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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 386 KB, 1944x1154, USA-Topo-Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2547392 No.2547392 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any land here with affordable land where you don't have to deal with no property codes or zoning boomers?

>> No.2547395

If you don't want to be around other people, you need to be able to survive living in a place where nobody else wants to be.

>> No.2547399


>> No.2547401

I just want a place to live where I don't have to deal with people threatening to throw me out because I don't have this or that not up to code

>> No.2547403

you know that codes are there to literally keep people from doing dumb and dangerous stuff that will kill someone sooner or later?

they don't make up codes for shits and giggles

>> No.2547406

fuck off kike. I should be allowed to assume my own risk. I want a plot of land and build whatever I want in the middle of it. It's not a threat to anyone

>> No.2547408

Yes, west Texas and northern Idaho both have counties with no building codes beyond the state requirement that you have a way to treat your sewage. Outside of cities, Alaska is probably very lax too but that's a whole different world of pain up there.

>> No.2547410

Here you go OP.

>> No.2547413

>plywood box collapses, killing 6 inbred children

>> No.2547414

What "codes" are you talking about? It would help to have an example, then we can tell you what it's like in our areas.

>> No.2547415

why does the concept of people living independently or your government not being able to micromanage thier lives, make you trannies seethe so much?

>> No.2547416
File: 24 KB, 300x260, skoal-junctionbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you suggesting that my Skoal can isn't a properly insulated electrical junction box?

>> No.2547456

This is pretty good

>> No.2547475

Because we have to pay for your fuck ups

>> No.2547499

In theory I'm fine with letting retards go along with their terrible ideas and finding out the hard way, but every single time, once their stuff goes to shit they turn back on society and demand help.
Yes you fucking will. Or you'll do something illegal to try and fix it.

>> No.2547515
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>I just want a place to live where I don't have to deal with people threatening to throw me out because I don't have this or that not up to code
yeah no you need to stay wherever you live and not export your dystopian nightmare to the few good places left on earth

protip: you want to live in canada, picrel

>> No.2547533

What the fuck do you want to do specifically that's against code? Steal power from a neighbor's service line? Drink your own untreated shit water? Use 2x4's for the floor joists? Have a single circuit run youe entire house with no breakers?

>> No.2547589

Not be required to have electrical outlets in hallways because code still thinks people use corded vacuums on wall-to-wall carpet that went out of favor two decades ago and rarely exists anymore. Building codes are filled with stupid rules that are not only out of date for their intended purpose but also never should have existed in the first place. If someone in the 1990s had to use an extension cord to vacuum the hallway because there were no outlets, that shouldn't have been something the government addressed.

>> No.2547592

>>2547589that seems like a dumb thing to limit yourself on where you are willing to live. I'm sure you know about tiny homes so you are aware that if it's small its normally cool. You instead and to erect some half asked "shelter" with no codes because your moral stance about the government intrusion of outlets.

>> No.2547598

how long are your fucking hallways?
because im pretty sure code says an outlet only needs to be available every 6 feet or some shit

>> No.2547606

You really love licking boots, don't you? Is there any aspect of your life you won't hand over to others just because they said they know better than you? Seriously, you're defending legal requirements on how Leisure Suit Larry vacuums his deep shag carpet.

>> No.2547609

And if it were 100 feet long, why should the nanny state butt in? We're talking about electrical outlets in a private residence, not the structural integrity of a kindergarten. If someone wants a hallway without putting in outlets, why is that the government's business?

>> No.2547611

I look forward to reading about your incredibly stupid and preventable death

>> No.2547616

..so are you upset about the extra $1.97 for the outlet? Are you the one calling other people kike? ironic

>> No.2547622

No Cletus, it's against the law everywhere in the US to have a car up on blocks in your front yard for more than 6 months, surrounded by 4 foot tall grass, in front of your double wide, that's painted day glo orange.

>> No.2547655
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It's actually even more lenient than that. In most rooms, you need one outlet every twelve feet--but in a hallway you need only one outlet period.

>> No.2547657


>> No.2547728

There's like 7.9 billion people on this planet living in houses that aren't up to the specs of current US building codes. You're a retard, go kys.

OP, I've looked into this same thing a lot, and basically there are several overall trends. You've got your choice of:
-desert areas where noone gives a fuck, like half of the western USA
-rural areas that are economically underdeveloped and usually at least half an hours drive to the nearest grocery store

In the last category, there's actually a lot of rural areas where they aren't actually free from building codes; it's just that there's no enforcement at all. If you drive around an area and you see people on living on little lots with a decrepit travel trailer hooked up to a power pole and lots of junk vehicles in the yard, or living in a shipping container painted up like the confederate flag --- then you're in the right place. Some schizos will argue that the government is going to fly a lidar drone and instantly know when you build a cabin in an area like this, but the trash dwelling rednecks you see as you drive up and down the highways are like a canary in the coal mine.... If THOSE guys haven't been fucked with, then they're not going to fuck with you for building a cabin on a few acres--- especially if you can't be seen by passing traffic.

There's a bunch of poor counties in Tennessee that have specifically opted out of building codes and are extremely homesteader friendly. There's also a lot of cheap land in Arkansas, Missouri, and Alabama with similar features.

Good luck on your search

>> No.2547737

>why does the concept of people living independently or your government not being able to micromanage thier lives, make you trannies seethe so much?
because Americans have been conditioned for 60+ years to accept and defend it

>> No.2547750

"local man moves to the middle of bumfuck nowhere so that he can build a house with less outlets"

You're a real winner, aren't you?

>> No.2547751
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Because when you daisy-chain five 18-gauge extension cords to plug your space heater into the one outlet in your entire house, they have to put out the fire.

Building codes are written in blood. You're not smarter than 100 years of civil engineering best practices, youre just such a flat, boring, unchallenging person that the only purpose you can see in your life is to rebel against the government in the dumbest way imaginable.

I'm all for protesting the government, but this is just sad. You're outraged about the least problematic thing the government does because you're too stupid to understand the scale of the actual injustices.

>> No.2547784
File: 157 KB, 1080x1080, EN_sO6RWAAAa7q_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use 2x4s for floor joists
In England old houses used to have 2x4 floor joists built on top of small brick piles every 6 feet or so. Bouncy but I never heard of a joist snapping that wasn't rotten. UK houses are utter shit though

>> No.2547789

>put a doorway every 10 feet in the hallway
>no outlets needed
>get to practice door kicking by running down the hall
>fun prank to play on visitors when you tell them the bathroom is at the end of the hall
>makes a great liminal space

>> No.2547930

why don't you tell the government that their codes are outdated instead of giving up on society altogether?

>> No.2547933

yeah, it's called the third world

>> No.2547935

Yes, many of those rural counties simply adopted the IBC and IRC of some year and then only bother with it if someone comes to the county courthouse asking about it. If Hardee's or Dollar General build something, they're going to use their standard IBC compliant designs but if you want to build a shack that will blow down in a heavy storm, no one is going to get in your way. It's difficult for urbanites to understand that for some, this is the only way they can afford their own shelter and they're willing to endure the risk and/or make due with a simpler house than the "best practices" that micromanages the cost up with things like those previously mentioned in this thread.
The urbanite wants instead for there to be yet another government program to build taxpayer funded community housing that these people must live in under government rule. Someone living in a simple home, out of sight, and with no interaction with the urbanite still outrages them. In their minds, such people should not be allowed to exist. How dare they not have x number of outlets per linear foot of countertop?
Yes, I have no doubt you wish death upon anyone who doesn't bend down and suck off the government like you do.

>> No.2547940

Muh housing "investment" is all that these people care about. Meanwhile you have entire sections of the country with rent-serfs who eventually will need to have their bills paid somehow to keep the landlord happy... Hoom owners deserve the shame coming to them.

>> No.2547941

>It's not a threat to anyone
That's where you're wrong, it's a threat to the system.
All nice things must be approved by the government, otherwise you're a domestic terrorist and will be dealt with accordingly.

>> No.2547942

Why should a bunch of cletuses be able to be exempt from the rules the rest of us follow?

>> No.2547990

>just tell the government to change bro

>> No.2548022
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>> No.2548026

Yes but they're full

>> No.2548039

Okay Mr. Smith. Go to Washington

>> No.2548624

the government doesn't decide the codes. engineers who write the standard do, the government merely adopts the standard as code. it's not a semantic distinction.

