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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2486850 No.2486850 [Reply] [Original]

Just in case, what should one be doing?

What are (You) doing?

>> No.2486851

I’m hoping it hits me directly.

I have like $2500 cash laying around the house just in case Cashapp doesn’t work. I always thought when society starts to collapse so bad that cable no longer works and I can’t watch King of the Hill, I’m going to hit up a dope dealer and buy enough heroin to have fun for a few days and then take myself out before the roving bands of zombies get me.

>> No.2486905

You visit prepper channels and wallow in that life. That whole scene has been done to death and there is nothing new to add or invent. Toddle off and read some of it. It doesn't matter what I'm doing since by your post you wouldn't ever come close.

>> No.2486945

Im stacking canned beans in tomato sauce, also thinking of buying some silver my paper money is worth nothing when the economy crashes

>> No.2486957

I have seaweed, canned goods and water both protable and rain. My neighbors, all but 2, are the stick it out as a group kind and Ilive on a hill so i am not worried about waste for a few days.
major concerns are neighbors who have diabetes and criminals
I think the south atlantic anomaly is more concerning than nuclear fallout there are large transformers in the area that could cause a fire.

>> No.2486966

Strike a deal with local farmers to protect their farms with my 3D printed AR-15 I nabbed from my dead fat ass neighbor in exchange for meals and a hay pile to sleep. Triangulate all the boomers hiding in their bunkers by scanning with my baofengs and kurchunking until they screech, then loot all their toilet paper. Allow enough time for the looters to die of radiation or starve and seek the bunker filled with women waiting for a male seed.

>> No.2486969

Mormon food store, seal in mylar cheap and easy.

>> No.2486973

>3D printed AR-15
sounds super duper reliable for an apocalypse scenario

>> No.2486975

Yes well I will be moving to california where everyone has a debilitating fear of the very sight of an assault rifle, I’ll likely never need to fire a single round.

>> No.2486994

I have neighbors who are preppers. I have guns and will take what they have

>> No.2486996

Same here
Though I do have a few MRE's just for shits and giggles.

>> No.2487007

>implying I want to live
I'm going butt naked to the nearest guaranteed strike location

>> No.2487029
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I live in a small town with farms and wildlife so even if WW3 broke out on US soil I'd probably be insulated from the worst of it, and have plenty of local resources for food. The closest nuclear targets and population centers are far enough away that I'd only be in the "minimal fallout".

Complete economic collapse would be worse but I have some stuff I could barter with until some new form of currency became established.

Perhaps the hard part would be staving off and competing with all the displaced people trying to come here for relief because we'd be one of the areas people want to go when shit hits the fan. Or maybe not since they'll freeze to death in the winter. I would too since I depend on oil deliveries for heat. Guess I could use biodiesel in a pinch...

>> No.2487036

If WW3 happened, unironically the best thing you could do is just join the army. Theyll let anyone in

>> No.2487053

they definitely know you're going to be trying this and probably have more guns and body armor

>> No.2487068

a horse.

>> No.2487071

why prepare for the worst? Whats the worst that happens? Seriously What is the absolute worst shit that happens? Do you die? Ok well all that prep was for nothing.

So now that we have established that preparing for the worst lets discuss what happens when some bad shit happens but you make it through alive.

Assuming that you are relatively uninjured because if you got your legs blown the fuck off you aint gonna do shit except give your stock to a able legged guy. So here we are and it the day after the Putins bomb and you are uninjured what do you do?

You immediately start to make shit better, and that is the time to do it. Not fucking before.

>> No.2487104

fuck you faggot I am going to murder you.

>> No.2487233

>It doesn't matter what I'm doing since by your post you wouldn't ever come close.
pure cringe

>> No.2487236
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>> No.2487269

Accurate though. If you personally cannot fix nearly everything you own including vehicles you'll be fucked in SHTF. Most people are tech helpless and not equipped to maintain what they use or fix valuable equipment for others in return for barter.

If you're not basically a hardcore gearhead with a full shop living in a rural, defensible area with access to agriculture you'll have a very tough row to how.

How many Anons have rebuilt vehicles and everything else they use? How many can competently scavenge parts to fix broken equipment and structures? How many have fully equipped shops and mobile gear too? How many raise livestock (I keep chickens, easy, cheap and the eggs are great eating)?

This is 4chan land of helpless spoonfeeder tourists who rage when it's pointed out changing your own oil is wiser than having some lube monkey butcher your oil pan. Most may as well blow their brains out since they're not even prepared for serious /diy/ in peacetime. They're free to choose otherwise but nearly all prepping is a placebo excuse to buy more guns (I approve of course) not actually prepare for adversity.

>> No.2487375

meds. take them

>> No.2487450
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I... MUST... ITCH....

