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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2590869 No.2590869 [Reply] [Original]

we tossed the number a few threads ago

Previous Thread >>2558272

>> No.2590870
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>> No.2590871
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>> No.2590873
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>> No.2590879

I wish america had more of these

>> No.2590912

what if we kissed on the st-hairs? haha just kidding... unless?

>> No.2590915

100% this is caused by some stupid regulations that weren't in place when it was originally built.

>> No.2590921
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Serbian Tyvek

>> No.2590933

Wtf am I looking at?
>that moc prirode logo
It's very old whatever it is

>> No.2590934

>Wtf am I looking at?
Food packaging used as house wrap, I think. Americans wrap their houses in synthetic paper and this attic is built like one of their houses.
>It's very old whatever it is
House is from 1976, attic was expanded in 2013, who the fuck knows when this shit is from.

>> No.2591056
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Who needs grout and mortar when you have caulk

>> No.2591598

Mylar is mylar.

>> No.2591602


>> No.2591944

My younger self would love sliding down that stairs on my front, looks like you could really pick up some speed

>> No.2591981

>the filth joints in your kitchen nightmare are any better than the handyman caulk job

>> No.2592234

It's the thickest fucking mylar I've seen in my life. Tears harder than most aluminum foil.

>> No.2592268

That would be the plastic substrate.

>> No.2592337

vaguely related. how hard is it to build stairs? you calculate rise and run, and spend a half day with a drop saw. it's all in the prep right?

>> No.2592705
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>> No.2592726

That's to stop asshole cyclists from zooming down the path. Odds are someone was struck and injured and sued the local authorities, hence the barriers to keep liability cover

>> No.2592728

That's brilliant not bad, especially with ebikefags riding their electric motorcycles at speed down sidewalks.

>> No.2592729

It reminds me of yer mum.

>> No.2592731
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>> No.2592742

In this case the local authority will not be held liable since they installed barriers on the designated path. If someone was hit the fault would lie solely on the cyclist si ce the bypassed the safety barrier.

>> No.2592745
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>> No.2592749

nature always finds a way :)

>> No.2592799

>all these fucking reposts

>> No.2593032

The desire path next to it says a lot.

>> No.2593299
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>> No.2593310


>> No.2593582
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>> No.2593583
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Maybe one of you hadn't seen this one yet.

>> No.2593584

Seeing how that's dvw, would some mechanical putty be alright to patch up? Or must it be cut out and replumbed?

>> No.2593586

who actually puts all the screws in a 4 square recep?

>> No.2593601

And 100% those regulations were made for obese retards

>> No.2593602


>> No.2593610

Thats not a desire path. In fact its the exact opposite of a desire path.

>> No.2593620

>a desire path
gonna guess you're not familiar with this quasi-technical term
it's an optimal path around that obstacle
what's more interesting is that it's actually two
I suspect one made by bike and the other by pedestrian
only observation will confirm

>> No.2593624

Hello kruger, shut up for a moment. A desire path has nothing to do with going around obstacles, it is the path humans unconciously take sans artificial guidelines. Like rounding sharp corners. See the problem with what you said? Sit the fuck down.

>> No.2593815

>artificial guidelines
You mean artifical guidelines like sidewalks with barriers in the middle? Humans subconsciously choose an optimal path around it?
Just take the L you miserable fuck.

Just take the L, you ignorant fuck.

>> No.2593834

>These are the people saying "I don't need any certification, my stuff works, unions are a scam"

>> No.2593876

Luxurious landing locks

>> No.2594052

A barrier isnt a guideline, you illiterate twat. Keeo stacking those Ls.

>> No.2594073
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looks like it might be a blind corner, and they dont want assholes speeding around it.
Same thing. Notice the barriers are blocking traffic from up hill, that might not notice pedestrians stepping out from behind the little grassy hump

either way, fuck cyclists

>> No.2594617
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>> No.2594618
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>> No.2594620
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>> No.2594735

Oh yeah that was such a cool PlayStation game.

>> No.2594765

Fatty Filter

>> No.2594899

Fucking retarded, but could be mitigated with a table or some decoration to hide the monstrosity

>> No.2594900


>> No.2594902

Potted plants on the steps

>> No.2594903

>whats that smell?