>> No.2548668

lol, lmao even

>> No.2549653


Fuck you no it aint
Its only illegal if you have so many unregistered vehicles you count as a scrapyard where i am

Which is more than 4. Half the houses have at least that many around here

>> No.2549660


Ill echo what this guy says
Where i am, single family homes and duplexes dont need to be inspected in n way. You apply to town to build based off sq footage, and theres some general things like setback rules and nothing over 3 stories, but youre allowed to build and live in basically whatever. Codes and bringing things up to it basically has to do more with getting properties to a point where a bank will lend money... your shitheap needs to be close enough to code a home inspector and appraiser doesnt stop the sale.

Anywhere where there is no local town police, or town constable, is going to be pretty chill.
Its calling the state police, civil court, and forclosure are kinda the only real ways they can lean on you, so as long as you arent doing something the staties would care about, theres not a lot they can do without jeapordizing the tax flow from the property.

What are they gonna do, sue me over a burn barrel? Thats the kinda shit thats not "allowed" but no one cares or will ever say anything.

The state regulates wastewater disposal. I advise being on the right side of that at ALL times

>> No.2549668

I guess i should add: the town grants occupancy to structures. So you apply for building permit, build, and the occupancy form when you're done has checkboxed for sleeping, heating, cooking, and shitting. So they can hold up your occupancy if your shit is too bad. Both my neighbor and i are blatantly living in buildings not yet granted "occupancy"

Be nice your neighbors, only give the town the power you want to.

>> No.2550037

I'm about to put 15 acres in Alabama on the market. Guy who owned it before me hand built a little house. It's as non code as you can get, but it's comfortable. Nobody cares how he wired and plumbed it. Except me, I replumbed it cause he was a dumbass that used cpvc with capped off tees instead of elbows. But the neighbors don't care if we shoot, burn, ride bikes. Can't see the place from the road, so I can do whatever I want in the yard. The closest neighbor died a couple years ago and his double wide is sitting empty. He hunted deer and turkey when we weren't there. We had this place as a vacation place, just don't use it any more.

>> No.2550155

God, don't send these retards here. They'll fucking hate Canada once they get here and make everything fucking worse with their bitching about it.

To point, there was some jackass blogger who bought the mineral rights (in Canada, "owning land" doesn't mean owning the right to dig up shit under it; that's almost always owned by the government and leased out separately) to some land in the wilderness. Instead of doing any surveying or mining or shit, he just builds a survivalist LARP cabin on the land, documents the entire thing on YouTube.
Well, all that was illegal since the most you can do with "mineral rights" is pitch a work camp and not a permanent structure. And now he's finding out that the Canadian state is VERY aggressive about its property rights. They might even force the bastard to pay for arborists to come in and replant the land cleared.
Canada is a great place, people here love it. People not from here? We don't want you sorts about.

>> No.2550170
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first off the jews are not controlling everything. something your superstitious mind needs to figure out.

second there is no place in the US or Canada where you do not have to abide by code.

there are just places where it becomes to difficult to get to you. but those places have no utilities so you need lots o cash to live off grid, or you just live like some from 200 years ago.

whatever you do if you live in the boonies your pathetic death will go un-noticed till some hunter finds your skeletonized corps still posed from when you fell off the roof of your cabin, or electrocuted when you were trying to wire 600 volts from your solar panels but failed to take the precautions needed.

>> No.2550172
File: 114 KB, 600x600, DIY Bingo rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make you trannies seethe so much?
why do low IQ's resort to resort to calling people ineffective insults whenever they get answers they don't like?

>> No.2550174

>because code still thinks people use corded vacuums on wall-to-wall carpet that went out of favor two decades ago and rarely exists anymore.
jesus christ on a stick you're stupid. have you not ever been to a store or looked on the internet. corded vacuums are totally still around and still better than cordless.

>> No.2550175
File: 95 KB, 904x543, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leisure Suit Larry
the 80's called and want their reference back.

I've never seen someone so butt hurt about having outlets in a hallway.

none of that matters because you won't be building a structure with a hallway, nor with electricity, nor even at all.

like 90% of the fags on this board you won't be doing anything you are asking about.

>> No.2550176
File: 82 KB, 1500x677, how smart you think you are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2550181

>nobody learns anything until 30
Somehow I doubt this chart

>> No.2550185

I can tell you are a sheltered piece of shit whose concept of reality is based on memes, here's a clue: you will find the logistics of merely surviving on your desert plot infinitely more oppressive than any HOA.

>> No.2550186
File: 1.52 MB, 540x360, pirate strut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my city, ordinance does no allow:
parking on dirt, or your lawn.
having peeling paint on your house visible from public areas.
grass higher than 4 inches.
junk, trash, or anything "unsightly" visible from public areas.
derelict vehicles

does the city enforce this? sometimes mostly when they get a complaint.

I recently had a crazy neighbor call the city because I had a shed put in my back yard. I thought I had done it to code but had to move it 2 feet north, and 2 feet west because it was too close to the neighbors wall and the house.

the code inspector ignored the fact that I had 2 other sheds on the side of my house (code says only one allowed), ignored my neighbors shed which was right up to the wall between us, and another neighbors shed which was also not installed per code.

I looked on google earth and found 22 sheds not installed to code.

the code compliance guy all but said that they don't enforce code unless they get a complaint.

when I had electricity installed to the shed I followed the rules and had a permit and an electrical contractor (who did it to code). when the inspector came out he had no idea what he was looking at, was checking a conduit that had nothing to do with the job, balked at the circuit breaker not being the same manufacture as the service box (though within code) did not notice certain things the electrician said he should have failed the inspection on, and gave us the green sticker.

>> No.2550215

OP has yet to provide a reason that he wants to escape the tryannical building codes other than the desire to not put an outlet in a hallway.

>> No.2550235

Not OP but I've already found myself a no buildings code area and set up here for one year. My life has basically turned into the IRL version of the manmade horrors on this board. My neighbors are all rednecks. I don't have a toilet. I realize in the end that the reason for building codes is so that cities don't get stuck with badly built houses, and then no one wants to live there. Out here its undeveloped, no one cares how shitty it is (No one here anyway). Though Its comforting to know that its not really a war on poor people out here. I spent so much money trying to fix this place, I'm poor now too. I would say the main advantage is subsiding on very little money, and I'm able to solve problems on my own without having to communicate with suburban busy-bodies.

>> No.2550346
File: 114 KB, 640x480, Give me outlets or give me death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've yet to explain why it angers you so much that OP might move to the middle of nowhere and choose to sweep hardwood floors in his house instead of vacuum wall-to-wall carpeting. No doubt for some reason it's very important to the survival of cities for everyone to have wall-to-wall carpet in their hallways, along with enough outlets to vacuum that carpet without using an extension cord, but I have no idea what that reason is. Whatever it is, it doesn't apply to houses in rural areas and yet you seethe with rage over the concept that there could exist someone, somewhere, who isn't doing as they're told by urban busybodies with wall-to-wall carpeting in their hallways.

>> No.2550696

Threads like these are interesting, it's almost a rule these often get derailed instead of attempting answering thread OP's question. Basically it's a fundamental question, a question of property OP owns and therefore OP should have every right to whatever OP wants to do on OPs property, as long it does not cause issues to anyone else.

OP, maybe build underground, out of sight, out of mind? Tattletales won't be able to rat you out for what they don't know.

Though have fun with water seeping in, mold, radon, ground frost, ground collapsing, etc..

OP, try your luck in Russia, Eastern Europe, Africa and or Middle / South America and all those about to be sunken island nations. Oh, and Afghanistan. As if there are zoning laws, thorough corruption might be able bend corners into your favour.

>> No.2550739

Multiple people provided good answers before your dumb post. The truth is building codes are ignored in large tracts of almost any country because regional poverty and small populations combine to create massive apathy.

I sub to a few YT channels where people just constantly drive cross country and have been astounded by the incredible poverty in non-population centers. You could get away with this dumb hillbilly shit anywhere, but few reasonable people of any means desire to.

>> No.2550875
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>> No.2550877
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What the hell is going on in Wyoming?

>> No.2550885

> afghanistan

Given OP's general demeanor and language towards marginalized people, I bet he'd fit right in with the Taliban. You should consider it, OP. Finally somewhere that shares your values.

