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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2589633 No.2589633 [Reply] [Original]

Sick of weeds.
I have a ryobi weed wacker and these weeds chew thru nylon like cheese.

They keep growing back every time it rains a little and I'm fed up.

What can I do?

>> No.2589677
File: 1.29 MB, 740x858, clover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace the weed

>> No.2589712

Get a goat.

>> No.2589722

string trimmer only cuts down weeds and is really meant for trimming edges.
you have to pull the root out of the ground or poison it to death to actually remove weeds.

>> No.2589724

Substitute the weed wacking with sawzalling. Problem solved.

>> No.2589725

get a goat on a tether

>> No.2589793

that shit is fucked - cut it all down and tarp it for however long it takes to kill everything and start over.

>> No.2589798


And after you trim weeds a bunch of times, the roots get super fucking thick and it’s harder to rip them out.

Do some weed + feed or the grass safe weed-b-gone shit if you have grass you want to save, then rake the weeds out as they’re dying, and try to pull the last few weeds that the weed killer doesn’t take care of. If there’s no grass worth saving, go straight Roundup and then rake it all out and sod it later.

>> No.2589825

Salt the area

>> No.2589883

Look at all those pretty flowers.

>> No.2589957

>bend over
>pull out weed

>> No.2589999


>> No.2590012

molotov cocktail

>> No.2590013

If the pic in your op is your actual yard then you are going to want a lawnmower for the majority of that. Just use the string trimmer on the edges.

>> No.2590031

do they make trimmer line from metal? all that plastoc shit doesnt last at all

>> No.2590091

And if I have trees and hedges I want to save?

>> No.2590197

Don’t spray the trees and hedges?

Those weed killers don’t rape the soil and everything around, even Roundup assuming you don’t go with the extended control stuff. They kill the leaves that you spray, and once the leaves die, the rest of the weed starts to die.

You do need to make sure your grass is the right type for any “grass safe” weed killer you use, each type is safe for a couple types of grass but not others.

>> No.2590230

Sounds dangerous.

>> No.2590246

They make trimmer blades for aggressive weed and sapling pulling.

>> No.2590255
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Not that I've seen, but they make metal blade trimmers. Growing up, we had an acre of horse corral we didn't use, and we'd rent one of these once a year to cut it back, for fire abatement.

>> No.2590256

>What can I do?
Short term, spray and weedwhack.
Long term, rototill the entire yard, kill the roots, and start over.

>> No.2590391

RM43 everywhere, start over.

>> No.2590399

Free salad

>> No.2590441

whack them down one more time.
Place 10 mil black plastic over entire area
leave for 6 months
all seeds under plastic will say "ohhh warm, moist, time to sprout"!
Then when they sprout with no sun, they will all die without having chance to reproduce.

There will be hardly any weeds next spring.

>> No.2590541

Roundup, kill those morhrefuckers

>> No.2590547

just push a lawnmower through it. it will mulch it up then mow it every week and plant grass seed

>> No.2590550

That sounds nice except for 6 months of a giant black tarp

>> No.2590610

Clover lawn people are truly the laziest of the lazy people

>> No.2590612
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>> No.2590621

Seething boomer in debt over lawn care

>> No.2590631
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>I just can't maaaaanage to mooooow once a mooonth
>ugh imagine mooooowing when I could be dusting my funco pops ooooh maaaaan I'm cloooooooooooving

>> No.2590633

>You can't have a yard full of pollinator-friendly native grasses because...because YOU JUST CANT!

>> No.2590637

for this scale just get a brush hook and cut them down by hand.

>> No.2590648

man I'm glad I don't live a life in fear of invisible big nosed boogie men, who are somehow completely stupid, but also mastermind and control everything.

>> No.2590674

Mow everything as low as you can. Go to the liquor store/bike shop and ask for all of their cardboard boxes. Break them down, cover the area in them. No gaps; the weeds will find them. Then have local tree companies dump mulch and spread it all over that area. This will take a while, probably a few weeks, but it’ll kill the weeds and grass. The thicker the better, with both cardboard and mulch. In a few years, you’ll be rich with compost that you can grow anything in.

>> No.2590841
File: 608 KB, 1229x1326, PC509-scythe-set-4-pcs-u-01-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe ya'll are suggesting all these overcomplicated solutions when a scythe could take care of this in minutes

be sure to look for the "austrian" style of scythe, that's the best kind

>> No.2590867

I forget the name, but I replaced the cord head on my weed whacker with one that uses three little plastic blades.
They're strong enough to chew through a young pine tree that nylon would just scratch, though it'll dull the blades fast.

>> No.2590872

Because we assumed OP wants to get rid of the weeds, not make them slightly shorter.

Also it’s 2023, why would you not use a trimmer instead of that bullshit in your pic?

>> No.2590875

If you scythe low enough to the ground it will be unable to grow back because there's not enough energy stored in the remainder. It's also very easy to cover it in tarps once scythed, and just allowed to die over a few days without sun.

