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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 94 KB, 700x567, multi-multi-tool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2433065 No.2433065 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about your EDC multitool and what are the things on it that you actually, really, seriously use. Like obviously I don't need to be carrying around a seam ripper or a 1840's can opener every single day. Pliers... maaaaybe. Knife, for sure. In fact, it almost seems more practical to just get one that's 80% knife with a few little bits added in?

>> No.2433067
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People really like this thing, but it seems way too dainty to be really useful. Am I mistaken?

>> No.2433068

My dad got me a Gerber Suspension like 15 years ago, before they moved production to Shitistan. So I carry it because it's decent enough, just wish it had a file

>> No.2433070

New Gerber a shit

>> No.2433076
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pliers, file, and knife. I occasionally use the philips, but the lock mech sucks; I do more damage to myself than actual work. The leather case feels great in my hand and on my hip.

>> No.2433080
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I’ve lost my micra twice and it’s been returned by kind people. Given myself haircuts in a Texaco, repaired all kinds of electronics and some improv medical procedures. Pretty sure I picked a lock with it once too.

>> No.2433095

When I worked at a car parts plant, I found at least like a dozen pocket knives in the two years I was there. Countless lighters, the occasional $1 or $5 here and there. Even went in the bathroom once and there was a pack of newports with a $20 tucked into the plastic and only one missing.

>> No.2433118

I use mine for the pliers, the shit ammo they give us makes the weapons prone to jamming and the best thing to have when you're getting shot at and shit jams is some needle nose pliers. The regular and serrated knives are good too and I use the scissors more that I thought to.

>> No.2433126

Gerber Suspensions were never made in the USA
Half of the Gerber multitools like the Scouts are still made in the USA.

I have a Scout 600 from the late 90s, and I bought a Scout MP400 last year.
The build quality and overall construction looks identical between the two. The new case sucks, but the tool itself is absolutely the same.

So if you are longing for the old days, go buy one of their Scout multitools.

>> No.2433131
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After a several hour long session with my HiSmith machine, one of the suction cup legs had shaken itself loose.
I have a screwdriver set somewhere out in the garage, but I just used my Leatherman instead. Its a fucking lifesaver, it comes in really handy.

>> No.2433149

Thats called a swiss army knife anon.
If you dont want the pliers, dont buy a fullsize multitool

Go buy a super tinker or something

>> No.2433154

tweezers any good?
need something handy to pick out slivers on the regular.

>> No.2433166

I have a tool bag wedged behind my vehicle's driver seat. Various tools. My favorite that is usually in my glove box is a small pair of knipex parallel jaw pliers.

>> No.2433177

They’re okay, strong enough to pluck nose hairs.

>> No.2433187

Anything left in the car is going to have me scouting pawn shops and auto glass stores more often than using the damn tools. Has to be something I can carry on my person daily.

>> No.2433192
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70 dollars for a 2.5 inch multitool that doesn't even have pliers? Are you insane?

>> No.2433197

It was half that price in 2012

>> No.2433198
File: 243 KB, 1080x943, Screenshot_20220722-004707-292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Scout is pretty pricey too, but at least it's a full size tool at nine and a half inches vs some 2 inch keychain bullshit.

>> No.2433204

Five* and a half inches. Easy mistake to make according to my wife.

>> No.2433208
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Do you guys think the skeletonized shit is generally lower quality than the solid body stuff? I mean I understand they're trying to take weight off, but something about it just never seems right. Just looks flimsier, like it just can't wait to break apart.

>> No.2433246

I've had picrelated for almost a decade and it hasn't failed in any way. But then again I'm a normie and maybe don't use it for more demanding purposes like blacksmith's hammer, climbing ice axe, swordfighting etc. I just carry it around and when something minor has to be done it saves a minute's time that would otherwise be spent walking to get a real tool. Mostly use it to cut wires, pin/hold something together, unscrew, cut. Used a bottle opener once. The clip-on metal strip got bent out when I had it dangling off a belt hoop and was carrying something heavy, had to remove and bend it backwards and now it's good as new, that's the most damage that's been done to it. Ergonomics-wise though obviously the pliers aren't as good as the real deal, can't apply as much pressure without edges digging into the fingers. Sometimes when I'm not using gloves and the pliers slip off whatever I'm holding with them, the skin of the palm nearly gets caught in the gap, can potentially get pincered, don't think it's happened yet though.
tldr it's no substitude for proper tools but is nice to have around at times much like most other multitools; no complaints about the materials or perforated holes whatsoever though.

>> No.2433248


>> No.2433258

The only useful tools on a multitool are flathead, philips, pliers, knife, and maybe scissors. Anything else is retarded.

>> No.2433264

I use a Leatherman Mut with bit kit and ratcheting driver. I use a mini prybar with 1/4 inch drive when I need more torque or an angle. CanI work on my trucks, RV, motorcycles, random shit, CT scanners, and MRI scanners with it. Obviously not the magnet, but most things in the console and cabinet room. I probably couldn't go a day without one.

