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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 78 KB, 700x394, eyJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZXNpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjcwMCwiaGVpZ2h0IjozOTR9fSwiYnVja2V0IjoiZmluZWhvbWVidWlsZGluZy5zMy50YXVudG9uY2xvdWQuY29tIiwia2V5IjoiYXBwXC91cGxvYWRzXC8yMDA5XC8wM1wvMjAxMzUyNTJcL3BleC1zeXN0ZW0tbWFpbi03MDB4Mzk0LmpwZyJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2599451 No.2599451 [Reply] [Original]

>he fell for the pex meme

>> No.2599454
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My god those are beautiful.

>> No.2599459

I know, right? Just absolutely fucking gorgeous.

>> No.2599497

bored again? faggot.

>> No.2599507

For what you pay in labor and materials, pex manifold and submanifold systems are retarded. They've actually been largely phased out because of how retarded they are. Trunk and branch with recirculation pump(s) is the best layout, if you want pretty and wanna pay for it, copper in a mechanical room looks pretty good.

>> No.2599518

All my plumbing is 1/4" wall stainless

>> No.2599550

oh boy look who's ban expired! welcome back faggot

>> No.2599577

It's really a chicken and egg thing.
Does pex endocrine disruptions make you a faggot? Or do faggots install pex?

>> No.2599582

mmm microplastics

>> No.2599960
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that would be illegal to code here in Germany

hot and cold not insulated in a wall cavity makes a nice legionella breeding ground.
hot needs to stay hot (a energy waste as well) for them to die and cold needs to stay cold to not have them.

a manifold is stupid as well, you run a single line to every outlet if you never use the front yard outdoor faucet the water in that line stagnates forever and eventually goes back in your other pipes.

pic is how a save installation looks if you flush the toilet the water in the pipe to the sink will be replaced by cool fresh water from the main line, for hot water you wont have to wait an hour until the cooled of water from the pipes is replaced by hot water from the boiler

>> No.2599964
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Is your house so tiny this is valuable? Your heater is right there 5 feet away from your sink who gives a shit about anything.

T. My big fat American house has 100 ft of pipe between my boiler and kitchen.

Newer installations have recirculation pumps.

>> No.2599974

why does germany have legionella in their water? do they not treat it?

>> No.2599978
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>he posted this retarded thread again

>> No.2599993
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what difference does a little PEX or copper on the homeowner side make when the entire water main is already plastic?

>> No.2600001

It doesn’t.
Our main line is polythene, not pex, doesn’t need uv protection underground.

The anti-pex people don’t understand that there is more than one kind of plastic, like epoxy with bp a/s/f which line every tin can of food. Polyethylene lines tetra packs and milk containers too, and is remarkably safe in comparison.

Or probably copper or pvc shil. Pvc is horrible shit, too… watch the film “blue vinyl” — totally fine for dwv in warm places, electrical boxes, and vent pipes on those 95% efficient furnaces.

>> No.2600078

>entire water main is already plastic
look who hasn't done real plumbing
you in one of those "developments" huh?
real people live in real houses in communities that predate plastic
you're looking at cast iron, galvanized, copper, concrete, or clay
the biggest problem is leaded solder

>> No.2600088

>cast iron, galvanized, copper, concrete, or clay
all of that is against code for underground use and gets replaced with plastic when repairs are needed ;^)

>> No.2600256

here it's clay if old and cast iron if new
nobody uses plastic pipes with big diameters (don't remember the cutoff, but 1000 and up are surely never plastic)

>> No.2600342

Germany treats its water with chlorine but only the minimal amount needed to provide save water from the waterworks to your house. And this is good since it limits the amount of disinfection by products

Legionella grows on the surface of the pipes in your house, the amount of chlorine needed to disinfect it would be huge. i don't want to drink pool water.
but it can be used to flush contaminated installations.

its much easier to make sure hot water pipes reach 140F once in a while, and Cold water pipes stay always below 68F.

>> No.2600415

>Having to turn on water to the tub and sink to get water to the toilet.
Is the bidet-related?

>> No.2600738

id be so pissed if I had this in my basement taking up valuable wall space.

>> No.2600741

This didnt answer the question

>> No.2601030

Who the fuck cares, >>2599964 is totally right. Most euros have 80l water heaters, a couple meters of pipe to the shower and not much more to the kitchen.
>Newer installations have recirculation pumps.
I have this in Serbia. Connected to a single 200l water heater, it being Bulgarian doesn't inspire much confidence though.

>> No.2602801

No, most nowadays have gas heaters, not (longer) cylinders; my bathrooms are about 15-20 meters straight line from heater in kitchen. House is about 120 sqm.

>> No.2602948
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Omfg… they did all that, and then a massive awefuck when the negated everything by using a sharkbite and/or crimp coupling.
Autistic homeowner level.

>> No.2602955

I thought so too but now I think that's a brass nipple coming out of the manifold, and a female copper fitting for it.

