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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 158 KB, 633x945, wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
241830 No.241830 [Reply] [Original]

i usually am active on /g/
so hi /diy/!

how can i turn my wallet (pic is related) into a RFID blocking wallet?

thank you

>> No.241841

Put an arduino on it.

>> No.241842

To a have place compleatly closed to RFID waves, it has to be electricaly protected. Just put aluminium foil on all the in-sides. How to check if it's works ? Put mobile phone inside and try to call it. If you cannot, you have good made your job. (Sorry for my poor english i'm french ;) )

>> No.241844

A few corrections:
"in-sides" is just "insides"
"you have good made your job" should be "you have done a good job"

I'm not trying to be a jerk. I just want to help, and I know if I were on a French imageboard I would appreciate help from anyone willing to give it.

>> No.241853

yep, a couple of layers of aluminum foil should do the trick

>> No.241856


thank you so much guys!
il need to look here more often :)

>> No.241865

You need to make a Faraday cage around it and have it grounded properly. Otherwise, the radio waves will hit the Faraday cage and go right through it. It needs to have a ground to shunt off the energy.

>> No.241879

yeah a completely enclosed netted cage with a ground is the only way to fully work but you could just wrap your card in foil,

>> No.241897

drink a can of soda, and use the aluminum from that. just cut a piece of it and put it in your money pocket. should work.

>> No.241898

Lead lined "film bags", I got a bunch from American Science and Surplus. They are about half as thick as a business card (as big as a binder folder), the material is made to block everything, light weight and is easy to cut.

>> No.241970

You might find it easier just to take a razor blade and remove the RFID chips from your credit cards.

>> No.242411

how should i do this?
walk around with a cable dragging behind me? Oo

good idea!

will google this!

do you have any more accurate instructions on this?
i dont want to break all my cards :D

>> No.242423

The card must be completely enclosed by conductive material in order to block all signals. RFID is weak enough that you don't need any more grounding than is already provided by contact with your person or clothing.

If your wallet doesn't clip or zip closed on all three open sides, it can never be properly RFID-blocking.

When an RFID transmitter is only partially enclosed, the signal will actually be amplified through any gaps in the enclosure. These signals could even bounce off nearby objects and still be detectable by a receiver in a "blocked" direction.

>> No.242427

I kinda wanna make a Faraday cage wallet now. I can have a chain that attaches to my wallet, and whenever I go to sit down somewhere I can ground it by hooking it to a metal chair or attach a spike and ram it into the ground.

And whenever someone asks me about it I can go on Stallman rants about how RFID is like Hitler and AIDs combined.

>> No.242436
File: 99 KB, 728x952, rmsm&m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can go on Stallman rants about how RFID is like Hitler and AIDs combined.

>> No.242437

ok... good to know!
so can you recommend me a wallet to buy that already has that functionality? i saw quite many, but i dont know which one are good / actually work.

thanks :3

>> No.242559
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>> No.242802
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Get something like this and and cover it in self-adhesive tinfoil, whats good for your head cant be bad for your wallet, no seriously, im sick of this shit too.

>> No.242827
File: 71 KB, 640x395, LawnMowerRacingIce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.242844

+1 for the Richard Stalin hate

>> No.242857

why would you wanna make it rfid blockable?

>> No.242859
File: 35 KB, 969x648, Dale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy having your every move tracked by the government.

>> No.242865

For me the biggest disappointment about RFID is that whenever people discuss it or think about it all they worry about is blocking it so people can't steal it. I've seen people talk about the evils of RFID for 5 minutes when it struck me that they had NO idea what RFID is, and just assumed it was a global tracking-chip that could be used to subvert people's actions or deliver lethal jolts of electricity to murder people remotely.

RFID is rad as fuck. The hobbyist uses of it are fun and easy to implement. But when it comes to the manufacturing/storage sector those things are a godsend. Scanning chips is soooooooo much cheaper than any other system of inventory management.

Long story short RFID is rad and people need to use it more.

>> No.242872


>inventory management

Sounds like what the government is doing. You must be a plant.

>> No.242876

I know you're trolling but basically here's the truth: I love the inventory management shit because those semi-passive RFID chips make me rock hard.

If I didn't have to order 1000 of the things at a time I would already have chipped everything small and easily misplaced in my house and programmed a wireless locater. I would do that shit TONIGHT.

>> No.242882

Can someone please explain to me what is in your wallet that uses RFID in the first place?

>> No.243035

Credit cards, (allegedly) certain denominations of cash, drivers licenses, national ID cards and passports.

I have heard that some companies have been putting them in business cards so they can track who enters their building and have an idea of who they are there to see before the person even speaks with anyone.

>> No.243040

I'm with you bro.
I tried to figure out a way with my boss to get RFID for inventory management but for what we keep in stock, the tags cost relatively too much.