>> No.2594908

>load-bearing hairs

>> No.2594916
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>> No.2594957

Just plaster it over, it'll look fine.

>> No.2594967


Have something like that at my kid's high school. Like the other guy said, post installation regulation change. Still looks fucking stupid.

>> No.2594990


You are retarded, if a desire path is formed by someone cutting a corner because a sidewalk was made with a 90 degree turn, a desire path is also made if a device was installed to slow riders. It's not a brick wall, you are meant to dismount and carry your bike through it. You are retarded.>>2593815

>> No.2594995

stay stupid

>> No.2594996

Retard alert

>> No.2595017

I don't think that's wired to code... It looks potentially hazardous.

>> No.2595161

I'm thinking more like signage if it's a theatre/restaurant, retail display, etc. Perhaps a table of mints or sculpture ... you get the idea.

>> No.2595170

>free and open source modular electric wiring
Unironically based.
The union-cuck "professional" electrician FEARS the Neo-40s Walmart Extension Cable Handyman.

>> No.2595179

Pls dont hate all cyclists for some inconsiderate bums
I always take care and am super slow and careful when close to pedestrians
Also: there's enough bad things being done in cars too and the only reason it's "more" egregious for cyclists is due to the underlying notion of bicycles not being a legitimate mode of short range transport while the dead of cars are "a 'necessary' evil".
neither are true of course
okay maybe in shartmerica, but generally not

>> No.2595205

A desire path is when a girl shaves everything but a thin strip

>> No.2595355
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>> No.2595394
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Keked out loud

>> No.2595401
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>> No.2596033

Fucking boomers.

>> No.2596035

>escalator permanently stairs
>sorry for the convenience

>> No.2596059

>either way, fuck cyclists
cager rage
maybe try biking for once in your life, fatty

>> No.2596082
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Nice try pedast, get fucking dropped

>> No.2596411

>Nice try pedast, get fucking- HNNNNNGGGGGGGGG
Better luck next time carfatty.

>> No.2596445


>> No.2596498
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I want this as a weight loss program.
Other side has a one way turnstile like picrel. The other one is a narrow exit.
Fatties come in and reasonably sized balanced meals are provided to them during the day.
Once they fit, they can exit.
>inb4 fire safety
Acceptable risk, you know they would pull a fire alarm for a cheeseburger.

>> No.2596528
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>> No.2596558

Does anyone have the bed made with 2x4s and nails I wanted to show a friend

>> No.2596722
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>> No.2596771

Did they plug the white wires into the hot side of receptacle?

>> No.2596785

You won't be able to get me after I slip through these babies: >>2590871

>> No.2596787
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>> No.2596800

You sound like a whiny fag

>> No.2596811

i built this in minecraft

>> No.2596822

OK but have you considered... >>>/an/4485812

>> No.2596828

My neighborhood has large logs to keep bikes from screwing around on horse paths requires anyone on a bike to lift it over their head and walk a dozen feet.

>> No.2597032
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>> No.2597035
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>> No.2597036
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>> No.2597037

Thats not an abomination, its a work of art.

>> No.2597038
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>> No.2597039

this is, dare i say, cool

>> No.2597040
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>> No.2597045
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>> No.2597414
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>> No.2597465
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>> No.2597468
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>> No.2597507

Plus side when it fails, it goes from pool to waterfall.

>> No.2597511
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put rock climbing things on that and paint beige

>> No.2597651

Why would anyone make a passthrough plug like that.

>> No.2597659

Christ there must be almost 2 tons of water in there

>> No.2597673

Enjoy the vegan heart attack when you're 40

>> No.2597676

>it's intentionally ugly so it's not ugly!

>> No.2597677

on a sidenote I hate both of those sòy golems

>> No.2597771

Excuse you, shad is a trad golem

>> No.2597962
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>> No.2598377

I'm literally eating a hamburger right now. Difference is, I made it, with fresh ground beef and everything, and you would probably drive your ass down to mcdonalds (a ten minute walk) and that's why you're going to lose your feet to diabeetus. At least you can hit the pedals with your stumps.

>> No.2598379
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>> No.2598381
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>> No.2598382
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>> No.2598383
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>> No.2598387
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>> No.2598401

I don't consume sugar at all, diabeetus aint catching me

>> No.2598403

Possum Lodge IRL.

