 all in for the kit and new glasses, I'm already ahead cost wise because a single eye exam would've been $150 around me.

I'll still go for checkups because I can't do all the proper eye tests, yet, but I'm happy they can't hold an "expired" prescription over my head anymore when I want to order prescription sunglasses. fuckers.

>> No.2630034

this >>2629981
I know my limits, I'm not going to fuck around with more serious stuff.

>> No.2630037

>not a murican
probably for the best, I partly bought this kit because I don't have insurance lol

>> No.2630080


>> No.2630285

Years ago I went to a computer shop to buy a PCI slot fan for my computer because the video card didn't have a fan. A worker asked me about my system. Told him it was a Dell blah blah blah. Told him what I wanted. He told me since it was a Dell it shouldn't be having issues with cooling and that I should bring it in so they can check on it. Lol no. They wanted $80 to diagnose it. Told him it's summer and I don't run the A/C that much and just wanted extra cooling for my computer. They won't sell the fan to me. Later on I found an old CPU Heatsink Fan that I mounted to the video card.

>> No.2630290

>didn’t just open up a side of the case and put a $20 box fan next to it sucking out
Ngmi, heh jk

>> No.2630293

I've done this too because I have one bad sinus infection per year and there's always a doctor or two that simply refuses to believe me and won't prescribe antibiotics within the timeframe where they will make the biggest difference and let me recover without things getting way more miserable.
Seriously fucking obnoxious when they can just see it as a prior issue on my medical records and that I'm just asking for the same thing that worked last time.

The most recent one 2 years ago it took so long to get the antibiotics that I had already addressed, corrected, and recovered from the infection by the time they gave me the prescription. So I ended up keeping it in reserve for future.

>> No.2630331

>I'm an athiest
nice try, John Paul

>> No.2630349

Usually I make an extra $500 every summer flipping the ACs, I save a ton of money never buying new as well.

>> No.2630354

This is how antibiotic resistant bugs got started.

>> No.2630360

They're not outlawing it, they changed the regulations so vets can only sell them as prescription, especially any food related animals like cows and chickens.
The fish stuff is still available, and there seems to be a loophole around them, if they're intended for fish - the fish products aren't tracked or regulated by the FDA. The "good stuff" will be by prescription only.
Amazon yanked a lot of shit they used to sell, but smaller tropical fish sites are still selling it. I was thinking of getting back into aquaria, so I've been keeping an eye on it.

>> No.2630533

Eh you could have got multiple full professional eyetests with eye-pressure, retinal photography, and autorefractor test etc for the price you paid for those

>> No.2630536

Eye pressure test
Digital retinal photography
Autorefractor test
Snellen test
Slit lamp test
Visual field check
OCT scan

Grand Toatal £25-£30

How much were your lenses?

>> No.2630569
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read the thread bing bong

>> No.2630571
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for the horribly uninitiated >>2629429

>> No.2630598

It was one of those dells that the side panel open on slides in the case. But I had a laptop that I sat on a Lasko Windmachine (like a box fan, but it was round and had knobs on the side to loosen or tighten). I would sit the fan like a table and sat my laptop on that. 100F outside, no A/C inside, but my laptop stayed cool with that fan.

>> No.2630603
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All of it

>> No.2630606

diy plaque scaling w/ the right tools fuck dentists

>> No.2630615
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A few years ago the city of Houston had an issue at the water treatment plant and no one in the city had water for 3 days. My buddy set up his boat water pump and attached it to a car battery and pumped water from a cooler into his water heater so they could shower.

>> No.2630620

You don't have to uber eats a meal. You can literally cook food in your own kitchen like some kind of meth lab.
They have entire stores that will sell you the ingredients you need if you're discreet about it.

>> No.2630622

Ohh shit, nice catch.

>> No.2630624

Science is like, a scam man. They have a cure for cancer. They just only let the ultra rich like Steve Jobs have access to it.

