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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2551475 No.2551475 [Reply] [Original]

Spend around $300/month at goybucks on cofee and want to start making my own. I've been using a french press but it still tastes the ass. what is the trick?

>> No.2551477

Buy good beans and a proper coffee grinder (not one of those shredders, a burr grinder). That's the most essential for good coffee. No equipment is going to make a shit beans taste good.

>> No.2551478

get better beans, and a grinder.

>> No.2551480

Don't you need pretty high pressure to make really good coffee? High pressure and boiling liquids aren't a great combination for DIY

>> No.2551481


>> No.2551486

also if you have shitty beans then make cold brew with them.

>> No.2551489

Why do you get these stupidly expensive wall sized machines that go all out on the pressure then?

>> No.2551491
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I roast my own coffee, have every coffee maker under the sun, have a temperature-settable electric kettle, a good grinder, and yet I spend about $6 a month on coffee, drinking two cups a day because Aldi instant coffee is good enough.

>> No.2551496

No, you need that for espresso.

>> No.2551498

Espresso is just one of many ways to prepare coffee.

>> No.2551499

In my experience good beans are the key. Type of grinder or what kind of brewing apparatus has much less impact. I buy whatever good brand is on sale and use a cheapo $20 grinder and french press. It just werks

>> No.2551500


>> No.2551504

How long are you brewing the coffee for?
I generally let the grounds steep for about 2 minutes and then slowly depress the plunger.
If the coffee tastes sour, you need to brew for longer.
If it tastes bitter, you brewed for too long.

Also, how much coffee grounds are you using?
The typical ratio is about 1 part grounds to 16 parts water by weight, although I've also had good luck going as low as 1 part grounds to 30 parts water.
I wouldn't go any lower than that though.

>> No.2551505
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about 5-6 minutes
I fill it about 1/2 inch above the bottom part

>> No.2551510

Good beans are important but it's also super essential to make sure they are as fresh as possible. Coffee houses go through a shitload of coffee every day and have distribution to ensure a constant stream of fresh roasted beans are entering, being used, and being replaced with fresher beans. That's a big factor in why their coffee tastes so good. Get coffee that is brewed near you, and get it delivered if you can. If that's too pricey for you then imo instant coffee every day is just fine too :)

>> No.2551511

Better extremely fresh beans, good grinder.

Half the coffee snobs have come around and decided boring filter dripped coffee is the best after all

>> No.2551532

>t. smoker

>> No.2551535

Going from pre-ground coffee to a shredder type grinder is certainly a big step. But a burr grinder allows you to dial in grind size depending on the roast and brew method and will provide a more uniform grind, resulting in a more consistent taste.

Freshly roasted beans should sit for a couple weeks to degas, but yeah, supermarket coffee can be very old.

>> No.2551538

Nah, never smoked before in my life. I can taste the differences between coffees, and I can roast some really great stuff. But when I have to be at work early, spending 10 minutes prepping coffee in the morning makes little sense when I barely have time to enjoy it.

Aldi instant is genuinely good, not just pragmatically good either.

Brewing a proper cuppa is for weekends or when I have guests.

>> No.2551541

Water temperature matters. If you don't have an instant-read thermometer, just boil the water and let it sit for 30 seconds before brewing. If you're doing fiddly coffee stuff you will need a thermometer to get consistent results. Overall, light roasts need hotter water than dark roasts to extract fully.

Coffee grind matters. A lot. Invest in a burr grinder if you want to improve your coffee game. In general, you'll want to grind slightly coarser for dark coffees and slightly finer for lighter coffees.

Freshness matters. Great coffee can be light through dark roast, but old ass coffee is never good. The first and most important step is buying whole beans and not pre-ground stuff, which is usually stale by the time the consumer gets halfway through it.

Water : Beans ratio matters. Different techniques require different ratios.

If you're using filter papers in the process, be sure to check whether you're supposed to rinse them.

And when in doubt, if you don't know something, google the coffee method or question and "James Hoffmann." He's got hundreds of tutorials and has answered basically every question a normal person will ever ask.

French press: 96-98 C water, 60-70 g coffee per L of water. Use a coarser grind than normal. Put some water in the press, add the coffee, swirl it until it foams, add the rest of the water, stir, let steep for 4-6 minutes, plunge, let settle for a minute, pour.

Pour over: 100 C water, 30 g coffee per 500 mL of water. If you're using a Chemex, grind coarser because their filters are thicker. Review online tutorials for techniques, there are many.

Cowboy cup: 100 C water, 65-80 g ground coffee per litre of water. Go as coarse as you'd like. Get a big jug, or better yet just use the kettle, and toss the coffee on top of the water. Let sit for 3 min. Bonk the kettle on the counter, repeat every minute until most of the grounds have settled. For a cleaner cup, sprinkle cold water on the top to help it settle. Good camping skill too.