>> No.2433277
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Add file to that list. They come in handy once in a while.

>> No.2433290

What happened to that poor Sharpie?
Also, how do ypi like the Shield? I've heard it's weirdly balanced.

>> No.2433321
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This is super simple. Had it for a few years.

>> No.2433327

The pliers bent on me and don't grip anymore but that tiny blade helps me out damn near every day. I would buy another one if they added some sort of pick. I'm not in the trades but it's almost perfect for mundane military tasks and quick repairs

>> No.2433328

it's good for small stuff like opening packages, minor office repairs, etc.

>> No.2433384
File: 911 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_2020-01-27_19-49-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That poor sharpie lived in my pocket for a couple of weeks and got mangled from all the shit I do. After a few times of that I grew tired of my sharpies getting mangled so I built pic rel.

I like the shield. It's about the perfect size for me to open carry and not have it be too damn clunky. I do a lot of crawling around and under equipment, through fences, etc. No imbalance issues. Trigger is nothing to write home about, but it's a carry weapon, so that's part of the safety of it...

>> No.2433457

Hmm. An recommendation from an Anon may be enough to finally tip me out of my revolvers and into a semi-auto.

>> No.2433478

>t someone who cant afford a leatherman supertool 300

>> No.2433479
File: 1.08 MB, 608x1080, Balisong.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use my multitool as a figdet toy when im out and about

Its like a balisong lol!

The looks you get from people who are in the "know' with both balisong and with leathermans is super awesome!

>> No.2433486


Manlet detected, the only work that tool has ever done is open your husband's beer

>> No.2433583

>Manlet detected
True, he owns and uses a multitool which is fucking pathetic

>> No.2433656

Honestly just the pliers and phillips head which is probably why it's not often in the rotation of my non work days because I already have a dedicated knife and snips

>> No.2434631

I like the look of that

>> No.2434709

Only acceptable post in this thread.

You can't go wrong with a leatherman

>> No.2434779
File: 1.79 MB, 2253x1347, Glawk20problemsolver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much just leave the Supertool on the dash. Much prefer the ESEE/Knipex/Wera combo now. Could probably make a belt pouch for the Wera by modifying a Leatherman pouch.

>> No.2435141

It's more for just when you need a small tool to do a specific task, not really worth daily carrying (just get a proper knoife, homo), but it's nice to have it in a backpack pocket for when you need it.

>> No.2435160

Well the flat bit sets thar leatherman makes have been veeery useful on quite a few occasions. They are the best way to carry all that crap around.

Them and a surge is a very big lump to lug around, but again - really useful.

>> No.2435166

Triple kys
First for being a faggot
Second for using a multitool at home when you have access to proper tools
And third because your screwdriver set is "somewhere" and not in a set location

>> No.2435187
File: 214 KB, 2560x1440, Horsemans knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horseman's knife, this is sort of your Victorian/Edwardian multi-tool, I've done a little bit of work recently getting rid of surface rust and tidying up a little bit of the bluing. Its missing the picks and tweezers which slide under the scales but at some point I'll make a few of them at some point when I've got some time to do them. Unlike most of these types of knives made in Sheffield, this one was made in Edinburgh in the 1890's, the smaller blade was broken off and replaced in the 1950's with a little Sheffield knife, still locks up quite nice and everything is in some fairly good quality carbon steel.
>The panel and loop are nickel silver, scales are probably buffalo horn as best I can tell but they're quite a very good, premium set that's pure black and original to the knife.
>It is a big old chonker of a thing, but if you work with sheep, horses and cattle its generally still very good
>Not so useful the button hook any more, but the file/flathead driver, awl and auger are generally very good condition and the hoof-hook is a big chunk of machined high carbon steel that is practically bomb proof.
>The corkscrew is actually pretty damn useful if you like wine and can't find the other damn one in the house

Its been through a lot of wars

>> No.2435774

my edc is explorer. Lost my deluxe tinker and replaced it with explorer. it was worth it. the T screwdriver was shit and i never used pliers.

>> No.2435778

>horseshoe scraper
imagine taking the fun of scraping shit and dirt off of a horses feet with you

>> No.2435828

I'm not much of a horseman and horses don't like me at all, so I've only done it to one very docile, well behaved horse that agreed not to kick me in the head and turn me into a complete retard. Mostly its really good for clearing the gunk out of sheep hooves so you can see whats going on and trim them up if needed, its pretty easy to clean off but by far the best use of it is cleaning the mud out from in between the tread patterns of your boots so you don't leave dirt and crap everywhere.
Just farm life things though, sooner or later everything will get covered in a bit of mud and shit

>> No.2436265

bloimey m8 thats a fancy pocket shitscraper there il trade ya a ciggy for it

>> No.2436266

I've tried different multi-tools and frankly they all suck. I'd rather go out to my van and get the right tool instead of fumbling around with a leatherman.

