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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2427546 No.2427546 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any tips on making a spot inhabitable for tweakers. There is only 1 place in my area where it's reasonable to ride my bike and some aggressive homeless people have recently set up camp in the bushes in a section. Theyve been putting up obstacles and throwing shit as people ride by. Only idea I have is to spread some shit all over the place to attract bugs or make it smell (tuna fish, syrup, crumbs, cat litter). I'd love to hear /diy/'s suggestions on the matter.

>> No.2427552

uninhabitable? toss a bunch of raw meat everywhere, such that they could never clean it all up.

>> No.2427553

yeah that's what i meant...also should mention this is in Phoenix...they are only there at night which is also the only time you can actually ride. Any meat should get pretty nasty in the 110F heat.

>> No.2427554


>> No.2427555

Literally just put on a hoodie and go throw a molotov cocktail and burn their shit down.
It sends a message they arent welcome, the police and firefighters will come and haul them away.
SWIM in Minecraft

>> No.2427557

I'm trying to avoid scorched earth as this camp is in some heavy brush and about a hundred feet downhill from some very nice homes.

>> No.2427564

If you absolutely object to lethal means, get some bear mace

>> No.2427567

If it burns peoples homes, the police will say the homeless started the fire and be diligent to keep them out in the future.
They will know the fire was started by an accelerant, but obviously homeless people have little camp stoves and start fires routinely anyways.

You really think the people who dont wash their clothes or take baths are going to be bothered by rotting meat 50 feet away from their tents, which will just get eaten by wildlife?

You only have one real option anon.

>> No.2427568

If the assault me when I roll through, I'm absolutely willing to get lethal, but bio/chemical/psychological warfare will be the first line.

>> No.2427569

The fire isnt going to kill them
People die in fires because they are stuck in a building or a home, they die of smoke inhalation.
These idiots are in polyester tents and sleeping bags, they will just stand up and run off.

>> No.2427571

Unless, you know, the gas from the Molotov dowses them and they go up like dry newspaper

>> No.2427576
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Two cheap and effective materials to make an area uninhabitable are:
>just-add-water outdoor fly attractants that come in fly trap bags like picrel or in spray form from a farm/stable supply place
>concentrated durian extract that you can get at an Asian market
Both have a very unpleasant odor that sticks in your nostrils, durian smells like sewer gas and the fly bait smells like rotten feces that's been distilled to concentrate the odor.
The other thing with tweakers is they are easily driven into paranoia so anything that suggests they are being observed can help cause them to flee...some police tape or fake official paperwork or phony eavesdropping /spy devices left near their spot will often trigger them and they don't need to be sophisticated *at all*...I know one tweaker who found a little Neosporin ointment box on the ground and was convinced it was the box that microfilm for a spy camera came in, and evidence of being surveillance. I've also had them point out stars and claim they were spy helicopters that could hover at 10,000 feet and hear people whispering on the ground.
It's almost like the more batshit crazy and stupid sounding some fantasy spy plot is, the more they believe it.

>> No.2427581

>concentrated durian extract
and thanks anon...this is exactly the kind of creativity im looking for

>> No.2427587
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Just slap a bunch of these up

>> No.2427592


>> No.2427602

actually unironically this would work. homeless people set fires to each others shit all the fucking time for various reasons. fire dept will come and put it out and cops will probably push them out if they feel like its too much of a hassle. they wont investigate at all because they dont care and probably hate them more than you do.

>> No.2427603

aggro tweakers arent people, theyre pests

>> No.2427617

>homeless people set fires to each others shit all the fucking time
Actually that’s just me. I’ve been homeless since 1986. My first year on the streets in Santa Monica C of A I got into a battle with another homeless tranny fag named Mudriff, midriff but dirty, get it? He stole a bunch of my shit and I stole a bunch of it back. This went on for a few months until I lit his garbage pile, with him in it, on fire. He was lights out drunk and he died. I could hear him moaning. I didn’t mean to kill him though, I didn’t know he was home. Ever since that night his ghost and I have been lighting homeless people and their shit stashes on fire. We’ve lit thousands and thousands of these bums and their mobile dump sites on fire. We’ve hopped freight across and through every state in the union, lighting homeless shitbags on fire wherever we find ‘em. Nobody cares about these ass holes, plus I got Mudriff’s ghost watching my back. It’s pretty funny people think homeless people light each other on fire. It’s just me and Mudriff lol. Fuck you all and to all a fuck you. If you refuse to mine shekels for your bosses Satanstein and Noseberg and you end up on the street I’ll set you on fire too!

>> No.2427619

I believe it

>> No.2427632

I got your IP now you little faggot bitch. As soon as you become homeless I’m going to find you and set you on fire. Then I’m going to RAEP your crispy corpse with MY BIG CHINESE DICK

>> No.2427634

skee skee skee

>> No.2427639

Leave some spiked heroin where they shoot up. Problem solved.

>> No.2427650
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Problem is that people like that know the ins and outs of skirting actual city/county code enforcement types and aren't afraid of them...plus when the cutoff date passes they will know it was bs.
But- something official *looking* like that with a scary sounding fake name like Methamphetamine Eradication Task Force (or Operation Something Or Other) that says it's a legally required notice that they visited and/ or set up cameras and microphones and did tests but makes no demands or promises of further action by some date will freak them the fuck out and unlike the real cops or other authorities they won't already have a plan to deal with it or any way to be sure if its real or not.
Putting up a few odd technical looking symbols or containers in trees or stakes or marker flags in the ground with DO NOT REMOVE labels and cryptic writing in semi-hidden spots where they will be seen will have them wondering, which will quickly turn to full blown neurosis and delusions in tweakers, especially if you add bits at random and update things with dates and initials over a week or so.
Picrel is a monitor used to track fruit fly incursions by agriculture agencies, most say what they are but sometimes they don't and if you have a fruit tree they may just put one up without warning or explanation.
Sure enough, I've witnessed tweakers convince themselves that they were some kind of tag being used to track and ID them and even when told what it was they would not believe it.
That notice is the right look but the more cryptic it is the better. Cops do that kind of thing to drug dealers, they will enter their place with a search warrant while the dealer is away but take nothing and just leave a note saying they were there and might be in touch later.
Wire taps are the same way, they do it then let you know they did it without telling you what might happen next.

>> No.2427651

real and straight

>> No.2427652
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If there was unpleasant flora and fauna in the area the undesirable people may go elsewhere.

Maybe lots of spiny bushes, sharp rocks, maybe u could go down there at night, and scream like a girl in the darkness make it too spooky for them

>> No.2427658
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>> No.2427688

you off the 101? We had a hidden encampment there for a while. Usually the homeless aren't too bad, they are just trying to get by. They aren't necessarily tweakers btw. Most are mentally ill though.

Have you tried calling the cops?

It's almost impossible to make the place uninhabitable. If they are actually assaulting people, phoenix cops will fuck.them.up.

>> No.2427689

Deer and animal repellent spray smells like ass and could probably be diluted with vinegar, expired milk, or something similar to pad out the volume and then dispensed from a pump sprayer. Works for area denial or direct application.

>> No.2427690

The fentanyl out here is already killing people left and right desu

the local homeowners are gonna love that shit, plus you'll still have to ride through it, right?