>> No.2590876

>not complicated
Restoring my first rusted blade to lawn sharp took me weeks and 100€ in tooling

>> No.2590877

Trimmers are slow

>> No.2590907

I know you’re trying to justify your luddite ways, but there’s no way in hell that a rusty fuckin scythe is going to be faster and more efficient than a good 15”+ trimmer.

>> No.2590910

>tripfag posting absolute shit
lol who saw that coming

>> No.2590917
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The scythe cuts something like 3-5 as much with each swing, and overlaps virtually zero when handled correctly. The cable beheads about a quarter inch at a time.

>> No.2590919

I have a 3 hp weed whacker and a scythe is at least 3 times faster mowing a large area

>> No.2590926

why would you use a brush cutter instead of a lawn mower

>> No.2591020

>scythe has the best range and is ideal for large spaces!!1!!!1
Use a mower you fucking retards.

>> No.2591023

what model mower would you suggest for the vegetation height in op's pic

>> No.2591025

One you can sit on

>> No.2591026
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yeah, not going to cut this.

>> No.2591035

At that height the grass is tall enough to have it's own shade, meaning that there will be more dew and other moisture mixed in which would gum up a mower deck

>> No.2591045

My John Deere 212 does shit like that with no issue, maybe stop buying 0.03 HP ChongQueng mowers.

>> No.2591051
File: 193 KB, 1237x663, minibrushhog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a cheap push mower, cut the front of the base off between the front wheels with a whizzwheel.
Instant homemade brushcutter.

>> No.2591064

Nigger what? OP wants the weeds gone, not a little shorter. Free cardboard + free mulch + labor, that’s it.
>weird, obscure tool
>requires sharpening, occasional handle replacement
>does not create quality compost.
Sure the method I suggested takes some time, but it’s worth it if he ever wants to plant nice shit like a tree or something.

>> No.2591080

>Instant homemade brushcutter.
No, this machine removes feet.

>> No.2591082
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>No, this machine removes feet.

Don't do retarded stuff with it and you'll be fine.

>> No.2591083

>My John Deere 212
is a tractor, not a riding mower. Its working more like the scythe, honestly.

>no issue
lol post vid, you'd tip right over. Maybe one at a time, not at that density.

>> No.2591085

Dont these big machines brake the blade if the user's weight comes out of the saddle, long before you'd have time to somersault and roll under it?? A push mower doesn't have that much clearance, or a seatbelt.

>> No.2591089
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>Dont these big machines brake the blade if the user's weight comes out of the saddle, long before you'd have time to somersault and roll under it?? A push mower doesn't have that much clearance, or a seatbelt.

Most riding mowers do have a seat safety switch. The one I pictured does not. I also unshrouded the front of the deck to allow weeds into the blades without them folding over like a typical mower deck would. It's a real kitten/puppy/small child/nun killer.

>> No.2591198

Welcome to Sneed’s Weed + Feed.
>formerly owned by Hank

>> No.2591240

Yes op, buy an obscure 5 15000 dollar mower for a one off job.
Boomers truly are retarded with their petrol obsession

>> No.2591251

You need a routine: early spring even late winter you have to put down a pre-emergent like prodiamine (stonewall). Any weeds that get past that barrier, use a product like Q4 which is a selective herbicide that won't harm your good grass. Problem with this is it will leave lots of dead weeds that you need to overseed with good grass. Overseed the hell out of your lawn in fall and use a product like Tenacity which will kill weeds and still allow your seed to germinate.

>> No.2591296

clear paint tarp will cook the roots under the sun, greenhouse from hell

>> No.2591304
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They act in huge conglomerates, creating problems with one end of the products solved using an other end of products.
Example: Mars company selling both chocolate bars and Extra thewing gums.
Food stores processing foods taking nutrients out of it only to create jobs for chemists putting it back in supplements to sell again.
Hair gel company putting caffeine in their products from a second company to sell hair loss remedies with a third company.
It's a hell not being aware of how They get us. Going with the traditional ways can be much more efficient.
Vinegar kills weeds quite well and is processed safely by nature.

>> No.2591400

>No, this machine removes feet.

If you're fucking stupid enough to stand in front of it, "yes".
That's why it has a fucking handle, at the back.

>> No.2591439

i love my weed filled lawn. there's so many flowers and bees and hummingbirds it's amazing.

>> No.2591456

i like it

Might just do that to my lawn tractor this summer

>> No.2591664


>> No.2591666

Not his feet, his neighbors s, they're probably that dumb. I think a non-retarded dog or cat would stay clear though

>> No.2591705

Post pic

Captcha: y8 s0d

>> No.2591708

My flowers attract bees right next to my respectable lawn

>> No.2593230

Spray with with vinegar, burn black tarp

>> No.2593261

Good way to get metal wire strands buried in your body every time you hit a stone or pebble.