>> No.2550888

it's where jackson hole is so it's beautiful and already yuppy and during the fakedemic every cali and NY millionaire took their winnings and basically flooded the place because of the low taxes

>> No.2550889

>marginalized people
Go back

>> No.2550891

I lived in a house like that and it creaked with every fucking step. So glad my current place is on a concrete slab.

>> No.2550895

This has got to be the most ham fisted defence of a specific code ive ever seen.

You need outlets every so many feet... because someone might run a long extention cord and thats a fire hazard? What?

What if i just... dont run a fucking cord?

The idea of building codes is that they exist to prevent STRUCTURAL hazzards, not your bad fucking decisions. Blood or no blood.

Hey, bathtubs? Yeah sorry those are gonna have to go, kids can drown in those.

Carpet? Fire hazzard, youre not allowed to have a carpet anymore.

Windows? You mean knives in waiting? Get the fuck outa here.

Anyways to answer OPs question yes such places exist, no youre not going to figure out where because if you cant use google you sure as hell dont know how to manage unincorporated land.

>> No.2550898

The entire US is not just one big city...
There are many places where you can have whatever the fuck you want in your front yard for as long as you want and yes people complain as much as you do about it.

>> No.2550901

>I sub to a few YT channels where people just constantly drive cross country and have been astounded by the incredible poverty in non-population centers.
City slicker sees one story house, declares poverty a national crisis!

>> No.2550903

Alaska or deep Montana. I assume some canuck land would work too, but me personally, I would not want to live there.

>> No.2550910

It kind of is, most places are just rotting away though demography and birth statistics aren't helping matters either.

>> No.2550912

>he doesnt know how to skirt the law

>> No.2550914

You have to go back.

>> No.2550916

>everyone that isnt a racist incel like me is from reddit
4chan is not your safe space, /pol/tard

>> No.2550920

It actually is pretty safe, there's nothing you can do about me being here. That must burn you up.

>> No.2551271

Something about going full retard

>> No.2551272

Iirc there are no unincorporated properties in canada, all dwellings are subject to oversight.

>> No.2551277

no. but you do stagnate in your 20s thinking you know everything. you slowly realize you may not actually know everything you thought you did till you hit rock bottom somewhere around your thirties, at which point you pursue knowledge again. The age isnt set, it can vary but this is a pretty accurate generalization.

>> No.2551280

>blah blah blah
ok now go back.

>> No.2551282

i agree with OPs sentament. i think we should have a much more free, tiny home friendly zoning laws nationally. its harder to build a tiny home than a 3 story house, places want to maintain the illusion of property value, and minimum square footage.

i just want to live in a shed with a power outlet.

>> No.2551288
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>There's like 7.9 billion people on this planet living in houses that aren't up to the specs of current US building codes
welp. you just answered your own question.
Time to move to india.

>> No.2551416

Its funny because most houses in the US arent even up to US code.

>> No.2551488

All these codefags always suggest that anything not up to current US codes is a favela/hovel that is moments away from simply bursting into flames or collapsing, but this isn't based on facts.

The insurance industry shares publicly available figures about the claims that they deal with that are from different areas where the codes are more "modern" vs the older codes in addition to the types of claims they get from houses that were never built to code at all. The real world statistical facts demonstrate that codefags are cocksucking retards.
Code fetishists are ignorant about building principles, engineering, and safety.

>> No.2551490

Good thing that doesn't apply to me

>> No.2551750

Literally everywhere in the US is subject to some level of building codes. There are places with no city or local codes, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. You are still subject to State and National codes.
Obviously, the further away from people you go the less chance there is of being hassled. Even then, there's never a guarantee that some boomer developer won't decide to build a strip mall or section 8 apartments next to your land either.

>I should be allowed to assume my own risk. I want a plot of land and build whatever I want in the middle of it. It's not a threat to anyone
Sorry bro, that's not how it works. No matter where you go you'll still need permits and inspections. You might get away with more in the boonies, but eventually the locals will get tired of you not paying their delicious permit and inspection fees. You'll also have a hard time getting insurance on anything you build un-permitted.

Electrical Code is national. You'll need to move to some third world shithole to be that free.

Basically, you can move out to BFE and build your rape shack any way you like and most likely no one will say anything...until something happens. If someone gets hurt because of your shoddy work, or your shit wiring starts a fire then everyone will climb up your ass and die. You'll assume complete liability because once the insurance inspectors see that your shit wasn't to code they aren't gonna pay for shit. Fuck up bad enough and you could be criminally charged.

>> No.2551851

>Literally everywhere in the US is subject to some level of building codes.
It took one google search to prove you wrong, pathetic.

>> No.2551852

>Electrical Code is national
Also wrong. The NEC has no bearing on residential construction unless local codes use it. No local codes? No NEC.

>> No.2552799

Depends on how independent you can be. Do whatever you want on your land if you aren't in the city. Find land that is not part of any town... For example I have land that has an Address of [town name], AL but I'm not actually IN town. All of my utility providers are county utilities because I'm technically not part of town... That being the case, city code doesn't apply to me. County code doesn't care. State/federal code worries about septic... Which unless you have a shit ton of land, does affect others and is a health concern. In MO, septic is the only statewide code that is enforced. So just about any country land out there is going to be good. Just make sure it's more than 3 acres. The only other concern is electric. Has to be up to code all the way up to the breaker box, or the power company won't hook you up. Not a problem though if you are staying off grid.

Tldr; no on can stop you from "camping" on your land or staying in your "hunting cabin".... It just might be somewhat primitive as a result.

>> No.2553440

touch grass larper

>> No.2553452

You merely touched the grass. I've accepted it, come to understand it. I see now that we impose upon that which is beyond our grasp, and then wonder why the world does not satisfy us.

>> No.2553453

home prices are an order of magnitude cheaper outside of california or new york

>> No.2553455
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That doesn't fit the narrative that no one of the current generation can afford a house so rent must be free. >>2550875

>> No.2553459

Code cucks literally seething and unironically defending their overlords
But to answer you OP most places have some form code

>> No.2553789

Make do. Not 'make due'.

>> No.2553793

God damn. Dibs.

>> No.2553795

Make dew you nitwit, and who the fuck are you replying to anyway.

>> No.2553799

So what happened when you reported your neighbor?

>> No.2553859

Do outlets in your home not require anything like wires to be energized?

>> No.2554219

Kentucky is the best bet, but that window is closing.

>> No.2554334

seeing smug midwits continue relying on this to justify their poorly conceived handfed arguments will never not be amusing
and a trust-me-bro hortler. just glorious. fuck i love me some experts.

>> No.2554336

Nice grammar

>> No.2554351
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why thank you

>> No.2554917


>> No.2554921

because I have yet to see someone successfully live independently. their shit is always fucked up some way or another, and their fucked up shit always finds a way of spilling over and fucking other peoples' shit up too.

>> No.2555044
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thanks for the link homie, dont listen to this kike. make your dream a reality. mines is this

>> No.2555184

>i have yet to see
LMAO. Our bad man, i guess since YOU havent seen it then it doesnt exist! It doesnt matter if its possible, YOU havent seen it! Principles? They dont matter, because YOU havent seen it!

What makes this so bad is that you have seen it, there is literally an entire bill of law dedicated to codifying its efficacy.

>> No.2555297

>because I have yet to see someone successfully live independently
What the fuck bill of law is dedicated to codifying the efficacy of living a 100% independent lifestyle? What the fuck are you even talking about?

The whole "living off the land" 100% independent and self sufficient lifestyle is largely a meme. It's not that it's impossible, but back in the day the people who tended to live that way were dependent on certain niche ecosystems that you probably won't have available to you.

>Our bad man
Are you multiple people? Do you have schizophrenia?

>> No.2555322

>What the fuck bill of law is dedicated to codifying the efficacy of living a 100% independent lifestyle? What the fuck are you even talking about?
Homestead act

>inb4 homesteaders werent 100% independant
Correct, but many of them were. And an express intention of the law was to promote people living independantly in undeveloped areas and develope them so that more people would eventually move there.

>The whole "living off the land" 100% independent and self sufficient lifestyle is largely a meme
>It's not that it's impossible
Okay then why are you bitching
>but back in the day the people who tended to live that way were dependent on certain niche ecosystems that you probably won't have available to you.
Lmao yeah the dependable niche ecosystem of fucking alaska. Are you high?
Maybe you should know what youre talking about before you try to have an idea about it.