>> No.2551547

>Half the coffee snobs have come around and decided boring filter dripped coffee is the best after all
Pretty much, but it was to be expected. They were all trying to out-snob each other, which was pointless and dumb, but most of the hipster movement was. A basic bitch cup of coffee is not hard to make, and not every pot has to be chef's kiss, orgasm when you sip quality.
Find a good roaster near you, figure out what roasts/beans you like, store them right, grind them right, use the right temp water, and don't use a cheap ass drip maker with a hot plate that will overcook the brew.
If I'm headed to work and just want a cup, and take the rest in a travel mug, I'll do a press. If I make a pot, I have a Zojirushi with a metal carafe that will keep it hot all day, and not burn it.
I have a relative that owns a roaster and a couple of cafes, so free coffee all the time, good quality, and I get to try more exotic beans once in a while. But honestly, I don't use most of the shit they've given me over the years, the chemexs and all that. Drip brew, and press. Everything else is a varation on the same theme, brewing ground beans in hot water.

>> No.2551562

Can I grow my own beans?

>> No.2551566

Probably, but coffee taste depends a lot on the growing conditions and is not an easy to grow. Doubt it's going to be worth the time and effort.

>> No.2551570

It will take time and some attention to detail though:
I've thought about giving it a try for fun, but a shrub sized coffee plant isn't going to produce that much coffee.

>> No.2551578

I have 5 coffee trees that are in a single, small pot. I've had them for about 5 years now, but because they're rootbound and basically bad bonsai, they don't produce flowers or fruit yet.

It's definitely doable to grow them, especially far up north, but you'll need a fairly large pot, and a lot of time to spare.

>> No.2551586
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Right there with you brother.

I used to get super hung up on the method and the grind and what mountain slope it grew on.

Now? Preground Kirkland coffee is fine. It's $9 for a 2.5lb bag.

We'll still bust out the mokapot if we're feeling fancy.

Maybe my taste changed as it got older. Maybe I just don't care anymore. It's just the thing I need to drink in the morning, or I get a headache.

>> No.2551589

French press is horrible.
Prolonged hot Immersion is gross.
If you're going to soak your coffee like that, do cold brewing.

If you want something similar to expensive coffeehouse stuff, make espresso.
If you want cheap, poor man's espresso, use a moka pot (aluminum)
Did moka for years myself with good results.
Obviously use fresh, and freshly ground beans and good water.

>> No.2551610
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picrel, good beans and a good grinder.

>> No.2551612

In my experience though, dark roasts only.
I haven't been able to use medium roast beans in a moka pot and not have it be at least a little sour.

>> No.2551613

Honestly, I don't overthink it, I need to take a shit before work and that little bugger gets 'er done.

>> No.2551626

Coffee tastes like shit. All I ever taste is burnt tar water, even from supposedly "good" coffees. If you think coffee tastes good it's because your caffeine addiction has tricked you, similar to how smokers aren't bothered by cig smoke.

>> No.2551627

You have to be 18+ to post on this board. Let me guess, you drink soda or are fat?

>> No.2551643

You're a fucking idiot.
>high pressure
That's not how you use a French press.

>> No.2551660

>caffeine addiction
Why waste the time? Two 5 hour energies over the day will keep you going. Mix them code red or a matching flavor and you got a real energy drink. Dark coffee plain just sits good in the mouth. Shame about the risk of kidney stones.

>> No.2551664
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Bricks of Bustelo work just fine.

>> No.2551665

this may surprise you faggot, but different people have different tastes. It's the same reason that some of us prefer women but you love grimy black cocks

>> No.2551666
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Got pic related for free from some work bullshit, upgraded from a $40 DeLonghi and it’s definitely better. It’s fast and gives you the proper espresso foam on top of the cup like the fancy machines. Been using it daily for like a year and a half with no issues yet.

>> No.2551684

burr grinder (example: Baratza Encore)
gooseneck kettle
kalita wave or chemex
fresh roasted coffee from online

learn how to use them and make pourover. you're welcome.
no you don't need pressure.

>> No.2551689

>shit beans
Out of curiosity where are you sourcing these? Could be great for my worm farm.

>> No.2551692

Some starbucks have bags of grounds for people to take for free. They’re like 5lb bags that say to use them for fertilizer.

>> No.2551725

Coffee snobs are more annoying than custom vape faggots. They'll spend thousands of dollars on coffee making equipment so they can stand around for a half hour and brew a thimble full of ass water.

You want Starbucks at home? Get a pod brewer and buy the Starbucks pods at the store. Cheaper, easier, and the same great onions taste you crave.

>> No.2551729

all that bullshit to make coffee?
a regular coffee maker is all you need. fucking maxwell house is just fine once you get the ratio of grounds to water to your liking.
if you really want to treat yourself go to your local farmers market and find the hipster that sells fresh roasted beans and get a bag, but i'm telling ya it all tastes the fuckin same.