>> No.2427747

Set fire to their shit and theyll fuck off

>> No.2427749

Move to a place that's not a shithole.

>> No.2427774

>you'll still have to ride through it, right
I can pinch my nose for 30 seconds
>Move to a place that's not a shithole
It's a couple miles from where I live thankfully

>> No.2427789

>Set fire to their shit and theyll fuck off

No, set fire to their shit and they"ll instantly become fodder for "woke" journalists and other bleeding hearts to exploit and publicize as victims of society who have been further victimized by cruel and unfeeling monsters. Police and courts who would normally say "well, thats,what happens when you're a canyon dwelling tweaker" and who would likely not have much sympathy for even homeowners who who were targeted by arsonists while doing something illegal will be forced by the public scrutiny to actually find the perpetrators and prosecute as hard as they can, lest they be accused of not caring about the poor have-nots and being corrupt and only serving monied interests.
It's also a perfect springboard to bleat "do something!" regarding all kinds of "social justice issues" like affordable housing.

t. someone who has lived where this shit happens

"Tragic tale of rough sleeper who watched arsonists torch 'home'"

"Sick arsonists destroy homeless group's belongings at 'Tent City' while they queue inside a soup kitchen"
"“They [the suspects] risked the lives and all of the valuables of individuals who are already on the edge of society and just trying to survive,” said Brian Davis, who is with the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless."

>> No.2427794

" ...In a system that refuses either to pay a living wage or guarantee truly affordable housing, tent encampments become essential. Many homeless workers find tent cities are far better options than warehouse-style shelters, even in our brutal winter conditions. They provide a minimum of privacy and the ability to come and go according to the needs of employment, not rigid shelter rules. And they provide community, with people watching out for each other’s few belongings.

...One last issue: arsonists like Belanger and Laszio deliberately targeted the homeless. One’s motive was greed, and perhaps a scoop of racism on the side. The other’s motive is unclear. My question is: do they feel their violence against the vulnerable is justifiable when they witness the use of police force and violence used to clear encampments?

Whatever the answer, as I write there has been a major fire at a Hamilton encampment. It is not being investigated for arson. Police have used it as an excuse to disperse the homeless. To make them invisible."


>> No.2427800

>It's a couple miles from where I live thankfully
So you're willingly subjecting yourself to this shit?

>> No.2427808

Why are you making this your fight? Sounds like a problem for the people living nearby.

In any event, avoid confrontation at all costs so no one will have any idea who you are if you plan on doing anything. Lone Wolf/Charles Bronson shit only works if you maintain a zero id footprint.

>> No.2427812

this is an elegant solution that does not involve arson

>> No.2427815

>Charles Bronson shit

Mr. Majestyk was just trying to keep his watermelon farm afloat...

Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things...

>> No.2427832

Dump a bunch of sour cream out in the morning. It will have an absolutely foul odor after a day in the sun and will be way too messy to easily dispose of.

>> No.2427841
File: 93 KB, 432x432, Notice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a dummy notice you could print up at label size and leave in their area...maybe pre-date them by a few days so they think they've already been watched. If you want to get fancy print some on adhesive paper and slap them on any personal property or objects they brought there.

>> No.2427858

>Have you tried calling the cops?
>It's almost impossible to make the place uninhabitable. If they are actually assaulting people, phoenix cops will fuck.them.up.
this anon speaks the true true

if they is really throwin trash and shit in the road, then get real with them. its our tax dollars paying for that shit and if they want to be freeloaders thats one thing, thankfully its illegal for them to be literal degenerates. Fuck litter and fuck impeding traffic. I Have Places To Be

>> No.2427887

>homeless are in fear/leave for somewhere else
>journalist writes a story that everyone forgets within a week
Sounds like a good trade off to me

They just moved in, they can just move out. There is a marked difference between ops homeless camp and a well established one after years getting attacked.
Longer he waits the harder it’ll be to eradicate

>> No.2427904

Where is the encampment? Like exactly

>> No.2427924

People don't forget arson on a week and even the most radical activists generally understand that nobody whose opinions or support really matters look favorable on arson no matter who the target is or how poorly they may be looked upon.

tl;dr: you have to be at least 14 to post here

>> No.2427929

>smells like sewer gas
>smells like rotten feces that's been distilled to concentrate the odor
some homeless people go to the bathroom in their clothes, they aren't going to care about more feces/sewer odors.

>> No.2427940

>this faggot thinks twitter is real life, that Arizona is a liberal state with tent city advocates, and that OP is a radical activist on a crusade who needs to worry about the optics and politics
Good job retard.

>> No.2427948
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>> No.2427954

throw books at them, US american

>> No.2427956

Why not ride your bike by and when they throw stuff at you, get off and beat their ass.

>> No.2427963

It's the only bike trail in the area, you can ride without stopping for miles (except for these tweaker niggers) and deal with no cars.
There will be no confrontation because I can go in the day when it's 110F out and not a soul is in in sight. I'll cover the ground in tuna fish...it should smell great by 10 or so when the zombies start appearing.
nice try FBI

>> No.2427971

Man I miss the days when I was young and had all the time in the world to terrorize bums in my neighborhood. If you want them out ASAP, a tent fire is the easiest and fastest method like others have said. Nothing makes a bum lose interest in a site quicker than seeing all their garbage go up in smoke. Pyrotechnics in general are your best bet. My personal favorite is making impact bombs from the silver fulminate in pop its and waking up the whole tent city with explosions all through the night. Me and my buddy managed to get an entire village of bums out from the park we grew up near over the course of about 2 weeks just endlessly harrassing them. Bums want rest when they're coming down off drugs. Take that from them and they will leave soon after. There's endless ways to fuck with bums, break bottles all around their sleep areas, douse them with ice water at night, grab a friend and jump bums heading towards that area, cover their bike seats in adhesive, the options are endless really. Make sure you cover your face though, word spreads surprisingly fast when you're on the offense.

>> No.2427987

Utterly mindless strawman bullshit-

>this faggot thinks twitter is real life
says the moron on the side of arson who thinks people just forget it...also whovthe fuck said anything about twitter?
>that Arizona is a liberal state with tent city advocates
nobody said that, there are homeless advocates everywhere but more importantly there are anti- wildfire and anti-arson for the purpose of terrorizing people advocates everywhere. Talk about being out of touch with reality, thinking that just burning them out will be met with approval by anyone but psychopaths.
Also back in reality, there are external forces that affect issues regarding how homeless people are treated, dipshit-
"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled in September that the city of Boise, Idaho, had no right to cite people for violating its "urban camping" law. The law is unconstitutional, the court said, and enforcement amounted to cruel and unusual punishment.

Ninth Circuit rulings also typically apply to Arizona and eight other western states.

In response, some Valley cities are considering whether their own urban camping laws are constitutional, and if and how they can still enforce them."

>and that OP is a radical activist on a crusade
Nothing i've said suggests this, OP seems very reasonable as he has rejected the pathologically stupid idea that arson is a good response.
>who needs to worry about the optics and politics
Never said that either, just said that the response to homeless people being targeted with arson is not that they automatically become afraid and run away without anyone to turn to, those events always generate outrage and calls to find and prosecute whoever did it, dumb fuck.