>Are you multiple people? Do you have schizophrenia?
This may come as a surprise to you, but there are more than two people in this thread.

>> No.2555840

Most rural areas don't have codes besides maybe septic. I live an hour away from a big city and I can do pretty much whatever I want, only thing I technically need inspected is the septic system if I change it. I've got 10 acres in the woods, some of my neoghbors didn't know there was a house on my property until I met them.
Don't overthink it, most people outside of gated communities aren't busybodies.

>> No.2555861

Good shit, you have a hand in building the house or was it already there?

>> No.2555962

>And now he's finding out that the Canadian state is VERY aggressive about its property rights.
You mean to say the canadian state is very aggresive about its (the states) property. Canada has its fine point, its citizens rights arent one of them.

>people love it here
Everyone loves tyranny when it benefits them, until it doesnt and then they fucking wonder how it got so bad.

>> No.2555971

Yes. If every example I have seen of a thing is bad I will conclude its bad until proven otherwise.

>> No.2555972

NOW I should trust princeton studies?

>> No.2555989

>i will form an opinion while having little knowledge
Is all i'm hearing. Lord knows you havent researched it. Youre just waiting for someone to spoonfeed you the truth. Which is fine i guess, IF you dont form a strong opinion and then express that opinion as a matter of fact...

>> No.2555990

>of the average american
Oh look, a nonsense study

>> No.2555994

Are you disagreeing with the conclusion of the study? No? I didn't think so, FUD boomer cock gobbler

>> No.2556024

I had an intuition and haven't updated given lack of data. So I'm still near my initial guess. I won't claim I know the answer but if necessary, I will make choices based on that.

>> No.2556032
File: 11 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Building codes, zoning, planning
and ordinances are all forms of hostile aggression and should be treated as such. We need neighborhood watches with like minded individuals keeping watch and preventing code enforcement or similar gov from trespassing.

>> No.2556203

Oops, you got ahead of youself retard. I am absolutely dosagreeing withthe result of the study. Dipsnit doomer bitch.

>> No.2556210

But anon, youve come in here and stated your intuitions a matter of fact.
You didnt say "i havent seen it, so im not sure it can be done right"
You said "i havent seen it done right, it is always bad"
Not "what ive seen is bad, so im not sure it can be done right"
But "what ive seen is bad, it is always bad"

That is claiming to know...

>> No.2556214

I'm not that other anon.

>> No.2556218
File: 33 KB, 900x506, The_More_You_Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idea of building codes is that they exist to prevent STRUCTURAL hazards
The NFPA in NFPA 70 (electrical code that you are complaining about) stands for national fire prevention association.

>> No.2556219

>Is there any land here with affordable land where you don't have to deal with no property codes or zoning boomers?
No. On this earth, someone else will always have power over you. Develop inner freedom, because external freedom does not exist here.

>> No.2556352
File: 128 KB, 800x633, shaggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those grandpas need to get in the twenty-first century where wall-to-wall carpeting everywhere has long been out of style and there are battery powered vacuums and even robotic vacuums. Just because those guys had deep shag carpet in their 1970s bachelor pads doesn't mean the law should end up requiring houses in 2023 be built with people swinging at the Regal Beagle in mind.
How many other "standards" are in that code based upon premises half a century out of date?

>> No.2556701

Fire hazards are structural hazards...

>> No.2556760

We don't use extension cords as structural components.

>> No.2556815

>there are battery powered vacuums and even robotic vacuums
We have always had manually operated brooms which require no electrical outlet.
>long been out of style
Houses should hopefully last longer than fads
>How many other "standards" are in that code based upon premises half a century out of date?
It is revised every three years. If you wish to make a change, you literally can propose it for the next revision. Anyone can. If it is dumb like the shit in this thread, no change will happen.
So instead of a half century out of date, it is occasionally 3 years out of date. Since cities tend to follow older editions of the codebook, the one the city requires you to follow might be as much as ten years out of date. Not aware of any areas using 50 year old codebooks though.

>> No.2556831

You basically want to live how our ancestors lived (except you'll want some modern technology) for years before industrialization, and you get all this shit? Why? Are people so domesticated they become crabs in a bucket over something that won't effect or harm then? Jesus Christ.

>> No.2556858

>supposedly doesn't care about building codes and local laws
>cares deeply what anon thinks on diy
Don't make this ideological, you're not that guy and need to figure it out before you waste a lot of money or hurt yourself.

>> No.2556908

Retard, we are talking about america. Where we build houses out of wood. Structural code neccessarily involves fire codes.

>> No.2556911

>If it is dumb like the shit in this thread, no change will happen.
Thanks for pointing out the fucking problem, the outdated elements of code that no longer serve a purpose cannot be removed from code because
>durr its stupid why do you care
Fuck yourself

>> No.2556915

Correct on figuring it out. But it was already made ideological by the detractors.
>why do you care
>just comply
>think of the children
If you cant see how these are ideologically motivated copes then youre clueless.
That anon wasnt making it ideological, he was observing the reality of it already having been make ideological.

We cant even say
>i just want to be left alone
Without retards whose ideology is explicitly to not leave people alone making a fuss.

>> No.2557177

>the outdated elements of code
While you have an advanced case of stupidity, your stupidity is not "advanced". It does not make code outdated.

>> No.2557183

>don't have to deal with no property codes
Are you sure that double negative question is what you really want to ask?

>> No.2557184

>outlet minimums based on half century old household appliance standards
>not outdated
You see, several people in this thread have pointed to and explained specifically why a piece of code is outdated.

All you have done is say "stupid"

>> No.2557186

>based on half century old
You keep saying that and repeating yourself isn't the same as being correct. Just repetitive.

>> No.2557191

That makes sense. The average person doesn't work for one of the lobbying companies that actually write the laws.

>> No.2557192

Project much? Arguments have been provided in favor. If you have arguments against then fucking present them already. What a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.2557195

Its even simpler than that. The average person doesnt vote, no shit their interest is not reflected by elected officials, they dont elect any officials.

>> No.2557197

>Arguments have been provided in favor
When you die, what happens to your firetrap of a property? Does it go with you and magically disappear or does the next resident have the opportunity to buy, lease, borrow or steal an electrical cord? Think about "not you" for a moment. Can you do that? Of course not, that's why I think you're stupid.

>> No.2557207

>Discussing private property
>Think about "not you" for a moment.
Why. Is this hypothetical next owner a fucking invalid?
People decide whether or not to buy a house based on so many god damn factors, why the hell do you think they wouldnt be able to make their own choices regarding things in code.

Dont treat adults like children. Can you do that? Of course not, thats why i think youre a european.

>> No.2557234

>People decide whether or not to buy a house based on so many god damn factors
Yeah. Things like color of paint. How well the tile work accents the cabinets. Not usually will I die because I need multiple extension cords to get power through a doorway that can be blown shut with a breeze.
>Dont treat adults like children. Can you do that?
I treat you like a childlike idiot because that is how you are acting. Self centered and abrasive. Unwilling to understand actions have consequences. Instead of trying to kill future occupants of the death trap you want to build, ask your parents if you can have them buy you a tree house. No electricity involved so no outlets period! Can you do that champ? Can you do that for me?
Of course not. Children don't like to compromise.

>> No.2557258

>not usually
Thats what i fucking said, my point literally does not work under another supposition. You cant just avoid the question and make up a snarky response that doesnt actually say anything. Answer the fucking question.

>Instead of trying to kill future occupants of the death trap you want to build
ANSWER THE QUESTION. Are these people invalids? Are they being forcibly housed there by the government?How are they not responsible for own lives after choosing to live in my deathtrap.

Neither of the sentences you quoted did you actually fucking respond to, holy shit.
Youre an absurd entity.


>> No.2557262

>Children don't like to compromise.
He says, lacking all self awareness, immediately after complaining about rule breaking

>> No.2557264

You need a time out young man.

>> No.2557268

Tell you what, I'll put myself in the corner if you answer the question. Hell, im so confident that yoyr incapable of answering the question that, if you do, i will cease posting itt alltogether.

>> No.2557273

>if you do, i will cease posting itt alltogether.
Since you don't control who lives in the house after you are dead and houses tend to last more than two generations, the probability that an invalid will be in any house, including yours, is very high. Will that invalid be the owner? Doubtful. Should the invalid be harmed because of your desire to make a death trap? no. Is the definition of an invalid someone who uses an extension cord? No. Should you give yourself some time to think before broadcasting on a public forum that you intend to build a death trap? Probably.
You aren't very smart. Learn to deal with your limitations. Not even sure which question you're so worked up over but I've answered the ones that I avoided because any answer is overly condescending. I hope you choose to learn.