>> No.2551734

>first step is to travel to Costa Rica and pudchase a coffee plantation so that you have complete control over the bean from the moment its planted
>have freshly picked beans shipped overnight air freight to your house
>roast the beans in your custom built eco-friendly roasting kettle that you built yourself out of an alloy of metals that you determined produced optimal roasting and flavor
>place carefully measured amount of beans into your custom design hand built bean grinder with a tooth design that took you two years to develop to produce grounds of the exact size you decided was optimal for brewing
>unused beans are vacuum sealed into containers and donated to a homeless shelter because they are no longer fresh enough for your taste
>transfer the grounds to your one-of-a-kind $5000 coffee brewing rig that took a team of artisan craftsmen two years to build by hand
>machine sits on a specially designed acoustical base that cancels out any vibrations the machine might make so as not to disturb the purity of the drip
>fill the machine with water that you personally collected from a mountain spring and then subjected to a battery of filtrations and treatments to remove every single molecule of contaminants that could ruin the flavor
>start the machine and for an hour as it lovingly produces the most astonishing cup of coffee known to man
>warning bells sound when its done to make sure you drink it at the very moment its done brewing when the taste and temperature are optimal
>step aside as a crew of four specially trained cleaners rush in to clean and sanitize the machine in preparation for tomorrow's cup.

>> No.2551737

The best part is you asshole spend all this money on fresh roasted beans and fancy brewing equipment and then use your fucking fluoridated mind-control tap water to make your coffee.

>> No.2551740

Light roast
>light roast

>> No.2551784

Good beans, good water = good coffee
Add a good machine = great coffee
I drink exclusively light roast, so machine doesn't make much of a difference

>> No.2551791
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Put the beans in your ass hole
Make sure to soak them for about 3 hours before you do

If you can handle it, siphon the left over water into your anus and hold it in for aas long as you can
>inb4 "oh you think you're funny?"
Nope, I'd point you to 420chan but they're down for good
It's pretty common among hippies - in particular the Phish crowd

>> No.2551794

I just get caffeinated black tea anymore. Not sure how you would DIY caffeine without potentially killing yourself, but tea is really easy to grow.

>> No.2551802

Why would I do that when I can just drink it?

>> No.2551805

It gets you smacked up as if on some hard white coke for a solid 4 hours

Add two teaspoons of stevia to the left over coffee water to get yourself spun like a fucking monkey
You need to be careful though because A) you're going to have a quick explosion of liquid coffee water shooting out of your ass so be near a toilet and B) don't do more than 8 teaspoons of stevia in a day or else you can fuck up your internal organs as it creates a shit ton of bubbles, some of which are going to your brain to get high on

shits pretty cash if you don't over do it
highly suggest trying it

>> No.2551829

I literally don’t swallow I swish it in my mouth like one would a cigar because I like the taste but don’t want the caffeine hit. Please grow up you imbecile and shot shutting up our thread and more broadly this board.

>> No.2551839

As some of the other long-winded autism posts pointed out,
>relatively fresh beans
>good burr grinder (Hario makes cheap manual ones)
>research the specific method you're using for approximate water temperature, grind, brewing time, as well as which types of beans and roast are suitable for the method
French press, Aeropress, pour-over are all cheap and all work if you have your process and prep right.
I like the convenience of superauto espresso machines though, they start around $200 if they don't have super special features, and they can make good espresso quickly from el cheapo supermarket beans or even the better quality pre-ground stuff. Ironically they tend to produce much worse coffee if you put high quality arabica beans in them. But if you're spending $300 on store-bought coffee, a superauto espresso machine will save you money for sure.

>> No.2551853

>Imagine spending all that time cleaning your coffee utilities after every cup.
Instant Nescafe Gold makes a good coffee, all you need is a kettle and spoon.

>> No.2551856

dont get hario, their grinders are horribly uneven and the ceramic burrs make it a pain to grind at any setting. lowest tier grinder to buy is a timemore c2, 40 bucks from aliexpress. its got metal burrs and better grind adjustments, overall better product for same price as a hario

>> No.2551861
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>blocks your path

Honestly if you aren't autistic enough to jump through the MANY unreasonable hoops necessary to turn beans into decent coffee, just get one of these pod machines and spend the price of 1 coffee at Starbucks buying a pack of 16 americano coffee pods or like 8 latte pods or whatever. And then throw the empty plastic pods away knowing that you just owned the libs by (oh no) using something plastic and disposable.

I have the Bosch Tassimo one, it's fine as long as you don't get the Kenco pods, which still manage to taste burnt, the Costa pods are fine. I don't know what the Nespresso machine or pods are like

>> No.2551871
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buy this, also why is this in diy and not ck?

>> No.2551880

Consider living in a first world country with good tap water

>> No.2551886

You can just boil it off my man, pour over gang stays winning

>> No.2551893

Do you have any idea what's in American tap water? If you did you wouldn't drink it.

You're not removing all the impurities that way.

>> No.2551894

I said first world, not America

>> No.2551899

The budget hand grinder to get right now is the kingrinder k6. External dial, metal, burr set is a copy of the 1zpresso k-series, which is a larger comandante c40. For $99 that is THE min/max option.

>> No.2551908

nope, i brew my coffee with my well water. try again, numb nuts.

>> No.2551961

nigger you replied to a guy using instant coffee, retard

>> No.2551971

>what is the trick?
bean to water ratio. all else is snake oil.

>> No.2552037

have you tested the groundwater for microplastics?