>> No.2427992

There's really nothing to burn down anyway. Phoenix tweakers are a different breed than other place...you barely even see them when the weather is cool. When it's hot out, they sleep inside libraries or cooling centers all day, then they walk the streets at night like fucking zombies. There are no tents or belongings there...they are just posted up there all night doing drugs in the bushes and harassing anyone that comes by.

>> No.2427993

>Hur during, you'll get off, based arson bro because AZ isn't a heckin' liberal state!

"ALAMOSA — A suspected arson fire destroyed at least three tents and make-shift shelters Friday morning at the Saint Benedict’s homeless camp behind the Alamosa Recreation Center.

John Clark Fontenot, 59, of Alamosa was arrested and is being held at the Alamosa County Detention Center on an alleged second-degree arson charge, a Class 4 felony, according to the Alamosa Police Department. Bond was set at $10,000. Officers on scene said a witness identified the suspect."
>hur dur, muh nobodies carez!!!

"Now eight years later, Phoenix police are taking a fresh look at a case they believe warrants charges for murder."

Yeah, yeah, I know, only faggots think some simple terrorist arson could end up with anyone dead! and so it's totally cool to do it in AZ.

>> No.2427996

>The fentanyl out here is already killing people left and right desu

Spike a packet with battery acid (easy to pipette out of a dead battery). Leave out and lulze will be had. Alternate option, fill an Everclear bottle with denatured alcohol and abandon where it will be found. (Wipe off fingerprints and don't buy the bottle nearby.)

>> No.2428006

Fire ants

>> No.2428010

There's a famous case of some kids trying to do Bum Fights: The Faggot Spinoff in Australia.
You can still die of smoke inhalation in a hut/tent if you're totally strung out on all manner of hard drugs like these types are wont to be.

>> No.2428018

I was in a band with this guy years before he became homeless and was straight up mudrered by arson-


He certainly had issues but was an incredibly talented musician, probably the best guitar player I've ever known or met.
Oddly enough, despite him being burned alive in the street, homeless people still live in the exact same spot where he was set on fire.

>> No.2428020

>not realizing that nobody actually read his first post, and genuinely thinks people are going to read his second
We get it, you advocated for the hoe less in Seattle.
You are fucking retarded if you think OP can’t go start a single random fire on a hidden bike trail in a park, where there are no witnesses, in the middle of the night, where it’s not an actual established camp.
It’s like you don’t understand the sheer amount of petty crime that happens every single day that never ever gets caught or even looked into. People literally murder people and get away with it.

Op isn’t filming himself for internet fame with a bunch of witnesses nearby

>> No.2428021

Homeless sleep in places that have been established as places for the homeless

>> No.2428023

Kill them.

>> No.2428026

buy some fox urine or other urine on amazon and throw that shit everywhere

>> No.2428032

>>not realizing that nobody actually read his first post, and genuinely thinks people are going to read his second
Wow, nobody can see through this knee jerk troll strategy that was already obvious by 1998...especially when you comment further on the posts you 'didn't read"

>We get it, you advocated for the hoe less in Seattle.
More pathetically juvenile drivel from a seething brainlet larping as a streetwise and fearless advocate for terrorism on a New Guinean tole painting forum.

>> No.2428038

Shouldn’t you be telling OP that Columbo will be on the case to put him in prison for littering tuna in the park, as all petty crime is immediately caught by the definitely not overworked local police?
I’m sure you can find an article for that too!

>> No.2428081

>Shouldn’t you be telling OP that Columbo will be on the case to put him in prison for littering tuna in the park, as all petty crime is immediately caught by the definitely not overworked local police?
>I’m sure you can find an article for that too!
Why would I do that, I gave him advice on how to stink the place up.
Also I never said shit about "petty crime" and only a really stupid troll would pretend that advising against arson that carries all sorts of felony charges and is investigated more thoroughly than many crimes is the same thing as claiming that all petty crimes are solved.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you are just straight up baiting at this point, it's too sad to ponder anyone seriously thinking that this post made any logical sense or that it offered any value even as a childish rebuke.
Either way you are still a fucking moron.

>> No.2428183

based truthteller

>> No.2428185

Fbi lol. I’m the guy who lives in Phx with a homeless encampment near by. I’m just trying to figure out where you are talking about.

>> No.2428187

3d printed untraceable drone + remotely activated pipe bomb

>> No.2428197

if you're committed to not hurting the hobos then cover their camp in roadkill you find, fish innards or just cans of food and meat you buy on sale. Make sure to spread it around the camp and make it difficult to clean (they won't bother to clean, they are hobos for a reason.)

Eventually they will move on when the smell gets to be too much. The roadkill is pretty important here.

A less savory option is to pour shit like grease and motor oil all over their tents. Really fuck it all up. Clean rags are a luxury until you realize how tough it is to get that sort of stuff when you're homeless.

Remember- these homeless can live anywhere they want. It doesn't have to be in your backyard.

Also remember that your local police will not do shit.

>> No.2428256

Toss out some spiked drugs, they'll take care of themselves

>> No.2428630

is stinky?

>> No.2428634

Kill yourself

>> No.2428640
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>> No.2428716

why dont you and your friends just go beat the fuck out of them and make them move on?
this works if your friends are pussies

>> No.2428796

None of these will work. Homeless people are like Indians, they are immune to stink. Bad smells will just blend in with their musk. Also, posting fake notices won't do shit. They don't bother reading signs and even if they did they're not going to leave until someone forces them.


You have three choices anon:
Set fire to their shit
Beat them mercilessly until they leave
Go ride your fuckin bike somewhere else.

>> No.2428803
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this should narrow it down

>> No.2428986

>Usually the homeless aren't too bad,
stop calling them homeless.

owning a home is not the problem these people have. they are drug users and crazies. They are the reason we moved out of our neighborhood.

there were 2 churches in our old neighborhood that was feeding them. they are like pigeons never start feeding them. now that neighborhood is overrun.

"homeless" is a term liberals created to engender sympathy.

>> No.2428987

round them up and ship them off to mexico.

>> No.2428993

>"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled in September that the city of Boise, Idaho, had no right to cite people for violating its "urban camping" law. The law is unconstitutional, the court said, and enforcement amounted to cruel and unusual punishment.

Cruel and unusual punishment, my ass.

Friggin Ninth Circuit.

>> No.2429000
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>It’s like you don’t understand the sheer amount of petty crime that happens every single day that never ever gets caught or even looked into. People literally murder people and get away with it.

But isn't it always some otherwise law-abiding citizen who decides to break bad with some homeless removal antics that gets caught every time?

>> No.2429627


>> No.2429653

for the not illegal answer that won't land you in jail, get some liquid ass and just spray it all over the place. not even the feces-encrusted homeless can stand the smell of it. keep doing it until they leave.

>> No.2429663

nah liberals say "unhoused" or "currently experiencing homelessness", homless on its own is dehumanizing.

also the mentally ill aren't the only kind of homeless. most homeless are in fact just down on their luck bums who will be back on their feet with a month or two of sheltering and maybe a microloan.
homeless shelters are geared towards this sort of homeless so the ones you see actually camping in the streets are the ones who were too distruptive to stay in the shelters.