>> No.2487616

whatever bitch, im coming for you. Now you have posted a picture of yourself you will be easy to find. you are so dumb and will be easy to destroy.

>> No.2487712

Shit, sounds like I'm 100% set then!

>> No.2487893

bump for serious answers

>> No.2487909

yeah well what size and for what? A small foldable solar panel or handcrank generator can power USB devices.

>> No.2488051

I'm in a minimal fallout area :)

>> No.2488053

two more weeks

>> No.2488125

What's a cheap efficient way of storing large amounts of water(for drinking)?

>> No.2488129

drill a well

>> No.2488134

I'm preparing myself for death everyday by giving less of a shit about my mortality with every waking moment

>> No.2488135

>every WAKING moment. Pfff.. . Lazy fuck.

>> No.2488136

Big plastic barrels and some bleach.

>> No.2488149

>some bleach
how do you make sure it wont kill you?

>> No.2488154

Proper ratio, it's just a few cups to several dozens of gallons.
If you're worried just squirt some lemon in to neutralize the bleach.

>> No.2488533

He's right though, OP is just some basement dwelling faggot who is probably banned from spamming on other boards and comes here when he's desperate for attention

>> No.2488964

how long till it starts?

>> No.2488988

actually the world will not be destroyed in an quick explosion it will just decay slowly and painfully as it has been

>> No.2489205

I've purchased a helmet and some really good sunglasses. (Nuclear explosions are very bright)

>> No.2489230

Ive got a whole ass plan. I’m pretty much Gucci if the nukes drop. Good luck everybody else

>> No.2489332

mmmm about two more weeks

>> No.2489378

Bad idea, You will walk into skid row on accident and barely make it out alive from all the irradiated heroin ghouls.

>> No.2489421

I'm a data hoarder so I'll have plenty of entertainment if the innernet goes down

>> No.2489490

Half of californians have featureless rifles, or illegal AKs

>> No.2489616

Cash won't help you. Buy metal bare (gold, iron etc etc). Or, store things that people would want to trade such as petrol.

>> No.2489639


put my bug out gear in my vehicle and disappear into the wilderness. build a hut from locally sourced materials.

my landrover series 3 diesel (slow but reliable)

full tank of diesel, plus get an additional litres when the time comes.

my camping gear, bowls, cooking utensils, pans, cups, plates (picnic set)

20 boxes of matches, firestarters, lighters, flints.

shotgun, 308 remington, boxes of shells and rounds, bowie knife, compass, big first aid kit

decent clothes, few pairs of boots, shoes, muckboots, wet weather gear

memory mattress, sleeping bag blankets, pillows

a shovel, sledge hammer, axe, mattock, hammer, work gloves
chainsaw with 20 lts of 2 stroke fuel, handsaw, 500 8 gauge nail, 500 10 gauge nail

tub of dry food, 2 tub of canned food, water purifiers, emergency MRE's

>> No.2489901

where will you get the power to run it though?

>> No.2490092

not him but I answer from my perspective. I imagine the upcoming euro winter blackout to become not only dangerous but also quite boring. We have lots of books and board games, but damn me I need a bit of bing bing wahoo every now and then

got some games on my mobile + a gameboy color/advance emulator with about 20 games, one of which is a romhack even (a pokemon rouge like, pokemon emerald rouge). Looked into other romhacks but they don't seem interesting and are only some slightly variatons of the base game

Bought a power bank, 2 foldable solar panels (they suck without sun light during winter) and a small handcrank generator, not a flimsy one. Despite our phones, I can charge batteries, flashlights, a electric arc fire lighter and all other small usb devices. You could have lots of sd cards and dump all kinds of files and programms on those, use them on mobiles.

>> No.2490474

There is no need to worry about this. Everyone will die. Even the government, which will hide in bunkers with nuclear power plants and other means of life support. Simple survivalists will die too. Even if they have a bunker. They might last a few weeks, but they'll die anyway. If an exchange of nuclear strikes takes place, it will completely destroy the planet. Just don't think about it and live a normal life.

>> No.2490490

pray you die in the first blast

>> No.2490589

your neighbors are gonna smoke you with a nugget out of spite and feed you to their dogs.

>> No.2490618

this one

there are 2 very detailed youtube videos about it. Bought mine for about 35€ on ebay.

>> No.2490860

Last time nukes were dropped, there were only two of them in existence.
Now the major world powers each have hundreds to thousands.

>> No.2490871
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Can I shelter from blast in a pedestrian underpass?