>> No.2552048
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distill your own water with glassware
fresh beans

>> No.2552063

If you're not retarded in 2023 you have at least a faucet filter

>> No.2552065

Good whole beans
Burr grinder
Good water
Scale & timer

>> No.2552075

can you show me on the doll where the microplastics touched you?

>> No.2552077
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>ingesting petrochemicals is le good!

>> No.2552087

None of the pod machines get hot enough.

>> No.2552112

Just wait till you hear the PPM of feces flying around everywhere, youll never eat again!

>> No.2552178

which is virtually harmless and doesn't severely interfere with your hormones or health. like I said, kys

>> No.2552242

While I despise these things with every fiber of my being I'll offer some advice: use the reusable pods you fill with your own coffee/tea.
Saves you money, offers better taste options and, if it matters to you, keeps a lot of plastic out of the ocean and land fills.

>> No.2552245

None of the pod machines get hot enough.

>> No.2552246

Not that anon but I've had my (well) water tested and it's pretty clean, I still use an RO system to clean it up though.
When I lived in the city I used spring water, the taste of tap water alone is enough reason not to use it for coffee and tea.
Especially tea, really noticable.

>> No.2552255

Dunno why you replied to me when I clearly stated my disdain for those pod machines.
Yes they don't all get hot enough, among other issues like plastic tubing that can get you sick or the general poor strength and quality of the "brew" it spits out.
But yes "doesn't get hot enough"

>> No.2552267

This anon gets it. You also don't get poisomed with fluoride with well water. If you have all this expensive coffee brewing shit and use tap water then you're retarded.

>> No.2552284

they also leech chemicals into your drink

>> No.2552300

>sour vs bitter for OP
It's very easy to confuse which of these you're actually tasting. The more I study this the less I'm convinced the sensations are entirely independent. Bitter taste receptors are complex. The primary way I control these two is to grind finer to remove sourness. Most of my astringent cups have been offensively sour. The FP tolerates grinds that are too fine. There's more silt and it's sub optimal but I prefer at least finer than pourover grind.
The beans also need to be good for any coffee. Buy whole bean and keep it in the freezer until you're ready to grind. If it's not aromatic as a powder, it's not going to magically get that way with water. The rest is just good technique with the press.

>> No.2552439

start making cold brew. can use meh beans and pouring a glass in the morning takes as much time as pouring a glass of oj.

>> No.2552446

enjoy your arsenic and manganese shit water

>> No.2552468

imagine being on diy and shitting on well water

>> No.2552478

>what is the trick
beans and consistent, properly sized grounds

>> No.2552485

>good technique with the press
I am an expert at letting water sit in a big cup

>> No.2552561

Heck yeah, I've been drinking this stuff for years, tastes good, really cheap, lasts long and potent, it keeps you focused and energetic

>> No.2552698

interesting how you managed to spell "only" this wrong

>> No.2552701

Are you just a retarded eltitist or worse, an Italian?

>> No.2552817

Anon gets it. This is best/cheapest path to great coffee. Aeropress is underrated. Especially when making coffee for one.Cleaning the device is trivial and take seconds.

Wired Gourmet has a method to get decent results out of cheap blade grinders. Hoffman's aeropress technique is a good place to start.

>> No.2552819
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step aside peasants
only thing that is acceptable as well is a good bialetti brew

>> No.2552856

>keeps a lot of plastic out of the ocean and land fills.
Fuck off Greta.

Your coffee pods, nor any other consumer choice you will ever make even registers as pubic hair stubble next to China's giant polluting climate-action-exempt dick. Your "carbon footprint" was made up by BP's PR team so that we could blame each other for everything instead of them.

I don't see the point of getting re-usable coffee pods so I can just stuff them with the same shitty ground coffee that I can already put into a french press if I want mediocre coffee.

>> No.2552925

Clean Water. Invest in a 5-phase water purifier with Ph balancing or thereabouts.

>> No.2552929
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Found something like this the other day in a local alley. A five temperature setting electric tea kettle and an Espresso Maker (breville 800 ESXL) that looks breddy gud; but after a clean-up, trials and minor dis/reassembly, it looks like it needs the steam ring replaced. Numerous parts for this unit are discontinued. Is this evidence of an alien political conspiracy?

>> No.2552938
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Looks like picrel.

>> No.2552948
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growing and processing coffee requires an entire farm and your product will not be good, however roasting your own coffee is extremely cost-effective for getting fresh roasted and high quality coffee

green coffee can be ordered online for $5-9 per pound depending on origin and can keep for years if stored properly
roasters can range from expensive commercial grade to raiding the thrift store for a $5 air popper for popcorn and using that, I personally use a diy solution that's called a turbo crazy, picrel

for like $5 you will have comparable product to what bougey cafes charge $20 per 12 oz. for in 15 minutes

>> No.2552949

Breville has mixed reception for this reason. They DO NOT WANT you to replace parts on their machines because it's bad for business. They use thermoblock designs or whatever and if that shit breaks they want you to throw it out and buy a new one. This is a major reason why many will recommend an entry level machine like a Rancilio Silvia or Gaggia Classic; they are very old designs with abundant replacement parts and a very simple construction.