>> No.2429665

This anon actually might be on to something.
>Go out and get a shit ton of birdseed
>Spread it all over the ground around their garbage tents and filth dwellings
>The call of the wild commences
>Birds, squirrels, and many other pests are attracted for hours
>Birds do the one thing they are known for and shit on everything
>rinse and repeat until homeless invaders are gone
>No one can say shit because you're literally just feeding birds. No violence or arson.
Fun fact, this also works in parking lots where nice cars are parked too.

>> No.2429859

I saw a video of some guy handling this sort of problem. He dumped a bunch of flammable liquid on them and set them on fire. It seemed to fix the problem pretty easy.

>> No.2430055

>most homeless are in fact just down on their luck bums who will be back on their feet with a month or two of sheltering and maybe a microloan.
NO! NO! that's bullshit. I've seen them everywhere in my old neighbor hood these aren't "down on their luck" people they are ALL crazy or drug addicts.

had this "person" come up to me at a gas station and as usual it started its woe is me spiel. I just straight up said NO! and it got all butthurt and acted like it wasn't going to beg.

so then I looked at it. I say "it" because it was skinny and tanned, covered in what looked like soot, but weirdly had a face that could have been that of a model. it was wearing a bikini top and shorts. but was flat as a board. the face that could have been attractive had that day old corpse look you see in gory news photos.

I just said NO! and it went to the next person to beg.

I once gave money to of these crazy druggies thinking I was helping them. they ran in to the store and came out with booze.

fuck them.

they aren't "down and out" they are nuts or have given up. they aren't "homeless" they are brainless. they need to go back to asylums and poor houses. instead of being free range in peoples back yards thieving and leaving disgusting messes everywhere.

I help people, I help people who are working their asses off and just need a little boost to get over a problem, pay a bill, get through college, or buy a house. not slowing down their eventual lonely death.

>> No.2430110
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>most homeless are in fact just down on their luck bums who will be back on their feet with a month or two of sheltering and maybe a microloan.

>> No.2430120

>run away and surrender to decay

>> No.2430124

i've met you in 2008 at they IFC Community House in Chapel Hill NC.

Its good to know you are still alive Steven. say hello to mudruff for me. I heard Penny and Rodney James, and old Jerry Rogers have passed. Old Polar Bear died that summer from drinking, the heat and his sugar.

>> No.2430136

A shell or two of salt can fix those problems in a nonlethal manner. Or you can swap those out for the final solution.

>> No.2430143

dude, i have seen bums eat things with ants crawling on it. rotten chicken wings with maggots. they will drink anything to get fucked up.

>> No.2430161

Bring them coffee for a while, switch it up and get it from different places so they don't get used to the taste.

I wonder if they would still drink it if they knew about the rat poison.

>> No.2430191

>most homeless are in fact just down on their luck bums
lolololololol no. the crazies ended up on the streets and in prison after they closed the insane asylum. they're not just crazy, they are mean as fuck too. shelters didnt have floor space in april 08, things have gotten horrible everywhere since. Ive done volunteering at the men's shelters since no one else will. and have seen it, and i've lived in a shelter and those motherfuckers are evil. you can't sleep. if you have a bed you can't use the bathrooms since its a gay orgy all night long. that experience shocked me and its why I will do anything to never be homeless again.

>> No.2430454

I think the term "currently experiencing homelessness" is not a bad term.
You are right, most people "currently experiencing homelessness" are just regular joes that got put between a rock and a hard place.
They spend a couple weeks in the shelter, take the loans/welfare/whatever help and counseling they can get from social programs and get back onto their feet.
Usually a temp agency to get a job real quick and some sort of cheap or government housing to get out of the shelter.

"Currently experiencing homelessness" works because those people are a completely different breed than the "homeless" fucks who are camping on the streets or living in the park.
The mentally ill, drug addicted people who got kicked out of the shelters, because they are mentally ill drug addicts.

Homeless shelters exist to get you back on your feet, not be free long term housing for drug addicts
The second you are on the street and in a tent means you fucked up hard.

>> No.2430460
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How is it meant to release the grenade and how is it meant to do anything with the pin still in?

>> No.2430480

dont fuck with them. a lot of people die when homeless and there is no need for you to get involved. as a result many have bought firearms before moving to the street. your discomfort is secondary to your own survival right. yea leave them be and do something else. the people who want to get rid of them with violence will show up and there will be a exchange of fire. you cant stop it even if you call the cops nothing has happened yet even if you know that spot is bad they wont do anything

dont get involved unless you see something happening in real time in front of you and given what you said you would be one of the bad ones who gets killed by the ones who "do the work" so there are no witnesses. knowing who will fire on you when they are done firing at each other helps but most cant tell especially at night

>> No.2430496

I think things are definitely worse last two years. Fent is a major problem too. It’s so cheap you can stay high all day for little cash.

OP you called the cops yet or you still jerking odd to the idea of fucking with poor crazy people?

>> No.2430498

wouldn't it be easier to get them help and support so that they can drop the drug habit?

>> No.2430517

Man, these people need to be in asylums or something. Have you seen what happens if you give them an apartment? They fucking destroy it. Trash, shit, and piss everywhere. Stuff rotting and burned. They bring their other homeless friends, steal shit from neighbors, make loads of noise and yell at other residents.

The only way to fix this issue is to open asylums where they will go, have no access to any drugs, and be forced to detox and clean themselves up.

>> No.2430552

Raw meat won't work as the javelinas will just eat up that shit rotten or not. I'm liking this fire idea regardless of homes nearby.

>> No.2430578

>javelinas will just eat up that shit rotten or not.
Only a huge pussy wouldn't just beat the shit out of the javelinas or shoot them up with adulterated street drugs in broad daylight.

>> No.2430660
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what happens if you accidentally cook a hobo that is passed out in a tent from drugs? The law unfortunately considers them people too.

>> No.2430818

See >>2430454
There is help already
The people who end up in the streets have foregone that help that was given to them

>> No.2430824

Murder one in Arizona. Case in point, guy hires three dudes to burn down his building for insurance. They are new to the arson biz, so they fill the place up with gasoline, go to the door, light a match or whatever. Gas fumes have turned the place into a bomb and one guy gets fried. They charge the building owner with murder.

>> No.2430827

You can’t force people to quit using drugs. Closest you can do is lock them up in prisons, where they can still get drugs, or they relapse when they get out. It’s a complex social issue without an easy solution.

Mental illness is a whole nother story.

Regardless, poor people can’t advocate for themselves the way rich people can, and even rich people can’t advocate for themselves the way businesses can.

People only care about homelessness when it’s affecting them.

>> No.2430829

You cant trust the state to decide who is and isnt mentally ill, and you cant trust them to lock the right people up
Its already bad enough with for profit prisons and backroom schemes to lock kids and the poor up for no good reason.

>> No.2430833

You’ve clearly never fucked with a pack of javelina

Your legal fees will run $10,000-20,000 easily, and you’ll probably still go to prison. You’d be better off making them some sandwiches, or better yet giving them some water bottles and a few bucks when you ride by. They’ll treat you well, it’s a nice thing to do, and it’s a relatively cheap solution. Also if some people do fuck with you, the other ones will stop them because you are a source of income. I know that probably kills you, but it’s the objectively best solution for you as an individual. Pay a tiny tax, and get on with your life.

You won’t do that, which is fine. Keep being angry and afraid.

>> No.2430846

Which park do you live in anon?
Have you gotten your methadone today?

