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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2491471 No.2491471 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished chopping off my ingrown nail, this is not my first time, it's the third I had to remove and it's always the same one.
I would like to not have it ingrow again, so please share any of your tips and remedies for its mantainance.

>> No.2491473

apparently, you can put a V into the middle of your toenail and this will stop it. but I've never tried it so, good luck.

>> No.2491475

I just kept cutting it halfway then pulling the rest of the nail off. It fixes itself if you do it right and keep it dry

>> No.2491477

Btw the uncut toenail was the past treatmeant to indirectly see how much it was growing at the root, now that I think of it I should cut it again.

>> No.2491480

a V of what? I don't understand clearly, 'm not american.

I've arleady removed it, are you implying to keep cutting it when it starts regrowing?

>> No.2491481

sorry, I meant 'cut' not 'put'. cut a V shape into the middle of your toenail. again, no idea if this works but it's something I read on 4chan one time.

>> No.2491483


you need to kill the nailbed on the ingrown side. normally they use something corrosive at the drs office

>> No.2491486

Lose weight.

>> No.2491489

Sounds like nonsense, but when I cut my nails tomorrow I'll draw a v using my scissors.

Wtf, I've arleady removed it all the way to the root.

>> No.2491491

my toe was inflamed you retard, I'm probably more skinny than you.

>> No.2491506

This is the final solution. After the 4th time on one big toe, and the 3rd time on the other I had the crappy sides of the nail beds lasered. Never came back. The podiatrist said it's genetic; some people have wide nail beds. I dunno. I bet this kind of thing didn't happen very often before modern shoes and boots; but we live in a world of asphalt, concrete, and broken glass.

>> No.2491511

>Wtf, I've arleady removed it all the way to the root

yeah but you havent removed the root. it will just grow back

>> No.2491524

You might want to look up causes of ingrown toenails then, retard. In nearly every case, the retard is overweight. Oddly enough, I don't have any ingrown toenails, but when I was a fatass I did. Lost the weight, toenails went back to normal. But you say that you do have an ingrown toenail? Huh. Then I guess you probably aren't more skinny than me. Nice try though.

>> No.2491531

Killed both big toe nails by dropping a log on my toes. Ripped them off that night, that was 15 years ago. The outer edges and front are curled downwards on both. Both are about a quarter inch short of being level with my toe. It has been a long process to get nails covering more and more. No joke, those nail lifters can work if you don't do it like a retard.
>If it is like mine. Most of the actual pressure is from dead skin and not nail cutting in. I regularly clean out the rolled in sides of dead skin. Rarely (occurrences are years apart) find pus from actual ingrowing nails.
Get a pedicure file kit, you will be able to clean out a lot of crap then use the nail lifter. It will hurt, but less than an actual ingrown nail.

>> No.2491695

This actually works

>> No.2491832

If it's not a major problem, do NOT have surgery for it.
You'll come out looking like a freak

>> No.2491838

You can buy plastic medical inserts that you place around the edge while it's growing, then those inserts guide the nail out more. But it's not a phenomenal fix, if you are heavily disposed towards having it grow in, it'll do it anyway, so in that case killing part of the bed might be the best solution.

>> No.2491840

yes, do what I did and go to an actual foot doctor.

>> No.2491846

Just go to a doctor. I had the same and they just cut of 1/5 of my toe. It should grow back.

>> No.2491878

I fucking realised how much less difficulty I would have had by looking at one of those nail kit, as looking back into the operation my major problems were my tweezers being to big to move beetween the flesh and the pointy side would grab after the shorter one, I couldn't take a hold no matter how deep I dived, the way I actual succeeded was by utilising something similar to the sticks in the nail kit, I used a pair of toothpicks to insert under the nail and start pressuring towards the outside to slowly detach the nail from the skin, until it finally popped out; I hadn't much lever to work with so I guess that's why the kit's pick is curved.
looking at your suggestion I've arleady own a pedicure kit, it doesn't have a nail lifter so I think you meant a ingrown nail kit. Since I won't buy a complete kit for just one item I'll just lift it manually and also cut it halfway like >>2491475 suggested, slow and steady because I don't wan't to deal with this anymore.

