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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 24 KB, 401x280, mosquito-parts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
262441 No.262441 [Reply] [Original]

anti mosquito thread!

home made sprays and tactics to get rid of mosquitoes from the home and yard

>> No.262445

get some spiders

>> No.262449

do those yeast and suger traps work for mosquitoes? or are they bull shit?

>> No.262520

I smoke cigarettes....I keep enough nicotine in my blood that most ticks and mosquitoes avoid me. The ones that don't die.

>> No.262535

most home-made remedies don't work for shit. A bug spray that contains DEET is going to be your best bet. The more DEET the longer before you get bit. Off Deep Woods is one of the higher rated bug sprays. If you have a problem in your yard then get a bunch of dragonflies because those bad-ass motherfuckers eat mosquitoes (tons of them) and they even kill wasps. Not to mention they awesome and a pretty much harmless since they don't sting and won't bite unless you try to catch one and smother it.

>> No.262537



Get some bats.

If you can find some that hasn't been killed by the fungal epidemic that's killing them.

>> No.262548

get or build a martin house. Martins eat mosquitoes like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.262597


Mosquitoes are, if I remember correctly, attracted to heat and CO2. A mixture of yeast and sugar water will give off a bit of both, but I've only heard of using dry ice before. Keep the mix away from where the people are and it would probably draw some of the mosquitoes away and drown any that fall in, but it wont get all of them.

>> No.262602

I personally sleep with a lemongrass next to my bed when there are mosquitoes, it keep them away

>> No.262619

DEET. 90% or higher.

Other than that, be one of the lucky few like me that simply do not attract mosquitos and have never been bitten.

I'm immune to poison ivy, too. I've got some good genes in me.

>> No.262623

Don't let them lay eggs - get rid of water sources like puddles or open containers. Cover containers with nets, for example.
As for infected bodies of water, there are some species of fish and insects that eat mosquitoe larvae. If you can move some into your area, they'll take care of the problem.

>> No.262626

>introducing predatory species without almost no thought as to the consequences

>> No.262629


>> No.262657

Eating lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts, and fungi and eating little to no meat and dairy products. That works pretty well for me.

>> No.262678

Stink, if you smell they'll leave you alone most of the time.

>> No.262711

Bathe yourself in gasoline. Should work. If not, just light a match. Should get rid of all that greasy gasoline in just a moment, and would be a permanent solution to mosquitoes

>> No.262981


>> No.262983
File: 45 KB, 300x450, tansy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear tansy is a natural repellant. I've never had much luck with it though.

>> No.263004

vitamin b12, available at your local grocery store or pharmacy, it provides natural mosquito repelant.

>> No.263008

why has no one yet mentioned using a laser and a computer targeting system to literally shoot them out of the air

it has been done, it's just an issue of how to /diy/ it

>> No.263121


dryer sheets. yup. they ones you put in with a load of laundry. carry one with you, like in your back pocket or in the strap of your hat. shit works.

>> No.263134
File: 81 KB, 576x396, LavenderBudsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rub lavender on your pulse points (neck and wrist).

>> No.263138
File: 23 KB, 300x300, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homemade Mosquito Trap

2 liter bottle
1 tsp yeast
1/2 cup sugar
lukewarm water

Cut the top off a 2 liter bottle. Invert the cone and place it inside the straight part of the bottle. Glue the two pieces together. Add 1 tsp yeast and 1/2 cup sugar to some luke warm water, and pour the mixture into the bottle. Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that you exhale. The yeast feeds off the sugar and emits the same gas, so the mosquito enters the bottle, thinking it will find food there and is trapped.

>> No.263156
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, 1343005031844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people get lucky with their body chemistry and don't attract mosquitoes.

DEET is the only real proven method. I prefer Muskol spray over aerosols.

You can get a propane powered trap that does pretty good for a large area. But they're expensive.

Mosquitoes are attracted to body odor.

>> No.263157

I'm allergic to DEET, so I've had to be creative.

If you're going out in the woods or something, I can't help you. However, if you're going to be in your backyard or on your patio, the answer is hilariously simple.

A fan.

Not some puny little box fan, either. We've got an air circulator (= high velocity fan, for you non-Americans). I turn that bitch on high, and it not only feels good, but flying bugs can't get near us. Win-win situation.

I take Vitamin B12 every day, but it never seemed to help me. YMMV, though.

>> No.263200

A friend of mine used to leave out a glass of wine to attract mosquitos and gnats. Apparently, they land in it, drink it, get drunk, and are unable to climb or fly out. And then they drown.

>> No.263301
File: 133 KB, 450x600, citronella-mosquito-plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2 in my backyard on my patio table.
I used to have tons of mosquito on my back porch, since I live in Texas.
They love my Korean blood, so I grew these and they're pretty awesome.
I've noticed a significant loss in mosquito, it smells REALLY good, and it's an attractive plant.

>> No.263303

>actually recommending DEET


>> No.263336

that's great

I used to have skunk plants around my house that did pretty good at keeping skeeters at bay. They propagate very easily too. Just break off a piece, stick it in the ground and keep watered for a week or less. Only problem is the strong smell had my neighbors thinking I was growing pot.

>> No.263338

Citronella plant is good, plant it in pots and it does help a lot. You can also use citronella essential oils, dab on your skin, you can take the plant, mash it up, and put it in one of those candle essential oil heater thingies. Citronella works a lot like deet in that it does not so much repel them, it just makes their co2 sensor fuzzy. So they wander away not able to clearly target anything.
Add mosquito fish to open bodies of water. Non invasive species of mosquito fish can be had, for free, from nearly every county extension office in the U.S. They provide them for free, because they are a very effective control method for skeeters, and they select easily bred small fish species that are already present in the area.
Every time you go to a park and see little minnows swimming around? Those are mosquito control fish.

>> No.263342

I've used these for flies with a piece of meat in there, but I never thought they would work for mosquitos.