>> No.2552956

Thanks, anon.

>> No.2552958

nice find! too bad it doesn't have a pressure gauge.

>> No.2552967

Specs say it is 15 Bar.

>> No.2552974

what do you drink then, cum?
peanut brained faggot

>> No.2552978
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>> No.2552986

>starbucks is jewish

>> No.2552989

1. ice brewed coffee, really good taste and aroma, hard as fuck, be ready for hypertonia
2. goybucks sells beans too
3. coffee machine, Delonghi / Phillips just fine, 10 bar minimum

>> No.2552996
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>I've been using a french press but it still tastes the ass. what is the trick?

Your water is too hot. Use water between 80-85C.

Water temp is the biggest factor in how coffee tastes for regular grocery store coffee. You don't need a fancy burr grinder, you don't need to roast your own beans, you don't need starbucks beans with 3x markup of normal coffee. I buy walmarts own brand grinds which are barely a step above folgers (worst coffee you can buy) and it makes fine coffee in a french press. I took that same coffee to work and put it in a dogshit bunn brewer which is internally set to boiling temperature and it becomes undrinkable. The bunn brewer is so bad that only the most expensive beans taste good in it.

>> No.2553005

>Authentic diner coffee recipe
>Do not attempt outside of continental United States

There you go, now you too can experience what it's like to drink percolator coffee from a greasy spoon in Middle America.

>> No.2553010

Nah. Shitty diners use more like one tablespoon of shitty coffee per cup of water. It's really weak and watery.

>> No.2553020

This is massively underappreciated.
Good coffee happens between 80C (176F) and 90C (194F).
The cooler end almost universally tastes better, rarely is pushing past 85C actually necessary.
People love to bring some water to a boil in their kettle and then go straight to the French Press or Pour-Over, terrible, don't do this.
Figure out what's right for your setup, with my kettle filled halfway it takes < 2 minutes from the time it shuts off for the water to dip to 85C. (High altitude + mineral content means I get a rolling boil at ~94.5C)

Let your shit cool down for a minute, then make your coffee.
Try again but let it cool for 2 minutes, then make your coffee.
If you've been brewing with water that's just off the boil, you'll notice a big improvement with lower temperatures.

Keurig owners, your water temp is adjustable, usually between 187F (86C) and 192F (89C), run that bitch at the lowest temp and use a refillable K-Cup filled to the brim every time, much better coffee out of otherwise shitty-but-convenient machines.

>> No.2553024

That's what happens around 11AM when they cut the leftover burnt percolator coffee with water for the lunch crowd to drink.

>> No.2553032

Why don't you get a temperature controlled kettle? I don't have to wait because mine's set to 80C, it overshoots to 85C when it shuts off and it's the perfect temp to pour instantly.

>> No.2553063

I've never seen one for the $8 I paid for my kettle.
I save my money for crack.

>> No.2553085
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>> No.2553209

Hey, someone actually posted a diy solution in response to op. Neat, I'm going to look this up.

>> No.2553210

Once the boiling water hits your ground beans and brewing vessel it will be below 194F

>> No.2553242

>Half the coffee snobs have come around and decided boring filter dripped coffee is the best after all
>filter dripped coffee is best

That half must have been all the hipsters wanking over French press, mokapots, nitrobrew and the like

Espresso and espresso-based drinks are the cafe gold standard for a reason and filter coffee will always be trash in comparison

>> No.2553248

imagine being this fking dumb lmao

>> No.2553269

Brew at 200F not at boiling

>> No.2553290
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They are still faggots and try to make a big deal out of pouring water on some beans. Like they gotta use the natural unbleached filter paper, and then rinse it before they use it, then pour the water clockwise, then widdershins, then Letitia float up andnsoak then wash it down and float it again and theyllnjust keep making up bullshit. They even made a drip over machine that swirls around and does all this shit automatically. Fuck seattle.

>> No.2553424

Moka pot is my go-to.

I have, like >>2551612 says, noticed that medium roasts can be acidic.

I've tried cafe bustelo once and desu - meh. It's like any cheap superstore coffee that comes in those vacuum packed bricks.

>> No.2553671

Ordered the steam seal. Cost half the shipping. One troubleshooting response aggregator showed that the steam seal is the primary source of unit fuxxation. Cleaned out steam wand with an aggressive pipe cleaner and fine papered the inside contact surfaces of the hard plastic gaskets, then reseated with a little petroleum jelly. Parts units look to cost three times the unit price to ship because of weight (abt. 25lbs).

>> No.2554111

Wrong again. Only thing expensive in my setup is the water filter
Burr grinder
Berkey filter (with flouride filter)
Quality Beans

>> No.2554170

>imagine being this fking dumb lmao
Lmao at you. you couldnt even put forward an argument m8
I don't even know how to correct you because your post has zero substance lol gtfo

>> No.2554172

You’re a retard

>> No.2554184

you want me to argue something that's completely subjective lmfao what a moron

>> No.2554186

>$300/month at goybucks on cofee
>tastes the ass.
>what is the trick?
you do not like coffee, you like flavored sugar syrup
maybe instant coffee with condensed milk is more what you expect

>> No.2554429

yet here you are arguing with me and calling me names... and still the vast majority of cafes around the world use espresso machines
Hmmmm, makes you think hey

>> No.2554472

I spend at least half that a month at Dunkin and Starberg’s and there is no sugar involved. Trenta iced coffee, no classic.