>> No.2557304

And what part of the code says extension cords are structural elements? The justification that keeps being used for requiring outlet placement is that it removes the need for the use of extension cords. But you claim it's all about structural code, so once again, show us how extension cords are structural building components.
How about every three years they show current justification for each and every item they're shoving down everyone's throats instead of expecting Joe Homeowner to come and kneel before them and beg for them to get over their shag carpet obsession?

>> No.2557321

>How about every three years they show current justification for each and every item they're shoving down everyone's throats instead of expecting Joe Homeowner to come and kneel before them and beg for them to get over their shag carpet obsession?
Propose it. Maybe they won't think you are an idiot.

>> No.2557390

Okay so, retard... the point of the invalid was to say that only an invalid could be argued to not be personally responsible for their decisions, like buying a house that is not safe for them.
What you have utterly fucking failed to do is answer WHY I am responsible for the next owner. They fucking chose to buy the house.

>not even sure which question youre so worked up over
>but ive answered the ones that i avoided

When you say learn, you mean capitulate. Fucking vile.

>> No.2557391

>durr idiot
Is not a point, and it never will be.

>> No.2557485

>if you do, i will cease posting itt alltogether.
>Is not a point, and it never will be.
Nobody owes you the monologue you demand

>> No.2557643

Your check bounced retard, try again

>> No.2558284
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Who else here snitches on their neighbors to report code violations? Or to report unpermitted renovations that lead to higher tax assessments? Makes me feel good to report these tax cheats to the property assessors office.

>> No.2558323

bro basically any place that doesn't have a HOA is pretty permissive in what you can do on your land, even in suburbs

as long as you aren't building entire fucking houses in your backyard there's little issue.

aside from that, if you do want to build shelters, then any place where you own like 10+ acres is permissible. nobody is going to come and hound you and wonder why there are buildings on your land.

>> No.2558381

>nobody is going to come and hound you and wonder why there are buildings on your land
I used to work for a County, and we paid $400k a year for aerial photography, including LIDAR to figure out what people were doing on their land. If you have land, it's pretty easy to get approval for an agricultural building. In most places you can build a shed that's 200 square feet or less without any permits.

>> No.2558388

why do raving lunatic homeless drug addicts mooching food and shelter from the system make you conservacucks seethe so much? same reason. they're doing stupid shit and, when push comes to shove, they're expecting you & society to bail them out of the trouble they made for themselves

>> No.2558396

See that pinkish area in the western US? Buy on county land anywhere in there, just make sure you have a well.

>> No.2558409

>I used to work for a County, and we paid $400k a year for aerial photography, including LIDAR to figure out what people were doing on their land.

what the fuck...

>> No.2558412

They all do this. Where do you think those photos on google maps come from? The cost is shared between google and governments spying on you. We would get obliques as well, so we could see under awnings and measure the heights of things.

>> No.2558438

>You mean to say the canadian state is very aggresive about its (the states) property.
Yes, that's what I said.
>Everyone loves tyranny when it benefits them
Yes, it's fucking awesome.

Anyways, don't come here if you don't like building codes and zoning laws and potentially treaty disputes with First Nations. Nothing more Canadian than intractable treaty disputes with our partner nations.

>> No.2558452
File: 22 KB, 306x306, 1666466467880045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>causes wildfire with elementary understanding of electric wiring
>contaminates entire water supply with his blue drum dyi leaking septic tank
>has shitbulls running lose that maim and kill everyone elses pets and livestock
>not a danger to anyone else

>> No.2558460

southern OH - WV - eastern KY
anyone saying they enforce building codes doesn't live here

>> No.2558521

Aerials are one thing, but lidar? Obliques to see under awnings? Does the 4th even exist?

The seeing under awnings part HAS to be a violation of the 4th, theres not way.

>> No.2558523

>when push comes to shove, they're expecting you & society to bail them out of the trouble they made for themselves
You keep saying this, but it is simply not the reality of the situation.
Those homeless lunatics ARE mooching off my fucking taxes.
Some guy in the woods MIGHT at the some mooch off my taxes.

Youre acting like the guy living independabtly is already mooching, thats fucking nonsense. You cannot see the futurez stop.

>> No.2558526

>Yes, that's what I said.
No, you said property rights.
A state has no rights, just use of force.

>> No.2558539

No, see, we have a monarch, and He has rights. The state's rights are His rights. That's why they are Crown lands, because they're all His.
God, Americans are so ignorant of other country's legal systems. Can you believe people said, "go to Canada"? lol

>> No.2558552

What are you going to do about it bitch boi

>> No.2558558

he's just fucking trolling you dude, this is absolutely not a common practice

>> No.2558569

Damn youre right. I forgot canada still considers itself under the monarchy. Thats my bad.

>> No.2558570

>God, Americans are so ignorant of other country's legal systems.
Nevermind, fuck you. Imagine being mad that people dont even think about the fact that youre larping as an imperial colony in thr year of our king 2023AD

>> No.2558573

Camo nets, prettt simple solution

>> No.2558891

the ozarks.

>> No.2558897
File: 39 KB, 720x887, hurrdurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sub to a few YT channels

>> No.2558898

the only major airport in wyoming

>> No.2558912

>no gigabit fiber
>10 miles to starbucks
>no whole foods
>no meme food trucks
Oh no! It's like Somalia!

>> No.2558929

If you've ever driven down country highways in the south, you would understand. People living in decaying heaps is the norm rather than the exception in many rural areas.

>> No.2558948

saved. to meincraft folder.

>> No.2558955

It's not poverty. Those people all have big TVs, new phones, eat well, and probably have better mechanic/fab shops tucked away in the back than most professional outfits.

>> No.2558956

all well and good until the juds decide to focus on the area for diversity enhancements

>> No.2559020
File: 821 KB, 2048x1365, 20140421_APPALACHIA-slide-DWDA-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks comfy.

>> No.2559271

Youre missing the point. They choose to live like that. Its not the job of the government to make your rural property have curb appeal...

>> No.2559272

Also yes that looks comfy as fuck, would pick it over ANYTHING in a city or suburb.

>> No.2559278

>They choose to live like that
>It's not poverty.
By that logic, the toothless subverbal "people" living in the ghettos in cities aren't poor either because they have cell phones, TVs, and they can eat well by using food stamps just like poor rural people.

The reason that anon is blown away by the poverty on display in rural America isn't because it's fundamentally that different than urban poor people--- it's just that a regular person will ~see~ the poor rural people as they drive across the country, but if you don't have business to take care of in the hood, then you will probably never see the ghetto people and the way they live at all even when you live in the same city.

>> No.2559328

>arent poor either
>can eat well by using food stamps
...youre taking the piss

You are at this point refusing to see the point. If you can afford big tvs, new phones, and a mechanics shop worth of tools. YOU. ARE. NOT. POOR. Youre stupid...

So often people ""see"" poverty. As if they can fucking deduce the financial records of someone by how run down their house is. Its retarded because, believe it or not, most humans dont spend their money well.

>> No.2559330

Also yes im aware of why that anon was blown away, obviously, he had never seen what the rural country looked like across the nation. That doesnt change the fact that he, with his city boy sensibilities, is WOEFULLY incapable of accurately assessing the financial status of lower income families by their houses curb appeal.

>> No.2559399

I posted it as a genuine statement and wasn't being sarcastic at all but given how snarky the building code warriors (BCWs) are, it's understandable that my post might have given the impression that I was making fun of them.

>> No.2559441
File: 690 KB, 564x564, comfypepehouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless, I apologise for my hot headedness.

>> No.2559486

Yes, parts of Pennsylvania are like what you wish

>> No.2559489
File: 87 KB, 1200x1200, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>protip: you want to live in canada, picrel
lol no.
the province Trailer Park Boys was filmed in doesn't have a homeowner's exemption in the code, everything has to be done by a red seal tradesman.

>> No.2559868

>protip: you want to live in canada, picrel
>lol no.
>the province Trailer Park Boys was filmed in doesn't have a homeowner's exemption in the code, everything has to be done by a red seal tradesman.
Canada is fucked in every fucking way imaginable. Its been decades and I still learn new ways they're a fucking hellhole.