Pussies, if I back down even to cure a nail in this lazy modern world I'm not worth respect. And if I spend my days delegating my works, backing down, to a life of apathy where everything is decided and flows in front of me, I'll learn how to avoid instead of using my hands, it's the third time I've operated myself, again and again, do you think it's worthless? because I won't forget the patience and the concentration needed to complete something which you don't enjoy, what would I've learned if I went to the doctor? nothing.

>> No.2491897
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I've looked into the causes of ingrown nail before, look at me, you probably like it faggot.

>> No.2491933

Jfc, trim that treasure trail and buy pants and a belt that fit properly. And while you’re at it fix your diet, start lifting and get out in the sun you pale ass twink.

>> No.2491946

If you've done it multiple times and you keep failing you're bad at it or the surgery is beyond your ability to do properly yourself. It's ok to go to a doctor when you have a recurrent health issue. If you cut off your finger are you going to try to reattach it yourself, too?

>> No.2491947


This is now a pectus excavatum thread.

Have you tried a plunger like they do on car door dents?

>> No.2491963

No, and yes

I'll leave the tresure tail, trimming is for twinks.
I don't lift as I'm not looking for an inflated physique.
Speaking of pale I should and I will sunbathe during my break in the weekend, although I fear It's too late in the seasons.
It's too deep, I've succeeded with my car, but this now is only good for Nyotaimori.

>> No.2491971

Best way is drill the rib cage like a patio slab then inject foam to raise the low areas. Slabs are lifted by drilling for expansion anchors then pulled by the hardware thus attached via steel beams and bottle jacks. A diamond core drill lets you make holes suiting the injector hose.

>> No.2491976

I think I have an ingrown nail but I just ignore it.
Whats the problem exactly?

>> No.2491980

>do you think it's worthless?
it's obviously not working.

doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results... insane much?

>> No.2491982

>what would I've learned if I went to the doctor? nothing.
it appears you learned nothing.

>> No.2492108

Nail lifters are tools with a threaded rod with a pad that goes on the top of the nail. It has two arms that end with hooks that you slip under the nail edges. Hook the nail edge. Turn the rod til the pad touches the nail, and keep turning it to lift the hooks. This lifts the nail edges up. Over time of using it, you can slowly pull the nails out of the side.

>> No.2492132

It works 100%. Also cut your side nails STRAIGHT. you're not a foot model and short toenails are unhealthy

>> No.2492143

you need to cut away at the skin around the nail as its growing back in. then use a file, fingernail, or something else thin to slip under the nail and push the skin under as far back as it will go, do this on the whole nail and push extra hard on the sides where it wants to hand down.The key is not letting dead puffy skin bunch up and into the path of the growing nail.

I have not gotten a hangnail since adding this step to my regular grooming habits.

>short toenails are unhealthy
footfags say some of the funniest shit I swear

>> No.2492159

When you grow your rancid nails out so you can them straight across and dig out the scum, yeah I guess foot health is foot fag. I'm going to use a toe knife on my tranny toes. I hate you, you're on the list.

>> No.2492264


Holy fuck dude. Isn’t it obvious?

Cut your nails often, there should never be much of any white portion, just a tiny tiny sliver of white. And don’t cut a curved shape matching the toe, cut nearly a straight line across the nail with very little curve.

And keep your toes clean u animal

>> No.2492307

I used to have terrible ingrown nails on both of my big toes' inside edge. Not because of ill-fitting shoes, overweight, etc, just genetics.
I went to a local clinic/urgent care, to ask about it. I knew they did stitches, etc, but wasn't sure if they did this kind of thing.

They took care of it the same day. I had lived with the problem for years.
It's a bit gross, but I'll give you a rundown. The procedure was the same for both toes.

The doctor used a local anaesthetic on each humped-up, inflamed spot. It was freaky to watch someone repeatedly sticking a needle into the side of my big toe, but it made the pain from the later steps bearable. Then he used a pair of surgical scissors and a pair of blunt tweezers to tease out the ingrown part of the toenail & cut it out. Then he squeezed the the inflamed part HARD (essentially squeezing the pus out), followed with a quick alcohol wipedown. That corrected the current problem.