>> No.2436615

I use mine all the time, but not really for /diy/ stuff. It's good when you're in a car or an office and just need to grip something fiddly or cut a bit of rope or whatever.
For proper work no multitool is worthwhile.

>> No.2438583

I EDC a Leatherman Wave+ all the time when I'm not at home.
At home I carry a Leatherman Surge cause it's more heavy duty and it comes in handy when I need to do something quick and cba to go to my tool shed.

I'm gonna be honest here. I like the Wave more than the Surge because of the weight. With the Wave I can carry that shit everywhere and not feel it. With the Surge I find myself leaving it on a table or on the ground most of the time cause it's too heavy. During summer when I wear shorts, the Surge can even leave me butt naked if I keep it in my pocket. I don't think I'll EDC this shit much longer desu and I'll probably go back to the Wave for everything.
The only reason I bought the Surge was because I was afraid I would break the Wave by pushing it too far. In retrospect I should have bought another Wave. If one of them breaks, I can send it to warranty and use the other one while waiting.
On the other hand I love the scissors position on the Surge. I wish they would make a Wave with the layout of the Surge. It would be the perfect tool for me.

>> No.2438586

This reminds me of one I cut my finger using the pliers. Effing blade flopped out just enough as I was giving her some torque. Newer design is better.

>> No.2438645

>I wish they would make a Wave with the layout of the Surge. It would be the perfect tool for me.

One thing Leatherman has going for them is they use actual screws and not rivets. If you have the right size bit (They both look to be Torx, but maybe different sizes), you could try ditching your Wave's Saw or one of the blades for the Surge's larger scissors.

Might need a bit of heat or excess force to open them since I think they use threadlocker, which would probably be a good idea to apply afterwords once you confirm comparability.

>> No.2438684

>you actually, really, seriously use
Pliers, knife, screwdivers. I also carry a folder tho

Scissors in very specific uses but I think they're a must, they're very handy. Alternatively I'd add a victorinox classic in a mini first aid kit, the scissors are good for cutting bandage or fabric and the tweezers are good for removing splinters

>rarely need but would like to have
A file with metal saw like the victorinox one. In an urban setting they're very useful. Can use it to cut plastic as well and even wood if needed

>always thought it is useless but I once found myself in a situation it would be useful
Wood saw. There was a very large branch of a tree that felt off and I wanted to take a part of it to my home to make stuff but I had to leave it (I live in a city)

I might add, for urban use I prefer a lightweight, discreet tool. I'd like if victorinox made a smaller version of the swisstool (like the LM juice or squirt ps4). The squirt ps4 pretty much covers all my needs and could mod it somehow to add the tweezers but I've seen it has a flaw design on the scissors that cause them to break and also it's unnecessarily expensive. If the gerber dime had an actual file like the ps4 it would be probably my choice in terms of costs

>> No.2438708

I just checked and the scissors on the Surge is too big to fit inside the Wave. Perhaps a smaller scissor from another tool might work. My wife has T4 but I doubt she'll let me steal the scissors from her tool. I bought it to her as a gift cause she wanted a pocket knife. She carries it everywhere with her, but she uses it like once per month to open some packages. Despite that she loves that shit and always tells me to bring it back when I borrow it to use the tweezers lol.

>> No.2438716
File: 488 KB, 1280x938, 8C5FDE5B-92A6-4528-9BEE-EF3C2F849FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EDC thread!!!

>> No.2438757

I've been eyeing that tiny knipex cobra, but could never get myself to buy it, let alone EDC it.
Be honest, do you use it? If yes, is it because of your job? Would you EDC it if it wasn't useful for your job?

>> No.2438769
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I wouldn’t do it. The thing is tiny and hard to use with man sized hands. The only thing I ever tossed in in my pocket for was moving around a bunch of cable shit with those coax connectors.

Grab the 7-1/4” model, stick that in your back pocket when you actually need them. The little 5” isn’t useful enough to justify the pocket space.

>> No.2439567
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Based st300 enjoyer

>> No.2439678

+1 for wave +

>> No.2439975
File: 1.08 MB, 3597x2698, IMG_20220802_151837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A leatherman wave, probably the second version that released around 2004. Can't find a good place to look up which one is which.
The access to the main blades from the outside is really convenient, it's the usual leatherman quality, I've had it since I was a kid so it has been through a shitton of abuse, including leaving it outside for days in the rain and snow for a whole winter, losing it in a river for a few days etc. As a result I had to sand it down completely once and overall it has developed quite a patina, despite being stainless steel.
The features I use the most are the pliers, the knife and the saws.
Less often I use the screwdriver, file and can opener (only when camping pretty much).
I rarely use the scissors and I don't really think I ever used that small bit driver attachment or whatever it is.
The amount of abuse this thing has taken is immense, and I love it for how long it has been with me.

>> No.2440270

Damn I miss my griptilian with the g-10 handles, sold it a long time ago and still regret the decision.