>> No.2630626


>> No.2630628

Where did he get the water from

>> No.2630632

His pool

>> No.2630635

I hate that so many small practices were bought out by big corpos that push scummy sales shit like auto dealers or mechanics now.

>> No.2630636

A study from Bangladesh during the pandemic found that a 1:3 mixture of betadine/water gargled and flushed through the sinuses has a 98% success rate at killing the covid virus. One can only assume it applies to other airborne viruses as well. So anytime you are in a high-traffic area (especially with sick people) do the flush and save your antibiotics.

>> No.2630637

>flush through sinuses
That sounds excruciating

>> No.2630638

I've used this and coconut oil to get rid of jock itch/rash. Nothing else worked. Fucking dealt with this bullshit for a year and it finally is clearing up.

for you

>> No.2630639


>> No.2630671

>Khazakhstani basket weaving forum
this shit meme was never funny

>> No.2630707

they all talk from a position of authority to act like it isn't half bullshit. you can easily read your own bitewing xrays. you get multiple dentists to read the same bitewings and they'll say you have anywhere from 0 - 8 cavities (have experienced this). you can do a good amount of our own plaque scaling. you can diy whitening reasonably well if you aren't retarded. they don't want you calling their bluff because they fucking lie constantly.

>> No.2630882

Bullshit, if you arent a retard.
Me too. I get bad tooth infections. When i feel them start no time to wait. Thankfully chewy started selling them again after that one lab went under.

>> No.2630888
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Yep. My ex and I went to the same dentist, both of us were recommended to do a “deep clean” and I asked how common it was, she said it’s very uncommon.
Funny how she recommended it to both of us then, what are the odds me and my ex are so unlucky.
We told them to eat shit
She goes home to her country, her dentist there was told about this and said it was an unnecessary procedure that would have likely done more harm than good because her teeth were fucking fine.
I hate dentists so fucking much but I want to be able to get my teeth cleaned, it’s so hard to find a trustworthy one.

>> No.2630950

>bullshit, if you arent a retard
You mean, like doctors? I made >>2630624 as an homage to people like you.

>> No.2630961

I make my own tech. I buy SBCs and microcontrollers and such and put together my own MP3 players and laptops and such. By doing this and having a firm understanding of what's on that board I can control how much data is collected on me. I'm working on building my own cellphone but I don't like Ringo honestly. I'd like to make a small form factor cellphone from a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. There was one before on 2G I think but it's largely unusable due to the obsolescence of 2G.

>> No.2630991


Never ever pay to go to therapy, I say this as someone that's been in therapy for the better part of 10 years. I understand that you're suffering but these people do not want to help you. I have helped myself more in the last year with reading and journaling and self reflection than any therapist could. Many therapists will purposefully obfuscate your concerns, distract you from making real change, and fill you up with medications that could have lifelong effects, all for a quick buck. All the resources are freely available online and you know yourself better than anyone else. You will be much more empowered to make the necessary changes in your life without a therapist.

>> No.2631068

The deep clean is for people who haven’t been to the dentist in years because billing you for a regular 30min cleaning would be shitty for them if they have to do x-rays and check gums and diagnose a bunch of cavities.

If you go at least once a year, they probably wouldn’t recommend it.

>> No.2631080

Deep clean is for people woth.gum disease. You get it every time you go. It's excruciating

>> No.2631089

Dentistry is a scam anyway I haven't been in well over a decade and I haven't brushed my teeth since the Obama administration (maybe once or twice for weddings and the like you got me) my teeth are fine no cavities never hurt nice and straight.

>> No.2631108

Just wait. I dragged ass getting my wisdom teeth pulled and they got all infected like 2 years ago, that pain was as bad as a kidney stone. Dental pain fucking sucks.

>> No.2631119

Not true. My therapist was immensely helpful and I owe her a great deal that I can never truly pay back.
She was a student finishing her rotations, or something like that though, so not some weathered and withered old therapist.

>> No.2631121

What's making you stay for 10 years?

>> No.2631149

>Way cheaper than going to a doctor,
Tell me you're an American without saying "im an american."