>> No.2598427

I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is unequivocally based. I guarantee there's a grade-A lounge behind there where many a good time with the lads has been had.

>> No.2598509

Looks like they built an anti-cycle barriers then the council realised it fucks over wheel chair and pram users.

>> No.2598523
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>> No.2598530
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>> No.2598545
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incredibly based

>> No.2598723

But does he have the cut out part affixed to the doorframe??? I have to know.

>> No.2598726

>grade-A lounge
high school grunge band

>> No.2598727

to exclude vermin

>> No.2598753

they could have that there to have a huge opening for ventilation or a chillout spot

>> No.2598762

Hey, my landlord does that! Also structural caulk to hold the balcony railing.

>> No.2599102

Those plugs Look like ghosts stacked up, the souls of all the people that apartment fire is going to kill.

>> No.2599105
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>cops kick in door
>you’ll never get me coppers!
>escape pod engaged

>> No.2599107
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>> No.2599109

>Why vegetarians should be force fed with lard.

>> No.2599116
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>> No.2599121


>> No.2599125

Very bad for the ACs.

>> No.2599180

Oh i get it, the abomination is society.

>> No.2599181

Not very bad, just mildly more wear on the system.

>> No.2599185

kino page

>> No.2599191

This does work. People aren’t trying to steal them, they just absentmindedly walk off with them most of the time

>> No.2599304

That would not last a week in America without someone in a wheel chair suing

>> No.2599334

oil returns by gravity in such small units
without oil compressor dies quickly
which is why you shouldn't plug in a fridge/freezer immediately after tipping it over

>> No.2599448

holy fucking shit, no

>> No.2599450

this kind of shit is done intentionally in america to make it harder for drug addicts to shoot up in the bathrooms in secret. "suspicious person" walks in to the bathroom and has been a few minutes? go send an employee to "wash their hands" and check if the person is standing in the corner jamming a needle into their arm or actually taking a dump to determine if you call the cops or not.

>> No.2599498

Its going to get circulated, just not as well.

>> No.2599520

It's easier to use blue lights so the junkies can't find a vein. Diabetics will bitch, but fuck them too.

>> No.2599600

shorter lifespan but no immediate death is the most likely outcome, though if the design is retarded it might die quite early

>> No.2599615

Theres going to be enough oil in the system to deal with the angle.
Tbh thinking about it im not sure it would even notice that its not flat.
If i had some money and time to waste i would test this over the summer.

>> No.2599616
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>> No.2599621

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)

>> No.2599685
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>> No.2599922

I don't think diabetics need to find veins.

>> No.2600141

Fatty ahead
In other words,
Try running...

>> No.2600161

>rentoid fill balcony with water, cause massive structural damage to building
>city condemns it
unfathomably based

>> No.2600189

junkies in SF started stealing flashlights from CVS and using them to find veins

>> No.2600212

Why u mad?

>> No.2600238
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>> No.2600244

I run a cabinet shop and sometimes wonder how many times I've hit a sewer vent pipe
No one would notice and it wouldn't really cause any issues

>> No.2600246

>Buy abandoned house with 50 year old oak tree growing through the house
>Just drywalls over it

>> No.2600250

>Not just reattaching the cut part with a hinge so the door look normalish

>> No.2600264

What the ever living fuck

>> No.2600265

Based and angle-pilled

>> No.2600268


>> No.2600270

This is 100% up to code

>> No.2600272

>Chineseum Air fryer XL shorts out pulling 18amps
>Blows face plate off

>> No.2600353
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>> No.2600354
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>> No.2600356
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>> No.2600358
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>> No.2600363

>electrician who thinks outside the box

>> No.2600366
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catch a contractor was a great show

>> No.2600368
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>how often are you going to open the cabinet

>> No.2600370

Based. Fuck cad welds

>> No.2600371
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>some of the codes dont make sense

>> No.2600403

saved for the next wago vs wirenut thread

>> No.2600412
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>that's a solid piece of craftsmanship right there

>> No.2600418

>loose dog in an area with heavy traffic
Some people just shouldn't be allowed to own pets.

>> No.2600425

Yeah let me must pack the trailer full of tons food in my saddlebags. Or my work truck full of tools. Or my van full if kids.

>> No.2600427


>> No.2600432


>> No.2600433

A lock keeps an honest man honest.

