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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2598676 No.2598676 [Reply] [Original]

Hello lads, I am trying to grow some grass on the shit stain piece of property I own. Figured it would be a nice change of pace. I however cannot get the grass to take.

The soil, if you want to call it that, is clay. How do you grow grass in hardass clay?

>> No.2598683

Craptastic Clay, checkout https://blue-skylandscaping.com/lawn-care

>> No.2598686
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Amend the soil by putting a ton of organic matter and manure in it. Try and get wood chips delivered and dumped at your place. Look around on craigslist for anyone giving away manure of any kind and get it and spread it all over. Till it in somehow.

>> No.2598687

I'm not going to get herpes on my computer from that link?

>> No.2598693
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Thats what the article above says. I guess I could check out a local company to help too. Shit is hard, and I can't rent a tiller big enough to cut in.

>> No.2598730

why do you have so many pictures of cows in the exact same pose

>> No.2598735

It's a standard display pose for showing cattle. there are millions of photos like that, not sure why op can't structure a proper post and feels he needs to trick ag boys into his thread with them?

>> No.2598743
File: 240 KB, 685x678, Screenshot_20230413-212148_Blue_Clover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask your neighbour

>> No.2598750

check the state extension office

>> No.2598763

I have cows, and I show them whats it to you nigger?

>> No.2598771

Have you considered not being a namfag attention whore?
I now understand why you can't grow grass.

>> No.2598788
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You should check these guys out!

>> No.2598805

>Shit is hard, and I can't rent a tiller big enough to cut in.
i bought a $100 electric tiller and it can break up hard clay
just have to take your time and do multiple passes
the hardest part is at the surface, once you get through that it's easy

>> No.2598833
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Depends on how much land and how bad the clay is. I'd definitely till it all and if it's really dry I'd have a dump truck drop off some top soil. I'd spread it at least 1 inch thick, spread my seed then roll out straw mesh. Grass doesn't need much good soil to take hold. If you're loaded get some sod and have Mexicans install it but you'll need to water the shot out of it.

>> No.2598863

How much water do you have access too and what season is it where you live? Best to seed in fall unless you can irrigate the shit out of it and have proper seed/shade/etc. Clay sucks, need organics and proper soil. Spend this season getting the soil amended, aerated deeply and multiple times, put real soil and poop into the holes. Do a soil fert test and see what the results are. Apply fertilizer. Kill weeds. Then in fall do a finale aerate and seed that you keep well watered. It might take more than one year depending on how bad things are but it will get you a lawn.

>> No.2599624

Collect urine in jugs, refrigerate. Than use a watering can to water your lawn. I keep track and of where you watered with pee...
A year from now you will have the best lawn on the block.

>> No.2599627

If you want to go a patient route, find out which plants grow on your soil easiest
Then get a bunch of those, then cut them down with a weedwacker
Let them rot and add woodchipps, leaves, whatever organic trash you have, stomp it, till it and work it any way you can, to form a layer of good soil
Then plant grass, along with wildflowers, nettles, whatever
It takes time but it can be done

>> No.2599702
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You're supposed to tell him to dilute it too.
Pic related.

>> No.2599758
File: 547 KB, 1280x960, 0411171113a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have cows, and I show them whats it to you nigger?

If you truly do have cattle, then collect their shit and spread it on your land where you want to amend the soil...

>> No.2600641

there a ton of thing you can do

the no work option
cover the soil in woodchips
i mean if you have any thnk like tile or cardboard it wil do the same
but this only works after it gets wet a few tims
you put shit to attract birds they tend to seed the place up

the faster option
is tilling the fucker
spreading compost and mulch it maybe a little to cover it
then buy like grass mix or
clover is cheap 5 for like a pound of seed
tho cows are not dont do good on it

just water water a lot lol thats the third

you can rent a roto tiller for a day
or hire 10 mexicans fo day to come do the work for like 500 bucks3

also cow shit can be composted with worms
they love eating it and shit great soil

you can also plant prikly pear or pomegranate
the brazilians discovered they can eat this and make good milk

>> No.2601106

Add sand.

https://gardentabs.com/should-add-sand-to-clay-soil/ describes how adding sand can go badly and the article is absolutely right. It then says good loamy soil contains sand. Sand is good, just don't fuck it up.

>> No.2601386

Plant clover alongside the grass. Add other native to your area plants too.

>> No.2601495

Source gypsum apply at 1kg/square meter. Also consider installing subsurface drainage if there is surface water. Drywall is usually gypsum cored so if you're in a housing development..

>> No.2602092

I can confirm this gets the grass erupting out of the soil. And the effect is in just weeks.

>You're supposed to tell him to dilute it too.
I didn't, worked excellently. Also see >>2550955