>> No.2631150

Go get your teeth cleaned. Ignore all the other procedures they suggest.

>> No.2631151

Wisdom teeth was actually my last dental appointment. I think I was like 17 or about that they said they could they were gonna crash or whatever so I had em out, sold like 90% of those pills cause 17 or whatever beer money was more important. I've had older women ask how I straighten and whiten my teeth. I never have, I don't brush em let alone all that wierd whichcraft shit
I'll admit though I also don't drink or eat sugary things like soda? Nope. Don't care for it. Pastries? Don't care for it. I mostly eat picnic type meats like burgers, sausages, and some broccoli and taters for the occasion I do that much. Have never had a cavity, never had mouth pain outside of burning myself or biting my tongue type shit, dentistry is a scam.

>> No.2631173

You're one guy, dude. The world of dentistry doesn't work for everyone the way it does for you. If you think you're normal, and you're here, you're an idiot.

>> No.2631189
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>> No.2631192

dental fag detected

>> No.2631220

>You're one guy, dude.
Yup I'll admit that as well, however I'm also one guy with 5 brothers. Most of which have had to have surgical intervention at some point besides the wisdom teeth because their shits fucked. and the one brother that's actually tried to take care of his teeth is deliberately asked if he's addicted to drugs every time, usually alluding to meth. Lot of his teeth rotted away. Same gene pool, different results. It's s fucking scam. A scam they tell you how to get out of just stop eating candy and drinking soda you'll be fine

>> No.2631248

It was not 10 consecutive years with the same person, I did maybe 2 years with 5 or 6 different therapists. I continued trying because I have severe PTSD and I really wanted therapy to be the solution. I tried both men and women across the age spectrum. Room temp IQ and unabashed liberal affects abound. I even had one recommend me a mindfulness app, lol. I think that says enough about the state of therapy

>> No.2631256

Whoa had no idea you could do this. I have an old built in sub zero fridge that seems to have lost its coolant (presumably freon as it is from the 80s or before). Do you know if I have to change any fittings or if I could recharge with propane?

>> No.2631313

How disgusting are you that you got jock itch, take a fucking shower

>> No.2631327

Dust your pc

>> No.2631329

>diy whitening
Where do you get dentist-grade whitening? Consumer grade does literally nothing and is just placebo

>> No.2631344

who fucking cares lol

>> No.2631345

I used to do this all the time in my 20's. My mom would always be so pissed at me. Worked every time I needed it though.

>> No.2631375

I waited until my 30s and when it actually hurt. First try they wanted to do the painful one pulse the other three "while we're in there" $$$
Coincidentally, they couldn't do it because when they put my under they said I became combative and tried to fight the procedure. So at rescheduling I just said let's do the one and other's later. That was about 9 years ago. Never went back. Saved myself around $1700.

>> No.2631398

>no hvac tradie will want to help you
When it breaks in 8 years I'll tear it out and redo it. I'll even reuse the capping.

>> No.2631648

man idk, I shower every day and one day a rash showed up. I'm not even over weight and didn't even exercise or do physical activity when it first started, was some major bullshit.

>> No.2631760

I know the point was to save yourself some money but I'd be curious to see how close your results are to a professional optometrist. You know just as a control/standard?

>> No.2631781

I'm curious too, but I also made a proper-sized snellen chart and took my time trialing lenses back and forth, and then dialing in the correct angle for my astigmatism correction.
I see clearly, my glasses perform better than my previous ones, so it's hard to imagine a professional's numbers being too far off from mine.
I might see if I can find a cheapo eye exam place just to double check and reassure myself that I'm fine doing my own eye exams.

>> No.2631849

I've had athlete's foot like 15 times and I've never managed to spread it to my dick

>> No.2631870

>using the “tell me you’re blank without telling me” meme
>comment about American healthcare
Tell me you’re and unoriginal douche bag without telling me.

>> No.2631941

How do you order glasses without a prescription from a doctor. Isn’t that a requirement?

