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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2541085 No.2541085 [Reply] [Original]

I just noticed this green cable sticking out in the middle of my backyard. It’s about 3/8” in diameter. Does anyone have any idea what it might be for?

And no, it’s not part of a plant. It’s plastic.

>> No.2541088

Where does it look like it's coming from and going to? It could be a many number of things including left over garbage.

It's probably coaxial cable from your lazy as fuck internet company that couldn't be bothered to bury it at the right depth.

Cut it and find out.

>> No.2541089

>Cut it and find out.
That was my initial reaction but then I realized I’m not retarded.

>> No.2541092

Never seen a cable company use green, they always use the basic black shit for runs, and orange for temp connections, that aren't buried.

OP, is that actually a cable, or a tube? Because I would guess it's an old irrigation line, like part of a buried drip line. Which is broken, which is why your yard is dirt in the middle.

>> No.2541097

I wouldn't worry about it

>> No.2541100

Now that you mention it, it might actually be a tube. If feels harder than any kind of wire sheathing I’ve ever handled, kind of like pvc.

>> No.2541120

have you checked if it goes down or continues going shallow like that? that should give you a better idea of where it goes and where it comes from

>> No.2541122

Start pulling

At some point you’ll realize how fucked you are

>> No.2541126

it's the handle of an easter basket. i would bet good money that it's full of hard boiled eggs.

>> No.2541140

pull on it. it's probably someone's extension cord that was forgotten and buried.

>> No.2541188

start moving some dirt?

>> No.2541193

>dig hole in ground
>find random shit that scares you
Every God damn time. It only gets worse with excavators.
> I swear I called dig safe
>no wait, did i?

>> No.2541494

It's your earth cable, it provides electricity to the earth.

>> No.2541499

Isn’t the Earth magnetic and therefore runs on magnetricity?

>> No.2541557

The jacket of the cable will be printed with what it is. Pull a little more out it will be printed there somewhere.

>> No.2542561

nerve gas pipeline

>> No.2542569
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>> No.2542664

Magnetism, electricity, just different forms of the same thing

>> No.2542666

Take a pair of pliers and try to squeeze it a bit. If it's a tube it will collapse, if it's a wire, it won't.

>> No.2542748

Thanks, Einstein.

>> No.2542750

Use an clamp ampmeter to find out the current going through it - without cutting it.
If its safe cut it and find out.
If its unsafe dig the surrounding push it back in - wear gloves obviously.

>> No.2542751

That's a flexilla air hose
Must have popped and someone left it

>> No.2542757


>> No.2543225

Pull on it, worse case scenario the former owner made a rape bunker in the back of the yard and you are going to come across 17 mummified remains fo 15-17yo girls.

Or a hula hoop.

>> No.2543414

as long as so don't have a forced sewer line yank it out. case sewer pipe is green.

>> No.2544882
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no fucking way, does it match a green cable going through your nighbors window?

>> No.2544890

Actually it was Maxwell who figured that out

>> No.2544891
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>> No.2544899

cable tv/internet is green where i live. Go sharpen a shovel and cut it by "accident"

>> No.2544910
File: 235 KB, 528x438, 2C19D42B-0765-4EE3-B89C-6532B867743E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never have I been more convinced of how retarded everyone on this board is.

>> No.2544912

Call the dig safe number for your state and ask. They will tell you what lines are running on your property and for what.

>> No.2544928

It looks like the rim of a barely covered bucket.

>> No.2545003
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power cord?

>> No.2545024
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direct bury fibre optic cable?

>> No.2545052

You shouldn't half-ass things like this. Cut the cable and put both ends in your mouth to make sure it still works. Then, reattach the loose wires and bury the cable so no one gets hurt.

>> No.2545591
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OP here. I did some more digging. Turns out the piece from the OP pic is a handle for some sort of metal container. I don’t know how big it is but I’m not able to pull it out yet. I’m probably going to try to excavate the whole thing this weekend.

Thanks for your interest. Sorry if this result disappoints anyone.

>> No.2545595

Be careful it's not a bomb OP

>> No.2545599
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I was actually able to dig it out pretty quickly. Why the fuck would someone bury this?

>> No.2545600

My sides. Breddy mediocre.

>> No.2545607

Only reason I could think of is that someone dumped a lot of soil there from a dump truck or whatever, and the bucket had been left in said soil somehow.

>> No.2545614

You ever been on a construction site? People throw everything in the ground before shit is getting landfilled.

>> No.2545641

Doesn’t seem likely since the bucket was right-side up as if someone deliberately placed it in the ground and buried it.

>> No.2545644

Oh you found where I store all my fucks

>> No.2545648

it was used in a murder and you "just found it"

>> No.2545666

Yep, it was filled to the brim with them.

>> No.2545668

i told you faggots: >>2541126
you all fucking ignored me. now you will get raped in the ass by the easter bunny this year unless you post 'please mr easter bunny dont ravage my holes' in this thread.

>> No.2545682
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There has never been a metal Easter Pail in the entire history of bunny ass raping so STFU.

>> No.2545688
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hey, it's your ass.

>> No.2545692

>Why the fuck would someone bury this?
My hoarder neighbours didn't have plumbing so they used to shit in buckets and store it in their shed. When they died the cleanup crew didn't know what to do with the shit buckets so they just buried them in the yard. Maybe that's what happened here too.

>> No.2545707


please mr easter bunny dont ravage my holes

>> No.2545725

probably had some flowers or a bush type plant in it
i often dig up plastic buckets that potted plants come in from stores

>> No.2545751

please mr easter bunny dont ravage my holes

>> No.2548285
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>> No.2548291


>> No.2548354

This is good advice. You will need to decode whatever jargon is on there, but it will contain the answer as to what it is... unless it is some budget rate, generic, unlabeled trash.

>> No.2548356

This, only do it after having the yard blue staked. After blue staking, you have plausible deniability for everything. It's not your fault that it did not show on the blue stake survey.

>> No.2548358

There is a good chance that, whatever that oddball line is, that it will not show up on a blue stake survey.

>> No.2548359

This is the opposite of a safe thread.

>> No.2548363

Easter bunnies tongue my anus.

>> No.2548843

kinda looks like the right size and shape to be a gas line, except the one i saw once was yellow

>> No.2548880

Hey that's mine, can I have it back?

>> No.2548974

Bunnies have tiny dicks, so bring it on.