>> No.2490877

You mean Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where America dropped one bomb each? I will disappoint you. Time does not stand still. Everyone has very large stocks of nuclear weapons. Modern bombs are much more powerful than those. And now imagine an exchange of nuclear strikes. Where in America is a dangerous fault in the tectonic plates? Where is the US volcano that can wake up? When air defense systems start shooting down missiles at high altitude, what will happen to the planet's atmosphere? Believe! Everyone will die. An exchange of nuclear strikes is the end of human existence. You just need to be a little more relaxed about it.

>> No.2490883

No. Google the Moscow metro and its hermetic doors.

>> No.2490890

The blast effect is called blast.

>> No.2490919
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I bought 10 pounds of popcorn, you can boil it to soften it and eat it as a gruel. or you can plant it to grow crops of corn.
the store brand is pretty cheap.

if they take out the highways we all starve.

>> No.2490945

Crossin my fingers. Anything else is an exercise in futility

>> No.2490946

You do realize how much of California is made up of gangbanging Mexicans right? Last place I'd want to be when shit hits the fan, they're not losing their chain of command. Also a big reason they're all fleeing

>> No.2490950

Guy whose rebuilt entire vehicles here. Changing your own oil is retarded.

>> No.2491312

Jet mech and much more here and lube tard hands destroy MANY drain plugs. I've never owned a vehicle I hated enough to take to a lube monkey outfit. The "techs" would be (real) mechanics if they were any good.

Noobs don't know the horrors lube shops inflict but /o/ has some amusing ones now and then. If you trust them YOU are retarded or just don't care about your vehicles.

>> No.2491492

Even if you somehow manage to survive a global nuclear war and it's immediate consequences, the aftermath would be so bad I think you would wish the blastwave killed you

>> No.2491512

I live up north too. Can't you just burn wood like everyone else

>> No.2491566

Not aware that independent shops exist I see. Where I work, it's me and the boss. He builds Driveshafts, I inspect cars and rebuild differentials. No lube monkeys. People that change their own oil are either doing it to fuel their own overblown sense of superiority, have extremely convenient set ups anyway cause they do everything else on their own cars (me for example, pull it on the rack at the end of the day while I sticker the car, get shop price on the oil too) and retards. We charge like a dollar over the cost of parts to do it for you.

>> No.2491571

Depends on location and since you said that it's clear you were just quoting idiots. Meanwhile a war's worth of warheads were detonated in atmosphere with no important social disruption.

>> No.2491575

I always made sure my setups were and are convenient. I use light colored drain pans and (on my bikes) cut open oil filters to part the pleats every three changes.

Your shop is at the more professional end of the spectrum since you guys know how to make driveshafts (basic lathe work is a mystery to many low-enders) and you do diff work (also not really hard but it's magic to people who can't into test indicators and thicc blue Sharpies or Dykem). Many shops don't touch that stuff and just swap parts. They are why I've done my own oil and lube swaps since my first vehicle. (I even did the 500 mile service on my then-new FXR since the owner knew me and they were max'ed out. RIP Doug's Harley-Davidson and other real biker-dealers.)

>> No.2491626

At the moment I'm building a pack to keep me sustained for ideally a week. Soon as I can build a home I'll maintain a month of freeze dried shit. Long term, I'm gonna start raising shetland sheep and quails (chicken egg allergy), and trying to get myself weaned off the grid a bit so when it collapses I'll have the home infrastructure to be ok. Looking to build a compound with some close friends, so ideally we'll be pretty secure when the nukes fall.

>> No.2491680

I have guns and ammunition. Everyone else did all the other prepping and stockpiling for me.

>> No.2492031

>What are (You) doing?
Nothing. I live within 10 miles of three primary targets in a first-strike or retaliatory scenario. I am fucked.

>> No.2492034

Depends on how much shit you want to power and what your definition of portable is. A couple of large phone power banks and a solar panel will keep any phone flashlights and radios going for a long time. That's why all my stuff is rechargeable. If you want to power the same shit for months or power bigger shit you're going to need something bigger like a jackery but that's pretty heavy and I wouldn't wan to walk with it.

>> No.2492061

Retards will say shit like a bunker, canned food and power generation.

Intelligent people know organizing a militia, stockpiling guns and ammunition and then raiding, subjugating, pillaging and extracting tribute from the aforementioned retards is the superior strat.

Only Americanized retards think it'll be some 'last man on earth' situation when society breaks down. There will be a power vacuum to fill and you either are the one on top or the nigger getting fucked. Your choice. Cheers!

>> No.2492063

Others are right, they probably have some guns. Invest in makeshift artillery/mortars to bombard their positions. And you'll need superior manpower to take the facility. The best counter to guns is more guns.