>> No.2560466

Have you considered living in a boat?

>> No.2560622


>> No.2560623

>coast guard chases you down and boards your ship for a random inspection
Nothing personel

>> No.2561077

Inland waterways exist.

>> No.2561297

And so does the sherrif

>> No.2561312

Listed it Monday for $109,000. Accepted offer today for $118,000. Had 9 offers total, 7 of them above asking price. I think a lot of people want to move out to the sticks.

>> No.2561341

>15 acres for 120k
Jesus fuck alabama, im looking at a 50acre plot in upstate NY for 60k. What the hell is happening.

>> No.2561601

The sheriff doesn't have a shit ton of boats, but I concede that could be an issue.

>> No.2561624

the man who dis this was in every sense of the word, a professional.

>> No.2561642

>im looking at a 50acre plot in upstate NY for 60k.
Is that a developed 50 ac (elec., water, dwelling) or an Andrew Camarata 50 ac?

>> No.2561761

The good kind of 50ac, so camarata.
Theres a piped and wired up trailer home on the edge of the property though, so thats something.

>> No.2561951
File: 31 KB, 308x320, cigarjunctionbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tobacctrician returns!

>> No.2562030

Indiana has a rule in the building codes where as long as you build your own house for your own residence you dont have to follow any codes or regulations except for septic tanks (as it may poison the water table if you dont do it right)

>> No.2562035

yes they literally do, most building codes have some purpose but so many of them mean literally nothing. A town nearby me had a rule that you had to have bricks for the entire first floor of the house (which if you followed to the letter means you wouldnt be able to have doors or windows) and another said you couldnt have "engineered floor systems" AKA any normal flooring system that wasnt a concrete slab. even if you had an engineers stamp of approval.

>> No.2562040

also before anybody copes and cries about how it isnt real or some other bullshit

>> No.2562070

Try Africa

>> No.2562324

Somalia, unironically.

>> No.2562338

>Without retards whose ideology is explicitly to not leave people alone making a fuss.

I just want to genocide these poeple.Even if you lived on another planet they would come up with some retarded excuse to regulate your life. Fucking subhumans.

>> No.2562340
File: 79 KB, 1080x1350, bionicle moc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's called inner city ohio & meth/crack houses...

>> No.2562342

Nice bonnie, whats her name?

>> No.2562345

because as kazinsky said they cant control themselves and want to controll others due to their inferiority. You never see some ripped and strong man behave like this its always trannies , weaklings and loosers

>> No.2562346

>causes wildfire
pyromaniacs almost never get caught and are usually released fast so this is a bulshit argument since they burn at least 100 times more forest than some electrical wiring. Go ahead regulate thunder and sun.
>has shitbulls running lose
so niggers and stray dogs dont exist even without it wolfs stil exist. Stil has Nothing to do with building a House.

So all your arguments are complete bulshit.

>> No.2562347

so youcant bring girlfriend or kids ?
If so can you have them lay one brick each so they qualify as builders?

>> No.2562370

I've come to accept that there's nowhere in america that hits every mark:

> 80+% white
> low crime
> low cost of living
> no bad heroin problem
> warm all year round
> near a large and reliable fresh water source
> not controlled by liberals
> can realistiy own at least 3 acres and not live in a planned suburban ant farm

>> No.2562375

you can have your entire family live in them, you just cant sell it

>> No.2562395

why dont they just add an extra clause that you have to sign while buying it.
I confirm that I am am aware this house wasnt built acording to the standards and there is a possibility it may kill me ...

>> No.2562401

>why dont they just add an extra clause that you have to sign while buying it.
Contracts are where you start in court. You also can't sign away fundamental rights.

>> No.2562427

What about my fundamental right to not live in a house with fifty outlets in a short hallway?

>> No.2562499

that would make sense but they need their shekels from permits and such, permits are wildly expensive by the way

>> No.2562553
File: 91 KB, 469x452, 1643433224049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pyros domt get caught so not my problem if I start a fire lmao even
Regs exist because of rabid niggers like you, stay in your containment inner city

>> No.2562611

>first off the jews are not controlling everything. something your superstitious mind needs to figure out.
OK, jew

>> No.2562676

At the county level, theres a lot of places that meet these crtieria. But youre too retarded to look at a county map.

>> No.2562677

Precicely what part of the building code is a fundemental right

>> No.2563032

$1,200/acre is good. The undeveloped stuff in AL is going between $3k-$4k. Mine had elec, filtered well, septic, and a small house. Otherwise, probably would have sold for $50k-$60k.

>> No.2563355

>50acre plot in upstate NY for 60k
Yeah but it's in NY which makes it worthless. Fuck sake it depresses me every time I think about how Upstate NY would be where I'd live if NYC leftists didn't control the state government 100% of the time after every election. It'd be perfect.

>> No.2563392

You dont get to choose where your family lives, anon. Best you can do is be in a red county with a based and redpilled sherrif.
>tfw mayor is a soccer dad who blew money remodeling the town while letting the PD whither and roads decay
He lost to the former chief of police BY SIXTY VOTES

>> No.2563410

There are limits to family. Being under the jurisdiction of literal genocidal marxists of NY is that limit for me.

>> No.2563483

Blood thinned and blacker still
Woe upon your house

>> No.2564969

I live in the desert of Arizona. No one will ever come and check your stuff out here. It's also very beautiful.

Though, at least read and understand the code so you can make informed decisions about what you ignore rather than just cobbling together a matchstick frame oven and being surprised it catches fire. Really, I think you're mixing code with inspections.

>> No.2565796

The code boomer is eternal, even at the ass end of the world they will try and fuck you.

>> No.2565844

o i e e o
u l v m
l e a
r n

>> No.2566113

>sir you can't park your RV on land you own, you need to install $20,000 worth of crap to be "code"
>sir you need to have this many outlets and this specific design and use this specific wood and then pay us a tax to use it
>sir you MUST use stick frame construction, or the police will arrest you and demolish the house
>sir you need to pay us $100 yearly for the PRIVILEGE of parking your RV on your land, and if you park a second one, see above

LAND OF THE FREE (to pay taxes)

>> No.2566310

Land of the free(est)
Most free country on earth, aside from warzones ofcourse.

>> No.2566445

crab bucket syndrome. I assume they're subhuman europeans who worship their governments. hopefully they don't have kids so their subordinate genes die out.

>> No.2566677

All the super rich have DUMBs out there

>> No.2568015

>Everyone loves tyranny when it benefits them, until it doesnt and then they fucking wonder how it got so bad.

>> No.2568042

Just because you have no principles doesnt mean everyone else doesnt either.

>> No.2569410

>There's like 7.9 billion people on this planet
7,899,952,000 after the earthquake in Turkey.

>> No.2569566

northwest arkansas

>> No.2569567

>wall-to-wall carpet that went out of favor two decades ago and rarely exists anymore.
remember what they took from you

>> No.2570833
File: 1.26 MB, 3024x4032, d4d-1476092496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok for some ideas to die.

>> No.2571051

This. Regulations have gotten out of control. If I built the house that my grandfather raised his seven kids in, I would be fined out of existance and forced to tear it down. Apperantly humanity never existed before triple pane windows and heat pumps and every other bullshit item that gets forced into the latest edition of the building code.

>> No.2571079

>If I built the house that my grandfather raised his seven kids in, I would be fined out of existance and forced to tear it down
If we continue this logic we can justify anything
>Humanity lived in trees, why does my house need a ceiling and walls?
Standards evolve, they're not perfect but what is?

>> No.2571090

Its a problem when houses are reaching costs beyond the ability of workers to buy them. The only people who can afford to buy new houses now are mid-late career types, those people tend not to have many kids and buy huge houses.

>> No.2571093

It's the land that's expensive, not the building

>> No.2571094

>Standards evolve
The ability to choose to meet a standard or not is one of the most fundemental human rights.
Its called the PURSUIT of liberty and happyness, not the state mandated minimum level od acceptable liberty and happyness.

>> No.2571095

Maybe you can "pursue" this anarchist fantasy in your sleep

>> No.2571097
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>being left alone on your provate property
>anarchist fantasy

>> No.2571098

Yes that's the definition of anarchsim, no government

>> No.2571100

>private property
>no government
Please tell me youre fucking with me

>> No.2571102

Right true, you must be talking about that form of government with no power over individuals

>> No.2571107

I dont understand where youre getting this... Im literally saying ON that PRIVATE PROPERTY recognized by THE GOVERNMENT you should not be harrassed by said government.