>> No.2554478

a coffee at goybux is $3.50 so for 30 days that's about $100 and even two a day is $200, how do you spend $300 on this shit

>> No.2554480
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He makes em himself

>> No.2554483

pretty sure feces is safer than plastic you brainlet, you'd be less sick eating a whole turd than eating a same turd sized piece of microplastic paste

>> No.2554487

A 30oz iced coffee, one of the more simple things on the menu, is like $5.20 with tax, >$6 a day with tip. And some days you need an afternoon coffee too.

>> No.2554493
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1) Go on Amazon.
2) Buy pic related.
3) Buy a turkish coffee pot
4) Wait for this shit to arrive.
5) Add 2 teaspoons of coffee to turksih coffee pot.
6) Add cold water to about 3/4ths full of the turkish coffee pot.
7) Put it over an open flame
8) Stir periodically.
9) When it starts to boil, immediately take it off.
10) OPTIONALLY: Pour through a tea strainer to get the grounds, but this depends on personal preference.
11) Pour into cup
12) Enjoy normal fucking coffee.


You got essentially 2 options. Arabica or Colombian. That's it. Those are your options. Ideally you want something imported from Italy, but it can get pricey. Anything legit middle eastern is fucking 10/10. Kike coffee is also good.


>> No.2554495

nigger, stevia is a sugar substitute.

>> No.2554514

>stirring your Turkish coffee
>not boiling it on and off until the grounds fall out all by themselves
>straining it

Wtf mate

>> No.2554522

>it's popular so it's the best

>> No.2554544

Yo GOD TIER drink master here. I worked at a tea store for 8 years. We made Tea's / Coffee's frappacino's , Tai tea. All sorts of shit. Now the absolute most powerful way to brew anything..

First you need to start with ultra high quality water. No horse shit tap water. No bottled water from the single use bottles the water quality in those is still shit. Get yourself a 5 gallon Jug of water with a tap on it. You can get it from water stores. You want double reverse Osmosis water. Now what you'll want to do is get your coffee bean. I recommend a good kind like 100% Arabica. Some broke fags prefer Guatamalan which is decent. Now what you need to do is grind it into a powder put it in a tea bag or a diffuser and put your diffuser in your coffee pot. And then put the pot of coffee in the fridge for 48-72 hours. This is called cold brew. And it's potent as fuck. Now once you've got your ultra dank cold brew. Pour it into your cup and dilute that shit with milk and brown sugar add a little bit of cinnamon even add a little bit of chocalate flakes and whipped cream if you want to be extra fancy. And that's how you have a kick ass cup of coffee. It's expensive at first. Buying the water jug will set you back about $50. But if you're a serious coffee drinker it'll be worth it. Once you get into the rythm of it it's really not that hard.
> Super high quality water
> Grind bean put in bag
> Put bag in water and put in fridge
> Lasts about a week before it's advisable to throw it out.

If you want to be extra cheeky about it you can heat your cold brew coffee after the fact in a tea kettle or something.

>> No.2554555

I used to have a 5 hour energy addiction back in college. I failed out of college. Coffee isn't great for you; but those little fuckers are the devil. It's basically meth. If you drink 10 five hour energies you'll be dead. I think it's the volume to caffeine ratio. Coffee hydrates you more so it's better for you. 5 cups of coffee and you're bouncing off the walls. 5 drinks of 5 hour energy and you're playing in traffic.

>> No.2554580

>popular bad
>contrarian good

Lookout we got a pourover rebel over here!
Watch out! He might splash his flat-flavoured coffee at us!
Oh, don't worry, he still has 7 mins of steeping time left! Phew, still gives us a chance to make an espresso and bail

Lmmmmaaaaoooooooooo catch me if you can bro lolololol

>> No.2554582

holy shit this is so cringe

>> No.2554632

>name calls
>name calls
>name calls
>cringe bro

>> No.2554671

just get soda at this point nigger

>> No.2554762

deal with shittier coffee, learn to be satisfied with it, or keep paying for starbucks

>> No.2554771

But anon, Starbucks is the shitty coffee

>> No.2554886

>>2554555 (trips of truth)
I have seen cops buy that stuff in a corner store. Never myself. Seems jewish. Energumenon drinks like monster and a few others have their demon script on them.

>> No.2554948

I don't believe this is real. Couldnt find any mention of this so far.

>> No.2556102

I like the aeropress, it's kinda idiotproof for good coffee but you can snob it up if you're in the mood and it's cheap and is great to take to work on night shifts. I marked the plunger where filling it will be 200g water and I bring a scoop and some ground coffee with me. then I can just use the hot water spout and I have a very enjoyable cup of coffee when there's downtime

>> No.2556264

I found a nice brand of ground to use with a drip machine.
Don't let it sit and the hotplate heat it up because it tastes like shit.