The only thing more ridiculous than ACTUALLY believing OP or anyone else who jokingly said "start a fire", is simping for homeless fucks.

>> No.2430965
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>The only thing more ridiculous than ACTUALLY believing OP or anyone else who jokingly said "start a fire", is simping for homeless fucks.

No, what's even more ridiculous than all that is simping for sociopaths by belittling people who are aware that simps saying that they must be joking when they suggest arson and mayhem is a major way sociopaths get away with being sociopaths.
It's a tactic, they make outrageous statements that mark them as sociopaths and rely on people like you to gaslight others who take it as potentially serious forcthem, based on the idea that nobody would *really* say that shit if they meant it.
Sociopaths DO say that shit and mean it, and this site is full of them.

>> No.2430967

If you genuinely believed that people were such sociopaths that someone would go burn someone else alive, why on earth do you think that posting some articles and jerking yourself off over homeless people would stop those crazy people?
More than a few people literally just said shoot and kill them in this thread too, do you actually think they are serious?
Do they expect OP to actually go and shoot homeless people?

Come on man, you are in a shitpost thread egging people on to say more and more ridiculous shit to counteract your simping for fucking pariahs.

Its like going into a thread and saying "dont say the N word, its racist"

>> No.2430996

I’m the guy from phoenix who has a homeless encampment 300 feet from my house. I’m not sure why watching out for people less fortunate makes me a simp, but I wasn’t even doing that. I’m letting people know that starting fires can have unintended and serious consequences. It’s not ridiculous that OP would start a fire. I’ve seen way worse on here from people. Why are you egging him on?

I even understand why OP is passed and frustrated. He shouldn’t have to deal with aggressive possibly violent people while out biking.

Realistically the best solution is to provide some water bottles, be friendly, and call the police to change the situation. I doubt he will do either.

>> No.2431009

>Why are you egging him on?
Im not egging anyone on, im not telling OP to do something illegal like a retard
I just came into this thread and saw the typical expected responses of "burn them" "shoot them" whatever else you can expect from this site.
Then youve got some retard writing novels on >"well didnt you know that if you burn someone alive, you can get in trouble!"
>"well didnt you know shooting someone dead is murder!"
>"the best way to deal with them is by feeding and befriending them!"

I just find it funny that you are more retarded than the guys getting put on lists for telling OP to do illegal shit.
Everyone knows the best way to deal with drug addicts is to enable them!

>> No.2431049

You are wildly conflating the posts of a whole bunch of different anons responding ss if they are all one person , so you're the last person itt whose character judgements and opinions on human nature anyone should be taking seriously.

>> No.2431062

>More than a few people literally just said shoot and kill them in this thread too, do you actually think they are serious?

I don't think it's impossible, or that saying so is something to ridicule people for, because I know that people DO THAT SHIT IRL and I'm not so full of myself that I would act like I *know* who is joking and who isn't and know from experience that total psycopaths "joke" this way too to exploit the egos of people like you who think they can tell and are smarter than people who consider that they might not be joking.
If you haven't learned how incredibly stupid and unsafe that is yet from real life experience you're lucky, except for the fact that it's a really hard lesson to learn and come out unscathed.

>> No.2431106

>Do they expect OP to actually go and shoot homeless people
No he's too much of a pussy to do what needs to be done

>> No.2431165

I put out a shitload of tuna and cat food from the 99 cent store yesterday when it was 110 out. Rode by in the morning and nobody was there (have to try again and night when its not raining) and it smelled like shit. I ordered the crime scene tape and fly traps next.

>> No.2431174

you madman

>> No.2431175

I'm thinking mixing all the shit into a bunch of eggs next time and it will be easier to spread.

>> No.2431179

I get it. You came into this thread, got mad that someone might take the "joke" threats seriously, and started insulting people. It's ok man. Just take step back, calm down a bit, and realize that sometimes, people are gonna have different opinions than you. And that is ok!

You don't have to jump in, calling people names, or making up little head stories to justify their opinions. You called the people egging on OP "retards". You called the people saying he shouldn't do it "retards". You got mad that I wrote a "novel". And seem mad that I might take someone's post seriously. You seem mad that I had something to say at all.

You just seem kind of mad in general, I'm not sure what you have on the line here. So I'm just going to send you a big hug, ok? We're your parents drugs addicts or something? Did someone enable them? Did they let strange men touch you for drugs. It's ok, you can tell someone.

And if you just need to get it out by raging at strangers on a board - that's ok too bud. But I hope you'll get the help you need.

>> No.2431183

hope you packed your cans out. I don't know about the eggs or how that would help.

>> No.2431187

>Anyone have any tips on making a spot inhabitable for tweakers

>> No.2431196
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>scream like a girl in the darkness make it too spooky for them
dont know why that got me so hard

>> No.2431208

high heat little shade, black paint.

>> No.2431214

I dumped it all in a big freezer bag, but I'm thinkin blend all the meat up with eggs and i can squirt it everywhere quicker than tossing pieces all around.

>> No.2431246

Not mad, just chuckling and sort of baffled at how upset you are getting over shitposting, and how serious you are taking bait threads.
The amount of investment youve put in to try and paint homeless people in a great light while trying to tell people that murdering them will land you in prison is just funny to me.

>> No.2431383

Just drop a shit load of barbed wire everywhere.

>> No.2431387

>calls everyone retarded
>gets mad at other people for having opinions
>gets mad at people for effort posting
>pretends he thinks it’s funny
>calls everyone else mad
All that’s left is for you to say you were just joking and being retarded on purpose

>> No.2431471

You need to be more specific. Are they meth tweakers or heroin junkies? There are no known solutions for meth tweakers. Heroin junkies are easy, just wait until they're nodding off and report the overdose. After the 3rd or 4th time they get Narcan'd they find a new spot to shoot up because it ruins their high. Methheads suck though, if that's your problem I feel sorry for you. You basically have to wait til they die from heart failure in their late 30's.

>> No.2431489

May I suggest adding some tuna, salmon and sugar. Blend into a fine puree and dump that shit everywhere.

>> No.2431498

>nooo i wont do anything ebcause theres might be consquences

youve been groomed into learned helplessness and the homeless know this, which is why they act the way they do. if you are a bitch that wont fix problems, then just cry to the police until the police do their job.

>> No.2431507

I never said anything like "I won't do anything" or that there was no way to "fix" the problem short of capitulation and/ or coddling them or going to the police. I (along with others) actually offered a number of suggestions that caused closet case edgelords to coom all over themselves with glee at the opportunity to call people pussies for suggesting options in between doing nothing and going immediately to violence/ terrorism while mocking the possibility of unintended consequences.
Again, in your rush to be the big tough guy know-it-all you have combined multiple anons' responses and opinions into one strawman you then use to assert your pathetic sense of superior intellect and dominance.

>> No.2431546

Just shoot/kill one.
After that, the rest will fucking clear out.
Not the most savory choice, but it's what I had to do when my local mtb trails got invaded.

>> No.2431607

Noice devices. They are deployed at schools and other places They don't want people hanging out at at certain times.
Some kinds are sold as pest control. Really high pitched sounds are hard to locate and for tweakers I believe it is extra annoying.

