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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2494816 No.2494816 [Reply] [Original]

>toughest guys on site are looking at you like this
>you are in their way as they are moving 10x faster than your scrawny electrician ass can manage

what do you do when these guys roll in and you aren't even done?

>> No.2494820

What's an electrician doing in there at this stage? you've already pulled all the wires and you don't install anything in the boxes before they finish mudding and painting do you?

>> No.2494821

Dunno. I'm a landscaper, not an electrician.

>> No.2494829


Because you retarded ass can't even pull cable through one bend so you are way behind time.

As a drywaller I am fed up of plumbers and electriciams holding up the shkw we are finished half a room and you idiots are still drilling holes in framing to fix your're issues

>> No.2494840

these nonces dont even exist in my country

>> No.2494842

Typical crywallers. sorry that I'm being cautious while installing electrical, it just happens to be actual skilled labor that can cause serious damage if I do it wrong. You wouldn't understand.

>> No.2494871

Are you saying drywall insulation is easy?

>> No.2494889

i threaten them with deportation. usually they are or have previously stolen from the job so you can threaten them with the law and theyll shit their pants. also, most drywallers are like 5'4" so i can kick their little goblin asses.

>> No.2494904

>what do you do when these guys roll in and you aren't even done?
call the building inspector because I haven't had my rough inspection yet and there are illegal immigrants here

>> No.2494922
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>toughest guys on site

>> No.2494941

And what if they are citizens?

>> No.2494944

lol they aren't I know 3 drywall crews and they're all illegal as fuck, sometimes I have to pick them up and get them into gated communities where we build houses

>> No.2494953

I knew a drywaller once, his name was Nate, Nate was a crazy person.

Allow me to regale Crazy Nates crazy night at work after he quit drywall and showed up offshore on work boat with me.

>4AM, all is well, Nate walks downstairs for breakfast and eats nothing. Nate is not hungry, we find out later its because of the meth. A few hours later Nate is being teased by some of the older fellow on account of his newness. Nate does not like this and tackles on of them into the ocean. This sound like fun and all but the reality is when people fall of large working boats people die. The boats thrusters are constantly moving to counteract the current, and the two of them start drifing towards them. The older man knows whats up and starts swimming the fuck away. Nate on the other hand has no Idea he is about to be turned into minced meat and just lets it pull him in. We get his dumb ass a rope and save him from becoming chum. The Coast Guard has already been dispatched as this is a man overboard situation. The other man is swiftly rescued by the fast rescue craft. But the coast guard is coming, a May Day does not get ignored. The coast guard shows up and Crazy Nate is fending people off of himself with a fire axe. Screaming "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO GET FUCKED FUCKED IN THE ASS SCARFACE" Over and over again. And no the double fucked is not a type. The coast guard shows up and tases him, and its like he eats that shit for breakfast. It does not stop him at all, and then a naked black man. The Galley hand comes running out of the galley screaming "My grandmas coming to visit, she should be on the chopper its coming tonight" Turns out Nate had stolen this niggers meds and took a few, So this crazy bastard is on something, and this other crazy bastard isnt on something

>> No.2494957

I'm not a crack-head so I don't work residential.

>> No.2494958

I am extremely interested in your post, please continue.

>> No.2494961

>the coast guard loses their shit and starts handcuffing everybody, which as it would turn out is illegal, becuase if you happen to fall overboard you can not swim. So what does crazy Nate do? Well he jumps the fuck overboard. The coast guard gets his ass real quick like. They take Nate in on a boat and send the galley hand back to the Dock in a medivac.

So my only interaction with a drywaller was not great. Funny. But not great.

>> No.2494964

yeah, that would suck, confrontations at work are no fun

>> No.2494966

I still got paid and the job lasted a few days longer. Fuck it.

>> No.2495002

>leaves drywall mud and dust all over your jobsite

>> No.2495015

Tell them to move their truck because the tree next to it is coming down in pieces.
And then two hours later tell them to move it again as the next tree is the one next to it. Make them move during their lunch, make them move when we go to collect the firewood at the end of the day. Aim the chips into the wind towards their truck whenever possible.

>> No.2495023

>t. never worked construction before

>> No.2495059

Tell them to fuck off because I'm not done. They won't understand me because they don't speak English. Ill keep saying NOT DONE while gesturing to my un piped j boxes and all my tools and materials. They'll probably say "yes ok no problem" and then laugh. Then I'll tell the contractor if he's there and he'll tell them to hold off on the rooms I'm still working in. Then they'll take their microwave and dunkin donuts bag and go somewhere else.

>> No.2495121

And if they don't move or move back to the original spot?

>> No.2495145

Even if they are, inspector needs to be able to see all the wiring and plumbing completed before drywall goes up
you just call their boss or the GC and tell them if they drywall it'll all be ripped off and need to be done again at their expense

skilled tradesmen work at a comfortable pace, who cares if others are breaking themselves earning $20/hr

>> No.2495150

One word.


>> No.2495154

>what do you do when these guys roll in and you aren't even done?
Grin, because they'll have to come back and take it all down to get rough inspection and insulation install/inspection first.

Dumb beaners.

>> No.2495306

Literally yes.