Then he used a different pair of tweezers, quite small tips but not quite sharp, to "scramble my nail matrix". Just the edge of it, the problem area. The nail only grows from a thin line of cells at the back edge, and if you destroy or remove those cells, then no more nail will 'emerge'. That was the key to keep my nails from becoming ingrown again.

Afterwards I had to keep them bandaged for a couple of days, changing them, cleaning the wound area, standard stuff. And it took a while for the humped up portions to completely disappear. They were no longer inflamed, but because I had had the ingrown nails for so long, 'granulation tissue' had built up. In time, those areas went away on their own.

All of that was 17 years ago. And it was a permanent fix.
I know this is /diy/, but I would suggest letting someone else handle this. It's a couple hundred bucks, you get it fixed one time, the right way.

>> No.2492368

Get a doctor to kill that side of the nail. They use a q tip with somekind of acid down in the nail root for me.

>> No.2492407
File: 1.39 MB, 4080x1836, IMG_20221028_061528321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cut my nails last night. I used to have in grown problems on my big toe, but I just let it grow, then stuffed cotton under it like your gay cartoon. Its the only thing that worked.

>> No.2492436

I haven't read through the whole thread but am an anon who has had minor ingrown toenails in his youth, mostly due to bad nail hygeine (such as cutting them back too far). I find cutting a small v shaped cut on each side of the nail helps when they get a little angry. I don't cut a notch in the middle as that just seems weird. Maybe its just a placebo effect, but I feel that it does assist in reducing symptoms.

>> No.2492441
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I have been suffering from ingrown nails all my life. But I found out that all you need to do is drop a few drops of Betadine to the corner of your nail. It will heal really fast and doesn't hurt a bit. Trust me it's the best thing you can do.

>> No.2492450

>what would I've learned if I went to the doctor?
well for one you could lose your foot. I know someone who lost his foot because he ignored an infection caused by an ingrown toenail.

>> No.2493078

Any pics on placement of these v-shaped cuts?

>> No.2493288

How long does it take to grow again, op?

>> No.2493293

I had the same thing growing up, getting a doctor to cut it out and kill the bed underneath with acid got rid of it. You'll be wearing flip flops for a few weeks but other than that it's so worth it, I've never felt pain again after that

>> No.2493322
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This is the closest to accurate I could find. Where it says "scrape" you actually cut a wedge shape back into the top of the nail. Like a small file on edge will give you a 90º groove down towards the V cut in the white. It encourages the nail to pull together if you don't overdo it.

>> No.2493510

Hey OP this poster isn't the same as >>2492436 I kinda forgot about this thread after I posted, I'll try get a picture up, the one that guy posted is definitely not how I do it.

>> No.2493684

see a doctor... fuck.

>> No.2493836
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It's subtle, it won't work instantly but over time it should be effective.

>> No.2493837
File: 2.31 MB, 4032x2268, 20221031_081801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After giving it a little file, no notches catching on my socks.

>> No.2493990
File: 23 KB, 986x740, Screen Shot 2022-10-31 at 1.46.22 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ingrown toenail file. You rasp down the sides of your nail every few weeks, I've been managing mine like this for a few years now, no complaints.

>> No.2494152
File: 1.33 MB, 2268x4032, PXL_20221022_102837002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remove the damn thing, like I did!

>> No.2494287

What will you do once you get a headache?

>> No.2494326

i got surgery trice and it grew back both times, this procedure is retarded

>> No.2494329

the inflammation heals after the procedure, but your toe ends up looking retarded and you have scars. Then, 4 months later you have the same problem again when the left and right chopped off sides of the nail grow back from their root. I was young and stupid back then, today I would ask the doc to kill the inflamation but refuse surgery that leaves plenty of scars.

>> No.2494338

No clue what the fuck you mean.

>> No.2494362

Went to the doctor and had him file down on the toe skeleton so the nail can't grow wide enough to cause problems.

>> No.2494398

you cauterize the area with glowing hot nail and get nice burn. that should kill the nail bed.
>is it safe
lmao I'm not a doctor

>> No.2494477
File: 68 KB, 356x474, IT'S NOT THAT HARD NIGGA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't be retarded when you trim your toe nails.