>> No.2431633

I heard someone dropped some dollar bills covered in fentanyl in KY. That's really messed up, you should definitely not ever do anything like that.

>> No.2431639

These drug addicts don’t have a pot to piss in but they have a firearm?

>> No.2431649

OP just rides his bike through an area. he doesn't own it, control it, or have any more right to be there than the homeless.

He sure can't set up noise devices, paint anything, or do anything that takes him more than a few minutes to do, and ride away.

He shouldn't because it's a bike trail near a nice neighborhood, not a slum

knives and machetes are common, guns less so. But I know plenty of tweakers with guns, so...

he doesn't know they are drug addicts. They are just homeless, and he doesn't like them on the park area where he rides his bike.

>groomed into learned helplessness
You mean taught not to take the law into their own hands? I would hope so.

>> No.2431703

>>calls everyone retarded
True, if you go onto the glowies favorite honeypot and tell people to commit felonies, you are a retard.

You know who else is retarded?
People who come to 4channel and then get extremely upset and try to shut down mindless shitposting in a bait thread.
"effortposting" is codeword for "being extremely out of place and taking shitposting as serious business"

So yeah, it is pretty funny to see someone so out of touch with the thread and the website he actually on.
And yes, you are mad. You are unironically the definition of seething, yelling from the tops of the mountaintops to defend some drug addicts living in a tent.

>> No.2431758

>Few Strobe lights
>Glass bottles
>Mix Bleach
>Baking soda
>Some other hardcore American chemicals use can get a hold of
>Get a speaker play frequency 666
>Drop a few spiked baggies of drugs preferred psychedelics and other stuff with fine crushed peppers and salts through it if they inject
>Fucking turn the strobe on
>Cunts will trip oot
>That frequency will literally fuck with their heads
>Tested it on some local druggies at a crack den
>Slap up a few of those false posters after it
>Spread the madness out a few days
>proper fuck with their heids
>Hogweed or the sap from poison Ivy if you can extract it would fuck them up

>> No.2431796

>"effortposting" is codeword for "being extremely out of place and taking shitposting as serious business"
how many times are you going to make this *effort* to convince everyone you are right and the voice of wisdom when it comes to what is serious here and what isnt? And why?

>So yeah, it is pretty funny to see someone so out of touch with the thread and the website he actually on.

says the guy who charcterizes a differing opinion as

>seething, yelling from the tops of the mountaintops

What happened to not taking this site and what is posted here seriously? Only statements and opinions that differ from yours are real, and can't be shitposting just to trigger people like you who wont stop responding?

>> No.2431797

Here. Let me help him.


>> No.2431803

>how many times are you going to make this *effort* to convince everyone you are right and the voice of wisdom when it comes to what is serious here and what isnt?
Whenever I see it pop up on the front page
> And why?
Why wouldnt I?
Im enjoying the thread, and the longer I keep this thread bumping, the more anons come in here and post stuff for you to mass mass replies to.

>What happened to not taking this site and what is posted here seriously?
The only person here trying to sway opinions (or I guess, talk murderous psychopaths out of being psychopaths) is you.
Ive literally just been calling you a fag since I came in here, nothing more nothing less really.

>can't be shitposting just to trigger people like you who wont stop responding?
You are going to have to do a far better job than saying "befriend the homeless people and they will just leave" to actually trigger people.

>> No.2431806

>The only person here trying to sway opinions (or I guess, talk murderous psychopaths out of being psychopaths) is you.

Once again since you are clearly retarded, you keep conflating different anons into one fantasy person you think posts all the responses to you.

>You are going to have to do a far better job than saying "befriend the homeless people and they will just leave" to actually trigger people.

That's obviously not true at all, I didn't say that and you are so triggered that you don't even care and keep acting like you are talking to the person who did and won't stop obsessively doing so.

>> No.2431814

>he thinks he can gaslight his way out of his stupid posts
Just like you think you can talk a homeless man into being sober?

>> No.2431862

Step 1: Get some meth
Step 2: Get a bunch of fentanyl
Step 3: Cut the meth with enough fentanyl to reasonably expect to kill someone which really isn't a lot
Step 4: Put in a baggie and let it drop out of your pocket near their camp
Even if they die 1 at a time, the other ones will find the dope and do it too

>> No.2431874
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Do you keep that next to your jars or unicorn farts and boxes of bigfoot fur?

>> No.2431879

>>he thinks he can gaslight his way out of his stupid posts

who are you quoting?

>Just like you think you can talk a homeless man into being sober?

Jesus Fuck you are either incredibly dense or massively autistic, only one gaslighting here is you gaslighting yourself into believing that I ever said anything about "talking a homeless man into being sober" just so you can argue.
Talk about out of touch.
OP should hire you to go to that park so you can subject them to your illogical droning stupidity that never ends; they'll kill themselves just to make it stop.

>> No.2431882

Unless you're like me who has the genes that makes durian smell like a sweet and fragrant fruit. And I'm white.

>> No.2431939

>You are unironically the definition of seething
ok kid. You can't even keep track of the different people you are talking to in this thread.

yeah he's a fucktard

>"befriend the homeless people and they will just leave"
You are replying to the wrong guy. that was me, the guy who lives in phoenix also. I suggested that his best course of action is to act friendly, drop off a water bottle or two, and also contact the police to get rid of them.

Befriending them doesn't get them to leave. It lets OP ride in peace and enjoy his time instead of spending it going to the dollar store and buying tuna fish and eggs. Or wondering if one of these days, a guy is gonna step out of a bush and swing at him with a bat. I saw some guys rob a bicyclist that way once.

It is a public area. They have as much right to be there as OP does.

Head on back to /pol/ friend. You sound like someone who realized that all the shit he's said on /b/ and /pol/ might come back to bite him, so now you have to convince whoever is monitoring your IP that you think it's all a joke. "Only an idiot would say something incriminating on 4chan!" But you probably _were_ an idiot, and you probably said some fucked up shit. I guess you already got to the ....

>I was just joking!

>> No.2431973

>They have as much right to be there
Yes. But they don't just "be there."
>Theyve been putting up obstacles and throwing shit as people ride by.
This would not be acceptable no matter how many homes I may own.

>> No.2431983

Op is probably full of shit about that, or leaving out some important facts. The second they actually attacked him or threw something, he could call the cops and they’d clear them the fuck out. More likely he rode right through the middle of their shit like an asshole, and someone threw something at him. That’s why he won’t involve the cops.

>> No.2431988

>he doesn't know they are drug addicts
They are tweakers...nobody here is simply homeless and you're a fucking retard if you even entertain the possibility they are not.

They block the path with a shopping cart when they are there. The cops would absolutely not give a fuck if I called. People here have to wait over an hour for them to show up for home invasion and I'm not gonna post up in the street in the middle of the night waiting for them. Luckily the plan seems to be working because there was nobody there tonight...not gonna be too keen if I have to keep going back to refresh though.

>> No.2431990

>rode right through the middle of their shit like an asshole
and get fucked...I didn't do this, and if I did why the fuck is their shit on the path at all to begin with.

>> No.2432023

Riding right through the middle of their shit would be perfectly legal. It's a public place, he has just as much right to be there as they do.

>> No.2432108

pass out water bottles and explain that you've been biking by for years and you don't want any trouble. you'll have YOPA of hoboes in no time.