Which still infuriates me because what's the point of that shit if you don't have a union there. I'm just gonna have to cut the pipe to do any work anyway.

>> No.2603212
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thats a bullshit code, hot and cold goes uninsulated through the walls of every house here in norway an no legionella.
the industry standard is a central distribution panel like pic related going out to every sink or tap.
any leaks will be contained and end up in the panel and you can see where its coming from, shut off that single pipe and even replace it without tearing down walls. not that i ever heard anyone who had to do it modern pex has proven itself to be bullet proof compared to copper, its a reason no one will insure a house with copper pipes.
200L electric is the norm for a family house here, often connected to air/water heat pump for pre-heating.

>> No.2603234

Looks jewish.

>> No.2603740
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>no one will insure a house with copper pipes

>> No.2603756

Why not have copper for just your drinking water lines (i.e. what goes to your RO system and then to your fridge water dispenser and a couple other dedicated drinking water taps around the house) and then pex for everything else?

>> No.2603796

the goal is to be completely jewish and get as much estrogen into the drinking water as possible so copper wont work.

>> No.2603845

>Legionella grows on the surface of the pipes in your house
yeah, but the bacteria doesn't abiogenesis itself out of nowhere onto your pipes. it comes from the municipal supply. no legionella in your pipes if the water is treated correctly. stop living in the 3rd world.

>> No.2603866

this has to be bait
put an isolator just behind the tap and you can fix a leak right there without running all over the place reading labels in a box.
i never read these threads but i always assumed this was flow/return panels for a wet heating system, not fucking individual feeds to taps.
jesus christ how fucking retarded can you get.
>leak will end up contained
come on

>> No.2603932

Chlorine in the water means you can't drink it anymore, so who cares what kind of bacteria it has at that point.

>> No.2604204

Legionella hands wrote this

>> No.2604205

>its much easier ... Cold water pipes stay always below 68F.
not sure how when your plumbing has to be indoors to prevent freezing

>> No.2604266

the word is not sterile my friend.
the pipes, taps, could contain bacteria before being installed, does the plumber install pex with fresh gloves and a mask ?
the municipal supply may have a small leak somewhere.
and good beware you hook up a nasty garden water hose to your outdoor tap .

this can be contained by nuking the water with chlorine like the us but then its nasty to drink and smells and tastes like pool water
Or you make sure the hot is hot and the cold stays cold and the water does not stagnate in stub pipes for weeks.

in Germany municipal water is more often monitored and has lower allowed levels for contaminants than bottled water.
we just have very high standards for sanitary installation (more pages of code than electrical)

>> No.2604281


>> No.2604389

They do absolutely nothing to it, they send the water in below 68, and therefore it's below 68. So you have to leave the cold running for a couple minutes if you didn't use it for a couple days, most people don't know this though.

It's German arrogance, they think nature follows their standard.

>> No.2604655

city mains water has like 46F

>> No.2604953

We haven't said otherwise, we're talking about the water in the tubes INSIDE your house where there's no way it stays below legionella growth temperature unless you use it multiple times per day.

>> No.2605274
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yes its fuckin code and standard for hot and cold taps.
yes leaks are mostly contained and most important easy to discover, see where its leaking, easy to isolate and just as easy to fix.
need to fix your toilet? close of that pipe in the panel the rest works as normal.
for some reason you got a leak? it will follow the outer tube into the panel where you will see it, then you can close off that pipe and if its done properly replace it without tearing down a single wall.
i seriously regard our building codes to be one of the best and anything else thirdie tier.

>> No.2606223

You are a god among men. I salute you.

>> No.2606795

>>there's no way it stays below legionella growth temperature unless you use it multiple times per day.
how dense are you? that was explained in my first post >>2599960

This is why i said the American manifold with hot and cold both not insulated and long stub pipes to every outlet wouldn't fly with our code.

This is why we use high pressure and a small diameter pipe, try to keep it short, and hook up the outlets in series, so if you flush the toilet which you do multiple times a day the water in the pipe to the shower gets replace,
shower is the most critical since you breath in the droplets (legionella) so it goes first.

>> No.2606796
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or for a single utility sink you use a ventury fitting.
if water is used above the pipe it creates a flow in the ring pipe to the tap.

also German code says the pipes from the water heater to the outlet should not contain more than 3 liters of water. (less than a gallon)

>> No.2606798

>yes leaks are mostly contained
soldered copper doesnt leak lol. cope.

>> No.2606799
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commercial installations often even use automatic flusher, it they want to put a drinking fountain or a coffee machine on a long ass line in the middle of the factory hall.

every few hours it opens and lets a few liters down the drain.

>> No.2606860

only thoose who dont work with copper claim this.

>> No.2607034

what is wrong with germans

>> No.2607043

Maximum autism.

>> No.2608743

Those are trash. Crimp/clamp only which restricts flow and I able to use a recirc.

Uponor propex is the way.

>> No.2608747

>lets a few liters down the drain
what a waste