I tried to educate a colleague about how RFID isn't some nefarious global-tracking chip and that I told him I could buy RFID tags and related electronic components right now if I wanted. He said "yeah well, the information on how to use them is probably secret and only available to the government." I said no, you can download the datasheets right now. He remained pretty convinced that RFID is bad and that's that.

>> No.243068

It's amazing isn't it? If you wanna have an amazing fun time laughing at idiots read this article and then the comments. It's... a trip. That's all I can really say.


>> No.243122

will do !

>> No.243139

So, I guess I'm a bit confused reading the thread. Why do you need a ground for a Faraday cage to work? Airplanes get hit by lightning all the time and it makes a Faraday cage at 32k feet, so why do you need a ground for your wallet?

Second, the only reason you might want to stop RFID is because of identity theft. They have gotten to the point where they can mount an antenna on a car, drive down the street, and get the RFID info on people's passport without ever being seen or heard from. IDK what's on there, but if history serves, it's usually not good for other people to know that stuff.

>> No.243176

Yeah, its cool until its mandatory to carry one around, in what form doesn't matter. So you are at a point where you cant even buy anonymously toilet paper because of "safety reasons" since you need one to pay for basic shit.

>> No.243188

Enjoy having a government that gives a fuck.

>> No.243191

Your underage is showing.

>> No.243194

Tell yourself that.

Here's a knowledgeable fellow.

>> No.243193

The government really doesn't care, aren't organized enough to do anything about it, nor want to spend the money to do anything about it.

Corporations on the other hand think this shit is a gold mine and are pushing it to the extreme. Corporations normally have more info about you than the government could ever dream of. Why? Because it makes them lots of money.

>> No.243196

Have some education you fucks.
And yes, corporation are a big danger, but since they lobby in our government like no other group, have politicians on their paylists and influence the media it really doesn't makes a difference who is fucking you in the ass for the sake of controlling people.

>> No.243199

Case in point,

Getting my driver's license required me to give the following info or do these tasks,

Social Security Number
Birth Date
Home Address
Phone Number
Pass Eye Exam
Pass written test
Pass driving test
Photo taken
Blood type (optional at the time, but is no longer even asked anymore because of privacy issues, lol)

Getting a credit card,

Social Security Number
Birth Date
Home Address
Email Address
Phone Number
Give employment info
Submit to a credit check
Must sign a privacy policy that gives the company rights to sell your info to other companies.

Car/health/home insurance,

Social Security Number
Birth Date
Home Address
Email Address
Phone Number
Give employment info
Consent to a credit check
Submit to a physical examination
Answer questions about family health history
Allow school records to be checked
Must sign a privacy policy that gives the company rights to sell your info to other companies.

Home Loan,

Social Security Number
Birth Date
Home Address
Email Address
Phone Number
Give employment info
Submit to a credit check
Allow school records to be checked
Must sign a privacy policy that gives the company rights to sell your info to other companies.

Those last 3 are in bed with each other and trade/sell/buy info with each other on a regular basis. This also means that if you have a credit card and are purchasing anything they can sell that info to anyone. For instance, if you use free email services like Hotmail then you buy something from Newegg or eBay, suddenly the ads on your hotmail page turn into items similar to those you just purchased. Pretty slick huh?


What does that have to do with this? The Stasi were removed over 20 years ago because it was illegal.

>> No.243201

Might as well add Bank Account to that since you need to give the same massive amount of info and histories. The banks have a pretty big system for it even between different banks. Also, if you have a debit card, it is the credit card companies that handle the operation of the debit card. Thus, they too get all your info even if you don't actually have a credit card.

My debit cards has the Visa symbol on it for instance.

>> No.243204

>What does that have to do with this? The Stasi were removed over 20 years ago because it was illegal.
Why so dense?
They where removed because the GDR collapsed, it only shows what a government is able to do if they are willing, its exactly the shit that most people think is impossible. Imagine what they could pull off today where its far easier to gather informations and tracking people without having an agent after them all day long, history repeats itself. Just look at the US after 9/11, if they can somehow justify violating your rights they will.

>> No.243209

Next you'll start citing the 3rd Reich as being pertinent to the conversation.

>history repeats itself

Not really, once it did, but today in the information age this is happening far less because people are wising up.

Keep you tinfoil hat ready though. Men in black might be on to you. lol

>> No.243211
File: 38 KB, 640x444, tsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice rebuttal, how about you finish high school first before you spout your uneducated opinion?
>people are wising up.

>> No.243213
File: 411 KB, 1024x806, tin foil hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.243214

So cool and whitty, you must be the shit around your friends.

>> No.243216
File: 1.02 MB, 448x352, 1339526251364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha oh wow

Look at this nutjob.

>> No.243337

>implying he has friends