>> No.2432110

>The other thing with tweakers is they are easily driven into paranoia so anything that suggests they are being observed can help cause them to flee
lol one of those randomized low battery beeper prank things would drive them batty.

>> No.2432111
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>another homeless tranny fag named Mudriff
>i didn’t know he was home.

>> No.2432117

lol there were homeless camps off riverbed 25 years ago when i worked down there.

>> No.2432159

Job applications strewn about

>> No.2432173

the fbi in the 1960s got rid of the homeless by cutting cocain with rat poison

>> No.2432175

that would creat smelly dead homeless people tho

>> No.2432435

Even better, get one of those greeting cards that lets you record a message and fake some sounds like a radio mic being keyed and some bits of chatter/static. Then take the little recorder part and the switch that triggers it when you open the card and rig up a way for that switch to be activated randomly at a distance where it won't be easy to see but will be heard the way you hear cops coming.
Could be in a tree or bush that will move in the wind and hair trigger it or you could put it on a timer.

>> No.2432570

>water bottles
Hopefully poised

>> No.2433721

All you need to do is drop of 2-3 handles of cheap fruit flavored vodka mixed with anti-freeze and the problem will take care of itself

>> No.2433724

Just release a bunch of pitbulls from the pound there.

>> No.2433736

Poised for future friendships. Right on brother.

>> No.2434441

Sprinkle dry cat food everywhere to attract rats and racoons

>> No.2434657

fire hose

>> No.2434892

Befriend them op, if you cannot beat em join em you know what I mean?

>> No.2434915

look for cadaverine, it's concentrated stink of dead bodies used to train search dogs.
shomer-tec used to sell it, but i don't know anymore and can't bother to look

>> No.2434922

Undercover library posting tweaker detected. Why would you offer them reinforcements? Notice tweakers have dogs because wild dogs and feral humans have much the same goals in life.

>> No.2434930

>No one can say shit because you're literally just feeding birds
depends where you are, some jurisdictions have ordinances against feeding birds and wild life because they cause a nuisance

>> No.2434941


>> No.2434942


>> No.2434957

Try what they did in Vietnam. Operation Wandering Soul.

Basically set up some big ass speakers around the encampment and blast funeral chants every night.

Also try strobe lights and high powered laser pointers.


>> No.2434980

Pheonix sounds like a really shit place to live. I don't know what's worse. The alleged homeless drug addicts throwing shit at people, the police acting worse than criminals, or the residents who want to post fake legal notices, burn people as they sleep or indulge in low level chemical/biological warfare on the homeless.

America is fucked.

>> No.2434983

Can't believe some of you want to literally murder these poor bastards.

>> No.2434986

- Sent from my gated community

>> No.2435016

Ever been around such shitbags? You'd understand...

>> No.2435170
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That's not going to work unless he has an army to back him up, and waging war is illegal. OP want's a stealth solution.

>> No.2435196

Here in bongland its just as bad for cheap synthetic weed. My buddy lives in a particularly shit area of London for work and the pavements are full of homeless addicts. Never seen as many before in my life, tripping over human shits and old paraphernalia.

>> No.2435198

>t.gated community fag
I went to uni with fags like you. If you havent grown up around these cunts you have no idea. My local park as a kid was borderline unusable due to homeless. Theyd leave old needles on the fields and playgrounds for kids and animals to stand on. The women would whore themselves out half clothed from 3pm onwards. Tent camps stunk and became biohazards are they shit, piss and burned whatever trash they could find. I showed a couple of you fags what its like and they quickly changed their tune. Homeless addicts will completely shit up an area until its unlivable. Non addict homeless just take up a small space to sleep and beg. Big fucking difference.

>> No.2435200

sounds legit

>> No.2435281

Non addicted homeless, even those with very slight mental issues usual can get into a program to get them a job and some place to stay in a shelter.
If you aren't addicted and homeless, there are tons of private groups willing to help. The problem is all of the public funding goes to the addicts.

>> No.2435294 [DELETED] 

My local homeless charity offers a voucher system where volunteers give out vouchers to homeless in the city. It gets them a hot meal, a shower and a full wash of their clothes. Some vouchers also mean a warm bed for the night. The addicts will never ever take them. They non addicts will get up and go as soon as you give them it. Couldnt be a starker difference. The charity have all but admitted they do this on purpose. Some addicts got moved into the social houses on my parents street and already theres dealers now rocking up all hours and their places look like total shit.

>> No.2435304 [DELETED] 

>More than a few people literally just said shoot and kill them in this thread too, do you actually think they are serious?
>Do they expect OP to actually go and shoot homeless people?

Well lookie here, this just in-

Canada police respond to 'multiple shooting scenes' with homeless victims; 'lone' gunman in custody


>> No.2435368 [DELETED] 

I had this problem with an old barn on a piece of property I own that I visit twice a year to hunt. Ended up just burning it to the ground and hiding barbed wire on the trails and travel paths.

>> No.2435372

>Anyone have any tips on making a spot inhabitable for tweakers

Find some floor drains or vents and hide bluetooth speakers inside. Set up a hidden camera. Start talking to the tweekers from the drain. Post on youtube for maximum profits.

>> No.2435373

>Ended up just burning it to the ground and hiding barbed wire on the trails and travel paths.

So, the tweakers won? You should have set up some propane cannons that farmers use to scare birds away. They just make a loud bang, like a gunshot.

>> No.2435392

It was a run down barn. Didn't want a nigger stepping on a rusty nail looks big for gibs I have other other properties and homes. I use that property to hunt bear.

>> No.2435401

>Didn't want a nigger stepping on a rusty nail looks big for gibs

Yeah, so, the niggers and tweakers won.

You have niggers living in your head, rent free.

>> No.2435488

Got any naturally barbed vegetation in your area? Plant it everywhere. Tweaker don't have shoes

>> No.2435666

If u just need protection when riding ur bike then bring a pitbull with you...az is hot, so make sure ur dog has shoes

>> No.2435710

Paintball gun, hit them everyday for a week from different locations.

>> No.2436202

I was thinking ghillie suit and a bb gun or pellet gun

>> No.2436481

I would say you are the sociopath for wanting to prolong their suffering. Further in a world of finite resources every ounce of effort must be optimized. See in it wasted on the broken a travesty.

>> No.2436517

>NO! NO! that's bullshit. I've seen them everywhere in my old neighbor hood these aren't "down on their luck" people they are ALL crazy or drug addicts.
This is sampling bias. My wife works for a homeless services org, the people who actually use their services are the people the other poster is describing. The ones who will not use shelters are drug users who do not want to stop using, or untreated mentally ill who will need longterm assisted living, which is the kind of services most cities have the sharpest shortage of. When you only see the people who are on the streets, then you only see those who are not using the services. It is a mistake to believe that these are the only variety of homeless.

>> No.2436524
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Gg ez
Next question

>> No.2436558

>start your own meth lab
>do the thing where you put volatile chemicals in 2 liter bottle and pray they don't explode
>strew them all over the encampment
>hobos die from meth overdose and eventually one of the bottles will explode eventually and burn everything down

>> No.2436601

You could plant some thorned blackberries.

>> No.2436609

Get some mercaptan and spread it all over the camp site and then call in the gas leak and have police and gas company push everyone out while they look for nothing.
Make sure not to get any on you as that shit don't come off.