Where in any reality would that mean the government has no power over individuals? What is this extreme fallacy youve shat onto my screen.

Are you fucking insane?

>> No.2571108

Ok cool, so what form of government would leave you alone on your private property?

>> No.2571109

The non authoritarian form...

>> No.2571110

Exactly some fantasy government

>> No.2571111
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>the united states constitution doesnt exist

>> No.2571112

Imagine being such a statecuck you believe property can't exist without a government

The philosophy of natural rights is the idea that your rights are inherent and inborn, because if you were left alone on a deserted island you would be able to exercise them, and on a deserted island you can have private property and you can defend it. The idea that rights are granted by the state is a French invention and French philosophy is gay commie pedo trash.

>> No.2571113

>Imagine being such a statecuck you believe property can't exist without a government
Yeah, thats stupid. Who said that?
I said private property, you illiterate mongoloid.

I really love it when idiots fail to comprehend basic english, attempt to argue against my point, and then just argue in favor of my point. It really is fucking amazing.

>> No.2571115

Try reading past the first sentence next time sport

>> No.2571118

Yes, the line break in my post denotes the following words are directly addressing your second paragraph...

You literally supported my argument. Cry about it.

>> No.2571209

>I said private property, you illiterate mongoloid
Ok then why doesn't ~~private~~ property exist within the concept of natural rights?

Property exists, privacy exists and self defense exists. So private property exists without a government having to bestow it on you like a gift.

>> No.2571232

The word private in private property does not refer to the conceptualization of privacy, theyre two completely different words... It is specifically a qualifier meant to categorize the distinction between government owned property subject to collective oversite, and individual owned property administered by said individual.

The more the government manages your private property. The less it is your private property.

>> No.2571240

Only if you're oversocialized and can't bear to live anywhere without a barcade in walking distance.

>> No.2573031

We really are just tax cattle for you cocksuckers, aren't we?

>> No.2573033

... because the local Boss Hogg will jack up their property taxes if they do.

>> No.2573037

This. Rural "shit shacks" are inhabited by rich tradesmen.

>> No.2573038

All the jobs are near the cities. The cities are full of diversity. Therefore we must live as close to the jobs as possible while keeping the diversity away.

>> No.2573051

>all the jobs are near the cities
Damn, hundreds of thousands of jobs just vanished into thin air. How could you do this anon. How are all those people outside of cities supposed to recieve services provided if there are providers!

>> No.2573168

This is the dumbest cope I ever heard.

I grew up in Orwell, Ohio. There are 2 employers there: Kennametal and the cabinet company. Everything else is service, which means family & friends only.

If you don't want to stand up 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, and press buttons then you're shit outta luck.

I moved to Eugene, OR after I got out of the Marines in 2009 and I could get 2 jobs easy as shit, plus seasonal wildland firefighting. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Your attitude that you're morally superior to me cause you inherited your daddies land is why I have no solidarity with you fags. You deserve to be crushed by Biden for your disloyalty to other Americans.

>> No.2573502

>there are two employers there
Whats it like living somewhere that has literally nothing but two factories within driving distance.
No gas stations, no stores, no schools, no nothing. Just two fucking factories in the middle of a blank void surrounded by presumably houses... oh wait no, NO CONTRACTORS! NOBODY TO BUILD THE HOUSES!

My friend you are retarded

Seek solidarity with reality

>> No.2573515

>No gas stations, no stores, no schools, no nothing
>Everything else is service, which means family & friends only

>> No.2573517

Wait until he learns factories are also service jobs. Farmers are the only producers.

>> No.2573519


>> No.2573547

Its even funnier to think that any job is family and friends only

>> No.2573548

Ever worked in the docks?

>> No.2573554

Theyll hire outsiders too. Its called a job, not a family. If they need another hand theyll get another fucking hand wherever they can find it.

I mean for fucks sake even cults hire outside of their """family"""

You have NO excuse for not being able to find a job ANYWHERE.

>> No.2573769

Can't read, huh?

>Everything else is service, which means family & friends only.

Gas station, Circle K, schools, stores don't make enough money to hire workers they aren't related to.

5% of my graduating class joined the military.

The Amish and the Ellsworths family (worse than Amish desu) are the only ones hired to build houses, and no one wants to live in Orwell so there are no houses to build. We had a huge boom when Katrina hit New Orleans because all the roofers could find work down south. According to my former classmates seasonal work out of state is the only way to make money if you don't work at tge factories or have a relative in local business.

You really are clueless.

Hair splitting.


So you're admitting you've never traveled outside your hometown? Post your county so I can move there and jack up property values, forcing you to flee for cheaper real estate with no jobs.

>> No.2573770

Try mexico unironically or South America

>> No.2573780

>didnt agree with me? Must not have read what i wrote

>which means family and friends only
Doesnt real, if they need help theyll hire outside their circle

>no jobs
>waaaaa they wont hire me
Yeah, you... they wont hire you. Maybe theres a fucking reason you needed to flee and become a nameless faceless cog in an uncaring machine.

>> No.2573795

Where do you live?

>> No.2573808

>no argument

>> No.2573821

>Argues in bad faith
>Makes ad hominems
>Assumes rurals are morally pure selfless angels when in reality they're just like urbans and rurals
>Suggests that an ex-Marine infantryman (not the wisest choice tbf) wildland firefighter is an unhireable junkie solely because I live in a medium sized city
I'm 90% sure that this is a gayop to make rural people look retarded. There's no way someone actually believes this without having a Kiwi Farms thread.

>> No.2574019

Ah yes, the fallacy shotgun followed up by... a fucking fallacy.

Cant make this shit up, you dont deserve a rural community. Im glad you left, theyre better for it.

>> No.2574021

I hope you dont think thats a positive mark on your character

>> No.2574101

This is textbook divide & conquer consensus cracking as laid ilout in DoD deradicalization documents. This US govt employee is trying to fracture the community along rural vs urban fault lines, to reduce our productivity.

Why don't you get a real job, glowie?

Marines overwhelmingly are right wing.

>> No.2574103

Boot licker blames everyone but himself for his problems. Tell me if youve heard this one before.

>telling a glowie(federal agent(employed by the feral government)) to get a job
Little guy running low on uppera? Need someone to ship you a care package?
Your brains not working right marine!

>Marines overwhelmingly are right wing.
Just because your politics are correct doesnt mean your brain is, youre a hop skip and a jump away from dressing in all black and screaming blm.

>> No.2574106

>Boot licker blames everyone but himself for his problems. Tell me if youve heard this one before.
Interesting, you never said you aren't a glowy.

>telling a glowie(federal agent(employed by the feral government)) to get a job
>Little guy running low on uppera? Need someone to ship you a care package?
>Your brains not working right marine!
You should be in bed, civilian. you need to get up bright and early to pay for my VA health care and disability

>Just because your politics are correct doesnt mean your brain is, youre a hop skip and a jump away from dressing in all black and screaming blm.
Perfect example of D&C: unless you lockstep conform with [arbitrary identity], you are [outgroup]. This specific example is called a purity spiral.

>> No.2574112

>Interesting, you never said you aren't a glowy.
Neved said i was, either ;o

>doubles down on accusation of illumination
>immediately thereafter calls the subject in question a civilian
How many non combatants did you kill during your service? I can only imagine how much harm your negligent brain folds caused.

>literally exhibits personality traits antithetical to right wing beliefs
>if you point this out you are somehow in a purity spiral
Careful there friend, you dont have the facilities to wield a complex concept like that.
Youre mistaking the simple reinforcment of principle as a purity spiral. You either dont know what a purity spiral is or are stretching the definiton so far it would apply to literally every social action a human being has ever comitted.

If you not believe in [ideology] you are not part of the group that believes [ideology]

Ironically the only arbitrary factor here is you. Youre a leaf in the wind, move to commiefornia and live there long enough and youll turn into a fucking nimby or some dumb shit. But hey atleast youll still be able to call yourself right wing because technically you will be right of left, lmao. You do not have right wing principles, therefore you are not right wing. It really is that simple.

Now you say [ ]

>> No.2574115

>Interesting, you never said you aren't a glowy.
>Neved said i was, either ;o
Yet when accused you (still) can't answer yes or no.

