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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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257097 No.257097 [Reply] [Original]

So /diy/ I'm an electrician so I end up with a lot of scrap wire. I've usually sold it insulated but I've recently found out about wire granulators, problem is they're 20K.
SO, I come to you. Any idea where to start? I'm looking up patents when I get to a computer.

>> No.257111

A simple explanation of how they work.
To be honest with you devo, I had no idea what a hammer mill was until HVP made that comment. Googled it this morning and it seems to be similar. The wire enters the granulator where it is chopped (granulated) in a scissor action between 2 fixed sets of blades and 5 rotating sets. There is a screen beneath the granulator that can be changed out to maximize efficiency based on input material (2mm - 8mm). From the search I performed, this seems to be the extent of the hammer mill. The granulator however has several other components. From this point, the granules are sucked into a vortex and the copper that has seperated from the insulation is dropped into a collection area and the insulation is blown into a filter system and collected in bags. The material that is not seperated in the granulator is then taken into a pulverizer where the granules are beat with a paddle like turbo system. This will seperate any insulation from the remaining material. This material is then taken into another vortex where copper is seperated from insulation. Resulting material is dropped onto a seperation table from there where copper (or aluminum) is drawn up the table to the front and insulation is taken out the back.


>> No.257134

Solid core gromex strips pretty easily between two pinch rollers if you can make an incision in the insulation beforehand, assuming you took the individual wires out of the casing beforehand. When I'm casting copper out of scrap wire, I usually do it with a 3lb sledge and a bench grinder. Just run the wire back and forth ocer the stone on one side until I hit copper, and a few impacts with the hammer, and the insulation comes off like corn husk.

>> No.257144
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I used to work with a guy who would scrap all the copper wire that was left over after a job. He would just build a fire and throw the wire in and burn the insulation off. He said it smelled awful and made a lot smoke but it was a low tech and cheap way to get the job done. He didn't have any neighbors though so maybe this isn't a good option for most people. I know that doesn't answer your question OP but it is at least another option. Good Luck OP

>> No.257146

could you use an oven to melt? check valve in, chemical snubber out?

>> No.257167

You know, you could just do like 90% of scrap people do and strip dat shit with a knife.
And before you say that shit takes too long - that's just 'cause you got no practice bruh. Guy like you should know how to strip a wire, shit.

>> No.257186

Burn that shit off like the niggers do.

>> No.257195

I saw this youtube video where this guy had built a little machine to strip the wire. There was a steel plate with a hole just big enough to accomidate the wire, and a razor blade mounted in such a way that it made an incision along the insulation. The wire then passed through another plate with a hole just big enough to fit the bare wire, and the insulation peeled off it. The end of the wire was attached to a spool driven by motor. It seemed quite fast and effective, and not too hard to build.

>> No.257206

depending on the insulation type a veggy peallers can work wonders. It removes a section of plastic then you peel the copper out of it. If you have piles of small insulated shit like small trimmings just take it in insulated. I use to only do 10 and up peeled any smaller just went in covered still. Last run I got 350 or so with my 4/0 that I took in. Neoprene jacket on it all so it was butter peeling it all.

>> No.257314
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As a fellow eectricianfag, I know you've seen one of these.

Put a movie on, a couple of beers and go at it.

>> No.257316

best thing ever