>> No.2495350

If drywall is already going up before the electrician is done the rough-in then your foreman needs to be fired because he was supposed to get the close-in and electrical inspections done before the drywall goes up, and you can't get those inspections if the electrician isn't done yet.

>your're issues
>drywall insulation
OK I see why you do drywall now, your level of intelligence hinders you from being able to accomplish tasks more complex than "cut out a shape and screw it to a wall".

>> No.2495355

>Are you saying drywall insulation is easy?
I assume you meant to say installation, not insulation. If so, then absolutely. When I was 19 I drywalled my mom's basement with zero issues despite having absolutely no experience doing it. Even had my 14 year old brother do the utility room and even that came out fine. Drywall is probably the easiest part of building a house behind painting or carpet.

>> No.2495465
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>> No.2495701

I was once on a site and the retard drywallers/plasterers made the plaster too thick and then mold started growing on all the walls because the plaster took too long to cure. So if you are extra retarded then you actually can do serious damage doing drywall.

>> No.2495835

Damn. So the electrician and plumber could put it up after they finish and never need a team.

>> No.2495843

Yes, though we are not paid to do so

>> No.2495849

>Drywall is probably the easiest part of building a house behind painting or carpet.

I think you were looking for the word "simple", and even that isn't true for some rooms. Sanding that shit is probably the most awful part of building a house, next to gluing up a bunch of PVC in a confined space.

>> No.2495868

>Sanding that shit

the only reason it needs that degree of sanding is because the people doing it have rudimentary-to-no skills, unlike the plasterers they replaced.
Doing it the messy way only works because it's cheaper.
The hardest part of doing it the clean and precise way is developing the planning, timing and tool handlng skills, but once you have them it *is* pretty easy.

>> No.2495873

easier and no risk compared to electrical and plumbing
if you do a bad job it just looks bad it doesnt flood the house or burn it down

>> No.2495878
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>toughest guys on site
Usually the ones I see are manlet crackheads or obese illegals

>> No.2496190

Painting is definitely easier than drywall. Drywall IS piss-easy but there is still a bit of finesse required to get certain finishes and do things like properly tape corners and joints. It can all be learnt in like a month though. Painting takes two weeks to become a master at it.

>> No.2496199

When you're a 5' squat goblin it's easy to move around quickly

>> No.2496218

>Painting takes two weeks to become a master at it.
as long as you are just rolling walls lol, I'm a carpenter and a good painter is not something you run into often, being good at painting requires the ability to work with bondo, caulk CORRECTLY, tape, prep, etc. it isn't a one month trade

>> No.2496220

>>toughest guys on site
I mean you do have a point
It takes a pretty tough type of guy to have an 80IQ and still survive in this world.

>> No.2496261
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>toughest guys on the job


Maybe on some small residential job.

>> No.2496271

pretty tough being tied off like a faggot. Iron workers are just welders that couldn't pass the test.

>> No.2496274

wearing a harness is brave stuff. I worry about my boys too much to do it.

>> No.2496354


Usually the scrawny guys will take the time to do it right instead of rushing through it like a dimwitted neanderthal.

>> No.2496355

>Maybe on some small residential job.
dry wall guys are always 10x levels below framers

>> No.2496444

Is this true?

>> No.2496494

>be me
>show up late to job at like 6:50 am
>boss isn't there, he had to pick up his new canopy for his truck because he has no hobbies or life outside of work
>other retard drywaller still sitting in his car, hasn't even taken the tools out
>mfw they usually get to work by 6:20
>mfw he's been sitting on his ass for nearly half an hour and didn't even go inside to look at the job (because when we finally go into the house he makes comments about how surprisingly large it is)
>mfw he gets out of his car at the exact same time that i do
>mfw i immediately start unloading the tools while he's just standing there on his phone
>mfw we walk past the bricklayers and one of them says to him "so are you finally gonna start working?" - this was like lighting a fuse in my mind
>mfw pissed off all day that i have to work with this retard
fuck drywalling and fuck team-based jobs with people that you don't know well
never going back to that slave job, quitting was the best thing i ever did

>> No.2496657

I dilligently apply a hammer wherever I need to still do work.

>> No.2496687

What you get for being late.

>> No.2496728
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>fuck team-based jobs with people that you don't know well

what the bricklayer did is called razzing: it's how straight men bond.
women gossip, men razz.
you might be on the autism spectrum (or home-schooled) since you didnt catch that.

>> No.2496753

Drywall sucks cock. I feel sorry for those that do it for a living.

>> No.2496806

Sounds like toxic masculinity anon.

>> No.2496815

>razzing: it's how straight men bond.

It's also how closeted gay men trying to "bond" with prospective sex partners in male dominated workplaces make their move and maintain an "out" if their advances are rejected...they can just say, "hey bro, your read me all wrong! You must be autistic!"
the way you can tell the fags from straight men is that the fags will try to convince you that it's very normal and very straight and encourage you to follow suit if you want to be "normal", saying things like
> that's called razzing: it's how straight men bond.
>women gossip, men razz
- to try to get you to act like an overcompensating fag like them and let your guard down.

>> No.2496847

He shoula "threw a brick inside him" if ya know what im talking about.

>> No.2497963
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old school ironworkers didn't need no harnesses

>> No.2498076

Inform the retards that they're at the wrong lot.