Oerwise I drink aldi instant because it's fast and good enough as a caffeine delivery medium.
Also very handy when /out/ to only deal with heating water.

>> No.2556293

Every one of these I've seen has a base made of aluminum. Not good for prolonged brain health. Tried once or twice and I like the concept.

>> No.2556448
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>french press
NGMI, French press sucks unless you want grit mud.
You bought picrel and expected a good cup, didn't you?
Your main deal is getting good fresh coffee with a good grind.
>If you just want to get your feet wet first before dropping hundreds on a grinder, ask the hipsters who roasted your coffee to grind it for you, it will just degrade quicker.
>Yes, go to hipsters, pay the $15-$20/lbs, it's worth it.
As far as brewers, aeropress is a modernized French press, gives you a much better brew.
>If the hipsters have an espresso machine, try a just an espresso without any adulterants.
Many people are surprised when they actually like it, despite the very bold flavors you get out of it.

>> No.2556450

>I need to drink in the morning, or I get a headache.
Here's your problem fren, you don't enjoy it, you just need a fix.

>> No.2556818
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>/diy/ thread about coffee
>nobody posts this

>> No.2556827
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Picrel is my set up, pretty much what everybody else has said: Bean/brand matters. Just had some Dominican stuff I bought there, wish I'd have gotten more. I don't bother grinding anymore because of the extra steps, device and noise. I've considered roasting my own, but am too busy with work (and too lazy at home). My coffee maker died after about 10 years of use. Ibought it used, and had nursed an extra year or two from it. Figured I'd use what I have instead of $pending moar on another.
>Heat water to ~185 F
>regular filter held with pins in the chemex
>periodically pour over grounds to about 3/4" above the nipple; fills my tumbler.

I have different coffee gadgets-aeropress is great for traveling.
French press is great for cold brew. Some mug tops for pour over, some glas, others titanium... don't use any much (or ever). Also, I keep instant on hand to add to the weak shit when I don't make my own (like onboard ship). I believe Peets is uber liberal, oh well.

>> No.2556832

>someone is spending $300/mo on starbucks

Literally just off yourself.

>how to I make coffee guys
Put coffee beans in hot water
Remove coffee beans from hot water
you fucking RETARD

>> No.2556861

doesn't that thing take like 20 minutes and an entire battery to make one cup of coffee

>> No.2556922
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>that coworker everybody hates because he makes a mess with his goddamn hipster coffee while everybody else at the office is totally fine with the pot of Kirkland medium roast in the break room that Ted brewed this morning
We all know this guy.

At least here in South Florida, basically every workplace has a cheap espresso maker that some Cuban brought in.

>> No.2556940

you need a stainless steel percolator pot

>> No.2556950
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ACKSHUALLY arabica is a strain of coffee, the only other commonly available strain is canephora (robusta). There are other obscure strains, but the vast majority of coffee available in the US is arabica. Colombian farmers produce arabica beans. The Colombian supremo commonly available in the United States is simply coffee arabica sorted into the largest bean size those farmers export.

>> No.2557105

>his palette isn't refined enough to detect differences in coffee flavors based on brewing methods
McDonalds for you pleb

>> No.2557172

McDonald's makes better coffee than Starbucks in everyday, so sure.

>> No.2557816

I usually just lurk but you struck a cord in me.

> breville breaks past warranty
> warranty expired
> call breville
> “can I have a part to fix the issue I have (the hot water tubing came loose, possibly a broken gasket)
> lul no but we can fix it for a little under buying a new one
> espresso repair tradies do not fix them because the tech is complicated, proprietary, and the parts are unavailable

I ended up getting a vintage La pavoni lever espresso machine. It had a European voltage so I needed a transformer, it takes forever to make a cup of coffee, it is extremely particular and complex to use, but the parts are available and it’s a tank. I need to disassemble it constantly and lube up the gaskets as well. All of this was not much better than just buying a new breville honestly, but I hate them very much for how their company is run so they are not getting anymore of my money.

PS- anyone know why my burr grinder is spraying beans everywhere? It has become so messy it takes me a while to clean up. I suspect the beans I am using are too dry and the static electricity is pushing them all of the place?


Pour over is delicious and beans are best around a couple of weeks after the roast.

>> No.2558808

Turkish grind. It should feel similar to packing dry snow into a snowball when you squeeze the bag.

>> No.2558814

Buy good coffee lmao
Espresso drinks are made with espresso, not coffee. Mr. Coffee has a cheap ass espresso maker that works fine. Again, the type of espresso will determine the flavor

>> No.2558871

Dandelion Root coffee

>> No.2559834

If you don't want blow a shitton of money on a new espresso setup, local used markets are a crapshoot
desu if I hadn't caught stuff used, Breville is the perfect low-effort option to just get what you want; a basic espresso machine and a smart grinder pro is more than enough to get a fine cup

It's very likely the reason your grinder is spraying out grounds is because the roast is dark. When beans get roasted dark they begin to excrete their oil and it causes a lot of static. You can minimize or totally eliminate this effect by spritzing the tiniest bit of water directly onto the burrs before grinding, like if the hopper on top can detach just take it off, spritz it down into the burrs, then replace it and grind

>> No.2559844

makes burnt coffee. get an aeropress instead

>> No.2559913

/ck/ here.
How much effort can you be bothered going to?