>> No.2600468
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>> No.2600514

it's not like the pole could go anywhere

>> No.2600749
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>> No.2600750
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>> No.2600752
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>> No.2600754
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>> No.2600839
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>> No.2600842

I would love to live in one of these places because of no building codes. True freedom

>> No.2600885

I wouldn't even be mad. This is commitment.

>> No.2600903

I mean not bad. If it’s a shitbox you don’t care about, then why waste money on a head unit/system if you have one of those JBL speakers. Becomes a hazard in a wreck though

>> No.2600913

I swear to god I've seen this EXACT fucking stairway in my dreams

>> No.2600982

hah get rekt lycrafag

>> No.2601001

utter trash

>> No.2601004

nightmare fuel

>> No.2601005

at some point you wouldn't think to just install a ladder?

>> No.2601151
File: 372 KB, 1415x1425, 40264874-c536-438b-a12c-264e4c5a48dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my previous homeowners handiwork

>> No.2601235

thats a two story fall with no shoes on when the railing gives and washes away all the pain.

>> No.2601236

wow i never would have guessed fans are that powerful

>> No.2601244

i mean, if you ground that face plate then, maybe it wont kill someone when it faults

>> No.2601271

No, the nightmare fuel is when it gets stuck halfway down the shaft.

>> No.2601275

This is one of those pictures that have captions of "he died 2 hours later with doctors able to do nothing about the evaporated metal he breathed in"

>> No.2601320
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>> No.2601348

free abortion for everybody

>> No.2601476
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>> No.2601499
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>> No.2601501

>ground almost contacting live

>> No.2601565


>> No.2601681


el diablo

>> No.2601692
File: 256 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20220719-010858~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hiw did we come to this america bros
we were supposed to be better

>> No.2601698

that thumbnail makes the song Funkytown start playing in my mind

>> No.2601713

Is that a toilet that's been rebuilt into a kid's sink?

>> No.2601715

What even is this?

>> No.2601755

You are doubly retarded
1. because you dont get the reference
2. because you dont get that IT'S a reference

>> No.2601756

just make new holes holy shit

>> No.2601818
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>> No.2601820
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>> No.2601824

>crevices and porous material
i can see that turning pink after one use

>> No.2601825

already put the concrete drill away
what, you want me to walk all the way back to my truck? fucking slavedriver

>> No.2601851
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>> No.2601857


bet when they figure out the amp rating on each fuse, that the story will make the news

>> No.2601860

I've seen shit like this before, but with 1900 boxes on a wall.

>> No.2601930

They're psychopaths who feel entitled to every inch of space they can gobble up

>> No.2601933

car drivers who hate cyclists, that is
not sure if my wording made that clear
anyway, it would be in all parties' interests for them to just make some fucking separate bike lanes so that cyclists can stop getting obliterated and car drivers can stop needing to veer over into the other lane to pass them

>> No.2601940

cyclists in my area have dedicated bike lanes available and still refuse to use them, opting to slow down car traffic in a narcissistic attempt to force better habits onto their city, because it's technically legal. attempts have been made to mandate bikers use bike lanes if they're available and maintained, but it's been shot down a dozen times by these spandex riding faggots as being unacceptably discriminatory and advocating for violence against them (somehow)

>> No.2602021

If that blue one is melting from heat, isn’t it pretty likely the smaller gauge ones are fucked somewhere down the line?

>> No.2602056
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this whole house


>> No.2602182

What the fuck is that monitoring station? Why is the microwave high voltage? Why are the pocket doors shaped retardedly?

>> No.2602206

>kids sink
Your burger is showing. Europoor shit in those small sinks and water shoots back at them.

>> No.2602217

>atom punk in the back
>medieval punk in the front
I see no problem with this.

>> No.2602220

The living room is unironically cool as fuck. If I lived in the area I would make an offer on this house.

>> No.2602237
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immediately thought of year of the snitch

>> No.2602238
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aw look though he's really sorry about it

>> No.2602266

Bro, I know what a bidet is and I've never seen one with fucking river rocks glued all over it.

>> No.2602269

Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure you're only supposed to rinse with it, not drop a log in.

>> No.2602280
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>> No.2602290

Well I guess that explains why the snooty housekeeping staff at my hotel in London had me banned... I just thought they were jealous.