>> No.2492084

doppelganger /10

>> No.2492714

>Intelligent people know organizing a militia, stockpiling guns and ammunition and then raiding, subjugating, pillaging and extracting tribute from the aforementioned retards is the superior strat.
there's gonna be an extended period of time when you cant even go outside tho

>> No.2493440

Dubs of truth.
>this is the way the world ends
>the world ends
>the world ends
>this is the way the world ends
>not with a bang but a whimper

>> No.2493488

That's normal life. All life dies and all systems degrade. It's not to be confused with decline. Stop thinking like a young male even if you are young.

>> No.2494348

I'm getting my passports renewed. Also if I wouldn't have already - paper copied of important documents, also even bank statements to put in a fire safe as proof of having an account. People are too retarded to realise that all data exists physically somewhere and you have no guarantee it has been backed up properly. There are people today losing their bank accounts because of cyberattacks and shit.

>> No.2494353

...but probably the best thing one can do is not live in a fucking city. Like this guy says: >>2487029
If you're living somewhere in the country, have your own sources of food (farming) and fuel (forest for firewood) then you're is a much better situation than city dwellers who will cannibalise each other or die in the first week from drinking contaminated water.

>> No.2494356

I expect more like a cloud of ash getting into the atmosphere and fucking shit up like the Chernobyl industrial accident, not an all out nuclear war. Say, they do something retarded around the power plants with conventional weapons and then there's a radioactive cloud over Europe and you can't drink milk and shit. Like what happened in 1986 but on a larger scale.

>> No.2494383

if shtf california will be aztec empire 2.0 ground zero you don't want to be there especially if you're white

>> No.2494402

I've been considering getting a ham radio license. I have ADHD I feel like I get surface level into doing things and never follow through with anything. Then I get distracted with other things.

Shade tree mechanic myself, shops at least have a set up system to dispose of things correctly, aside from the convenience of other things. Buying all the tools and components needed isn't worth the cost of doing my own stuff. I got my time off the last thing I want to do is do my fucking job for fun. It's not like people are going to come buy and want it done cheap either. In the long run even though I want those tools I'm loosing money overall just changing my own stuff unless I decide to dig a ditch to drive my car over to get under it to do all that shit myself instead of buying jack stands. Nobody is going to notice I know how to change oil and want it done cheap and pay me to do it for them either. It's an investment that would take 50+ years to pay off the tools. Let alone containing oils, taking it to the proper disposal facility, and transporting it there.

>> No.2494586

I'm not doing anything, frog-poster.
You should get out of your mom's house and get a JOB.
Jesus you people are insufferable

>> No.2494613

His dichotomy still extends to the fags that were brave enough to go outside first and smart enough to not die

>> No.2494663

>i think the south atlantic anomaly is more concerning than nuclear fallout
how have I never heard of this before? Was familiar with the danger of CEMs/solar flares but not this. defs something to keep an eye on. For the record though you don't even need big transformers to cause fires. Any significant fluctuation in the earth's magnetic field would induce massive currents in power lines and high tension wires, and probably burn them up immediately, dropping molten copper and burning plastic/rubber insulation all over the place.

>> No.2494687

>Any significant fluctuation in the earth's magnetic field would induce massive currents in power lines and high tension wires, and probably burn them up immediately, dropping molten copper and burning plastic/rubber insulation all over the place.
No, the grid can shunt excess current to ground. HV lines can be grounded remotely. Can it survive a Carrington type event? Portions of it should.

>> No.2494753

if anyone believes they will survive international nuclear war, they are fucking retards or schizos. no one is going on a fun anti-social fallout adventure after bombs drop, they are either dead, too sick to move, or starving to death/dying of dehydration before they can go outside without their cock falling off. grow up.

if you're worried about it, get off 4chan and genuinely push for global nuclear disarmament. you probably won't come close to succeeding, but at least compared to nuclear survival your odds are higher than zero. "nobody wins a nuclear war" isn't just some one-liner people drop to sound cool.

if you aren't legitimately worried about it and just want to have a fun escapist scenario to LARP with, then power to you. have fun.

>> No.2494756

>pre-emptively go onto message boards and start spreading rumor that the nukes flying announcement is fake NWO takeover plot to get people to stay inside again like covid
>All the prepper schizos praise Q and stay outside, die from radiation poisoning
>I take their shit 4 free

Gotta get inventive.

>> No.2495089

>if they take out the highways we all starve.

Not all of us you city dweller...

>> No.2495091

Nothing. Hoping to die in the inferno so I don't have to live in the mad max wasteland run by retarded preppers.
I'd only want to survive a nuclear war if I was going to be rebuilding society with competent people.

>> No.2495092

faraday Boxes recommended

>> No.2495093

you probably wouldn't even build or ground them right.

>> No.2495096

You can buy them

>> No.2495132

I live in the south of Brazil, literally under the fucking anomaly. We don't have a higher incidence of cancer or any other disease, no problems with our electrical appliances, an absolutely normal life.