>doubles down on accusation of illumination
>immediately thereafter calls the subject in question a civilian
>How many non combatants did you kill during your service? I can only imagine how much harm your negligent brain folds caused.
Too autistic to understand jokes.
Autism! Many such cases.

>literally exhibits personality traits antithetical to right wing beliefs
Such as being autistically fixated on a single thing, or being a moralizing Yankee constantly signaling your moral superiority to everyone else?

You do know that constantly needling people who just want to be left alone to discuss DIY is a womanly trait, right?

>if you point this out you are somehow in a purity spiral
>Careful there friend, you dont have the facilities to wield a complex concept like that.
>Youre mistaking the simple reinforcment of principle as a purity spiral. You either dont know what a purity spiral is or are stretching the definiton so far it would apply to literally every social action a human being has ever comitted.
You believe you are morally superior to me largely due to circumstances outside our control. I can't control that NE Ohio was deindustrialized in the 70s to the 2000s, and that it has 5% more working age population than jobs.

This is just you feeding your ego by joining in with the parasites in Washington DC to kick a man while he's down. It's demoralization propaganda.

>> No.2574116

>If you not believe in [ideology] you are not part of the group that believes [ideology]
Rural supremacism has absolutely no basis in right wing thought anywhere or at any time. The closest analog to your beliefs is Maoism, aka rural peasant communism.

Let me guess: you prefer rural mexicans to urban Americans, assuming both vote the same as you?

Are you one of Tinkzorg's race communists?

>Ironically the only arbitrary factor here is you. Youre a leaf in the wind, move to commiefornia and live there long enough and youll turn into a fucking nimby or some dumb shit. But hey atleast youll still be able to call yourself right wing because technically you will be right of left, lmao. You do not have right wing principles, therefore you are not right wing. It really is that simple.
But you admit that you are a rural supremacist though. If a literal black gay communist started a commune next to you, you'd prefer them over a White straight nationalist who lives in a suburb.

Focusing solely on geography doesn't make you right wing, it makes you a map autist.

>Now you say [ ]
Didn't understand that, eh?

>> No.2574118
File: 322 KB, 220x391, schizo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all me.

>> No.2574139

>Yet when accused you (still) can't answer yes or no.
Would you believe me if i said i wasnt? Exactly retard, nice try though.

Calling yourself right wing and then espousing explicity left wing rhetoric. Many such cases.

>You do know that constantly needling people who just want to be left alone to discuss DIY
YOU came into THIS thread

>You believe you are morally superior to me
I dont, actually. I simply observe that you do not have right wing ideals. I wouldnt even call myself right wing because it would be a lie, nice try though.
Friendly reminder intelligence agents are overwhelmingly left wing.

>kick a man while he's down.
Get a job retard

>> No.2574143

>Rural supremacism has absolutely no basis in right wing thought anywhere or at any time.
Manifestly incorrect

>Let me guess: you prefer rural mexicans to urban Americans, assuming both vote the same as you?
Mexicans can vote??????

>But you admit that you are a rural supremacist though.
I cannot deny, i am indeed based.

>If a literal black gay communist started a commune next to you, you'd prefer them over a White straight nationalist who lives in a suburb.
No, definetly not. Because a black gay commie commune isnt rural just because its in a rural area.
That would be like calling a kkk member a negro because he lived in harlem, absolute nonsense.

>Focusing solely on geography doesn't make you right wing, it makes you a map autist.
Its almost like i was never focuing solely on geography, and youre the one who tried to strawman me onto that retarded railroad.

Overturn your ass

>> No.2574157

>Would you believe me if i said i wasnt? Exactly retard, nice try though.
Still refusing to say you aren't a fed.

>Calling yourself right wing and then espousing explicity left wing rhetoric. Many such cases.

>YOU came into THIS thread
I was poasting on 4chan in 2009, fag. Nice try.

>I dont, actually. I simply observe that you do not have right wing ideals. I wouldnt even call myself right wing because it would be a lie, nice try though.
Such as?

>Friendly reminder intelligence agents are overwhelmingly left wing.
And here you are telling me that longshoremen in Seattle aren't right-wing because they live in da suburbs.

>Get a job retard
I have two lol, go fuck yourself.

>Manifestly incorrect
Another perfect example of D & C rhetoric.

>Mexicans can vote??????
Neither can dead people, but they do in Michigan.

>I cannot deny, i am indeed based.
Well enjoy it while it lasts, Biden's HUD is moving refugees to rural areas and his IRS is targeting Whites and asians. You can stay in one of my rentals after you're made homeless due to rising property taxes... if you can pay, of course.
>No, definetly not. Because a black gay commie commune isnt rural just because its in a rural area.
>That would be like calling a kkk member a negro because he lived in harlem, absolute nonsense.
And yet here you are telling me I'm a Democrat because I live in a suburb and charge rich fucks exorbitant prices to fix their shit.

>Its almost like i was never focuing solely on geography, and youre the one who tried to strawman me onto that retarded railroad.
Yet you've stated no other criteria for being right wing besides living in a rural area.

>Overturn your ass
Another schizo-ism.

>> No.2574204
File: 64 KB, 600x478, eyes_squint_w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay okay ill stop, its not fun if YOU go full schizo.

>> No.2574206

>I was poasting on 4chan in 2009
Anyone who brags about being here post project chanology is a newfaggot and I hate them

>> No.2575131
File: 399 KB, 500x500, were-going-to-ignore-the-law-when-you-skip-part-10851167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the thing; if you find a way to get around all the legal loopholes you need to make yourself happy, eventually some government bureaucrat will notice and have the laws changed to make what you're doing illegal. The only good solution is to simply break the law and don't get caught.

>> No.2576065

>half an hours drive to the nearest grocery store
That's just the average shitburb, you might as well have a multiple acre lot if you gotta drive 30 minutes to the nearest business.

>> No.2576087

The average shitburb is not 30min away from a grocery store. The average ranged from like 7 to12 minutes.

>> No.2576096


You are always going to face some sort of zoning or code restrictions. If you acquire land outside of an incorporated city/town limits you will face significantly less overall issues.

There's tons of land that's really cheap, but has strings attached. Such as it's in a designated forestry area and they actually expect you to use it appropriately for lumber production. Agriculture zoning is another example, mining yet another. Regulations vary from state to state and county to county.

>> No.2578185

When I lived in the middle of Atlanta, during a good portion of the day, it'd take 30 minutes to get to the grocery store 1.5 miles away.

>> No.2578188

>as long as you aren't building entire fucking houses in your backyard there's little issue.
i want to do just that is my only option mexico?

>> No.2578202

What's stopping someone from getting a permit to build and then just not getting anything inspected during the process? Sure you wouldn't be able to insure the house but as long as your house wasn't obviously breaking basic codes from the exterior you wouldn't be able to tell and i'm pretty sure if you lived rural no one would give a fuck.

>> No.2578228

you know that traffic traveling at 3mph isn't normal in almost any of the USA right? Atlanta traffic is terrible, but even most ATLiens aren't 30 minutes away from a grocery store

>> No.2578300

Good natural selection

>> No.2578303

Whites weren't molded through easy living conditions

>> No.2578324

>you know that traffic traveling at 3mph isn't normal in almost any of the USA right?
LOL! Are you from the 1800s? There are intersections in Atlanta that can take almost that long to get through during peak hours, especially near the interstate, which is what most of Midtown and Downtown are. Problem is people block the intersections and then no traffic flows for several light cycles. The police don't give out tickets for blocking intersections during peak hours so people see no reason not to do it.

>> No.2578360

>you know that traffic traveling at 3mph isn't normal in almost any of the USA right? Atlanta traffic is terrible, but even most ATLiens aren't 30 minutes away from a grocery store
NE ATL was a completely shitshow with traffic in the afternoon 15 years ago when I lived there. Two lane roads intersecting with two land roads mean huge backups in neighborhoods. If there were sidewalks, it would be faster to walk.

>> No.2578435

Can you really blame the asshats on bicycles weaving in between the cars?

>> No.2578450

Okay so, again, who the fuck cares about atlanta

>> No.2579363
File: 596 KB, 2516x2127, trevor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case /diy doesn't hate le bank. >>>/pol/419390972

>> No.2580697

>where you don't have to deal with no property codes or zoning boomers?
most of missouri