>> No.2495364

What tools/setup did you use to do this? Will it grow back? Is it worth it? How much pain?

He means something like you are going to remove your brain or take some shotgun mouthwash.

>> No.2495371

Seriously? I kinda feel like this is a joke post.

>> No.2495501
File: 1.31 MB, 2268x4032, PXL_20221031_115102408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9ml of lidocaine (injected all around the toe)
Medical Scissors (large)
Lots of gauze

My doctor did this. The numbing hurt the worst, but removed a lot of bad stuff. The nail will grow back.

>> No.2495507

>I would like to not have it ingrow again, so please share any of your tips and remedies for its mantainance.
see a podiatrist

>> No.2496622

No need to worry sir, now that the nail is gone, medicate, and wait for the nail to grow again.
When it shall grow it again, watch it carefully, if it will cause the same problem again, then take the entire nail out.
Wait and see, eventually your nail will adapt and never cause such problem again.
Always if you have the patience of doing this for some year.

>> No.2496625

Sir, you should have hasten the nail slowly, day per day and then remove it all. It would also remove its roots more perfectly, leaving a beautiful blood floor on your big toe.

>> No.2497252

This works. I used to get hang nails so bad it hurt to walk. Just cut your nail straight, NOT rounded, and clip a small V into the middle. I haven't had a hang nail in 20 years because of this goofy trick.

>> No.2497401

Nigga, I just want to browse /diy/ and eat my pizza
You are preventing that

>> No.2497668

I've removed a couple ingrown toenails. It's well worth it to go to the doctor. They coat the nail bed in acid so it cannot regrow where it shouldn't

>> No.2497672

Then hide the damn tread.

>> No.2497798


>> No.2498310

Go to a professional ffs

>> No.2498424
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, american foot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any pictures, but I once performed surgery on my left big toe to cure an ingrown toenail, and I was successful.

I watched youtube videos of how hospitals treat it, surgically. Basically, they cut down to the nailbed, and kill the edge of it, so that it won't grow anymore. And that's what I did. I drank a fair amount of alcohol and then went to the bathroom, and sterilized my scalpel by coating it with alcohol and then lighting it on fire. After the fire went out and it cooled, I sliced open the edge of my toe, just outside of the nail and parallel with it, down to the base of the nail. I folded back the flesh and, seeing the exposed nailbed, I heated up a butter knife with a lighter, and then cauterized the edge of the nail bed. Once this was done, I sterilized everything with more alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, folded the flesh back into place, sterilized it again, and then taped the whole mess back together.

It healed cleanly, no scars, and I have had no troubles with the ingrown toenail since. My description here is simpler than it was really, because it was quite painful and bled quite a bit. If I were to do it again, I'd use a tourniquet, not only to reduce the bleeding but also to numb the area, because that would have helped me quite a bit. I also drank more alcohol than I should have (I shouldn't have drank any) but I was scared, and it still hurt a lot despite the alcohol, and I got blood all over the floor and one wall.

btw I'm American, pic is of the foot and toe I worked on. I did this a few years ago and it hasn't troubled me since.

>> No.2498431

>left big toe
right toe, I meant.

>> No.2498498

>mangled disgusting toenail that still isnt growing in properly
youre more alcoholic than american

>> No.2498507

Don't blame me for your large toenails. The size of mine didn't change from this procedure, it only stopped causing me pain with every step, which was my goal. Cry elsewhere. Truth be told, I cried a bit while I was doing it, it hurt a lot. But I did it anyway, because I am a male.

>> No.2498769

post your toe, bitch

>> No.2500301

Inflamed with fat lmao

>> No.2500863
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Healing up nicely! Third week right here.

>> No.2501553

I’m guessing this is what I had done as a kid. Operation was weird but that was 25 years ago and never had any more.

>> No.2502085

I did exactly what is in your pic, using a qtip cotton after removing the ingrown part. You need to press it really deep under the nail and around it, to completely isolate it from skin.

>> No.2502088

footfag RN here, this works

>> No.2502968

Get wider toed shoes/boots.

>> No.2504027
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i've had same problem. i've had my nail removed and new nail started to ingrow again. i went to some local foot clinic and got pic rel. your shoes also might cause the damage
also this