>> No.2631944

I’ve found that Indian or Vietnamese doctors often will just give you want you ask for. I suffered with the yearly sinus infections and finally found doctors who would just throw a zpac at me and write a script to have on file.

>> No.2631972

congrats man, good on you, maybe you should wash your disgusting feet, I've never had athletes foot.

>> No.2631973

Zenni lets you put in your own numbers with no verification, very based, and if I need to I can just photoshop my own prescription numbers into something that looks like it comes from a dr.

>> No.2631975

Bought and installed a well pump for my backyard to replace the old failed pump.
Buddy told me I had to be licensed to install it myself. I said I'm not but how about I just buy it anyway and we don't tell anybody, if I have a problem I'll call a plumber. He chuckled and said alright.

Not a requirement. I knew about buying your own prescription lenses from a buddy a few years ago. The whole retail corrective eyewear thing is an income-protection guild.
You can buy all sorts of shit as long as it isn't strictly controlled like drugs/medication. Stuff normoids should have frankly have no business being able to buy, but I disfavor those regulations on principle. In most places you are absolutely not allowed to work on gas fittings without a license, but parts and supplies are available off the shelf at the hardware store. I plumbed and installed my own gas water heater in my RV, fuck the regulators.

>> No.2632301

I kept getting it from my retarded roommate, you on the other hand are so disgusting that you managed to only get it in your dick. Are you going around rubbing your crotch on locker room floors?

>> No.2632316

>I kept getting it from my retarded roommate
I'm going to make a guess that you shared a bathroom and shower.

Pro tip for sharing washroom facilities: Get a disposable pair of those rubber sandals. Shower sandals aren't the most comfortable thing, but it's a lot easier/nicer to just run them through the washing machine as opposed to getting athlete's foot/warts/ringworm/whatever else.

>> No.2632320

>I kept getting it from my retarded roommate
sure bud

>> No.2632401

what's your life like if you're grandstanding over some random anon about only getting athletes foot 15 times and not spreading it to your dick? did you get an award for this, is it up on your mom's fridge?

>> No.2632423

Buy five gallons of purple power or other aggressive cleaner and a sprayer. Blast the shower floor and general area before showering and wear sandels.

It's so easy to sanitize shit there's really no excuse. I cleaned my share of barracks when I had bay orderly and the magic solution to everything is aggressive use of powerful soaps and surfactants. There's no excuse for getting athletes foot from a roomie.

>> No.2632442

HVAC is easy, a retard could figure it out. You aren't special or important.

>> No.2632448

thx bro

>> No.2632464

Based. I'm doing this too, but want my platform to be esp

>> No.2632489

You sure are upset that I pointed out what a disgusting subhuman faggot you are. Keep seething about it.

>> No.2632803

Hey anons just wanted to update yall. It spontaneously combusted and killed my mother in her sleep. Now my dad is kicking me out of the basement

>> No.2632806

Antibiotics should be used as a last resort. You fuck up your gut biome every time you take them.

>> No.2632807

>because a single eye exam would've been $150 around me.
Damn son. The glasses store near me gives eye exams for free.

>> No.2632808

>A study from Bangladesh
Stopped reading here

>> No.2633083


I'm the same. At 8 they told me I needed braces. I went in again at 18 to get the braces and I didn't need them anymore. I've had a few fillings in my time but looking back I probably didn't need them cos I wasn't in any pain at the time. They had to drill a heap because the "cavity" wasn't big enough tk put a filling in. I brush only once a day before bed. Sometimes if I fancy doing a deep clean I'll scrub with bicarb soda. I'm 35 and people compliment my teeth all the time.

>> No.2633408

Says the former admin of a Singaporean Condominium Wheelbarrow Timeshare Bulletin Board. Of course you'd be salty about it after losing your job and having it rubbed in your face

>> No.2633495

Well meme'd my gentlesir! You've earned yourself an updoot!

edit: thank you for the gold kind stranger! I will celebrate this occassion with the addition of chocolate to milk!