>> No.2602296

That's Wheeless, a small no-man's-land between the states of Oklahoma and New Mexico.

>> No.2602339
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holy fuck.

>> No.2602482

So wait, it doesn't belong to any state?

>> No.2602488

Went to a CVS in Commiefornia (LA). Tried to walk into a whole foods to use the bathroom and wash my hands. Nig security guard wouldn't let me in without a mask on. So I went to the CVS next door. A CVS employee literally FOLLOWED ME IN to the bathroom to check on me and make sure I wasn't up to no good.

>> No.2602490

I was thinking a PVC plug glued in, since they weld together.

>> No.2602502

>one way stairs

>> No.2602503

This looks like it belongs under 15ft of reinforced concrete but trying to resemble a normal house.

Bunker core. pretty neat ngl

>> No.2602504

>Why is the microwave high voltage?
Pretty sure that's an oven, the microwave is past it. You've never seen an oven hung in the upper cabinets? Are you poor?

>> No.2602727
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>> No.2602958

>doing what they think is right without heed for how others will feel
uhh quite literally the definition of based

>> No.2603002

this scares the american

>> No.2603009

Who ever buys this will probably just throw all that shit out and modernise.

Feels like it should be in a museum

>> No.2603010

Are this vice grips shorting across phase?

>> No.2603016

what's the amp rating on that drill bit?

>> No.2603066

I really like the description, very tongue in cheek.

>> No.2603088

what vice grips anon? All I see is a hole punch

>> No.2603101

No leaks boss, very very cheap job, no prolem

>> No.2603160

It's a bidet. You don't shit in it, it's to clean your asshole after you use the toilet. Probably installed in the 80s or something before the bidet toilets became more common.

>> No.2603191

Does anon use a hole punch like a vice grips?

>> No.2603213

That was all already established bro.

>> No.2603230

Cyclists should be on sidewalks and paths and never on the road. There are very few places where sidewalks are travelled on foot, and they already have their own seperate laws and mercenaries.

>> No.2603235


>> No.2603246

Why is there a publicly available wire cutter?

>> No.2603249

That's a lot of boxes!

>> No.2603275

In the UK packages often come tied in a heavy gauge single strand bailing wire.

>> No.2603308
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>> No.2603324
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>> No.2603325

not a bad looking place
actually has character and not just another live laugh love cookie cutter house

>> No.2603620

Some combination of high resistance contacts and most of the current only traveling on the outer wires?

>> No.2603724

>Why don't we put in a pot li-
>You've already notched the door.

>> No.2603725

Good thing you circled.it.

>> No.2603790

It’s a e s t h e t I c as f u c k , especially where the statues head is cut off.

I hope this is a light switch hanging in the shower

>> No.2603813
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>> No.2603820
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>> No.2603883
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>> No.2603891

Do you think it genuinely didn't occur to them they could cut the fan blades

>> No.2603899

They tried their best

>> No.2603904

I cannot tell if this was nice piece of furniture before it was pained, assuming it wasn't anything special I don't hate it.

>> No.2603916

you joke but my old boss when we were doing tile work for for pools heard you can use caulk and we used it for like a half dozen houses. He was charging them obscene prices too

>> No.2603924

use to see this fairly frequently when working with my grandparents when they were restoring crack shacks

>> No.2603927

I mean I could tell them but they won't like the answer

>> No.2604057

I would purposely piss all over the seat so it soaks in and stinks real bad

>> No.2604166

Kek pics plz

>> No.2604167

Looks like the junction boxes inside septic tanks

>> No.2604201
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>> No.2604210
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>> No.2604236

The power company doesn't want you to know this but the electricity in the cables is free.

>> No.2604369

Not if you like hairy pussy.

>> No.2604372

>meter tails cover isn't even sealed
long road for a shortcut

>> No.2604375

I can hear you breathing from here.

>> No.2604447
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based AM

>> No.2604458
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>> No.2604487
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>> No.2604512

Our chimney is separating from our house like this

>> No.2604517

idkw im lookn at

>> No.2604518
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>> No.2604526


Oh look it’s all my sex choices after 10 years of marriage

>> No.2604540
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>> No.2604541
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>> No.2604543

>The steel tube is an exhaust pipe that gets hot enough to instantly boil watter and hiss when you touch it.
>The gray fluff is rockwool that is compacted to uselessness.
>The glass bottle that keeps it from touching anything is the only thing between me and a house fire.