>> No.2436782

Genius detected.

>> No.2436889

First...stink isn't going to solve your problems. Fortunately there are other ways to make an area unpalatable, but not many of those are reversible. I've often thought that littering an area with steel shavings might be effective, particularly to the shoeless set. Anyone that's been a hobby machinist will recognize just how awful steel splinters are. Find the right batch of small shavings and spread them around camping areas. It won't take many splinters for a site to get a reputation for being a bad spot. You can undo with a parking lot magnet.

Short pieces of human hair, like from a trim might be another irritant. Mostly harmless, hard to spot. Any hair stylist can confirm that hair is awful when it sticks in your skin.

>> No.2436892

They are used to living in filth
You’ll just make this place uninhabitable for yourself if you do this

>> No.2437398

you aren't making any sense
t. third party

>> No.2437401

if the anon planned on tearing it down anyway, why not sooner than later?
better to remove the attractive nuisance before you get squatters in it, they can be difficult to get rid of

>> No.2437440

Infrasounds at 8hz, 16Hz, 100dB.
But not 24/7, only on human presence, you need to detect it with some sensor, because it propagates omnidirectionaly

>> No.2438067

>the brown note

>> No.2439097

Don't say the N word -it's racist!

>> No.2439226


Protip don't post shit like this if hiroshima gets a subpeona you'll be fucked.

>> No.2439575

fire always works

>> No.2439592


fake news

OP doesn't own the area, it's a public area he rides his bike through. anyway, this was all a non-issue. they were there for a few days, storm came and they moved.

It is pretty shitty place to live. People move here because it's cheap and the winters are mild. Summers are increasingly brutal, and it's a giant slab of concrete minimalls. We are 100 miles from the border, but luckily we don't have the same kind of problems as Texas/Juarez. People here aren't particularly friendly, and it seems like everyone who lives here moved from the midwest. People who grow up here get the fuck out for the most part.

It's a racist red state filled with old people, Mormons and methheads.

>> No.2439723

stop being a little bitch ass pussy and hop off your bike and challenge them to hand to hand combat one on one and film it. You could even make a nice profits with a bum fights revival if you werent such a pussy

>> No.2439788

They're tweakers, it could be a bed of broken grass, nails, cum, they'll still sleep on it because they're high as fuck. Try to point them to a mental health facility of possible.

>> No.2439791

My brain tells me this is BS. But my heart wants it to be true.

>> No.2439796

Wouldnt it technically be conspiracy to commit arson and because arson is a felony any crime commited during a felony is slapped onto all conspirators. In your example it would probably be reckless manslaughter since fraud was the intent, not murder. I may be wrong, still looking at life when all the charges are added up.

>> No.2439797

>camp is in some heavy brush and about a hundred feet downhill from some very nice homes.
Sounds like you're solving two problems at once.

>> No.2439801

>i will give you 20$ a week to go camp near this person i hate

>> No.2439809

>In so cal, driving on the highway.
>See thick smoke wafting from a hobo encampment.
>Drive into the smoke, all visibility lost for 30 seconds. Which feels like a lifetime at 80mph.
>Call 911 explain hobo encampment, fire visibility issues on the highway.
>The operator explains to me that smoke comes from the hobo encampment from time to time and it isn't appropriate to call 911.
>Me "Listen lady I am not calling about a barbeque the highway has enough smoke billowing over it that there is no visibility on a small stretch, do with that what you will I am done talking cunt."
>Get a call back from emergency services, someone completely different.
>"It is a crime to contact emergency services with a prank call. Serious offenses like that can be considered felonies. Also you aren't sposed to be talking while driving that could be a felony in the court of law. You gotta apologize or an officer will be notified."
>Me "Sure, yeah, yeah, I got it. Tell the officer I'll be at the burning hobo encampment next to the highway."

I wouldn't homicide a hobo they are already doing that to each other. I don't know what happened at the burning hobo encampment. Never got a call back.

>> No.2439816

This is true. I am aware of tweakers attacking emergency services wireless comms. Not as an effort to impede police but because they thought were cameras or system monitoring them. Police now know that 16' isn't high enough to keep the tweakers away.

>> No.2439840
File: 1.51 MB, 2500x3333, green-tripe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it is hot may I suggest strewing some seafood around. Especially crab. Growing up on the east coast, the smell of rotting crab in the sun is one of the nastiest smells. Break the crabs up into smaller pieces and put them in areas where they aren't as visible but will still get hot. Even just shells smell horrible.
Also, you could put a bunch of used cat litter in a large metal trashcan or container. Soak it with some water. Let it roast in the sun. It will smell like death. If they dump it out the area will smell even worse and will not go away.
Oh yea and raw animal guts work well too. If you can't get fresh guts there is stuff that comes in a can for dogs called green tripe. It's the unbleached lining of an animal's stomach, usually a cow. It's horrible smelling on its own but when it starts to rot it is unbearable. Get a few cans and spread it around. Smear it on rocks or whatever they may sit on. Smear it up on trees. All of these things will attract bugs and other creatures that the tweakers may find unpleasent. Good luck.

>> No.2439842
File: 46 KB, 500x500, annoying-pcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol one of those randomized low battery beeper prank things would drive them batty.
That's a good idea.

>> No.2439845

i use to stay on santee an on san pedro i knew D we were there later an grabbed the the guy that did that shit.

>> No.2439850
File: 106 KB, 301x500, eye_tiger-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw an 80s with Gary Busey, I think it was Eye of the Tiger. He plays a Vietnam vet who battles a motorcycle gang in his hometown. He kills one guy by swapping out his cocaine with battery acid. Another good one is he goes to kill a gang member who is in the hospital. He inserts a stick of dynamite up the guy's ass and lights the fuse. The dynamite isn't real but the guy dies of heart attack. He also installs a switchblade type device in the one guy's motorcycle seat that shoots up into his ass when he is riding.

>> No.2441333

Did the guy use the fake cocaine in his ass?

>> No.2441756


The felony murder rule survives in Arizona by current statutory law. The felony murder rule holds that a killing of a person occurring in the course of, or in the immediate flight from, the commission of the following crimes is considered murder in the first degree:[2]

Sexual Conduct with a minor
Sexual Assault
Molestation of a child
Marijuana offenses
Dangerous drug offenses
Narcotics offenses
The use of minors in drug offenses
Drive by shooting
Child abuse
Unlawful flight from a pursuing law enforcement vehicle

>> No.2441826

>More than a few people literally just said shoot and kill them in this thread too, do you actually think they are serious?

Yes. They're the kind of person genuinely advocating for someone to do it, while being too scared to do it themselves, only to shout "BASED" and clap their hands whenever someone stupid or morally bankrupt enough to take their advice actually goes through with it. They're fucking parasites, they exist, and you shouldn't humor them by saying "they don't mean it!!!"

>> No.2441827

Do you know what happened to the perpetrators? I get that it's a homeless thing but that story got international attention for the heinousness of the crime but I've never seen any reporting at all about any arraignment or trial or sentencing.
Makes me wonder if he didn't get diverted based on some bleeding heart bullshit about how he was high and had bad parenting and didn't mean to hurt anyone and after all he's homeless and hasn't he suffered enough, blah, blah, blah.