Instant coffee is the easiest.
French press (>>2551505) is the best middle ground.
These pots (>>2551610) are better again because you make actual espresso- but require a heating element
The mini espresso machines are expensive, unreliable, a pain to maintain and generally substandard. That's when I'd just buy my coffee

>> No.2559916

that's a filter coffee dumbass, an aeropress is a meme version of a french press.
The mocha pot actually produces steam, that's why it exists and if you can't use one properly who's fault is that?

>> No.2559935

You can straight up calculate the energy you need to boil water. There's no mechanical advantage you can gain when your battery is poured directly into heat. Intuitively it would make more sense to brew shots from some sort of jobsite device.

>> No.2559981

>produces steam
too hot to make coffee, bud. that's why it tastes like shite. with the aeropress (and french press) i can actually make sure the water is at a cooler temp (e.g. 85-95C)
>that's a filter coffee dumbass
what's your point? this is diy coffee thread, not filter vs espresso vs moka

>> No.2560275

Any reason you don't just spritz the beans instead?

>> No.2560407

Not that guy, but why? The Berky filter isn't good?

>> No.2560443

bump on this question

>> No.2560673

For eapresso. U can make good coffee with am good beans, burr grinder a chemex, paper filter and correct water/grind ratio

>> No.2562043
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I like coffee flavored beer but I've never enjoyed any actual coffee I tried drinking. if I make my own coffee with a contraption like this anime girl will it taste better?

>> No.2562054

That looks like an over complicated stove top espresso pot, pic related.
I think they work fine, freshly grinding your beans helps a lot as well as using good fresh good quality beans.
Unfortunately it will not bring you any closer to the dream of being the little girl.

>> No.2562056
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Forgot pic.

>> No.2562058
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It's almost the opposite of the moral pot.

You fill the bottom with cold water and the too with coffee. You boil the bottom and it all goes to the top. When you take it off the heat the bottom cools and sucks the coffee out of the top and through a filter

>> No.2562075
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>French press likes coarse grind.
>Get a kitchen scale so you can use exact amounts of coffee and water every time. Use grams and ml for the sake of your sanity.
>Don't pour in boiling hot water. Let the water sit for about 10-30 seconds to cool down, then pour it in. If the water is boiling hot, you literally burn the coffee and it tastes like shit.
>Also rule of thumb, lighter the roast, the hotter the water. And darker the roast, the cooler the water.
>Don't mix/swirl the carafe except for when you first pour in the water. As it brews, all the shit will settle on the bottom, you don't want to mix it back in with the good coffee.
>To follow that up, don't just slam down the plunger. You want to press it down as slowly as possible so you don't make too much turbulence.
>for proper coffee brewing, consistency is king. A good consistent grinder, a controlled temp grinder, a scale, and use the timer on your phone. Experiment and try to change up one aspect every time and if it's better, keep it/push the change more, if it's worse, go back to before and try something else.

>> No.2562125

i've found this is the best.

place aeropress on scale, add 16g coffee grounds, pour 250-260g water, stir after 30 seconds, wait until 3min mark, press.

my minimal set up is
automatic burr grinder
zojirushi hot water dispenser
scale w/timer

a little pricey but i have perfect coffee whenever i want in 3 minutes.

>> No.2562309


I try to use this method to nake coffee.. but my har is always full of coffee dust.. XD

>> No.2562327
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Or just make turkish and drop the autism

>> No.2563257
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Espresso machines are like fancy cars and loud motorcycles.
Tiny penises collect them.
Here's a FREE lesson from a frontiersmen that btfo the trannies of /ck/coffee for THE BEST coffee you can make at home:
1. Roast your own coffee.
Buy green coffee from sweet maria's, coffee bean coral, or wherever by the pound or bulk from Genuine Origin or some exchange. For less than $4/pound.
You can start roasting in a pan on your stovetop if you have an exhaust, outside if you do not. Cast iron, steel, or copper is recommended.
The places mentioned also sell roasters if you plan to commit they are quicker and easier.
2. Grinder
This only really matters to faggots and the brand makes little difference, but you'll need one.
I use a steel burr flour mill because I'm not going to have multiple 'grinders' for single use.
3. Vessel
Jars, I use mason, are the preferred method for brewing the best coffee.
Sure, you could use a 4 cup pyrex measuring cup with a handle and pour spout but where's the mystic in that?
4. Filter
Pour the brew through a stainless steel strainer.

That's it. Now you know how to brew the Greatest Coffee you will ever taste.
I'm sure I will get negative feedback from people who think they know otherwise. But did you follow my method? or did you buy moldy pre-roasted coffee from a super market?
btfo again trannys.

>> No.2563259
File: 331 KB, 702x419, ONLY $65 per lb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even get me started on Kcups.
That is goyslop for women.
IT'S ONLY $65/LB!!!!