>> No.2633512

Vet wanted to cut my dog’s tail off because there was a tumour or something. I put a couple beers in her (the dog) and cut the growth out with my knife. Her tail ended up being okay.

>> No.2634717

>I'm currently wearing glasses I prescribed myself
check endmyopia you might end up improving your eyesight

>> No.2634719
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I'm a christcuck and I despise other christcucks. They aren't happy just believing what they want to believe, they want to belittle and humiliate non-superstitious people. They don't just believe in god, they love him. They're just as bad as extremists. Personally, I don't care what others believe and its not my job to try and change you. If you dont go to church every week and it helps you to be a good person then how is that a bad thing?

>> No.2634735

tradies need to make sure to gatekeep their licenses. Same with engineers.

you replied to two different people, retard.

this. If you regularly take antibiotics you're an idiot.

yeah, americuck sucks, desu. I only wanted prescription sunglasses and the assholes at the office I went to previously wouldn't give me my prescription because it had been over a year since my last eye exam.
I've started giving free eye exams to my coworkers and their kids. Fuck the system.


stop shitting up the best board on 4chan.

somewhat based. I bet there was a better way, but whatever.

I never heard of this before, but I'm intrigued, I don't like the idea of switching glasses throughout the day but I'll read more into the literature on it, thx anon.

t.me. I have my own view of religion that doesn't align at all with anyone that ascribes to whatever denomination.

>> No.2634905

I could order fish antibiotics from a mom and pop site with the cheapest shipping available, and I'd still get them faster than you would from your "free" doctor.

>> No.2635069

>spend 5 years working as someone's apprentice to install a heat pump
its just a box with a couple hoses and some wires

>> No.2635071

imagine a man is being asked to choose between living in a country with free healthcare where he may have to drive to the hospital where he will receive free care for his severe infection, and living in a country where the most reasonable thing to do if you are near death is order antibiotics intended for fish consumption

>> No.2635083

Several car forums and well as a few people IRL told me not to recharge my own car a/c refrigerant. The shop quoted me $200 though so I just did it myself anyway. Took less than 5 minutes with a $40 kit from Walmart and was instantly blowing cold again. Fuck the auto jews trying to rip people off like that.

>> No.2635107

my dad has always recharged his own ac lines

nigger, as if it's a fucking choice. We're born into our countries and assigned citizenship. I'm lucky because I married a foreign bitch and was able to get EU citizenship, most people aren't that lucky. Most people rarely make it out of their home town.

>> No.2635192

>Most people rarely make it out of their home town.

They chose to fail at life. Piss on their weakness.

>> No.2635272

I'd like to know more about this, such as what you do in the way of software/drivers, or how to make cases that don't look like shit?
I'd love to have a little palmtop computer with modern features, but the only people that make them seem to be GPD and they're not cheap.

>> No.2635281

america has the worlds best healthcare. in finland or france for example the man with an infection may die. in america he will be treated immediately and by talented professionals.

there's no such thing as 'antibiotics intended for fish' though. they're all the same. so what you really said was, 'imagine having an infection, and you order antibiotics' hmm

>> No.2635282

leaving a town is not success.

>> No.2635291

What do you say to the DMV when they require a doctor-signed document? Or are you overseas?

>> No.2635302

No one has ever asked to see my prescription in the US, nor in the nearly 40 countries I’ve visited and rented cars in. The most common thing I’ve dealt with is the mandatory penis inspection upon entry into any country

>> No.2635356


Libya under Gaddafi and Cuba under Fidel had better healthcare than you bootlicking murrifats

>> No.2635377
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>> No.2635380

>The most common thing I’ve dealt with is the mandatory penis inspection upon entry into any country

Its only mandatory because you keep insisting on it...

