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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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261295 No.261295 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow /diy/ teach me how to build my own computer? Like what do i need to buy, what are the best things to improve performance ( i heard it was RAM ) video cards, motherboards and stuffs. Do you have any website that you would recommend? Not looking for the most expensive stuff (not a richfag) but i plan to buy lil by lil each part. I want it mostly for gaming.

The one i have only a dual core with 2gb of ram and a nvidia 8800gt and i know this set up is shit thas why i want to improve it.

>> No.261297


>> No.261306

/g/ is the place to go; this is all they do
check out falconguide on /g/ for a general guideline- don't just blindly follow it.

the basic components you need:
-PSU (Power supply)
-hard drive
-case + any extra fans

You want to pick a mobo compatible with the processor. Everything else is standardized.

>> No.261324

>You want to pick a mobo compatible with the processor. Everything else is standardized.

Shame about this, too. x86 processor sockets were standardized (though de-facto) pre-PII.

>> No.261338

Thanks for the info, ill head for /g/

>> No.261357

http://pcper.com/hwlb pick one that's in your price range.

Your computer sounds old enough that nothing is reusable in a new computer.

>> No.261364

well you dont build one out of a dell mobo i can tell you that

>> No.261442

In what I have seen, /g/ may actually be the last place to find this info. Kind of like how /k/ is full of people who do't have guns, and /fit/ is full of landwhales and skinnyfats.,

>> No.261456
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Okay look OP, first things first. Deciding on a processor. I recommend the intel 2500K, it's really good if you plan to overclock in the future. Second, pick a motherboard, tip - don't get extra features you won't use. Third, get 4 gbs of RAM, that's all you'll need for gaming. Forth, pick a graphic card.

I get all my parts from newegg, good prices and reviews

Follow this guide, it'll help.

>> No.261835

In case /g/ isn't helpful.