>> No.2604556
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>posting oc
FIL helped me put up a wall in my attic so I can move my office up there. we ended up bisecting the heater because my original plan (>>2589124) seemed like it would look awkward with a wall jutting out
>it still looks awkward
I know but I can just snip the heater cover and keep it closed on the outside and put something in that corner to cover it up. did I fuck up here or what?

>> No.2604604


>> No.2604658

What the fuck wrong with you?
You paid money for this?
God you fucking absolute retard.

>> No.2604687
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>> No.2604832

This rivals that terrible Indian brickwork video for biggest deathtrap I've seen here.

>> No.2604869

I reckon more - assume it's about 1.6m wide, call it 5m long and maybe 40cm deep. That's 845 gallons or 3.5 tons. Full I think you're looking closer to 10 tons.

I really wonder what happened at the end of these stories. I'm amazed the balconies were overengineered to this extent, let alone the railings. I wonder if they're designed with this specific scenario in mind.

>> No.2604877

>those cinderblocks aren't load bearing

>> No.2604878

>it's a bicycle race, better keep my dog off his leash
>it's a bicycle race, better not slow down

>> No.2604881

>manual escalator

>> No.2604884

>'oi 'ou 'ave 'a 'oicense fo' 'at the'e 'ire cutte'?

>> No.2604885

>Bounce House

This dresser is awesome, I would make the SpongeBob laugh every time I changed outfits.

>> No.2604906

Fuck architects.

>> No.2604908

High probability it actually was an electrician who owned the place.

>> No.2604912

I might have to do something like this with the Home Shitpot utility sink I got. I can't get that fucker to seal to the trap for anything.

>> No.2604913

Holy shit, did my uncle build this? He thinks unistrut is the perfect building material and is going to kill somebody with it someday.

>> No.2604917

You've obviously never taken a look at a county tax lot map. Where I live, they just draw them all as individual polygons and can't be bothered to make sure the edges and corners line up.

>> No.2604918

I hope you shoplifted <$900 on your way out to thank them.

>> No.2604942

They usually have a sensor in there, goes off and notifies the power companies its being tampered with

>> No.2604951

do your best, caulk the rest!

>> No.2604963


>> No.2605019

This house is badass

>> No.2605039

Trust me, with that kind of shitbox you don't want to survive a wreck.

>> No.2605146

I'd Love to watch and see the retards that'd have that brain blank and just stand in front of it waiting for it to haul them up before going "... Wait this is normal stairs... FUCK!"

>> No.2605150

I did something similar to a desk that had a door for a cabinet within the desk that kept snagging on the desk itself so I just used a fucking hacksaw at midnight like a mad man to fix the issue once and for all.

>> No.2605151


>> No.2605199

Why is this! Can’t just pull the broken cord out?

R u proud of this? Fix this fucking thing.

>> No.2605251
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>> No.2605278

as someone who installs minisplits for a living, I would refuse to install something here.

>> No.2605441

What has the internet done to me

>> No.2605446
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>> No.2605452

Literally the staircases on every military ship since the fucking Ironclads

>> No.2605453
File: 64 KB, 640x541, fuse replacement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't find Code reference for a drill bit

>> No.2605586

>16 amp
Is that with or without the cheese?

>> No.2605785
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>> No.2605786
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>> No.2605805
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>> No.2605939
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>> No.2605949

Don't think cheese conducts all that well

I remember that episode, always liked the idea of making a car as comfy as your own living room.

>> No.2605950

Explains why there's only shit on tv these days

>> No.2605952

classic gamer's lament

>> No.2606389
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>> No.2606424

“Fixed it!”

>> No.2606656
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>> No.2606687

Looks like a white version of that mushroom king from the Super Mario Brothers movie (the one with Bob Hoskins).

>> No.2606790


>> No.2606812

based chad wire artist

>> No.2606843
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>> No.2606847

this is more "maximum effort" than "minimum effort" like the rest of the thread

>> No.2606928
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>> No.2606979
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1466, 8B0F54CF-7E6A-4618-BFA1-52785371BB6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.

>> No.2607204

What theme should the next thread be lads?

>> No.2607350
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>> No.2607363

This is a extreme spl car for the decibels