>> No.2635382

>credit score

>> No.2635400

>Cuba under Fidel had better healthcare
Sure thing retard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoZRox7xAdg

>> No.2635587

after 5-10 minutes of convincing they seem happy to oblige

>> No.2635643

Disagree to a certain extent, if you really want to change, it ultimately up to you, but a therapist can point you in the right direction a lot faster. Also, quit drinking so much

>> No.2635721
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t. jawlet
Should have ate tougher foods growing up. My teeth are perfectly straight and I still have my wisdom teeth.

>> No.2635803


>The DMV’s vision screening standard is:

>20/40 with both eyes tested together, and
>20/40 in one eye and at least, 20/70 in the other eye.

so basically, not legally blind.

>> No.2635804


"Oh a random video on YouTube that supports my point of view! It must be true! "

Cuba performed better for its citizens despite missing equipment and medicine due to the us blockade. Same with Libya. I'd argue with you but what's the point when I can just leave you in the shitty health system you support, vote for and completely deserve while I have all my ailments cared for for free? Why argue with a fat spaztic when diabetes and exorbitant insulin charges will take you out soon enough anyway?

>> No.2635808
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>> No.2635809


Everyone else in the world rates how shit their healthcare system against the US system with the US system being considered the extremity of how fucked up a healthcare system can possibly be.

>> No.2635886

All kinds of stuff. I grow opium, I distill my own ethanol for fuel, cleaning, medical, getting wasted etc. Recently I started automating things around the farm using logic gates built out of handmade solenoid switches and rope core memory. Been building batteries and harnessing the power of streams on my property, been converting our fireplaces into steam engines. Down the line I intend to build a submerged arc furnace on the property for silicon purification from furnaced gravel. Phosphorus, I already extract from urine (shout outs to Piss Jug General) and boron should be readily available from seawater, so I should be able to produce n-type and p-type semiconductors from those.

>> No.2635911

Thats shit is imported from india where they dump the antibiotic process waste into the cloake which runs into the ganges

>> No.2637008

...and yet these motherfuckers flock here when they get anything worse than the flu.

>> No.2637812

I live in Finland. Everyone has private healthcare like Terveystalo for non-emergencies.

>> No.2637814

You know that most people in the world live in a country where antibiotics are available without a prescription right? That's how the world was destroyed by antibiotic resistant diseases and you're not reading this post because it doesn't exist

>> No.2637815

he's speaking American english on an American website which is hosted in America and mostly populated by Americans. The fact that he's American can basically be assumed, regardless of what he has posted

>> No.2638242

Even in videos where they're trying to paint it in a favorable light, the hospitals look like the average NYC subway stop. It's trash

>> No.2638244

And everyone calls white countries the most racist, yet they are wrong.

>> No.2638898

Hiro is a jap, fag weeabo

>> No.2638910

very, exceptionally based. I want to start smithing and smelting and teach it religiously to pass on a tradition that needs to be passed on. If we know how to alloy, we can recover from any event.

>> No.2638916
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I don't believe you have actually done any of this, but you have my interest...

>> No.2640071

Where's this information you're referring to? I need to check my eyes

>> No.2640087

A friend of mine did this once and the dust buildup made the motherboard literally burst into flames.

>> No.2641793

Yeah like doctors. You know the ones that cause 1/4-1/3 of deaths each year from their incompetence. You stupid gorilla nigger.

>> No.2641794

I just pulled the teeth in front of then because they were all failling root canals. Free 4 teeth.

>> No.2641873

You pay for healthcare through taxes, regardless of whether you use it or not

>> No.2641892

>If you had gone out, bought the tools, got certified so you could buy refrigerant, and managed to install a regular split system by yourself and it ran great then I would be impressed.

Getting an EPA universal is about the easiest thing you can do. Installing an HVAC system is probably the second easiest thing. Also all of the tools you would need are maybe $1000.

>> No.2641930

That "study" was deboonked.

>> No.2641934

If your surgeon wasn't the top 35% of his class he's just another fucking wagie that's slightly better at following directions than others. If something weird or bad happens in your surgery, you're fucking deaf because he has no critical thinking skills or intelligence to deal with it. That's the facts. Sorry people are dumb bro.